
248 lines
7.4 KiB

// src/index.ts
import fs from "node:fs";
import { ZodError } from "zod";
// ../utils/src/is-valid-hostname.ts
var isValidHostname = (x) => {
if (typeof x !== "string") {
return false;
let value = x.toString();
const validHostnameChars = /^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]{1,253}\.?$/g;
if (!validHostnameChars.test(value)) {
return false;
if (value.endsWith(".")) {
value = value.slice(0, value.length - 1);
if (value.length > 253) {
return false;
return value.split(".").every((label) => /^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$/g.test(label) && label.length < 64 && !label.startsWith("-") && !label.endsWith("-"));
// ../utils/src/is-valid-http-url.ts
var isValidHttpUrl = (s) => {
if (typeof s !== "string" || !s) {
return false;
try {
const { protocol } = new URL(s);
return protocol === "http:" || protocol === "https:";
} catch {
return false;
// ../utils/src/logger.ts
var Logger = class {
constructor(packageName2) {
this.colors = {
reset: "\x1B[0m",
fg: {
red: "\x1B[31m",
green: "\x1B[32m",
yellow: "\x1B[33m"
this.packageName = packageName2;
log(msg, prefix = "") {
const s = msg.join("\n");
console.log(`%s${this.packageName}:%s ${s}
`, prefix, prefix ? this.colors.reset : "");
info(...msg) {
success(...msg) {
warn(...msg) {
this.log(["Skipped!", ...msg], this.colors.fg.yellow);
error(...msg) {
this.log(["Failed!", ...msg],;
// ../utils/src/error-helpers.ts
function getErrorMessage(err) {
return err instanceof Error ? err.message : String(err);
// src/validate-options.ts
import { z as z2 } from "zod";
// src/schema.ts
import { z } from "zod";
import isValidFilename from "valid-filename";
// src/config-defaults.ts
sitemap: true,
policy: [
allow: "/",
userAgent: "*"
sitemapBaseFileName: "sitemap-index"
// src/schema.ts
var schemaSitemapItem = z.string().min(1).refine((val) => !val || isValidHttpUrl(val), {
message: "Only valid URLs with `http` or `https` protocol allowed"
var schemaCleanParam = z.string().max(500);
var schemaPath = z.string().or(z.string().array()).optional();
var RobotsTxtOptionsSchema = z.object({
host: z.string().or(z.boolean()).optional().refine((val) => !val || typeof val === "boolean" || isValidHostname(val), {
message: "Not valid host"
sitemap: schemaSitemapItem.or(schemaSitemapItem.array()).or(z.boolean()).optional().default(ROBOTS_TXT_CONFIG_DEFAULTS.sitemap),
policy: z.object({
userAgent: z.string().min(1),
allow: schemaPath,
disallow: schemaPath,
cleanParam: schemaCleanParam.or(schemaCleanParam.array()).optional(),
crawlDelay: z.number().nonnegative().optional().refine((val) => typeof val === "undefined" || Number.isFinite(val), { message: "Must be finite number" })
sitemapBaseFileName: z.string().min(1).optional().refine((val) => !val || isValidFilename(val), { message: "Not valid file name" }).default(ROBOTS_TXT_CONFIG_DEFAULTS.sitemapBaseFileName),
transform: z.function().args(z.string()).returns(z.any()).optional()
// src/validate-options.ts
var validateOptions = (site, opts) => {
const siteSchema = z2.string().min(1, {
message: "`site` property is required in `astro.config.*`."
const result = RobotsTxtOptionsSchema.parse(opts);
return result;
// src/get-robots-txt-content.ts
var capitaliseFirstLetter = (s) => s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
var addBackSlash = (s) => s.endsWith("/") ? s : `${s}/`;
var addLine = (name, rule) => {
if (rule && Array.isArray(rule) && rule.length > 0) {
let content = "";
rule.forEach((item) => {
content += addLine(name, item);
return content;
const ruleContent = name === "Allow" || name === "Disallow" ? encodeURI(rule.toString()) : rule.toString();
return `${capitaliseFirstLetter(name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase())}:${ruleContent.length > 0 ? ` ${ruleContent}` : ""}
var generatePoliceItem = (item, index) => {
let content = "";
if (index !== 0) {
content += "\n";
content += addLine("User-agent", item.userAgent);
if (typeof item.disallow === "string" || Array.isArray(item.disallow)) {
content += addLine("Disallow", item.disallow);
if (item.allow) {
content += addLine("Allow", item.allow);
if (item.crawlDelay) {
content += addLine("Crawl-delay", item.crawlDelay);
if (item.cleanParam && item.cleanParam.length > 0) {
content += addLine("Clean-param", item.cleanParam);
return content;
var getSitemapArr = (sitemap, finalSiteHref, sitemapBaseFileName) => {
if (typeof sitemap !== "undefined") {
if (!sitemap) {
return void 0;
if (Array.isArray(sitemap)) {
return sitemap;
if (typeof sitemap === "string") {
return [sitemap];
return [`${addBackSlash(finalSiteHref)}${sitemapBaseFileName}.xml`];
var getRobotsTxtContent = (finalSiteHref, opts, site) => {
var _a;
const { host, sitemap, policy, sitemapBaseFileName } = opts;
let result = "";
policy == null ? void 0 : policy.forEach((item, index) => {
result += generatePoliceItem(item, index);
(_a = getSitemapArr(sitemap, finalSiteHref, sitemapBaseFileName)) == null ? void 0 : _a.forEach((item) => {
result += addLine("Sitemap", item);
if (host) {
let hostStr;
if (typeof host === "boolean") {
const { hostname } = new URL(site);
hostStr = hostname;
} else {
hostStr = host;
result += addLine("Host", hostStr);
return result;
// src/data/pkg-name.ts
var packageName = "astro-robots-txt";
// src/index.ts
function formatConfigErrorMessage(err) {
const errorList = => `${issue.path.join(".")} ${issue.message + "."}`);
return errorList.join("\n");
var createRobotsTxtIntegration = (options = {}) => {
let config;
return {
name: packageName,
hooks: {
"astro:config:done": async ({ config: cfg }) => {
config = cfg;
"astro:build:done": async ({ dir }) => {
const logger = new Logger(packageName);
try {
const opts = validateOptions(, options);
const finalSiteHref = new URL(config.base,;
let robotsTxtContent = getRobotsTxtContent(finalSiteHref, opts,;
if (opts.transform) {
try {
robotsTxtContent = await Promise.resolve(opts.transform(robotsTxtContent));
if (!robotsTxtContent) {
logger.warn("No content after transform.");
} catch (err) {
logger.error("Error transforming content", getErrorMessage(err));
fs.writeFileSync(new URL("robots.txt", dir), robotsTxtContent);
logger.success("`robots.txt` is created.");
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof ZodError) {
} else {
throw err;
var src_default = createRobotsTxtIntegration;
export {
src_default as default