
1124 lines
26 KiB

import type { Data as UnistData, Literal as UnistLiteral, Node as UnistNode, Parent as UnistParent } from "unist";
// ## Enumeration
* How phrasing content is aligned
* ({@link | [CSSTEXT]}).
* * `'left'`: See the
* {@link | left}
* value of the `text-align` CSS property
* * `'right'`: See the
* {@link | right}
* value of the `text-align` CSS property
* * `'center'`: See the
* {@link | center}
* value of the `text-align` CSS property
* * `null`: phrasing content is aligned as defined by the host environment
* Used in GFM tables.
export type AlignType = "center" | "left" | "right" | null;
* Explicitness of a reference.
* `'shortcut'`: the reference is implicit, its identifier inferred from its
* content
* `'collapsed'`: the reference is explicit, its identifier inferred from its
* content
* `'full'`: the reference is explicit, its identifier explicitly set
export type ReferenceType = "shortcut" | "collapsed" | "full";
// ## Mixin
* Node with a fallback.
export interface Alternative {
* Equivalent content for environments that cannot represent the node as
* intended.
alt?: string | null | undefined;
* Internal relation from one node to another.
* Whether the value of `identifier` is expected to be a unique identifier or
* not depends on the type of node including the Association.
* An example of this is that they should be unique on {@link Definition},
* whereas multiple {@link LinkReference}s can be non-unique to be associated
* with one definition.
export interface Association {
* Relation of association.
* `identifier` is a source value: character escapes and character
* references are not parsed.
* It can match another node.
* Its value must be normalized.
* To normalize a value, collapse markdown whitespace (`[\t\n\r ]+`) to a space,
* trim the optional initial and/or final space, and perform Unicode-aware
* case-folding.
identifier: string;
* Relation of association, in parsed form.
* `label` is a `string` value: it works just like `title` on {@link Link}
* or a `lang` on {@link Code}: character escapes and character references
* are parsed.
* It can match another node.
label?: string | null | undefined;
* Marker that is associated to another node.
export interface Reference extends Association {
* Explicitness of the reference.
referenceType: ReferenceType;
* Reference to resource.
export interface Resource {
* URL to the referenced resource.
url: string;
* Advisory information for the resource, such as would be appropriate for
* a tooltip.
title?: string | null | undefined;
// ## Interfaces
* Info associated with mdast nodes by the ecosystem.
* This space is guaranteed to never be specified by unist or mdast.
* But you can use it in utilities and plugins to store data.
* This type can be augmented to register custom data.
* For example:
* ```ts
* declare module 'mdast' {
* interface Data {
* // `` is typed as `number | undefined`
* myId?: number | undefined
* }
* }
* ```
export interface Data extends UnistData {}
// ## Content maps
* Union of registered mdast nodes that can occur where block content is
* expected.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link BlockContentMap}.
* They will be automatically added here.
export type BlockContent = BlockContentMap[keyof BlockContentMap];
* Registry of all mdast nodes that can occur where {@link BlockContent} is
* expected.
* This interface can be augmented to register custom node types:
* ```ts
* declare module 'mdast' {
* interface BlockContentMap {
* // Allow using MDX ESM nodes defined by `remark-mdx`.
* mdxjsEsm: MdxjsEsm;
* }
* }
* ```
* For a union of all block content, see {@link RootContent}.
export interface BlockContentMap {
blockquote: Blockquote;
code: Code;
heading: Heading;
html: Html;
list: List;
paragraph: Paragraph;
table: Table;
thematicBreak: ThematicBreak;
* Union of registered mdast nodes that can occur where definition content is
* expected.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link DefinitionContentMap}.
* They will be automatically added here.
export type DefinitionContent = DefinitionContentMap[keyof DefinitionContentMap];
* Registry of all mdast nodes that can occur where {@link DefinitionContent}
* is expected.
* This interface can be augmented to register custom node types:
* ```ts
* declare module 'mdast' {
* interface DefinitionContentMap {
* custom: Custom;
* }
* }
* ```
* For a union of all definition content, see {@link RootContent}.
export interface DefinitionContentMap {
definition: Definition;
footnoteDefinition: FootnoteDefinition;
* Union of registered mdast nodes that can occur where frontmatter content is
* expected.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link FrontmatterContentMap}.
* They will be automatically added here.
export type FrontmatterContent = FrontmatterContentMap[keyof FrontmatterContentMap];
* Registry of all mdast nodes that can occur where {@link FrontmatterContent}
* is expected.
* This interface can be augmented to register custom node types:
* ```ts
* declare module 'mdast' {
* interface FrontmatterContentMap {
* // Allow using toml nodes defined by `remark-frontmatter`.
* toml: TOML;
* }
* }
* ```
* For a union of all frontmatter content, see {@link RootContent}.
export interface FrontmatterContentMap {
yaml: Yaml;
* Union of registered mdast nodes that can occur where list content is
* expected.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link ListContentMap}.
* They will be automatically added here.
export type ListContent = ListContentMap[keyof ListContentMap];
* Registry of all mdast nodes that can occur where {@link ListContent}
* is expected.
* This interface can be augmented to register custom node types:
* ```ts
* declare module 'mdast' {
* interface ListContentMap {
* custom: Custom;
* }
* }
* ```
* For a union of all list content, see {@link RootContent}.
export interface ListContentMap {
listItem: ListItem;
* Union of registered mdast nodes that can occur where phrasing content is
* expected.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link PhrasingContentMap}.
* They will be automatically added here.
export type PhrasingContent = PhrasingContentMap[keyof PhrasingContentMap];
* Registry of all mdast nodes that can occur where {@link PhrasingContent}
* is expected.
* This interface can be augmented to register custom node types:
* ```ts
* declare module 'mdast' {
* interface PhrasingContentMap {
* // Allow using MDX JSX (text) nodes defined by `remark-mdx`.
* mdxJsxTextElement: MDXJSXTextElement;
* }
* }
* ```
* For a union of all phrasing content, see {@link RootContent}.
export interface PhrasingContentMap {
break: Break;
delete: Delete;
emphasis: Emphasis;
footnoteReference: FootnoteReference;
html: Html;
image: Image;
imageReference: ImageReference;
inlineCode: InlineCode;
link: Link;
linkReference: LinkReference;
strong: Strong;
text: Text;
* Union of registered mdast nodes that can occur in {@link Root}.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link RootContentMap}.
* They will be automatically added here.
export type RootContent = RootContentMap[keyof RootContentMap];
* Registry of all mdast nodes that can occur as children of {@link Root}.
* > 👉 **Note**: {@link Root} does not need to be an entire document.
* > it can also be a fragment.
* This interface can be augmented to register custom node types:
* ```ts
* declare module 'mdast' {
* interface RootContentMap {
* // Allow using toml nodes defined by `remark-frontmatter`.
* toml: TOML;
* }
* }
* ```
* For a union of all {@link Root} children, see {@link RootContent}.
export interface RootContentMap {
blockquote: Blockquote;
break: Break;
code: Code;
definition: Definition;
delete: Delete;
emphasis: Emphasis;
footnoteDefinition: FootnoteDefinition;
footnoteReference: FootnoteReference;
heading: Heading;
html: Html;
image: Image;
imageReference: ImageReference;
inlineCode: InlineCode;
link: Link;
linkReference: LinkReference;
list: List;
listItem: ListItem;
paragraph: Paragraph;
strong: Strong;
table: Table;
tableCell: TableCell;
tableRow: TableRow;
text: Text;
thematicBreak: ThematicBreak;
yaml: Yaml;
* Union of registered mdast nodes that can occur where row content is
* expected.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link RowContentMap}.
* They will be automatically added here.
export type RowContent = RowContentMap[keyof RowContentMap];
* Registry of all mdast nodes that can occur where {@link RowContent}
* is expected.
* This interface can be augmented to register custom node types:
* ```ts
* declare module 'mdast' {
* interface RowContentMap {
* custom: Custom;
* }
* }
* ```
* For a union of all row content, see {@link RootContent}.
export interface RowContentMap {
tableCell: TableCell;
* Union of registered mdast nodes that can occur where table content is
* expected.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link TableContentMap}.
* They will be automatically added here.
export type TableContent = TableContentMap[keyof TableContentMap];
* Registry of all mdast nodes that can occur where {@link TableContent}
* is expected.
* This interface can be augmented to register custom node types:
* ```ts
* declare module 'mdast' {
* interface TableContentMap {
* custom: Custom;
* }
* }
* ```
* For a union of all table content, see {@link RootContent}.
export interface TableContentMap {
tableRow: TableRow;
// ### Special content types
* Union of registered mdast nodes that can occur in {@link Root}.
* @deprecated Use {@link RootContent} instead.
export type Content = RootContent;
* Union of registered mdast literals.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link RootContentMap} and other
* places where relevant.
* They will be automatically added here.
export type Literals = Extract<Nodes, UnistLiteral>;
* Union of registered mdast nodes.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link RootContentMap} and other
* places where relevant.
* They will be automatically added here.
export type Nodes = Root | RootContent;
* Union of registered mdast parents.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link RootContentMap} and other
* places where relevant.
* They will be automatically added here.
export type Parents = Extract<Nodes, UnistParent>;
* Union of registered mdast nodes that can occur at the top of the document.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link BlockContent},
* {@link FrontmatterContent}, or {@link DefinitionContent}.
* They will be automatically added here.
export type TopLevelContent = BlockContent | FrontmatterContent | DefinitionContent;
// ## Abstract nodes
* Abstract mdast node that contains the smallest possible value.
* This interface is supposed to be extended if you make custom mdast nodes.
* For a union of all registered mdast literals, see {@link Literals}.
export interface Literal extends Node {
* Plain-text value.
value: string;
* Abstract mdast node.
* This interface is supposed to be extended.
* If you can use {@link Literal} or {@link Parent}, you should.
* But for example in markdown, a thematic break (`***`) is neither literal nor
* parent, but still a node.
* To register custom mdast nodes, add them to {@link RootContentMap} and other
* places where relevant (such as {@link ElementContentMap}).
* For a union of all registered mdast nodes, see {@link Nodes}.
export interface Node extends UnistNode {
* Info from the ecosystem.
data?: Data | undefined;
* Abstract mdast node that contains other mdast nodes (*children*).
* This interface is supposed to be extended if you make custom mdast nodes.
* For a union of all registered mdast parents, see {@link Parents}.
export interface Parent extends Node {
* List of children.
children: RootContent[];
// ## Concrete nodes
* Markdown block quote.
export interface Blockquote extends Parent {
* Node type of mdast block quote.
type: "blockquote";
* Children of block quote.
children: Array<BlockContent | DefinitionContent>;
* Data associated with the mdast block quote.
data?: BlockquoteData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast block quote nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface BlockquoteData extends Data {}
* Markdown break.
export interface Break extends Node {
* Node type of mdast break.
type: "break";
* Data associated with the mdast break.
data?: BreakData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast break nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface BreakData extends Data {}
* Markdown code (flow) (block).
export interface Code extends Literal {
* Node type of mdast code (flow).
type: "code";
* Language of computer code being marked up.
lang?: string | null | undefined;
* Custom information relating to the node.
* If the lang field is present, a meta field can be present.
meta?: string | null | undefined;
* Data associated with the mdast code (flow).
data?: CodeData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast code (flow) (block) nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface CodeData extends Data {}
* Markdown definition.
export interface Definition extends Node, Association, Resource {
* Node type of mdast definition.
type: "definition";
* Data associated with the mdast definition.
data?: DefinitionData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast definition nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface DefinitionData extends Data {}
* Markdown GFM delete (strikethrough).
export interface Delete extends Parent {
* Node type of mdast GFM delete.
type: "delete";
* Children of GFM delete.
children: PhrasingContent[];
* Data associated with the mdast GFM delete.
data?: DeleteData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast GFM delete nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface DeleteData extends Data {}
* Markdown emphasis.
export interface Emphasis extends Parent {
* Node type of mdast emphasis.
type: "emphasis";
* Children of emphasis.
children: PhrasingContent[];
* Data associated with the mdast emphasis.
data?: EmphasisData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast emphasis nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface EmphasisData extends Data {}
* Markdown GFM footnote definition.
export interface FootnoteDefinition extends Parent, Association {
* Node type of mdast GFM footnote definition.
type: "footnoteDefinition";
* Children of GFM footnote definition.
children: Array<BlockContent | DefinitionContent>;
* Data associated with the mdast GFM footnote definition.
data?: FootnoteDefinitionData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast GFM footnote definition nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface FootnoteDefinitionData extends Data {}
* Markdown GFM footnote reference.
export interface FootnoteReference extends Association, Node {
* Node type of mdast GFM footnote reference.
type: "footnoteReference";
* Data associated with the mdast GFM footnote reference.
data?: FootnoteReferenceData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast GFM footnote reference nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface FootnoteReferenceData extends Data {}
* Markdown heading.
export interface Heading extends Parent {
* Node type of mdast heading.
type: "heading";
* Heading rank.
* A value of `1` is said to be the highest rank and `6` the lowest.
depth: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
* Children of heading.
children: PhrasingContent[];
* Data associated with the mdast heading.
data?: HeadingData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast heading nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface HeadingData extends Data {}
* Markdown HTML.
export interface Html extends Literal {
* Node type of mdast HTML.
type: "html";
* Data associated with the mdast HTML.
data?: HtmlData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast HTML nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface HtmlData extends Data {}
* Old name of `Html` node.
* @deprecated
* Please use `Html` instead.
export type HTML = Html;
* Markdown image.
export interface Image extends Alternative, Node, Resource {
* Node type of mdast image.
type: "image";
* Data associated with the mdast image.
data?: ImageData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast image nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface ImageData extends Data {}
* Markdown image reference.
export interface ImageReference extends Alternative, Node, Reference {
* Node type of mdast image reference.
type: "imageReference";
* Data associated with the mdast image reference.
data?: ImageReferenceData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast image reference nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface ImageReferenceData extends Data {}
* Markdown code (text) (inline).
export interface InlineCode extends Literal {
* Node type of mdast code (text).
type: "inlineCode";
* Data associated with the mdast code (text).
data?: InlineCodeData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast code (text) (inline) nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface InlineCodeData extends Data {}
* Markdown link.
export interface Link extends Parent, Resource {
* Node type of mdast link.
type: "link";
* Children of link.
children: PhrasingContent[];
* Data associated with the mdast link.
data?: LinkData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast link nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface LinkData extends Data {}
* Markdown link reference.
export interface LinkReference extends Parent, Reference {
* Node type of mdast link reference.
type: "linkReference";
* Children of link reference.
children: PhrasingContent[];
* Data associated with the mdast link reference.
data?: LinkReferenceData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast link reference nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface LinkReferenceData extends Data {}
* Markdown list.
export interface List extends Parent {
* Node type of mdast list.
type: "list";
* Whether the items have been intentionally ordered (when `true`), or that
* the order of items is not important (when `false` or not present).
ordered?: boolean | null | undefined;
* The starting number of the list, when the `ordered` field is `true`.
start?: number | null | undefined;
* Whether one or more of the children are separated with a blank line from
* its siblings (when `true`), or not (when `false` or not present).
spread?: boolean | null | undefined;
* Children of list.
children: ListContent[];
* Data associated with the mdast list.
data?: ListData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast list nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface ListData extends Data {}
* Markdown list item.
export interface ListItem extends Parent {
* Node type of mdast list item.
type: "listItem";
* Whether the item is a tasklist item (when `boolean`).
* When `true`, the item is complete.
* When `false`, the item is incomplete.
checked?: boolean | null | undefined;
* Whether one or more of the children are separated with a blank line from
* its siblings (when `true`), or not (when `false` or not present).
spread?: boolean | null | undefined;
* Children of list item.
children: Array<BlockContent | DefinitionContent>;
* Data associated with the mdast list item.
data?: ListItemData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast list item nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface ListItemData extends Data {}
* Markdown paragraph.
export interface Paragraph extends Parent {
* Node type of mdast paragraph.
type: "paragraph";
* Children of paragraph.
children: PhrasingContent[];
* Data associated with the mdast paragraph.
data?: ParagraphData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast paragraph nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface ParagraphData extends Data {}
* Document fragment or a whole document.
* Should be used as the root of a tree and must not be used as a child.
export interface Root extends Parent {
* Node type of mdast root.
type: "root";
* Data associated with the mdast root.
data?: RootData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast root nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface RootData extends Data {}
* Markdown strong.
export interface Strong extends Parent {
* Node type of mdast strong.
type: "strong";
* Children of strong.
children: PhrasingContent[];
* Data associated with the mdast strong.
data?: StrongData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast strong nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface StrongData extends Data {}
* Markdown GFM table.
export interface Table extends Parent {
* Node type of mdast GFM table.
type: "table";
* How cells in columns are aligned.
align?: AlignType[] | null | undefined;
* Children of GFM table.
children: TableContent[];
* Data associated with the mdast GFM table.
data?: TableData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast GFM table nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface TableData extends Data {}
* Markdown GFM table row.
export interface TableRow extends Parent {
* Node type of mdast GFM table row.
type: "tableRow";
* Children of GFM table row.
children: RowContent[];
* Data associated with the mdast GFM table row.
data?: TableRowData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast GFM table row nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface TableRowData extends Data {}
* Markdown GFM table cell.
export interface TableCell extends Parent {
* Node type of mdast GFM table cell.
type: "tableCell";
* Children of GFM table cell.
children: PhrasingContent[];
* Data associated with the mdast GFM table cell.
data?: TableCellData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast GFM table cell nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface TableCellData extends Data {}
* Markdown text.
export interface Text extends Literal {
* Node type of mdast text.
type: "text";
* Data associated with the mdast text.
data?: TextData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast text nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface TextData extends Data {}
* Markdown thematic break (horizontal rule).
export interface ThematicBreak extends Node {
* Node type of mdast thematic break.
type: "thematicBreak";
* Data associated with the mdast thematic break.
data?: ThematicBreakData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast thematic break nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface ThematicBreakData extends Data {}
* Markdown YAML.
export interface Yaml extends Literal {
* Node type of mdast YAML.
type: "yaml";
* Data associated with the mdast YAML.
data?: YamlData | undefined;
* Info associated with mdast YAML nodes by the ecosystem.
export interface YamlData extends Data {}
* Old name of `Yaml` node.
* @deprecated
* Please use `Yaml` instead.
export type YAML = Yaml;