
351 lines
14 KiB

"use strict";
var __classPrivateFieldSet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldSet) || function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;
var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) {
if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
var _ScopeBase_declaredVariables, _ScopeBase_dynamic, _ScopeBase_staticCloseRef, _ScopeBase_dynamicCloseRef, _ScopeBase_globalCloseRef;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ScopeBase = void 0;
const types_1 = require("@typescript-eslint/types");
const assert_1 = require("../assert");
const definition_1 = require("../definition");
const ID_1 = require("../ID");
const Reference_1 = require("../referencer/Reference");
const variable_1 = require("../variable");
const ScopeType_1 = require("./ScopeType");
* Test if scope is strict
function isStrictScope(scope, block, isMethodDefinition) {
let body;
// When upper scope is exists and strict, inner scope is also strict.
if (scope.upper?.isStrict) {
return true;
if (isMethodDefinition) {
return true;
if (scope.type === ScopeType_1.ScopeType.class ||
scope.type === ScopeType_1.ScopeType.conditionalType ||
scope.type === ScopeType_1.ScopeType.functionType ||
scope.type === ScopeType_1.ScopeType.mappedType ||
scope.type === ScopeType_1.ScopeType.module ||
scope.type === ScopeType_1.ScopeType.tsEnum ||
scope.type === ScopeType_1.ScopeType.tsModule ||
scope.type === ScopeType_1.ScopeType.type) {
return true;
if (scope.type === ScopeType_1.ScopeType.block || scope.type === ScopeType_1.ScopeType.switch) {
return false;
if (scope.type === ScopeType_1.ScopeType.function) {
const functionBody = block;
switch (functionBody.type) {
case types_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ArrowFunctionExpression:
if (functionBody.body.type !== types_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.BlockStatement) {
return false;
body = functionBody.body;
case types_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.Program:
body = functionBody;
body = functionBody.body;
if (!body) {
return false;
else if (scope.type === {
body = block;
else {
return false;
// Search 'use strict' directive.
for (const stmt of body.body) {
if (stmt.type !== types_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ExpressionStatement) {
if (stmt.directive === 'use strict') {
return true;
const expr = stmt.expression;
if (expr.type !== types_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.Literal) {
if (expr.raw === '"use strict"' || expr.raw === "'use strict'") {
return true;
if (expr.value === 'use strict') {
return true;
return false;
* Register scope
function registerScope(scopeManager, scope) {
const scopes = scopeManager.nodeToScope.get(scope.block);
if (scopes) {
else {
scopeManager.nodeToScope.set(scope.block, [scope]);
const generator = (0, ID_1.createIdGenerator)();
const VARIABLE_SCOPE_TYPES = new Set([
class ScopeBase {
constructor(scopeManager, type, upperScope, block, isMethodDefinition) {
* A unique ID for this instance - primarily used to help debugging and testing
this.$id = generator();
* The array of child scopes. This does not include grandchild scopes.
* @public
this.childScopes = [];
* A map of the variables for each node in this scope.
* This is map is a pointer to the one in the parent ScopeManager instance
_ScopeBase_declaredVariables.set(this, void 0);
* Generally, through the lexical scoping of JS you can always know which variable an identifier in the source code
* refers to. There are a few exceptions to this rule. With `global` and `with` scopes you can only decide at runtime
* which variable a reference refers to.
* All those scopes are considered "dynamic".
_ScopeBase_dynamic.set(this, void 0);
* Whether this scope is created by a FunctionExpression.
* @public
this.functionExpressionScope = false;
* List of {@link Reference}s that are left to be resolved (i.e. which
* need to be linked to the variable they refer to).
this.leftToResolve = [];
* Any variable {@link Reference} found in this scope.
* This includes occurrences of local variables as well as variables from parent scopes (including the global scope).
* For local variables this also includes defining occurrences (like in a 'var' statement).
* In a 'function' scope this does not include the occurrences of the formal parameter in the parameter list.
* @public
this.references = [];
* The map from variable names to variable objects.
* @public
this.set = new Map();
* The {@link Reference}s that are not resolved with this scope.
* @public
this.through = [];
* The scoped {@link Variable}s of this scope.
* In the case of a 'function' scope this includes the automatic argument `arguments` as its first element, as well
* as all further formal arguments.
* This does not include variables which are defined in child scopes.
* @public
this.variables = [];
_ScopeBase_staticCloseRef.set(this, (ref) => {
const resolve = () => {
const name =;
const variable = this.set.get(name);
if (!variable) {
return false;
if (!this.isValidResolution(ref, variable)) {
return false;
// make sure we don't match a type reference to a value variable
const isValidTypeReference = ref.isTypeReference && variable.isTypeVariable;
const isValidValueReference = ref.isValueReference && variable.isValueVariable;
if (!isValidTypeReference && !isValidValueReference) {
return false;
ref.resolved = variable;
return true;
if (!resolve()) {
_ScopeBase_dynamicCloseRef.set(this, (ref) => {
// notify all names are through to global
let current = this;
do {
current = current.upper;
} while (current);
_ScopeBase_globalCloseRef.set(this, (ref, scopeManager) => {
// let/const/class declarations should be resolved statically.
// others should be resolved dynamically.
if (this.shouldStaticallyCloseForGlobal(ref, scopeManager)) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ScopeBase_staticCloseRef, "f").call(this, ref);
else {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ScopeBase_dynamicCloseRef, "f").call(this, ref);
const upperScopeAsScopeBase = upperScope;
this.type = type;
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ScopeBase_dynamic, this.type === || this.type === ScopeType_1.ScopeType.with, "f");
this.block = block;
this.variableScope = this.isVariableScope()
? this
: upperScopeAsScopeBase.variableScope;
this.upper = upperScope;
* Whether 'use strict' is in effect in this scope.
* @member {boolean} Scope#isStrict
this.isStrict = isStrictScope(this, block, isMethodDefinition);
// this is guaranteed to be correct at runtime
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ScopeBase_declaredVariables, scopeManager.declaredVariables, "f");
registerScope(scopeManager, this);
isVariableScope() {
return VARIABLE_SCOPE_TYPES.has(this.type);
shouldStaticallyClose() {
return !__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ScopeBase_dynamic, "f");
shouldStaticallyCloseForGlobal(ref, scopeManager) {
// On global scope, let/const/class declarations should be resolved statically.
const name =;
const variable = this.set.get(name);
if (!variable) {
return false;
// variable exists on the scope
// in module mode, we can statically resolve everything, regardless of its decl type
if (scopeManager.isModule()) {
return true;
// in script mode, only certain cases should be statically resolved
// Example:
// a `var` decl is ignored by the runtime if it clashes with a global name
// this means that we should not resolve the reference to the variable
const defs = variable.defs;
return (defs.length > 0 &&
defs.every(def => {
if (def.type === definition_1.DefinitionType.Variable && def.parent.kind === 'var') {
return false;
return true;
close(scopeManager) {
let closeRef;
if (this.shouldStaticallyClose()) {
closeRef = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ScopeBase_staticCloseRef, "f");
else if (this.type !== 'global') {
closeRef = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ScopeBase_dynamicCloseRef, "f");
else {
closeRef = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ScopeBase_globalCloseRef, "f");
// Try Resolving all references in this scope.
(0, assert_1.assert)(this.leftToResolve);
this.leftToResolve.forEach(ref => closeRef(ref, scopeManager));
this.leftToResolve = null;
return this.upper;
* To override by function scopes.
* References in default parameters isn't resolved to variables which are in their function body.
isValidResolution(_ref, _variable) {
return true;
delegateToUpperScope(ref) {
addDeclaredVariablesOfNode(variable, node) {
if (node == null) {
let variables = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ScopeBase_declaredVariables, "f").get(node);
if (variables == null) {
variables = [];
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ScopeBase_declaredVariables, "f").set(node, variables);
if (!variables.includes(variable)) {
defineVariable(nameOrVariable, set, variables, node, def) {
const name = typeof nameOrVariable === 'string' ? nameOrVariable :;
let variable = set.get(name);
if (!variable) {
variable =
typeof nameOrVariable === 'string'
? new variable_1.Variable(name, this)
: nameOrVariable;
set.set(name, variable);
if (def) {
this.addDeclaredVariablesOfNode(variable, def.node);
this.addDeclaredVariablesOfNode(variable, def.parent);
if (node) {
defineIdentifier(node, def) {
this.defineVariable(, this.set, this.variables, node, def);
defineLiteralIdentifier(node, def) {
this.defineVariable(node.value, this.set, this.variables, null, def);
referenceValue(node, assign = Reference_1.ReferenceFlag.Read, writeExpr, maybeImplicitGlobal, init = false) {
const ref = new Reference_1.Reference(node, this, assign, writeExpr, maybeImplicitGlobal, init, Reference_1.ReferenceTypeFlag.Value);
referenceType(node) {
const ref = new Reference_1.Reference(node, this, Reference_1.ReferenceFlag.Read, null, null, false, Reference_1.ReferenceTypeFlag.Type);
referenceDualValueType(node) {
const ref = new Reference_1.Reference(node, this, Reference_1.ReferenceFlag.Read, null, null, false, Reference_1.ReferenceTypeFlag.Type | Reference_1.ReferenceTypeFlag.Value);
exports.ScopeBase = ScopeBase;
_ScopeBase_declaredVariables = new WeakMap(), _ScopeBase_dynamic = new WeakMap(), _ScopeBase_staticCloseRef = new WeakMap(), _ScopeBase_dynamicCloseRef = new WeakMap(), _ScopeBase_globalCloseRef = new WeakMap();