
220 lines
6.3 KiB

/* !
* loupe
* Copyright(c) 2013 Jake Luer <>
* MIT Licensed
import inspectArray from './lib/array'
import inspectTypedArray from './lib/typedarray'
import inspectDate from './lib/date'
import inspectFunction from './lib/function'
import inspectMap from './lib/map'
import inspectNumber from './lib/number'
import inspectBigInt from './lib/bigint'
import inspectRegExp from './lib/regexp'
import inspectSet from './lib/set'
import inspectString from './lib/string'
import inspectSymbol from './lib/symbol'
import inspectPromise from './lib/promise'
import inspectClass from './lib/class'
import inspectObject from './lib/object'
import inspectArguments from './lib/arguments'
import inspectError from './lib/error'
import inspectHTMLElement, { inspectHTMLCollection } from './lib/html'
import { normaliseOptions } from './lib/helpers'
const symbolsSupported = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.for === 'function'
const chaiInspect = symbolsSupported ? Symbol.for('chai/inspect') : '@@chai/inspect'
let nodeInspect = false
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line global-require
const nodeUtil = require('util')
nodeInspect = nodeUtil.inspect ? nodeUtil.inspect.custom : false
} catch (noNodeInspect) {
nodeInspect = false
function FakeMap() {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template
this.key = 'chai/loupe__' + Math.random() +
FakeMap.prototype = {
// eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand
get: function get(key) {
return key[this.key]
// eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand
has: function has(key) {
return this.key in key
// eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand
set: function set(key, value) {
if (Object.isExtensible(key)) {
Object.defineProperty(key, this.key, {
// eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand
value: value,
configurable: true,
const constructorMap = new (typeof WeakMap === 'function' ? WeakMap : FakeMap)()
const stringTagMap = {}
const baseTypesMap = {
undefined: (value, options) => options.stylize('undefined', 'undefined'),
null: (value, options) => options.stylize(null, 'null'),
boolean: (value, options) => options.stylize(value, 'boolean'),
Boolean: (value, options) => options.stylize(value, 'boolean'),
number: inspectNumber,
Number: inspectNumber,
bigint: inspectBigInt,
BigInt: inspectBigInt,
string: inspectString,
String: inspectString,
function: inspectFunction,
Function: inspectFunction,
symbol: inspectSymbol,
// A Symbol polyfill will return `Symbol` not `symbol` from typedetect
Symbol: inspectSymbol,
Array: inspectArray,
Date: inspectDate,
Map: inspectMap,
Set: inspectSet,
RegExp: inspectRegExp,
Promise: inspectPromise,
// WeakSet, WeakMap are totally opaque to us
WeakSet: (value, options) => options.stylize('WeakSet{…}', 'special'),
WeakMap: (value, options) => options.stylize('WeakMap{…}', 'special'),
Arguments: inspectArguments,
Int8Array: inspectTypedArray,
Uint8Array: inspectTypedArray,
Uint8ClampedArray: inspectTypedArray,
Int16Array: inspectTypedArray,
Uint16Array: inspectTypedArray,
Int32Array: inspectTypedArray,
Uint32Array: inspectTypedArray,
Float32Array: inspectTypedArray,
Float64Array: inspectTypedArray,
Generator: () => '',
DataView: () => '',
ArrayBuffer: () => '',
Error: inspectError,
HTMLCollection: inspectHTMLCollection,
NodeList: inspectHTMLCollection,
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
const inspectCustom = (value, options, type) => {
if (chaiInspect in value && typeof value[chaiInspect] === 'function') {
return value[chaiInspect](options)
if (nodeInspect && nodeInspect in value && typeof value[nodeInspect] === 'function') {
return value[nodeInspect](options.depth, options)
if ('inspect' in value && typeof value.inspect === 'function') {
return value.inspect(options.depth, options)
if ('constructor' in value && constructorMap.has(value.constructor)) {
return constructorMap.get(value.constructor)(value, options)
if (stringTagMap[type]) {
return stringTagMap[type](value, options)
return ''
const toString = Object.prototype.toString
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
export function inspect(value, options) {
options = normaliseOptions(options)
options.inspect = inspect
const { customInspect } = options
let type = value === null ? 'null' : typeof value
if (type === 'object') {
type =, -1)
// If it is a base value that we already support, then use Loupe's inspector
if (baseTypesMap[type]) {
return baseTypesMap[type](value, options)
// If `options.customInspect` is set to true then try to use the custom inspector
if (customInspect && value) {
const output = inspectCustom(value, options, type)
if (output) {
if (typeof output === 'string') return output
return inspect(output, options)
const proto = value ? Object.getPrototypeOf(value) : false
// If it's a plain Object then use Loupe's inspector
if (proto === Object.prototype || proto === null) {
return inspectObject(value, options)
// Specifically account for HTMLElements
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
if (value && typeof HTMLElement === 'function' && value instanceof HTMLElement) {
return inspectHTMLElement(value, options)
if ('constructor' in value) {
// If it is a class, inspect it like an object but add the constructor name
if (value.constructor !== Object) {
return inspectClass(value, options)
// If it is an object with an anonymous prototype, display it as an object.
return inspectObject(value, options)
// last chance to check if it's an object
if (value === Object(value)) {
return inspectObject(value, options)
// We have run out of options! Just stringify the value
return options.stylize(String(value), type)
export function registerConstructor(constructor, inspector) {
if (constructorMap.has(constructor)) {
return false
constructorMap.set(constructor, inspector)
return true
export function registerStringTag(stringTag, inspector) {
if (stringTag in stringTagMap) {
return false
stringTagMap[stringTag] = inspector
return true
export const custom = chaiInspect
export default inspect