
377 lines
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import type { CorePluginList } from './generated/corePluginList'
import type { DefaultColors } from './generated/colors'
// Helpers
type Expand<T> = T extends object
? T extends infer O
? { [K in keyof O]: Expand<O[K]> }
: never
: T
type KeyValuePair<K extends keyof any = string, V = string> = Record<K, V>
interface RecursiveKeyValuePair<K extends keyof any = string, V = string> {
[key: string]: V | RecursiveKeyValuePair<K, V>
export type ResolvableTo<T> = T | ((utils: PluginUtils) => T)
type CSSRuleObject = RecursiveKeyValuePair<string, null | string | string[]>
interface PluginUtils {
colors: DefaultColors
theme(path: string, defaultValue?: unknown): any
breakpoints<I = Record<string, unknown>, O = I>(arg: I): O
rgb(arg: string): (arg: Partial<{ opacityVariable: string; opacityValue: number }>) => string
hsl(arg: string): (arg: Partial<{ opacityVariable: string; opacityValue: number }>) => string
// Content related config
type FilePath = string
type RawFile = { raw: string; extension?: string }
type ExtractorFn = (content: string) => string[]
type TransformerFn = (content: string) => string
type ContentConfig =
| (FilePath | RawFile)[]
| {
files: (FilePath | RawFile)[]
relative?: boolean
extract?: ExtractorFn | { [extension: string]: ExtractorFn }
transform?: TransformerFn | { [extension: string]: TransformerFn }
// Important related config
type ImportantConfig = boolean | string
// Prefix related config
type PrefixConfig = string
// Separator related config
type SeparatorConfig = string
// Safelist related config
type SafelistConfig = string | { pattern: RegExp; variants?: string[] }
// Blocklist related config
type BlocklistConfig = string
// Presets related config
type PresetsConfig = Partial<Config>
// Future related config
type FutureConfigValues =
| 'hoverOnlyWhenSupported'
| 'respectDefaultRingColorOpacity'
| 'disableColorOpacityUtilitiesByDefault'
| 'relativeContentPathsByDefault'
type FutureConfig = Expand<'all' | Partial<Record<FutureConfigValues, boolean>>> | []
// Experimental related config
type ExperimentalConfigValues = 'optimizeUniversalDefaults' | 'matchVariant'
type ExperimentalConfig = Expand<'all' | Partial<Record<ExperimentalConfigValues, boolean>>> | []
// DarkMode related config
type DarkModeConfig =
// Use the `media` query strategy.
| 'media'
// Use the `class` strategy, which requires a `.dark` class on the `html`.
| 'class'
// Use the `class` strategy with a custom class instead of `.dark`.
| ['class', string]
// Use the `selector` strategy — same as `class` but uses `:where()` for more predicable behavior
| 'selector'
// Use the `selector` strategy with a custom selector instead of `.dark`.
| ['selector', string]
// Use the `variant` strategy, which allows you to completely customize the selector
// It takes a string or an array of strings, which are passed directly to `addVariant()`
| ['variant', string | string[]]
type Screen = { raw: string } | { min: string } | { max: string } | { min: string; max: string }
type ScreensConfig = string[] | KeyValuePair<string, string | Screen | Screen[]>
// Theme related config
export interface ThemeConfig {
// Responsiveness
screens: ResolvableTo<ScreensConfig>
supports: ResolvableTo<Record<string, string>>
data: ResolvableTo<Record<string, string>>
// Reusable base configs
colors: ResolvableTo<RecursiveKeyValuePair>
spacing: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
// Components
container: ResolvableTo<
screens: ScreensConfig
center: boolean
padding: string | Record<string, string>
// Utilities
inset: ThemeConfig['spacing']
zIndex: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
order: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
gridColumn: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
gridColumnStart: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
gridColumnEnd: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
gridRow: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
gridRowStart: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
gridRowEnd: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
margin: ThemeConfig['spacing']
aspectRatio: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
height: ThemeConfig['spacing']
maxHeight: ThemeConfig['spacing']
minHeight: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
width: ThemeConfig['spacing']
maxWidth: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
minWidth: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
flex: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
flexShrink: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
flexGrow: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
flexBasis: ThemeConfig['spacing']
borderSpacing: ThemeConfig['spacing']
transformOrigin: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
translate: ThemeConfig['spacing']
rotate: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
skew: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
scale: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
animation: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
keyframes: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair<string, KeyValuePair<string, KeyValuePair>>>
cursor: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
scrollMargin: ThemeConfig['spacing']
scrollPadding: ThemeConfig['spacing']
listStyleType: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
columns: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
gridAutoColumns: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
gridAutoRows: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
gridTemplateColumns: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
gridTemplateRows: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
gap: ThemeConfig['spacing']
space: ThemeConfig['spacing']
divideWidth: ThemeConfig['borderWidth']
divideColor: ThemeConfig['borderColor']
divideOpacity: ThemeConfig['borderOpacity']
borderRadius: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
borderWidth: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
borderColor: ThemeConfig['colors']
borderOpacity: ThemeConfig['opacity']
backgroundColor: ThemeConfig['colors']
backgroundOpacity: ThemeConfig['opacity']
backgroundImage: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
gradientColorStops: ThemeConfig['colors']
backgroundSize: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
backgroundPosition: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
fill: ThemeConfig['colors']
stroke: ThemeConfig['colors']
strokeWidth: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
objectPosition: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
padding: ThemeConfig['spacing']
textIndent: ThemeConfig['spacing']
fontFamily: ResolvableTo<
| string
| string[]
| [
fontFamily: string | string[],
configuration: Partial<{
fontFeatureSettings: string
fontVariationSettings: string
fontSize: ResolvableTo<
| string
| [fontSize: string, lineHeight: string]
| [
fontSize: string,
configuration: Partial<{
lineHeight: string
letterSpacing: string
fontWeight: string | number
fontWeight: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
lineHeight: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
letterSpacing: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
textColor: ThemeConfig['colors']
textOpacity: ThemeConfig['opacity']
textDecorationColor: ThemeConfig['colors']
textDecorationThickness: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
textUnderlineOffset: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
placeholderColor: ThemeConfig['colors']
placeholderOpacity: ThemeConfig['opacity']
caretColor: ThemeConfig['colors']
accentColor: ThemeConfig['colors']
opacity: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
boxShadow: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
boxShadowColor: ThemeConfig['colors']
outlineWidth: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
outlineOffset: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
outlineColor: ThemeConfig['colors']
ringWidth: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
ringColor: ThemeConfig['colors']
ringOpacity: ThemeConfig['opacity']
ringOffsetWidth: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
ringOffsetColor: ThemeConfig['colors']
blur: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
brightness: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
contrast: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
dropShadow: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair<string, string | string[]>>
grayscale: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
hueRotate: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
invert: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
saturate: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
sepia: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
backdropBlur: ThemeConfig['blur']
backdropBrightness: ThemeConfig['brightness']
backdropContrast: ThemeConfig['contrast']
backdropGrayscale: ThemeConfig['grayscale']
backdropHueRotate: ThemeConfig['hueRotate']
backdropInvert: ThemeConfig['invert']
backdropOpacity: ThemeConfig['opacity']
backdropSaturate: ThemeConfig['saturate']
backdropSepia: ThemeConfig['sepia']
transitionProperty: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
transitionTimingFunction: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
transitionDelay: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
transitionDuration: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
willChange: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
content: ResolvableTo<KeyValuePair>
interface CustomThemeConfig extends ThemeConfig {
[key: string]: any
// Core plugins related config
type CorePluginsConfig = CorePluginList[] | Expand<Partial<Record<CorePluginList, boolean>>>
// Plugins related config
type ValueType =
| 'any'
| 'color'
| 'url'
| 'image'
| 'length'
| 'percentage'
| 'position'
| 'lookup'
| 'generic-name'
| 'family-name'
| 'number'
| 'line-width'
| 'absolute-size'
| 'relative-size'
| 'shadow'
export interface PluginAPI {
// for registering new static utility styles
utilities: CSSRuleObject | CSSRuleObject[],
options?: Partial<{
respectPrefix: boolean
respectImportant: boolean
): void
// for registering new dynamic utility styles
matchUtilities<T = string, U = string>(
utilities: KeyValuePair<
(value: T | string, extra: { modifier: U | string | null }) => CSSRuleObject | null
options?: Partial<{
respectPrefix: boolean
respectImportant: boolean
type: ValueType | ValueType[]
values: KeyValuePair<string, T>
modifiers: 'any' | KeyValuePair<string, U>
supportsNegativeValues: boolean
): void
// for registering new static component styles
components: CSSRuleObject | CSSRuleObject[],
options?: Partial<{
respectPrefix: boolean
respectImportant: boolean
): void
// for registering new dynamic component styles
matchComponents<T = string, U = string>(
components: KeyValuePair<
(value: T | string, extra: { modifier: U | string | null }) => CSSRuleObject | null
options?: Partial<{
respectPrefix: boolean
respectImportant: boolean
type: ValueType | ValueType[]
values: KeyValuePair<string, T>
modifiers: 'any' | KeyValuePair<string, U>
supportsNegativeValues: boolean
): void
// for registering new base styles
addBase(base: CSSRuleObject | CSSRuleObject[]): void
// for registering custom variants
addVariant(name: string, definition: string | string[] | (() => string) | (() => string)[]): void
matchVariant<T = string>(
name: string,
cb: (value: T | string, extra: { modifier: string | null }) => string | string[],
options?: {
values?: KeyValuePair<string, T>
a: { value: T | string; modifier: string | null },
b: { value: T | string; modifier: string | null }
): number
): void
// for looking up values in the users theme configuration
theme: <TDefaultValue = Config['theme']>(
path?: string,
defaultValue?: TDefaultValue
) => TDefaultValue
// for looking up values in the users Tailwind configuration
config: <TDefaultValue = Config>(path?: string, defaultValue?: TDefaultValue) => TDefaultValue
// for checking if a core plugin is enabled
corePlugins(path: string): boolean
// for manually escaping strings meant to be used in class names
e: (className: string) => string
export type PluginCreator = (api: PluginAPI) => void
export type PluginsConfig = (
| PluginCreator
| { handler: PluginCreator; config?: Partial<Config> }
| {
(options: any): { handler: PluginCreator; config?: Partial<Config> }
__isOptionsFunction: true
// Top level config related
interface RequiredConfig {
content: ContentConfig
interface OptionalConfig {
important: Partial<ImportantConfig>
prefix: Partial<PrefixConfig>
separator: Partial<SeparatorConfig>
safelist: Array<SafelistConfig>
blocklist: Array<BlocklistConfig>
presets: Array<PresetsConfig>
future: Partial<FutureConfig>
experimental: Partial<ExperimentalConfig>
darkMode: Partial<DarkModeConfig>
theme: Partial<CustomThemeConfig & { extend: Partial<CustomThemeConfig> }>
corePlugins: Partial<CorePluginsConfig>
plugins: Partial<PluginsConfig>
// Custom
[key: string]: any
export type Config = RequiredConfig & Partial<OptionalConfig>