
455 lines
23 KiB

const typedArrayTypeNames = [
function isTypedArrayName(name) {
return typedArrayTypeNames.includes(name);
const objectTypeNames = [
function isObjectTypeName(name) {
return objectTypeNames.includes(name);
const primitiveTypeNames = [
function isPrimitiveTypeName(name) {
return primitiveTypeNames.includes(name);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
function isOfType(type) {
return (value) => typeof value === type;
const { toString } = Object.prototype;
const getObjectType = (value) => {
const objectTypeName =, -1);
if (/HTML\w+Element/.test(objectTypeName) && is.domElement(value)) {
return 'HTMLElement';
if (isObjectTypeName(objectTypeName)) {
return objectTypeName;
return undefined;
const isObjectOfType = (type) => (value) => getObjectType(value) === type;
function is(value) {
if (value === null) {
return 'null';
switch (typeof value) {
case 'undefined': {
return 'undefined';
case 'string': {
return 'string';
case 'number': {
return Number.isNaN(value) ? 'NaN' : 'number';
case 'boolean': {
return 'boolean';
case 'function': {
return 'Function';
case 'bigint': {
return 'bigint';
case 'symbol': {
return 'symbol';
if (is.observable(value)) {
return 'Observable';
if (is.array(value)) {
return 'Array';
if (is.buffer(value)) {
return 'Buffer';
const tagType = getObjectType(value);
if (tagType) {
return tagType;
if (value instanceof String || value instanceof Boolean || value instanceof Number) {
throw new TypeError('Please don\'t use object wrappers for primitive types');
return 'Object';
is.undefined = isOfType('undefined');
is.string = isOfType('string');
const isNumberType = isOfType('number');
is.number = (value) => isNumberType(value) && !is.nan(value);
is.positiveNumber = (value) => is.number(value) && value > 0;
is.negativeNumber = (value) => is.number(value) && value < 0;
is.bigint = isOfType('bigint');
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
is.function_ = isOfType('function');
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
is.null_ = (value) => value === null;
is.class_ = (value) => is.function_(value) && value.toString().startsWith('class ');
is.boolean = (value) => value === true || value === false;
is.symbol = isOfType('symbol');
is.numericString = (value) => is.string(value) && !is.emptyStringOrWhitespace(value) && !Number.isNaN(Number(value));
is.array = (value, assertion) => {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
return false;
if (!is.function_(assertion)) {
return true;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
return value.every(element => assertion(element));
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
is.buffer = (value) => value?.constructor?.isBuffer?.(value) ?? false;
is.blob = (value) => isObjectOfType('Blob')(value);
is.nullOrUndefined = (value) => is.null_(value) || is.undefined(value); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
is.object = (value) => !is.null_(value) && (typeof value === 'object' || is.function_(value)); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
is.iterable = (value) => is.function_(value?.[Symbol.iterator]);
is.asyncIterable = (value) => is.function_(value?.[Symbol.asyncIterator]);
is.generator = (value) => is.iterable(value) && is.function_(value?.next) && is.function_(value?.throw);
is.asyncGenerator = (value) => is.asyncIterable(value) && is.function_( && is.function_(value.throw);
is.nativePromise = (value) => isObjectOfType('Promise')(value);
const hasPromiseApi = (value) => is.function_(value?.then)
&& is.function_(value?.catch);
is.promise = (value) => is.nativePromise(value) || hasPromiseApi(value);
is.generatorFunction = isObjectOfType('GeneratorFunction');
is.asyncGeneratorFunction = (value) => getObjectType(value) === 'AsyncGeneratorFunction';
is.asyncFunction = (value) => getObjectType(value) === 'AsyncFunction';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins, @typescript-eslint/ban-types
is.boundFunction = (value) => is.function_(value) && !value.hasOwnProperty('prototype');
is.regExp = isObjectOfType('RegExp'); = isObjectOfType('Date');
is.error = isObjectOfType('Error'); = (value) => isObjectOfType('Map')(value);
is.set = (value) => isObjectOfType('Set')(value);
is.weakMap = (value) => isObjectOfType('WeakMap')(value); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
is.weakSet = (value) => isObjectOfType('WeakSet')(value); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
is.weakRef = (value) => isObjectOfType('WeakRef')(value); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
is.int8Array = isObjectOfType('Int8Array');
is.uint8Array = isObjectOfType('Uint8Array');
is.uint8ClampedArray = isObjectOfType('Uint8ClampedArray');
is.int16Array = isObjectOfType('Int16Array');
is.uint16Array = isObjectOfType('Uint16Array');
is.int32Array = isObjectOfType('Int32Array');
is.uint32Array = isObjectOfType('Uint32Array');
is.float32Array = isObjectOfType('Float32Array');
is.float64Array = isObjectOfType('Float64Array');
is.bigInt64Array = isObjectOfType('BigInt64Array');
is.bigUint64Array = isObjectOfType('BigUint64Array');
is.arrayBuffer = isObjectOfType('ArrayBuffer');
is.sharedArrayBuffer = isObjectOfType('SharedArrayBuffer');
is.dataView = isObjectOfType('DataView');
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
is.enumCase = (value, targetEnum) => Object.values(targetEnum).includes(value);
is.directInstanceOf = (instance, class_) => Object.getPrototypeOf(instance) === class_.prototype;
is.urlInstance = (value) => isObjectOfType('URL')(value);
is.urlString = (value) => {
if (!is.string(value)) {
return false;
try {
new URL(value); // eslint-disable-line no-new
return true;
catch {
return false;
// Example: `is.truthy = (value: unknown): value is (not false | not 0 | not '' | not undefined | not null) => Boolean(value);`
is.truthy = (value) => Boolean(value); // eslint-disable-line unicorn/prefer-native-coercion-functions
// Example: `is.falsy = (value: unknown): value is (not true | 0 | '' | undefined | null) => Boolean(value);`
is.falsy = (value) => !value;
is.nan = (value) => Number.isNaN(value);
is.primitive = (value) => is.null_(value) || isPrimitiveTypeName(typeof value);
is.integer = (value) => Number.isInteger(value);
is.safeInteger = (value) => Number.isSafeInteger(value);
is.plainObject = (value) => {
// From:
if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) {
return false;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(value);
return (prototype === null || prototype === Object.prototype || Object.getPrototypeOf(prototype) === null) && !(Symbol.toStringTag in value) && !(Symbol.iterator in value);
is.typedArray = (value) => isTypedArrayName(getObjectType(value));
const isValidLength = (value) => is.safeInteger(value) && value >= 0;
is.arrayLike = (value) => !is.nullOrUndefined(value) && !is.function_(value) && isValidLength(value.length);
is.tupleLike = (value, guards) => {
if (is.array(guards) && is.array(value) && guards.length === value.length) {
return guards.every((guard, index) => guard(value[index]));
return false;
is.inRange = (value, range) => {
if (is.number(range)) {
return value >= Math.min(0, range) && value <= Math.max(range, 0);
if (is.array(range) && range.length === 2) {
return value >= Math.min(...range) && value <= Math.max(...range);
throw new TypeError(`Invalid range: ${JSON.stringify(range)}`);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
is.domElement = (value) => is.object(value)
&& value.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT
&& is.string(value.nodeName)
&& !is.plainObject(value)
&& DOM_PROPERTIES_TO_CHECK.every(property => property in value);
is.observable = (value) => {
if (!value) {
return false;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-extend-native/no-use-extend-native, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
if (value === value[Symbol.observable]?.()) {
return true;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
if (value === value['@@observable']?.()) {
return true;
return false;
is.nodeStream = (value) => is.object(value) && is.function_(value.pipe) && !is.observable(value);
is.infinite = (value) => value === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || value === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
const isAbsoluteMod2 = (remainder) => (value) => is.integer(value) && Math.abs(value % 2) === remainder;
is.evenInteger = isAbsoluteMod2(0);
is.oddInteger = isAbsoluteMod2(1);
is.emptyArray = (value) => is.array(value) && value.length === 0;
is.nonEmptyArray = (value) => is.array(value) && value.length > 0;
is.emptyString = (value) => is.string(value) && value.length === 0;
const isWhiteSpaceString = (value) => is.string(value) && !/\S/.test(value);
is.emptyStringOrWhitespace = (value) => is.emptyString(value) || isWhiteSpaceString(value);
// TODO: Use `not ''` when the `not` operator is available.
is.nonEmptyString = (value) => is.string(value) && value.length > 0;
// TODO: Use `not ''` when the `not` operator is available.
is.nonEmptyStringAndNotWhitespace = (value) => is.string(value) && !is.emptyStringOrWhitespace(value);
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-callback-reference
is.emptyObject = (value) => is.object(value) && ! && !is.set(value) && Object.keys(value).length === 0;
// TODO: Use `not` operator here to remove `Map` and `Set` from type guard:
// -
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-callback-reference
is.nonEmptyObject = (value) => is.object(value) && ! && !is.set(value) && Object.keys(value).length > 0;
is.emptySet = (value) => is.set(value) && value.size === 0;
is.nonEmptySet = (value) => is.set(value) && value.size > 0;
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-callback-reference
is.emptyMap = (value) => && value.size === 0;
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-callback-reference
is.nonEmptyMap = (value) => && value.size > 0;
// `PropertyKey` is any value that can be used as an object key (string, number, or symbol)
is.propertyKey = (value) => is.any([is.string, is.number, is.symbol], value);
is.formData = (value) => isObjectOfType('FormData')(value);
is.urlSearchParams = (value) => isObjectOfType('URLSearchParams')(value);
const predicateOnArray = (method, predicate, values) => {
if (!is.function_(predicate)) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid predicate: ${JSON.stringify(predicate)}`);
if (values.length === 0) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid number of values');
return, predicate);
is.any = (predicate, ...values) => {
const predicates = is.array(predicate) ? predicate : [predicate];
return predicates.some(singlePredicate => predicateOnArray(Array.prototype.some, singlePredicate, values));
is.all = (predicate, ...values) => predicateOnArray(Array.prototype.every, predicate, values);
const assertType = (condition, description, value, options = {}) => {
if (!condition) {
const { multipleValues } = options;
const valuesMessage = multipleValues
? `received values of types ${[ Set( => `\`${is(singleValue)}\``)),
].join(', ')}`
: `received value of type \`${is(value)}\``;
throw new TypeError(`Expected value which is \`${description}\`, ${valuesMessage}.`);
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-confusing-void-expression */
export const assert = {
// Unknowns.
undefined: (value) => assertType(is.undefined(value), 'undefined', value),
string: (value) => assertType(is.string(value), 'string', value),
number: (value) => assertType(is.number(value), 'number', value),
positiveNumber: (value) => assertType(is.positiveNumber(value), "positive number" /* AssertionTypeDescription.positiveNumber */, value),
negativeNumber: (value) => assertType(is.negativeNumber(value), "negative number" /* AssertionTypeDescription.negativeNumber */, value),
bigint: (value) => assertType(is.bigint(value), 'bigint', value),
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
function_: (value) => assertType(is.function_(value), 'Function', value),
null_: (value) => assertType(is.null_(value), 'null', value),
class_: (value) => assertType(is.class_(value), "Class" /* AssertionTypeDescription.class_ */, value),
boolean: (value) => assertType(is.boolean(value), 'boolean', value),
symbol: (value) => assertType(is.symbol(value), 'symbol', value),
numericString: (value) => assertType(is.numericString(value), "string with a number" /* AssertionTypeDescription.numericString */, value),
array: (value, assertion) => {
const assert = assertType;
assert(is.array(value), 'Array', value);
if (assertion) {
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-for-each, unicorn/no-array-callback-reference
buffer: (value) => assertType(is.buffer(value), 'Buffer', value),
blob: (value) => assertType(is.blob(value), 'Blob', value),
nullOrUndefined: (value) => assertType(is.nullOrUndefined(value), "null or undefined" /* AssertionTypeDescription.nullOrUndefined */, value),
object: (value) => assertType(is.object(value), 'Object', value),
iterable: (value) => assertType(is.iterable(value), "Iterable" /* AssertionTypeDescription.iterable */, value),
asyncIterable: (value) => assertType(is.asyncIterable(value), "AsyncIterable" /* AssertionTypeDescription.asyncIterable */, value),
generator: (value) => assertType(is.generator(value), 'Generator', value),
asyncGenerator: (value) => assertType(is.asyncGenerator(value), 'AsyncGenerator', value),
nativePromise: (value) => assertType(is.nativePromise(value), "native Promise" /* AssertionTypeDescription.nativePromise */, value),
promise: (value) => assertType(is.promise(value), 'Promise', value),
generatorFunction: (value) => assertType(is.generatorFunction(value), 'GeneratorFunction', value),
asyncGeneratorFunction: (value) => assertType(is.asyncGeneratorFunction(value), 'AsyncGeneratorFunction', value),
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
asyncFunction: (value) => assertType(is.asyncFunction(value), 'AsyncFunction', value),
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
boundFunction: (value) => assertType(is.boundFunction(value), 'Function', value),
regExp: (value) => assertType(is.regExp(value), 'RegExp', value),
date: (value) => assertType(, 'Date', value),
error: (value) => assertType(is.error(value), 'Error', value),
map: (value) => assertType(, 'Map', value),
set: (value) => assertType(is.set(value), 'Set', value),
weakMap: (value) => assertType(is.weakMap(value), 'WeakMap', value),
weakSet: (value) => assertType(is.weakSet(value), 'WeakSet', value),
weakRef: (value) => assertType(is.weakRef(value), 'WeakRef', value),
int8Array: (value) => assertType(is.int8Array(value), 'Int8Array', value),
uint8Array: (value) => assertType(is.uint8Array(value), 'Uint8Array', value),
uint8ClampedArray: (value) => assertType(is.uint8ClampedArray(value), 'Uint8ClampedArray', value),
int16Array: (value) => assertType(is.int16Array(value), 'Int16Array', value),
uint16Array: (value) => assertType(is.uint16Array(value), 'Uint16Array', value),
int32Array: (value) => assertType(is.int32Array(value), 'Int32Array', value),
uint32Array: (value) => assertType(is.uint32Array(value), 'Uint32Array', value),
float32Array: (value) => assertType(is.float32Array(value), 'Float32Array', value),
float64Array: (value) => assertType(is.float64Array(value), 'Float64Array', value),
bigInt64Array: (value) => assertType(is.bigInt64Array(value), 'BigInt64Array', value),
bigUint64Array: (value) => assertType(is.bigUint64Array(value), 'BigUint64Array', value),
arrayBuffer: (value) => assertType(is.arrayBuffer(value), 'ArrayBuffer', value),
sharedArrayBuffer: (value) => assertType(is.sharedArrayBuffer(value), 'SharedArrayBuffer', value),
dataView: (value) => assertType(is.dataView(value), 'DataView', value),
enumCase: (value, targetEnum) => assertType(is.enumCase(value, targetEnum), 'EnumCase', value),
urlInstance: (value) => assertType(is.urlInstance(value), 'URL', value),
urlString: (value) => assertType(is.urlString(value), "string with a URL" /* AssertionTypeDescription.urlString */, value),
truthy: (value) => assertType(is.truthy(value), "truthy" /* AssertionTypeDescription.truthy */, value),
falsy: (value) => assertType(is.falsy(value), "falsy" /* AssertionTypeDescription.falsy */, value),
nan: (value) => assertType(is.nan(value), "NaN" /* AssertionTypeDescription.nan */, value),
primitive: (value) => assertType(is.primitive(value), "primitive" /* AssertionTypeDescription.primitive */, value),
integer: (value) => assertType(is.integer(value), "integer" /* AssertionTypeDescription.integer */, value),
safeInteger: (value) => assertType(is.safeInteger(value), "integer" /* AssertionTypeDescription.safeInteger */, value),
plainObject: (value) => assertType(is.plainObject(value), "plain object" /* AssertionTypeDescription.plainObject */, value),
typedArray: (value) => assertType(is.typedArray(value), "TypedArray" /* AssertionTypeDescription.typedArray */, value),
arrayLike: (value) => assertType(is.arrayLike(value), "array-like" /* AssertionTypeDescription.arrayLike */, value),
tupleLike: (value, guards) => assertType(is.tupleLike(value, guards), "tuple-like" /* AssertionTypeDescription.tupleLike */, value),
domElement: (value) => assertType(is.domElement(value), "HTMLElement" /* AssertionTypeDescription.domElement */, value),
observable: (value) => assertType(is.observable(value), 'Observable', value),
nodeStream: (value) => assertType(is.nodeStream(value), "Node.js Stream" /* AssertionTypeDescription.nodeStream */, value),
infinite: (value) => assertType(is.infinite(value), "infinite number" /* AssertionTypeDescription.infinite */, value),
emptyArray: (value) => assertType(is.emptyArray(value), "empty array" /* AssertionTypeDescription.emptyArray */, value),
nonEmptyArray: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyArray(value), "non-empty array" /* AssertionTypeDescription.nonEmptyArray */, value),
emptyString: (value) => assertType(is.emptyString(value), "empty string" /* AssertionTypeDescription.emptyString */, value),
emptyStringOrWhitespace: (value) => assertType(is.emptyStringOrWhitespace(value), "empty string or whitespace" /* AssertionTypeDescription.emptyStringOrWhitespace */, value),
nonEmptyString: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyString(value), "non-empty string" /* AssertionTypeDescription.nonEmptyString */, value),
nonEmptyStringAndNotWhitespace: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyStringAndNotWhitespace(value), "non-empty string and not whitespace" /* AssertionTypeDescription.nonEmptyStringAndNotWhitespace */, value),
emptyObject: (value) => assertType(is.emptyObject(value), "empty object" /* AssertionTypeDescription.emptyObject */, value),
nonEmptyObject: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyObject(value), "non-empty object" /* AssertionTypeDescription.nonEmptyObject */, value),
emptySet: (value) => assertType(is.emptySet(value), "empty set" /* AssertionTypeDescription.emptySet */, value),
nonEmptySet: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptySet(value), "non-empty set" /* AssertionTypeDescription.nonEmptySet */, value),
emptyMap: (value) => assertType(is.emptyMap(value), "empty map" /* AssertionTypeDescription.emptyMap */, value),
nonEmptyMap: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyMap(value), "non-empty map" /* AssertionTypeDescription.nonEmptyMap */, value),
propertyKey: (value) => assertType(is.propertyKey(value), 'PropertyKey', value),
formData: (value) => assertType(is.formData(value), 'FormData', value),
urlSearchParams: (value) => assertType(is.urlSearchParams(value), 'URLSearchParams', value),
// Numbers.
evenInteger: (value) => assertType(is.evenInteger(value), "even integer" /* AssertionTypeDescription.evenInteger */, value),
oddInteger: (value) => assertType(is.oddInteger(value), "odd integer" /* AssertionTypeDescription.oddInteger */, value),
// Two arguments.
directInstanceOf: (instance, class_) => assertType(is.directInstanceOf(instance, class_), "T" /* AssertionTypeDescription.directInstanceOf */, instance),
inRange: (value, range) => assertType(is.inRange(value, range), "in range" /* AssertionTypeDescription.inRange */, value),
// Variadic functions.
any: (predicate, ...values) => assertType(is.any(predicate, ...values), "predicate returns truthy for any value" /* AssertionTypeDescription.any */, values, { multipleValues: true }),
all: (predicate, ...values) => assertType(is.all(predicate, ...values), "predicate returns truthy for all values" /* AssertionTypeDescription.all */, values, { multipleValues: true }),
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-confusing-void-expression */
// Some few keywords are reserved, but we'll populate them for Node.js users
// See
Object.defineProperties(is, {
class: {
value: is.class_,
function: {
value: is.function_,
null: {
value: is.null_,
Object.defineProperties(assert, {
class: {
value: assert.class_,
function: {
value: assert.function_,
null: {
value: assert.null_,
export default is;