
25 lines
42 KiB

import html from './html.mjs';
import xml from './xml.mjs';
import sql from './sql.mjs';
import css from './css.mjs';
import c from './c.mjs';
import javascript from './javascript.mjs';
import shellscript from './shellscript.mjs';
import lua from './lua.mjs';
import './java.mjs';
const lang = Object.freeze({ "displayName": "Ruby", "name": "ruby", "patterns": [{ "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.class.ruby" }, "2": { "name": "" }, "3": { "name": "keyword.operator.other.ruby" }, "4": { "name": "entity.other.inherited-class.ruby" }, "5": { "name": "keyword.operator.other.ruby" }, "6": { "name": "variable.other.object.ruby" } }, "match": "^\\s*(class)\\s+(?:([.a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)(?:\\s*(<)\\s*([.a-zA-Z0-9_:]+))?|(<<)\\s*([.a-zA-Z0-9_:]+))", "name": "meta.class.ruby" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.module.ruby" }, "2": { "name": "" }, "3": { "name": "entity.other.inherited-class.module.first.ruby" }, "4": { "name": "punctuation.separator.inheritance.ruby" }, "5": { "name": "entity.other.inherited-class.module.second.ruby" }, "6": { "name": "punctuation.separator.inheritance.ruby" }, "7": { "name": "entity.other.inherited-class.module.third.ruby" }, "8": { "name": "punctuation.separator.inheritance.ruby" } }, "match": "^\\s*(module)\\s+(([A-Z]\\w*(::))?([A-Z]\\w*(::))?([A-Z]\\w*(::))*[A-Z]\\w*)", "name": "meta.module.ruby" }, { "comment": "else if is a common mistake carried over from other languages. it works if you put in a second end, but it\u2019s never what you want.", "match": "(?<!\\.)\\belse(\\s)+if\\b", "name": "invalid.deprecated.ruby" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.constant.ruby" } }, "comment": "symbols as hash key (1.9 syntax)", "match": "(?>[a-zA-Z_]\\w*(?>[?!])?)(:)(?!:)", "name": "constant.other.symbol.hashkey.ruby" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.constant.ruby" } }, "comment": "symbols as hash key (1.8 syntax)", "match": "(?<!:)(:)(?>[a-zA-Z_]\\w*(?>[?!])?)(?=\\s*=>)", "name": "constant.other.symbol.hashkey.ruby" }, { "comment": "everything being a reserved word, not a value and needing a 'end' is a..", "match": "(?<!\\.)\\b(BEGIN|begin|case|class|else|elsif|END|end|ensure|for|if|in|module|rescue|then|unless|until|when|while)\\b(?![?!])", "name": "keyword.control.ruby" }, { "comment": "contextual smart pair support for block parameters", "match": "(?<!\\.)\\bdo\\b", "name": "keyword.control.start-block.ruby" }, { "comment": "contextual smart pair support", "match": "(?<=\\{)(\\s+)", "name": "meta.syntax.ruby.start-block" }, { "match": "(?<!\\.)\\b(alias|alias_method|block_given[?]|break|defined[?]|iterator[?]|next|redo|retry|return|super|undef|yield)(\\b|(?<=[?]))(?![?!])", "name": "keyword.control.pseudo-method.ruby" }, { "match": "\\b(nil|true|false)\\b(?![?!])", "name": "constant.language.ruby" }, { "match": "\\b(__(dir|FILE|LINE)__)\\b(?![?!])", "name": "variable.language.ruby" }, { "begin": "^__END__\\n", "captures": { "0": { "name": "string.unquoted.program-block.ruby" } }, "comment": "__END__ marker", "contentName": "text.plain", "end": "(?=not)impossible", "patterns": [{ "begin": "(?=<?xml|<(?i:html\\b)|!DOCTYPE (?i:html\\b))", "end": "(?=not)impossible", "name": "text.html.embedded.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "text.html.basic" }] }] }, { "match": "\\b(self)\\b(?![?!])", "name": "variable.language.self.ruby" }, { "comment": " everything being a method but having a special function is a..", "match": "\\b(initialize|new|loop|include|extend|prepend|fail|raise|attr_reader|attr_writer|attr_accessor|attr|catch|throw|private|private_class_method|module_function|public|public_class_method|protected|refine|using)\\b(?![?!])", "name": "keyword.other.special-method.ruby" }, { "begin": "\\b(?<!\\.|::)(require|require_relative)\\b", "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.other.special-method.ruby" } }, "end": "$|(?=#|\\})", "name": "meta.require.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "$self" }] }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.variable.ruby" } }, "match": "(@)[a-zA-Z_]\\w*", "name": "variable.other.readwrite.instance.ruby" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.variable.ruby" } }, "match": "(@@)[a-zA-Z_]\\w*", "name": "variable.other.readwrite.class.ruby" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.variable.ruby" } }, "match": "(\\$)[a-zA-Z_]\\w*", "name": "" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.variable.ruby" } }, "match": "(\\$)(!|@|&|`|'|\\+|\\d+|~|=|/|\\\\|,|;|\\.|<|>|_|\\*|\\$|\\?|:|\"|-[0adFiIlpvw])", "name": "" }, { "begin": "\\b(ENV)\\[", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "variable.other.constant.ruby" } }, "end": "\\]", "name": "meta.environment-variable.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "$self" }] }, { "match": "\\b[A-Z]\\w*(?=((\\.|::)[A-Za-z]|\\[))", "name": "support.class.ruby" }, { "match": "\\b(abort|at_exit|autoload[?]?|binding|callcc|caller|caller_locations|chomp|chop|eval|exec|exit|exit!|fork|format|gets|global_variables|gsub|lambda|load|local_variables|open|p|print|printf|proc|putc|puts|rand|readline|readlines|select|set_trace_func|sleep|spawn|sprintf|srand|sub|syscall|system|test|trace_var|trap|untrace_var|warn)(\\b|(?<=[?!]))(?![?!])", "name": "support.function.kernel.ruby" }, { "match": "\\b[A-Z]\\w*\\b", "name": "variable.other.constant.ruby" }, { "begin": "(?x)\n (?=def\\b) # an optimization to help Oniguruma fail fast\n (?<=^|\\s)(def)\\s+ # the def keyword\n ( (?>[a-zA-Z_]\\w*(?>\\.|::))? # a method name prefix\n (?>[a-zA-Z_]\\w*(?>[?!]|=(?!>))? # the method name\n |===?|!=|!~|>[>=]?|<=>|<[<=]?|[%&`/\\|^]|\\*\\*?|=?~|[-+]@?|\\[\\]=?) ) # \u2026or an operator method\n \\s*(\\() # the openning parenthesis for arguments\n ", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.def.ruby" }, "2": { "name": "" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.parameters.ruby" } }, "comment": "the method pattern comes from the symbol pattern, see there for a explaination", "end": "\\)", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.parameters.ruby" } }, "name": "meta.function.method.with-arguments.ruby", "patterns": [{ "begin": "(?=[&*_a-zA-Z])", "end": "(?=[,)])", "patterns": [{ "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.variable.ruby" }, "2": { "name": "constant.other.symbol.hashkey.parameter.function.ruby" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.constant.ruby" }, "4": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.ruby" } }, "match": "\\G([&*]?)(?:([_a-zA-Z]\\w*(:))|([_a-zA-Z]\\w*))" }, { "include": "#parens" }, { "include": "#braces" }, { "include": "$self" }] }], "repository": { "braces": { "begin": "\\{", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.section.function.begin.ruby" } }, "end": "\\}", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.section.function.end.ruby" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#parens" }, { "include": "#braces" }, { "include": "$self" }] }, "parens": { "begin": "\\(", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.section.function.begin.ruby" } }, "end": "\\)", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.section.function.end.ruby" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#parens" }, { "include": "#braces" }, { "include": "$self" }] } } }, { "begin": "(?x)\n (?=def\\b) # an optimization to help Oniguruma fail fast\n (?<=^|\\s)(def)\\s+ # the def keyword\n ( (?>[a-zA-Z_]\\w*(?>\\.|::))? # a method name prefix\n (?>[a-zA-Z_]\\w*(?>[?!]|=(?!>))? # the method name\n |===?|!=|!~|>[>=]?|<=>|<[<=]?|[%&`/\\|^]|\\*\\*?|=?~|[-+]@?|\\[\\]=?) ) # \u2026or an operator method\n [ \\t] # the space separating the arguments\n (?=[ \\t]*[^\\s#;]) # make sure arguments and not a comment follow\n ", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.def.ruby" }, "2": { "name": "" } }, "comment": "same as the previous rule, but without parentheses around the arguments", "end": "$", "name": "meta.function.method.with-arguments.ruby", "patterns": [{ "begin": "(?![\\s,])", "end": "(?=,|$)", "patterns": [{ "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.variable.ruby" }, "2": { "name": "constant.other.symbol.hashkey.parameter.function.ruby" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.constant.ruby" }, "4": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.ruby" } }, "match": "\\G([&*]?)(?:([_a-zA-Z]\\w*(:))|([_a-zA-Z]\\w*))", "name": "variable.parameter.function.ruby" }, { "include": "$self" }] }] }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.def.ruby" }, "3": { "name": "" } }, "comment": " the optional name is just to catch the def also without a method-name", "match": "(?x)\n (?=def\\b) # an optimization to help Oniguruma fail fast\n (?<=^|\\s)(def)\\b # the def keyword\n ( \\s+ # an optional group of whitespace followed by\u2026\n ( (?>[a-zA-Z_]\\w*(?>\\.|::))? # a method name prefix\n (?>[a-zA-Z_]\\w*(?>[?!]|=(?!>))? # the method name\n |===?|!=|!~|>[>=]?|<=>|<[<=]?|[%&`/\\|^]|\\*\\*?|=?~|[-+]@?|\\[\\]=?) ) )? # \u2026or an operator method\n ", "name": "meta.function.method.without-arguments.ruby" }, { "match": "\\b\\d(?>_?\\d)*(?=\\.\\d|[eE])(\\.\\d(?>_?\\d)*)?([eE][-+]?\\d(?>_?\\d)*)?r?i?\\b", "name": "constant.numeric.float.ruby" }, { "match": "\\b(0|(0[dD]\\d|[1-9])(?>_?\\d)*)r?i?\\b", "name": "constant.numeric.integer.ruby" }, { "match": "\\b0[xX]\\h(?>_?\\h)*r?i?\\b", "name": "constant.numeric.hex.ruby" }, { "match": "\\b0[bB][01](?>_?[01])*r?i?\\b", "name": "constant.numeric.binary.ruby" }, { "match": "\\b0([oO]?[0-7](?>_?[0-7])*)?r?i?\\b", "name": "constant.numeric.octal.ruby" }, { "begin": ":'", "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.constant.ruby" } }, "end": "'", "name": "constant.other.symbol.single-quoted.ruby", "patterns": [{ "match": "\\\\['\\\\]", "name": "constant.character.escape.ruby" }] }, { "begin": ':"', "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.constant.ruby" } }, "end": '"', "name": "constant.other.symbol.double-quoted.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }] }, { "comment": "Needs higher precedence than regular expressions.", "match": "(?<!\\()/=", "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.augmented.ruby" }, { "begin": "'", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "comment": "single quoted string (does not allow interpolation)", "end": "'", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.quoted.single.ruby", "patterns": [{ "match": "\\\\'|\\\\\\\\", "name": "constant.character.escape.ruby" }] }, { "begin": '"', "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "comment": "double quoted string (allows for interpolation)", "end": '"', "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.quoted.double.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }] }, { "begin": "`", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "comment": "execute string (allows for interpolation)", "end": "`", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.interpolated.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }] }, { "include": "#percent_literals" }, { "begin": "(?x)\n (?:\n ^ # beginning of line\n | (?<= # or look-behind on:\n [=>~(?:\\[,|&;]\n | [\\s;]if\\s # keywords\n | [\\s;]elsif\\s\n | [\\s;]while\\s\n | [\\s;]unless\\s\n | [\\s;]when\\s\n | [\\s;]assert_match\\s\n | [\\s;]or\\s # boolean opperators\n | [\\s;]and\\s\n | [\\s;]not\\s\n | [\\s.]index\\s # methods\n | [\\s.]scan\\s\n | [\\s.]sub\\s\n | [\\s.]sub!\\s\n | [\\s.]gsub\\s\n | [\\s.]gsub!\\s\n | [\\s.]match\\s\n )\n | (?<= # or a look-behind with line anchor:\n ^when\\s # duplication necessary due to limits of regex\n | ^if\\s\n | ^elsif\\s\n | ^while\\s\n | ^unless\\s\n )\n )\n \\s*((/))(?![*+{}?])\n ", "captures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.classic.ruby" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.ruby" } }, "comment": "regular expressions (normal)\n we only start a regexp if the character before it (excluding whitespace)\n is what we think is before a regexp\n ", "contentName": "string.regexp.classic.ruby", "end": "((/[eimnosux]*))", "patterns": [{ "include": "#regex_sub" }] }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.constant.ruby" } }, "comment": "symbols", "match": "(?<!:)(:)(?>[a-zA-Z_]\\w*(?>[?!]|=(?![>=]))?|===?|>[>=]?|<=>|<[<=]?|[%&`/\\|]|\\*\\*?|=?~|[-+]@?|\\[\\]=?|(@@?|\\$)[a-zA-Z_]\\w*)", "name": "constant.other.symbol.ruby" }, { "begin": "^=begin", "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.ruby" } }, "comment": "multiline comments", "end": "^=end", "name": "comment.block.documentation.ruby" }, { "begin": "(^[ \\t]+)?(?=#)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.whitespace.comment.leading.ruby" } }, "end": "(?!\\G)", "patterns": [{ "begin": "#", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.ruby" } }, "end": "\\n", "name": "comment.line.number-sign.ruby" }] }, { "comment": '\n matches questionmark-letters.\n\n examples (1st alternation = hex):\n ?\\x1 ?\\x61\n\n examples (2nd alternation = octal):\n ?\\0 ?\\07 ?\\017\n\n examples (3rd alternation = escaped):\n ?\\n ?\\b\n\n examples (4th alternation = meta-ctrl):\n ?\\C-a ?\\M-a ?\\C-\\M-\\C-\\M-a\n\n examples (4th alternation = normal):\n ?a ?A ?0 \n ?* ?" ?( \n ?. ?#\n \n \n the negative lookbehind prevents against matching\n p(42.tainted?)\n ', "match": "(?<!\\w)\\?(\\\\(x\\h{1,2}(?!\\h)\\b|0[0-7]{0,2}(?![0-7])\\b|[^x0MC])|(\\\\[MC]-)+\\w|[^\\s\\\\])", "name": "constant.numeric.ruby" }, { "begin": '(?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)HTML)\\b\\1))', "comment": "Heredoc with embedded html", "end": "(?!\\G)", "name": "meta.embedded.block.html", "patterns": [{ "begin": '(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)HTML)\\b\\1)', "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "contentName": "text.html", "end": "\\s*\\2$\\n?", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#heredoc" }, { "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": "text.html.basic" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }] }] }, { "begin": '(?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)XML)\\b\\1))', "comment": "Heredoc with embedded xml", "end": "(?!\\G)", "name": "meta.embedded.block.xml", "patterns": [{ "begin": '(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)XML)\\b\\1)', "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "contentName": "text.xml", "end": "\\s*\\2$\\n?", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#heredoc" }, { "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": "text.xml" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }] }] }, { "begin": '(?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)SQL)\\b\\1))', "comment": "Heredoc with embedded sql", "end": "(?!\\G)", "name": "meta.embedded.block.sql", "patterns": [{ "begin": '(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)SQL)\\b\\1)', "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "contentName": "source.sql", "end": "\\s*\\2$\\n?", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#heredoc" }, { "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": "source.sql" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }] }] }, { "begin": '(?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)CSS)\\b\\1))', "comment": "Heredoc with embedded css", "end": "(?!\\G)", "name": "meta.embedded.block.css", "patterns": [{ "begin": '(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)CSS)\\b\\1)', "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "contentName": "source.css", "end": "\\s*\\2$\\n?", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#heredoc" }, { "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": "source.css" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }] }] }, { "begin": '(?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)CPP)\\b\\1))', "comment": "Heredoc with embedded c++", "end": "(?!\\G)", "name": "meta.embedded.block.c++", "patterns": [{ "begin": '(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)CPP)\\b\\1)', "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "contentName": "source.c++", "end": "\\s*\\2$\\n?", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#heredoc" }, { "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": "source.c++" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }] }] }, { "begin": '(?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)C)\\b\\1))', "comment": "Heredoc with embedded c", "end": "(?!\\G)", "name": "meta.embedded.block.c", "patterns": [{ "begin": '(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)C)\\b\\1)', "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "contentName": "source.c", "end": "\\s*\\2$\\n?", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#heredoc" }, { "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": "source.c" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }] }] }, { "begin": '(?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)(?:JS|JAVASCRIPT))\\b\\1))', "comment": "Heredoc with embedded javascript", "end": "(?!\\G)", "name": "meta.embedded.block.js", "patterns": [{ "begin": '(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)(?:JS|JAVASCRIPT))\\b\\1)', "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "contentName": "source.js", "end": "\\s*\\2$\\n?", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#heredoc" }, { "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": "source.js" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }] }] }, { "begin": '(?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)JQUERY)\\b\\1))', "comment": "Heredoc with embedded jQuery javascript", "end": "(?!\\G)", "name": "meta.embedded.block.js.jquery", "patterns": [{ "begin": '(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)JQUERY)\\b\\1)', "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "contentName": "source.js.jquery", "end": "\\s*\\2$\\n?", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#heredoc" }, { "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": "source.js.jquery" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }] }] }, { "begin": '(?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)(?:SH|SHELL))\\b\\1))', "comment": "Heredoc with embedded shell", "end": "(?!\\G)", "name": "", "patterns": [{ "begin": 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{ "include": "#escaped_char" }] }] }, { "begin": '(?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)RUBY)\\b\\1))', "comment": "Heredoc with embedded ruby", "end": "(?!\\G)", "name": "meta.embedded.block.ruby", "patterns": [{ "begin": '(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\\w]+_|)RUBY)\\b\\1)', "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "contentName": "source.ruby", "end": "\\s*\\2$\\n?", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#heredoc" }, { "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": "source.ruby" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }] }] }, { "begin": "(?>=\\s*<<(\\w+))", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby" } }, "end": "^\\1$", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby" } }, "name": "string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#heredoc" }, { "include": "#interpolated_ruby" }, { "include": 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"begin": "\\(\\?#", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.begin.ruby" } }, "end": "\\)", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.end.ruby" } }, "name": "comment.line.number-sign.ruby", "patterns": [{ "include": "#escaped_char" }] }, { "begin": "\\(", "captures": { "0": { "name": "" } }, "end": "\\)", "name": "", "patterns": [{ "include": "#regex_sub" }] }, { "begin": "(?<=^|\\s)(#)\\s(?=[[a-zA-Z0-9,. \\t?!-][^\\x{00}-\\x{7F}]]*$)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.ruby" } }, "comment": "We are restrictive in what we allow to go after the comment character to avoid false positives, since the availability of comments depend on regexp flags.", "end": "$\\n?", "name": "comment.line.number-sign.ruby" }] } }, "scopeName": "source.ruby", "embeddedLangs": ["html", "xml", "sql", "css", "c", "javascript", "shellscript", "lua"], "aliases": ["rb"] });
var ruby = [
export { ruby as default };