
263 lines
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/// <reference types="node" resolution-mode="require"/>
/// <reference types="node" resolution-mode="require"/>
import type { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
import type { CancelableRequest } from './as-promise/types.js';
import type { Response } from './core/response.js';
import type Options from './core/options.js';
import type { PaginationOptions, OptionsInit } from './core/options.js';
import type Request from './core/index.js';
type Except<ObjectType, KeysType extends keyof ObjectType> = Pick<ObjectType, Exclude<keyof ObjectType, KeysType>>;
type Merge<FirstType, SecondType> = Except<FirstType, Extract<keyof FirstType, keyof SecondType>> & SecondType;
Defaults for each Got instance.
export type InstanceDefaults = {
An object containing the default options of Got.
options: Options;
An array of functions. You execute them directly by calling `got()`.
They are some sort of "global hooks" - these functions are called first.
The last handler (*it's hidden*) is either `asPromise` or `asStream`, depending on the `options.isStream` property.
@default []
handlers: HandlerFunction[];
A read-only boolean describing whether the defaults are mutable or not.
If set to `true`, you can update headers over time, for example, update an access token when it expires.
@default false
mutableDefaults: boolean;
A Request object returned by calling Got, or any of the Got HTTP alias request functions.
export type GotReturn = Request | CancelableRequest;
A function to handle options and returns a Request object.
It acts sort of like a "global hook", and will be called before any actual request is made.
export type HandlerFunction = <T extends GotReturn>(options: Options, next: (options: Options) => T) => T | Promise<T>;
The options available for `got.extend()`.
export type ExtendOptions = {
An array of functions. You execute them directly by calling `got()`.
They are some sort of "global hooks" - these functions are called first.
The last handler (*it's hidden*) is either `asPromise` or `asStream`, depending on the `options.isStream` property.
@default []
handlers?: HandlerFunction[];
A read-only boolean describing whether the defaults are mutable or not.
If set to `true`, you can update headers over time, for example, update an access token when it expires.
@default false
mutableDefaults?: boolean;
} & OptionsInit;
export type OptionsOfTextResponseBody = Merge<OptionsInit, {
isStream?: false;
resolveBodyOnly?: false;
responseType?: 'text';
export type OptionsOfJSONResponseBody = Merge<OptionsInit, {
isStream?: false;
resolveBodyOnly?: false;
responseType?: 'json';
export type OptionsOfBufferResponseBody = Merge<OptionsInit, {
isStream?: false;
resolveBodyOnly?: false;
responseType: 'buffer';
export type OptionsOfUnknownResponseBody = Merge<OptionsInit, {
isStream?: false;
resolveBodyOnly?: false;
export type StrictOptions = Except<OptionsInit, 'isStream' | 'responseType' | 'resolveBodyOnly'>;
export type StreamOptions = Merge<OptionsInit, {
isStream?: true;
type ResponseBodyOnly = {
resolveBodyOnly: true;
export type OptionsWithPagination<T = unknown, R = unknown> = Merge<OptionsInit, {
pagination?: PaginationOptions<T, R>;
An instance of `got.paginate`.
export type GotPaginate = {
Same as `GotPaginate.each`.
<T, R = unknown>(url: string | URL, options?: OptionsWithPagination<T, R>): AsyncIterableIterator<T>;
Same as `GotPaginate.each`.
<T, R = unknown>(options?: OptionsWithPagination<T, R>): AsyncIterableIterator<T>;
Returns an async iterator.
See pagination.options for more pagination options.
import got from 'got';
const countLimit = 10;
const pagination = got.paginate('', {
pagination: {countLimit}
console.log(`Printing latest ${countLimit} Got commits (newest to oldest):`);
for await (const commitData of pagination) {
each: (<T, R = unknown>(url: string | URL, options?: OptionsWithPagination<T, R>) => AsyncIterableIterator<T>) & (<T, R = unknown>(options?: OptionsWithPagination<T, R>) => AsyncIterableIterator<T>);
Returns a Promise for an array of all results.
See pagination.options for more pagination options.
import got from 'got';
const countLimit = 10;
const results = await got.paginate.all('', {
pagination: {countLimit}
console.log(`Printing latest ${countLimit} Got commits (newest to oldest):`);
all: (<T, R = unknown>(url: string | URL, options?: OptionsWithPagination<T, R>) => Promise<T[]>) & (<T, R = unknown>(options?: OptionsWithPagination<T, R>) => Promise<T[]>);
export type GotRequestFunction = {
(url: string | URL, options?: OptionsOfTextResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response<string>>;
<T>(url: string | URL, options?: OptionsOfJSONResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response<T>>;
(url: string | URL, options?: OptionsOfBufferResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response<Buffer>>;
(url: string | URL, options?: OptionsOfUnknownResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response>;
(options: OptionsOfTextResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response<string>>;
<T>(options: OptionsOfJSONResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response<T>>;
(options: OptionsOfBufferResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response<Buffer>>;
(options: OptionsOfUnknownResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response>;
(url: string | URL, options?: (Merge<OptionsOfTextResponseBody, ResponseBodyOnly>)): CancelableRequest<string>;
<T>(url: string | URL, options?: (Merge<OptionsOfJSONResponseBody, ResponseBodyOnly>)): CancelableRequest<T>;
(url: string | URL, options?: (Merge<OptionsOfBufferResponseBody, ResponseBodyOnly>)): CancelableRequest<Buffer>;
(options: (Merge<OptionsOfTextResponseBody, ResponseBodyOnly>)): CancelableRequest<string>;
<T>(options: (Merge<OptionsOfJSONResponseBody, ResponseBodyOnly>)): CancelableRequest<T>;
(options: (Merge<OptionsOfBufferResponseBody, ResponseBodyOnly>)): CancelableRequest<Buffer>;
(url: string | URL, options?: Merge<OptionsInit, {
isStream: true;
}>): Request;
(options: Merge<OptionsInit, {
isStream: true;
}>): Request;
(url: string | URL, options?: OptionsInit): CancelableRequest | Request;
(options: OptionsInit): CancelableRequest | Request;
(url: undefined, options: undefined, defaults: Options): CancelableRequest | Request;
All available HTTP request methods provided by Got.
export type HTTPAlias = 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'patch' | 'head' | 'delete';
type GotStreamFunction = ((url?: string | URL, options?: Merge<OptionsInit, {
isStream?: true;
}>) => Request) & ((options?: Merge<OptionsInit, {
isStream?: true;
}>) => Request);
An instance of ``.
export type GotStream = GotStreamFunction & Record<HTTPAlias, GotStreamFunction>;
An instance of `got`.
export type Got = {
Sets `options.isStream` to `true`.
Returns a [duplex stream]( with additional events:
- request
- response
- redirect
- uploadProgress
- downloadProgress
- error
stream: GotStream;
Returns an async iterator.
See pagination.options for more pagination options.
import got from 'got';
const countLimit = 10;
const pagination = got.paginate('', {
pagination: {countLimit}
console.log(`Printing latest ${countLimit} Got commits (newest to oldest):`);
for await (const commitData of pagination) {
paginate: GotPaginate;
The Got defaults used in that instance.
defaults: InstanceDefaults;
Configure a new `got` instance with default `options`.
The `options` are merged with the parent instance's `defaults.options` using `got.mergeOptions`.
You can access the resolved options with the `.defaults` property on the instance.
Additionally, `got.extend()` accepts two properties from the `defaults` object: `mutableDefaults` and `handlers`.
It is also possible to merges many instances into a single one:
- options are merged using `got.mergeOptions()` (including hooks),
- handlers are stored in an array (you can access them through `instance.defaults.handlers`).
import got from 'got';
const client = got.extend({
prefixUrl: '',
headers: {
'x-unicorn': 'rainbow'
// HTTP Request =>
// GET /demo HTTP/1.1
// Host:
// x-unicorn: rainbow
extend: (...instancesOrOptions: Array<Got | ExtendOptions>) => Got;
} & Record<HTTPAlias, GotRequestFunction> & GotRequestFunction;
export {};