
1498 lines
53 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

/// <reference lib="dom" />
/* eslint @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars: off */
* Adapted from babel-plugin-react-html-attrs's TypeScript definition from DefinitelyTyped.
* @see
* and
* Adapted from Reacts TypeScript definition from DefinitelyTyped.
* @see
declare namespace astroHTML.JSX {
export type Child = Node | Node[] | string | number | boolean | null | undefined | unknown;
export type Children = Child | Child[];
interface ElementChildrenAttribute {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
children: {};
interface IntrinsicAttributes extends AstroBuiltinProps, AstroBuiltinAttributes {
slot?: string;
children?: Children;
interface AstroBuiltinProps {
'client:load'?: boolean;
'client:idle'?: boolean;
'client:media'?: string;
'client:visible'?: boolean;
'client:only'?: boolean | string;
interface AstroBuiltinAttributes {
| Record<string, boolean>
| Record<any, any>
| Iterable<string>
| Iterable<any>
| string;
'set:html'?: any;
'set:text'?: any;
'is:raw'?: boolean;
interface AstroDefineVarsAttribute {
'define:vars'?: any;
interface AstroStyleAttributes extends AstroDefineVarsAttribute {
/** @deprecated Use `is:global` instead */
global?: boolean;
'is:global'?: boolean;
'is:inline'?: boolean;
interface AstroScriptAttributes extends AstroDefineVarsAttribute {
/** @deprecated Hoist is now the default behavior */
hoist?: boolean;
'is:inline'?: boolean;
// This is an unfortunate use of `any`, but unfortunately we can't make a type that works for every framework
// without importing every single framework's types (which comes with its own set of problems).
// Using any isn't that bad here however as in Astro files the return type of a component isn't relevant in most cases
type Element = HTMLElement | any;
interface DOMAttributes {
children?: Children;
// Clipboard Events
oncopy?: string | undefined | null;
oncut?: string | undefined | null;
onpaste?: string | undefined | null;
// Composition Events
oncompositionend?: string | undefined | null;
oncompositionstart?: string | undefined | null;
oncompositionupdate?: string | undefined | null;
// Focus Events
onfocus?: string | undefined | null;
onfocusin?: string | undefined | null;
onfocusout?: string | undefined | null;
onblur?: string | undefined | null;
// Form Events
onchange?: string | undefined | null;
oninput?: string | undefined | null;
onreset?: string | undefined | null;
onsubmit?: string | undefined | null;
oninvalid?: string | undefined | null;
onbeforeinput?: string | undefined | null;
// Image Events
onload?: string | undefined | null;
onerror?: string | undefined | null; // also a Media Event
// Detail Events
ontoggle?: string | undefined | null;
// Keyboard Events
onkeydown?: string | undefined | null;
onkeypress?: string | undefined | null;
onkeyup?: string | undefined | null;
// Media Events
onabort?: string | undefined | null;
oncanplay?: string | undefined | null;
oncanplaythrough?: string | undefined | null;
oncuechange?: string | undefined | null;
ondurationchange?: string | undefined | null;
onemptied?: string | undefined | null;
onencrypted?: string | undefined | null;
onended?: string | undefined | null;
onloadeddata?: string | undefined | null;
onloadedmetadata?: string | undefined | null;
onloadstart?: string | undefined | null;
onpause?: string | undefined | null;
onplay?: string | undefined | null;
onplaying?: string | undefined | null;
onprogress?: string | undefined | null;
onratechange?: string | undefined | null;
onseeked?: string | undefined | null;
onseeking?: string | undefined | null;
onstalled?: string | undefined | null;
onsuspend?: string | undefined | null;
ontimeupdate?: string | undefined | null;
onvolumechange?: string | undefined | null;
onwaiting?: string | undefined | null;
// MouseEvents
onauxclick?: string | undefined | null;
onclick?: string | undefined | null;
oncontextmenu?: string | undefined | null;
ondblclick?: string | undefined | null;
ondrag?: string | undefined | null;
ondragend?: string | undefined | null;
ondragenter?: string | undefined | null;
ondragexit?: string | undefined | null;
ondragleave?: string | undefined | null;
ondragover?: string | undefined | null;
ondragstart?: string | undefined | null;
ondrop?: string | undefined | null;
onmousedown?: string | undefined | null;
onmouseenter?: string | undefined | null;
onmouseleave?: string | undefined | null;
onmousemove?: string | undefined | null;
onmouseout?: string | undefined | null;
onmouseover?: string | undefined | null;
onmouseup?: string | undefined | null;
// Selection Events
onselect?: string | undefined | null;
onselectionchange?: string | undefined | null;
onselectstart?: string | undefined | null;
// Touch Events
ontouchcancel?: string | undefined | null;
ontouchend?: string | undefined | null;
ontouchmove?: string | undefined | null;
ontouchstart?: string | undefined | null;
// Pointer Events
ongotpointercapture?: string | undefined | null;
onpointercancel?: string | undefined | null;
onpointerdown?: string | undefined | null;
onpointerenter?: string | undefined | null;
onpointerleave?: string | undefined | null;
onpointermove?: string | undefined | null;
onpointerout?: string | undefined | null;
onpointerover?: string | undefined | null;
onpointerup?: string | undefined | null;
onlostpointercapture?: string | undefined | null;
// UI Events
onscroll?: string | undefined | null;
onresize?: string | undefined | null;
// Wheel Events
onwheel?: string | undefined | null;
// Animation Events
onanimationstart?: string | undefined | null;
onanimationend?: string | undefined | null;
onanimationiteration?: string | undefined | null;
// Transition Events
ontransitionstart?: string | undefined | null;
ontransitionrun?: string | undefined | null;
ontransitionend?: string | undefined | null;
ontransitioncancel?: string | undefined | null;
// Message Events
onmessage?: string | undefined | null;
onmessageerror?: string | undefined | null;
// Global Events
oncancel?: string | undefined | null;
onclose?: string | undefined | null;
onfullscreenchange?: string | undefined | null;
onfullscreenerror?: string | undefined | null;
// All the WAI-ARIA 1.1 attributes from
interface AriaAttributes {
/** Identifies the currently active element when DOM focus is on a composite widget, textbox, group, or application. */
'aria-activedescendant'?: string | undefined | null;
/** Indicates whether assistive technologies will present all, or only parts of, the changed region based on the change notifications defined by the aria-relevant attribute. */
'aria-atomic'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Indicates whether inputting text could trigger display of one or more predictions of the user's intended value for an input and specifies how predictions would be
* presented if they are made.
'aria-autocomplete'?: 'none' | 'inline' | 'list' | 'both' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates an element is being modified and that assistive technologies MAY want to wait until the modifications are complete before exposing them to the user. */
'aria-busy'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Indicates the current "checked" state of checkboxes, radio buttons, and other widgets.
* @see aria-pressed @see aria-selected.
'aria-checked'?: boolean | 'false' | 'mixed' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Defines the total number of columns in a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-colindex.
'aria-colcount'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Defines an element's column index or position with respect to the total number of columns within a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-colcount @see aria-colspan.
'aria-colindex'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Defines the number of columns spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-colindex @see aria-rowspan.
'aria-colspan'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element.
* @see aria-owns.
'aria-controls'?: string | undefined | null;
/** Indicates the element that represents the current item within a container or set of related elements. */
| boolean
| 'false'
| 'true'
| 'page'
| 'step'
| 'location'
| 'date'
| 'time'
| undefined
| null;
* Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.
* @see aria-labelledby
'aria-describedby'?: string | undefined | null;
* Identifies the element that provides a detailed, extended description for the object.
* @see aria-describedby.
'aria-details'?: string | undefined | null;
* Indicates that the element is perceivable but disabled, so it is not editable or otherwise operable.
* @see aria-hidden @see aria-readonly.
'aria-disabled'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Indicates what functions can be performed when a dragged object is released on the drop target.
* @deprecated in ARIA 1.1
'aria-dropeffect'?: 'none' | 'copy' | 'execute' | 'link' | 'move' | 'popup' | undefined | null;
* Identifies the element that provides an error message for the object.
* @see aria-invalid @see aria-describedby.
'aria-errormessage'?: string | undefined | null;
/** Indicates whether the element, or another grouping element it controls, is currently expanded or collapsed. */
'aria-expanded'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Identifies the next element (or elements) in an alternate reading order of content which, at the user's discretion,
* allows assistive technology to override the general default of reading in document source order.
'aria-flowto'?: string | undefined | null;
* Indicates an element's "grabbed" state in a drag-and-drop operation.
* @deprecated in ARIA 1.1
'aria-grabbed'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates the availability and type of interactive popup element, such as menu or dialog, that can be triggered by an element. */
| boolean
| 'false'
| 'true'
| 'menu'
| 'listbox'
| 'tree'
| 'grid'
| 'dialog'
| undefined
| null;
* Indicates whether the element is exposed to an accessibility API.
* @see aria-disabled.
'aria-hidden'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Indicates the entered value does not conform to the format expected by the application.
* @see aria-errormessage.
'aria-invalid'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | 'grammar' | 'spelling' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates keyboard shortcuts that an author has implemented to activate or give focus to an element. */
'aria-keyshortcuts'?: string | undefined | null;
* Defines a string value that labels the current element.
* @see aria-labelledby.
'aria-label'?: string | undefined | null;
* Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.
* @see aria-describedby.
'aria-labelledby'?: string | undefined | null;
/** Defines the hierarchical level of an element within a structure. */
'aria-level'?: number | string | undefined | null;
/** Indicates that an element will be updated, and describes the types of updates the user agents, assistive technologies, and user can expect from the live region. */
'aria-live'?: 'off' | 'assertive' | 'polite' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates whether an element is modal when displayed. */
'aria-modal'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates whether a text box accepts multiple lines of input or only a single line. */
'aria-multiline'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates that the user may select more than one item from the current selectable descendants. */
'aria-multiselectable'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
/** Indicates whether the element's orientation is horizontal, vertical, or unknown/ambiguous. */
'aria-orientation'?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | undefined | null;
* Identifies an element (or elements) in order to define a visual, functional, or contextual parent/child relationship
* between DOM elements where the DOM hierarchy cannot be used to represent the relationship.
* @see aria-controls.
'aria-owns'?: string | undefined | null;
* Defines a short hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry when the control has no value.
* A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format.
'aria-placeholder'?: string | undefined | null;
* Defines an element's number or position in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM.
* @see aria-setsize.
'aria-posinset'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Indicates the current "pressed" state of toggle buttons.
* @see aria-checked @see aria-selected.
'aria-pressed'?: boolean | 'false' | 'mixed' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Indicates that the element is not editable, but is otherwise operable.
* @see aria-disabled.
'aria-readonly'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Indicates what notifications the user agent will trigger when the accessibility tree within a live region is modified.
* @see aria-atomic.
| 'additions'
| 'additions removals'
| 'additions text'
| 'all'
| 'removals'
| 'removals additions'
| 'removals text'
| 'text'
| 'text additions'
| 'text removals'
| undefined
| null;
/** Indicates that user input is required on the element before a form may be submitted. */
'aria-required'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
/** Defines a human-readable, author-localized description for the role of an element. */
'aria-roledescription'?: string | undefined | null;
* Defines the total number of rows in a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-rowindex.
'aria-rowcount'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Defines an element's row index or position with respect to the total number of rows within a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-rowcount @see aria-rowspan.
'aria-rowindex'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Defines the number of rows spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-rowindex @see aria-colspan.
'aria-rowspan'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Indicates the current "selected" state of various widgets.
* @see aria-checked @see aria-pressed.
'aria-selected'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;
* Defines the number of items in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM.
* @see aria-posinset.
'aria-setsize'?: number | string | undefined | null;
/** Indicates if items in a table or grid are sorted in ascending or descending order. */
'aria-sort'?: 'none' | 'ascending' | 'descending' | 'other' | undefined | null;
/** Defines the maximum allowed value for a range widget. */
'aria-valuemax'?: number | string | undefined | null;
/** Defines the minimum allowed value for a range widget. */
'aria-valuemin'?: number | string | undefined | null;
* Defines the current value for a range widget.
* @see aria-valuetext.
'aria-valuenow'?: number | string | undefined | null;
/** Defines the human readable text alternative of aria-valuenow for a range widget. */
'aria-valuetext'?: string | undefined | null;
// All the WAI-ARIA 1.1 role attribute values from
type AriaRole =
| 'alert'
| 'alertdialog'
| 'application'
| 'article'
| 'banner'
| 'button'
| 'cell'
| 'checkbox'
| 'columnheader'
| 'combobox'
| 'complementary'
| 'contentinfo'
| 'definition'
| 'dialog'
| 'directory'
| 'document'
| 'feed'
| 'figure'
| 'form'
| 'grid'
| 'gridcell'
| 'group'
| 'heading'
| 'img'
| 'link'
| 'list'
| 'listbox'
| 'listitem'
| 'log'
| 'main'
| 'marquee'
| 'math'
| 'menu'
| 'menubar'
| 'menuitem'
| 'menuitemcheckbox'
| 'menuitemradio'
| 'navigation'
| 'none'
| 'note'
| 'option'
| 'presentation'
| 'progressbar'
| 'radio'
| 'radiogroup'
| 'region'
| 'row'
| 'rowgroup'
| 'rowheader'
| 'scrollbar'
| 'search'
| 'searchbox'
| 'separator'
| 'slider'
| 'spinbutton'
| 'status'
| 'switch'
| 'tab'
| 'table'
| 'tablist'
| 'tabpanel'
| 'term'
| 'textbox'
| 'timer'
| 'toolbar'
| 'tooltip'
| 'tree'
| 'treegrid'
| 'treeitem';
interface HTMLAttributes extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes, AstroBuiltinAttributes {
// Standard HTML Attributes
accesskey?: string | undefined | null;
autocapitalize?: string | undefined | null;
autofocus?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
class?: string | undefined | null;
contenteditable?: 'true' | 'false' | boolean | 'inherit' | string | undefined | null;
dir?: string | undefined | null;
draggable?: 'true' | 'false' | boolean | undefined | null;
| 'enter'
| 'done'
| 'go'
| 'next'
| 'previous'
| 'search'
| 'send'
| undefined
| null;
hidden?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
id?: string | undefined | null;
inert?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
| 'none'
| 'text'
| 'tel'
| 'url'
| 'email'
| 'numeric'
| 'decimal'
| 'search'
| undefined
| null;
is?: string | undefined | null;
itemid?: string | undefined | null;
itemprop?: string | undefined | null;
itemref?: string | undefined | null;
itemscope?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
itemtype?: string | undefined | null;
lang?: string | undefined | null;
slot?: string | undefined | null;
spellcheck?: 'true' | 'false' | boolean | undefined | null;
style?: string | Record<string, any> | undefined | null;
tabindex?: number | string | undefined | null;
title?: string | undefined | null;
translate?: 'yes' | 'no' | undefined | null;
// <command>, <menuitem>
radiogroup?: string | undefined | null;
role?: AriaRole | undefined | null;
// RDFa Attributes
about?: string | undefined | null;
datatype?: string | undefined | null;
inlist?: any;
prefix?: string | undefined | null;
property?: string | undefined | null;
resource?: string | undefined | null;
typeof?: string | undefined | null;
vocab?: string | undefined | null;
// Non-standard Attributes
contextmenu?: string | undefined | null; // Obsolete
autosave?: string | undefined | null; // Apple exclusive
color?: string | undefined | null;
results?: number | string | undefined | null;
security?: string | undefined | null;
unselectable?: 'on' | 'off' | undefined | null; // Internet Explorer
type HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy =
| ''
| 'no-referrer'
| 'no-referrer-when-downgrade'
| 'origin'
| 'origin-when-cross-origin'
| 'same-origin'
| 'strict-origin'
| 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'
| 'unsafe-url';
type HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget = '_self' | '_blank' | '_parent' | '_top';
interface AnchorHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
download?: string | boolean | undefined | null;
href?: string | URL | undefined | null;
hreflang?: string | undefined | null;
media?: string | undefined | null;
ping?: string | undefined | null;
rel?: string | undefined | null;
target?: HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
referrerpolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface AudioHTMLAttributes extends MediaHTMLAttributes {}
interface AreaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
alt?: string | undefined | null;
coords?: string | undefined | null;
download?: any;
href?: string | undefined | null;
hreflang?: string | undefined | null;
media?: string | undefined | null;
referrerpolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;
rel?: string | undefined | null;
shape?: string | undefined | null;
target?: string | undefined | null;
interface BaseHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
href?: string | undefined | null;
target?: string | undefined | null;
interface BlockquoteHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cite?: string | undefined | null;
interface ButtonHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
formaction?: string | undefined | null;
formenctype?: string | undefined | null;
formmethod?: string | undefined | null;
formnovalidate?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
formtarget?: string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
type?: 'submit' | 'reset' | 'button' | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface CanvasHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface ColHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
span?: number | string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface ColgroupHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
span?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface DataHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface DetailsHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
open?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
interface DelHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cite?: string | undefined | null;
datetime?: string | undefined | null;
interface DialogHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
open?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
interface EmbedHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface FieldsetHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
interface FormHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
'accept-charset'?: string | undefined | null;
action?: string | undefined | null;
autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;
autocorrect?: string | undefined | null;
enctype?: string | undefined | null;
method?: string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
novalidate?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
target?: string | undefined | null;
interface HtmlHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
manifest?: string | undefined | null;
interface IframeHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
allow?: string | undefined | null;
allowfullscreen?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
allowtransparency?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
/** @deprecated */
frameborder?: number | string | undefined | null;
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
loading?: 'eager' | 'lazy' | undefined | null;
/** @deprecated */
marginheight?: number | string | undefined | null;
/** @deprecated */
marginwidth?: number | string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
referrerpolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;
sandbox?: string | undefined | null;
/** @deprecated */
scrolling?: string | undefined | null;
seamless?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
srcdoc?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface ImgHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
alt?: string | undefined | null;
crossorigin?: 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials' | '' | undefined | null;
decoding?: 'async' | 'auto' | 'sync' | undefined | null;
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
loading?: 'eager' | 'lazy' | undefined | null;
referrerpolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;
sizes?: string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
srcset?: string | undefined | null;
usemap?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface InsHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cite?: string | undefined | null;
datetime?: string | undefined | null;
type HTMLInputTypeAttribute =
| 'button'
| 'checkbox'
| 'color'
| 'date'
| 'datetime-local'
| 'email'
| 'file'
| 'hidden'
| 'image'
| 'month'
| 'number'
| 'password'
| 'radio'
| 'range'
| 'reset'
| 'search'
| 'submit'
| 'tel'
| 'text'
| 'time'
| 'url'
| 'week';
interface InputHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
accept?: string | undefined | null;
alt?: string | undefined | null;
autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;
autocorrect?: string | undefined | null;
capture?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
checked?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
crossorigin?: string | undefined | null;
dirname?: string | undefined | null;
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
formaction?: string | undefined | null;
formenctype?: string | undefined | null;
formmethod?: string | undefined | null;
formnovalidate?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
formtarget?: string | undefined | null;
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
list?: string | undefined | null;
max?: number | string | undefined | null;
maxlength?: number | string | undefined | null;
min?: number | string | undefined | null;
minlength?: number | string | undefined | null;
multiple?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
pattern?: string | undefined | null;
placeholder?: string | undefined | null;
readonly?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
required?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
size?: number | string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
step?: number | string | undefined | null;
type?: HTMLInputTypeAttribute | string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface KeygenHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
challenge?: string | undefined | null;
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
keytype?: string | undefined | null;
keyparams?: string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
interface LabelHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
form?: string | undefined | null;
for?: string | undefined | null;
interface LiHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
value?: string | number | undefined | null;
interface LinkHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
as?: string | undefined | null;
crossorigin?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
href?: string | URL | undefined | null;
hreflang?: string | undefined | null;
integrity?: string | undefined | null;
media?: string | undefined | null;
imageSrcSet?: string | undefined | null;
imageSizes?: string | undefined | null;
referrerPolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;
rel?: string | undefined | null;
sizes?: string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
charset?: string | undefined | null;
interface MapHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
name?: string | undefined | null;
interface MenuHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
type?: string | undefined | null;
interface MediaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
autoplay?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
controls?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
controlslist?: string | undefined | null;
crossorigin?: string | undefined | null;
loop?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
mediagroup?: string | undefined | null;
muted?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
playsinline?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
preload?: string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
interface MetaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
charset?: string | undefined | null;
content?: string | URL | undefined | null;
'http-equiv'?: string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
media?: string | undefined | null;
interface MeterHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
form?: string | undefined | null;
high?: number | string | undefined | null;
low?: number | string | undefined | null;
max?: number | string | undefined | null;
min?: number | string | undefined | null;
optimum?: number | string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface QuoteHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cite?: string | undefined | null;
interface ObjectHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
classid?: string | undefined | null;
data?: string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
usemap?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
wmode?: string | undefined | null;
interface OlHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
reversed?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
start?: number | string | undefined | null;
type?: '1' | 'a' | 'A' | 'i' | 'I' | undefined | null;
interface OptgroupHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
label?: string | undefined | null;
interface OptionHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
label?: string | undefined | null;
selected?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface OutputHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
form?: string | undefined | null;
for?: string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
interface ParamHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
name?: string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface ProgressHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
max?: number | string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface SlotHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
name?: string | undefined | null;
interface ScriptHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
async?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
charset?: string | undefined | null;
crossorigin?: string | undefined | null;
defer?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
integrity?: string | undefined | null;
nomodule?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
nonce?: string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
interface SelectHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;
autocorrect?: string | undefined | null;
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
multiple?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
required?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
size?: number | string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
interface SourceHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
media?: string | undefined | null;
sizes?: string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
srcset?: string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface StyleHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
media?: string | undefined | null;
nonce?: string | undefined | null;
scoped?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
interface TableHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | undefined | null;
bgcolor?: string | undefined | null;
border?: number | undefined | null;
cellpadding?: number | string | undefined | null;
cellspacing?: number | string | undefined | null;
frame?: boolean | undefined | null;
rules?: 'none' | 'groups' | 'rows' | 'columns' | 'all' | undefined | null;
summary?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
interface TextareaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;
autocorrect?: string | undefined | null;
cols?: number | string | undefined | null;
dirname?: string | undefined | null;
disabled?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
form?: string | undefined | null;
maxlength?: number | string | undefined | null;
minlength?: number | string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
placeholder?: string | undefined | null;
readonly?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
required?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
rows?: number | string | undefined | null;
value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;
wrap?: string | undefined | null;
interface TdHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'justify' | 'char' | undefined | null;
colspan?: number | string | undefined | null;
headers?: string | undefined | null;
rowspan?: number | string | undefined | null;
scope?: string | undefined | null;
abbr?: string | undefined | null;
valign?: 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom' | 'baseline' | undefined | null;
interface ThHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'justify' | 'char' | undefined | null;
colspan?: number | string | undefined | null;
headers?: string | undefined | null;
rowspan?: number | string | undefined | null;
scope?: string | undefined | null;
abbr?: string | undefined | null;
interface TimeHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
datetime?: string | undefined | null;
interface TrackHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
default?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
kind?: string | undefined | null;
label?: string | undefined | null;
src?: string | undefined | null;
srclang?: string | undefined | null;
interface VideoHTMLAttributes extends MediaHTMLAttributes {
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
playsinline?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
poster?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
disablepictureinpicture?: boolean | string | undefined | null;
// this list is "complete" in that it contains every SVG attribute
// that React supports, but the types can be improved.
// Full list here:
// The three broad type categories are (in order of restrictiveness):
// - "number | string"
// - "string"
// - union of string literals
interface SVGAttributes extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes, AstroBuiltinAttributes {
// Attributes which also defined in HTMLAttributes
class?: string | undefined | null;
color?: string | undefined | null;
height?: number | string | undefined | null;
id?: string | undefined | null;
lang?: string | undefined | null;
max?: number | string | undefined | null;
media?: string | undefined | null;
method?: string | undefined | null;
min?: number | string | undefined | null;
name?: string | undefined | null;
style?: string | Record<string, any> | undefined | null;
target?: string | undefined | null;
type?: string | undefined | null;
width?: number | string | undefined | null;
// Other HTML properties supported by SVG elements in browsers
role?: AriaRole | undefined | null;
tabindex?: number | string | undefined | null;
crossorigin?: 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials' | '' | undefined | null;
// SVG Specific attributes
'accent-height'?: number | string | undefined | null;
accumulate?: 'none' | 'sum' | undefined | null;
additive?: 'replace' | 'sum' | undefined | null;
| 'auto'
| 'baseline'
| 'before-edge'
| 'text-before-edge'
| 'middle'
| 'central'
| 'after-edge'
| 'text-after-edge'
| 'ideographic'
| 'alphabetic'
| 'hanging'
| 'mathematical'
| 'inherit'
| undefined
| null;
allowReorder?: 'no' | 'yes' | undefined | null;
alphabetic?: number | string | undefined | null;
amplitude?: number | string | undefined | null;
'arabic-form'?: 'initial' | 'medial' | 'terminal' | 'isolated' | undefined | null;
ascent?: number | string | undefined | null;
attributeName?: string | undefined | null;
attributeType?: string | undefined | null;
autoReverse?: number | string | undefined | null;
azimuth?: number | string | undefined | null;
baseFrequency?: number | string | undefined | null;
'baseline-shift'?: number | string | undefined | null;
baseProfile?: number | string | undefined | null;
bbox?: number | string | undefined | null;
begin?: number | string | undefined | null;
bias?: number | string | undefined | null;
by?: number | string | undefined | null;
calcMode?: number | string | undefined | null;
'cap-height'?: number | string | undefined | null;
clip?: number | string | undefined | null;
'clip-path'?: string | undefined | null;
clipPathUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;
'clip-rule'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'color-interpolation'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'color-interpolation-filters'?: 'auto' | 'sRGB' | 'linearRGB' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;
'color-profile'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'color-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;
contentScriptType?: number | string | undefined | null;
contentStyleType?: number | string | undefined | null;
cursor?: number | string | undefined | null;
cx?: number | string | undefined | null;
cy?: number | string | undefined | null;
d?: string | undefined | null;
decelerate?: number | string | undefined | null;
descent?: number | string | undefined | null;
diffuseConstant?: number | string | undefined | null;
direction?: number | string | undefined | null;
display?: number | string | undefined | null;
divisor?: number | string | undefined | null;
'dominant-baseline'?: number | string | undefined | null;
dur?: number | string | undefined | null;
dx?: number | string | undefined | null;
dy?: number | string | undefined | null;
edgeMode?: number | string | undefined | null;
elevation?: number | string | undefined | null;
'enable-background'?: number | string | undefined | null;
end?: number | string | undefined | null;
exponent?: number | string | undefined | null;
externalResourcesRequired?: number | string | undefined | null;
fill?: string | undefined | null;
'fill-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'fill-rule'?: 'nonzero' | 'evenodd' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;
filter?: string | undefined | null;
filterRes?: number | string | undefined | null;
filterUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;
'flood-color'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'flood-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;
focusable?: number | string | undefined | null;
'font-family'?: string | undefined | null;
'font-size'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'font-size-adjust'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'font-stretch'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'font-style'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'font-variant'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'font-weight'?: number | string | undefined | null;
format?: number | string | undefined | null;
from?: number | string | undefined | null;
fx?: number | string | undefined | null;
fy?: number | string | undefined | null;
g1?: number | string | undefined | null;
g2?: number | string | undefined | null;
'glyph-name'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'glyph-orientation-horizontal'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'glyph-orientation-vertical'?: number | string | undefined | null;
glyphRef?: number | string | undefined | null;
gradientTransform?: string | undefined | null;
gradientUnits?: string | undefined | null;
hanging?: number | string | undefined | null;
href?: string | undefined | null;
'horiz-adv-x'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'horiz-origin-x'?: number | string | undefined | null;
ideographic?: number | string | undefined | null;
'image-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;
in2?: number | string | undefined | null;
in?: string | undefined | null;
intercept?: number | string | undefined | null;
k1?: number | string | undefined | null;
k2?: number | string | undefined | null;
k3?: number | string | undefined | null;
k4?: number | string | undefined | null;
k?: number | string | undefined | null;
kernelMatrix?: number | string | undefined | null;
kernelUnitLength?: number | string | undefined | null;
kerning?: number | string | undefined | null;
keyPoints?: number | string | undefined | null;
keySplines?: number | string | undefined | null;
keyTimes?: number | string | undefined | null;
lengthAdjust?: number | string | undefined | null;
'letter-spacing'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'lighting-color'?: number | string | undefined | null;
limitingConeAngle?: number | string | undefined | null;
local?: number | string | undefined | null;
'marker-end'?: string | undefined | null;
markerHeight?: number | string | undefined | null;
'marker-mid'?: string | undefined | null;
'marker-start'?: string | undefined | null;
markerUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;
markerWidth?: number | string | undefined | null;
mask?: string | undefined | null;
maskContentUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;
maskUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;
mathematical?: number | string | undefined | null;
mode?: number | string | undefined | null;
numOctaves?: number | string | undefined | null;
offset?: number | string | undefined | null;
opacity?: number | string | undefined | null;
operator?: number | string | undefined | null;
order?: number | string | undefined | null;
orient?: number | string | undefined | null;
orientation?: number | string | undefined | null;
origin?: number | string | undefined | null;
overflow?: number | string | undefined | null;
'overline-position'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'overline-thickness'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'paint-order'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'panose-1'?: number | string | undefined | null;
path?: string | undefined | null;
pathLength?: number | string | undefined | null;
patternContentUnits?: string | undefined | null;
patternTransform?: number | string | undefined | null;
patternUnits?: string | undefined | null;
'pointer-events'?: number | string | undefined | null;
points?: string | undefined | null;
pointsAtX?: number | string | undefined | null;
pointsAtY?: number | string | undefined | null;
pointsAtZ?: number | string | undefined | null;
preserveAlpha?: number | string | undefined | null;
preserveAspectRatio?: string | undefined | null;
primitiveUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;
r?: number | string | undefined | null;
radius?: number | string | undefined | null;
refX?: number | string | undefined | null;
refY?: number | string | undefined | null;
'rendering-intent'?: number | string | undefined | null;
repeatCount?: number | string | undefined | null;
repeatDur?: number | string | undefined | null;
requiredExtensions?: number | string | undefined | null;
requiredFeatures?: number | string | undefined | null;
restart?: number | string | undefined | null;
result?: string | undefined | null;
rotate?: number | string | undefined | null;
rx?: number | string | undefined | null;
ry?: number | string | undefined | null;
scale?: number | string | undefined | null;
seed?: number | string | undefined | null;
'shape-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;
slope?: number | string | undefined | null;
spacing?: number | string | undefined | null;
specularConstant?: number | string | undefined | null;
specularExponent?: number | string | undefined | null;
speed?: number | string | undefined | null;
spreadMethod?: string | undefined | null;
startOffset?: number | string | undefined | null;
stdDeviation?: number | string | undefined | null;
stemh?: number | string | undefined | null;
stemv?: number | string | undefined | null;
stitchTiles?: number | string | undefined | null;
'stop-color'?: string | undefined | null;
'stop-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'strikethrough-position'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'strikethrough-thickness'?: number | string | undefined | null;
string?: number | string | undefined | null;
stroke?: string | undefined | null;
'stroke-dasharray'?: string | number | undefined | null;
'stroke-dashoffset'?: string | number | undefined | null;
'stroke-linecap'?: 'butt' | 'round' | 'square' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;
'stroke-linejoin'?: 'miter' | 'round' | 'bevel' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;
'stroke-miterlimit'?: string | undefined | null;
'stroke-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'stroke-width'?: number | string | undefined | null;
surfaceScale?: number | string | undefined | null;
systemLanguage?: number | string | undefined | null;
tableValues?: number | string | undefined | null;
targetX?: number | string | undefined | null;
targetY?: number | string | undefined | null;
'text-anchor'?: string | undefined | null;
'text-decoration'?: number | string | undefined | null;
textLength?: number | string | undefined | null;
'text-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;
to?: number | string | undefined | null;
transform?: string | undefined | null;
u1?: number | string | undefined | null;
u2?: number | string | undefined | null;
'underline-position'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'underline-thickness'?: number | string | undefined | null;
unicode?: number | string | undefined | null;
'unicode-bidi'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'unicode-range'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'units-per-em'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'v-alphabetic'?: number | string | undefined | null;
values?: string | undefined | null;
'vector-effect'?: number | string | undefined | null;
version?: string | undefined | null;
'vert-adv-y'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'vert-origin-x'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'vert-origin-y'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'v-hanging'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'v-ideographic'?: number | string | undefined | null;
viewBox?: string | undefined | null;
viewTarget?: number | string | undefined | null;
visibility?: number | string | undefined | null;
'v-mathematical'?: number | string | undefined | null;
widths?: number | string | undefined | null;
'word-spacing'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'writing-mode'?: number | string | undefined | null;
x1?: number | string | undefined | null;
x2?: number | string | undefined | null;
x?: number | string | undefined | null;
xChannelSelector?: string | undefined | null;
'x-height'?: number | string | undefined | null;
'xlink:actuate'?: string | undefined | null;
'xlink:arcrole'?: string | undefined | null;
'xlink:href'?: string | undefined | null;
'xlink:role'?: string | undefined | null;
'xlink:show'?: string | undefined | null;
'xlink:title'?: string | undefined | null;
'xlink:type'?: string | undefined | null;
'xml:base'?: string | undefined | null;
'xml:lang'?: string | undefined | null;
xmlns?: string | undefined | null;
'xmlns:xlink'?: string | undefined | null;
'xml:space'?: string | undefined | null;
y1?: number | string | undefined | null;
y2?: number | string | undefined | null;
y?: number | string | undefined | null;
yChannelSelector?: string | undefined | null;
z?: number | string | undefined | null;
zoomAndPan?: string | undefined | null;
interface IntrinsicElements {
a: AnchorHTMLAttributes;
abbr: HTMLAttributes;
address: HTMLAttributes;
area: AreaHTMLAttributes;
article: HTMLAttributes;
aside: HTMLAttributes;
audio: AudioHTMLAttributes;
b: HTMLAttributes;
base: BaseHTMLAttributes;
bdi: HTMLAttributes;
bdo: HTMLAttributes;
big: HTMLAttributes;
blockquote: BlockquoteHTMLAttributes;
body: HTMLAttributes;
br: HTMLAttributes;
button: ButtonHTMLAttributes;
canvas: CanvasHTMLAttributes;
caption: HTMLAttributes;
cite: HTMLAttributes;
code: HTMLAttributes;
col: ColHTMLAttributes;
colgroup: ColgroupHTMLAttributes;
data: DataHTMLAttributes;
datalist: HTMLAttributes;
dd: HTMLAttributes;
del: DelHTMLAttributes;
details: DetailsHTMLAttributes;
dfn: HTMLAttributes;
dialog: DialogHTMLAttributes;
div: HTMLAttributes;
dl: HTMLAttributes;
dt: HTMLAttributes;
em: HTMLAttributes;
embed: EmbedHTMLAttributes;
fieldset: FieldsetHTMLAttributes;
figcaption: HTMLAttributes;
figure: HTMLAttributes;
footer: HTMLAttributes;
form: FormHTMLAttributes;
h1: HTMLAttributes;
h2: HTMLAttributes;
h3: HTMLAttributes;
h4: HTMLAttributes;
h5: HTMLAttributes;
h6: HTMLAttributes;
head: HTMLAttributes;
header: HTMLAttributes;
hgroup: HTMLAttributes;
hr: HTMLAttributes;
html: HtmlHTMLAttributes;
i: HTMLAttributes;
iframe: IframeHTMLAttributes;
img: ImgHTMLAttributes;
input: InputHTMLAttributes;
ins: InsHTMLAttributes;
kbd: HTMLAttributes;
keygen: KeygenHTMLAttributes;
label: LabelHTMLAttributes;
legend: HTMLAttributes;
li: LiHTMLAttributes;
link: LinkHTMLAttributes;
main: HTMLAttributes;
map: MapHTMLAttributes;
mark: HTMLAttributes;
menu: MenuHTMLAttributes;
menuitem: HTMLAttributes;
meta: MetaHTMLAttributes;
meter: MeterHTMLAttributes;
nav: HTMLAttributes;
noindex: HTMLAttributes; //
noscript: HTMLAttributes;
object: ObjectHTMLAttributes;
ol: OlHTMLAttributes;
optgroup: OptgroupHTMLAttributes;
option: OptionHTMLAttributes;
output: OutputHTMLAttributes;
p: HTMLAttributes;
param: ParamHTMLAttributes;
picture: HTMLAttributes;
pre: HTMLAttributes;
progress: ProgressHTMLAttributes;
q: QuoteHTMLAttributes;
rp: HTMLAttributes;
rt: HTMLAttributes;
ruby: HTMLAttributes;
s: HTMLAttributes;
samp: HTMLAttributes;
slot: SlotHTMLAttributes;
script: ScriptHTMLAttributes & AstroScriptAttributes;
section: HTMLAttributes;
select: SelectHTMLAttributes;
small: HTMLAttributes;
source: SourceHTMLAttributes;
span: HTMLAttributes;
strong: HTMLAttributes;
style: StyleHTMLAttributes & AstroStyleAttributes;
sub: HTMLAttributes;
summary: HTMLAttributes;
sup: HTMLAttributes;
table: TableHTMLAttributes;
tbody: HTMLAttributes;
td: TdHTMLAttributes;
textarea: TextareaHTMLAttributes;
tfoot: HTMLAttributes;
th: ThHTMLAttributes;
thead: HTMLAttributes;
time: TimeHTMLAttributes;
title: HTMLAttributes;
tr: HTMLAttributes;
track: TrackHTMLAttributes;
u: HTMLAttributes;
ul: HTMLAttributes;
var: HTMLAttributes;
video: VideoHTMLAttributes;
wbr: HTMLAttributes;
// SVG
svg: SVGAttributes;
animate: SVGAttributes;
circle: SVGAttributes;
clipPath: SVGAttributes;
defs: SVGAttributes;
desc: SVGAttributes;
ellipse: SVGAttributes;
feBlend: SVGAttributes;
feColorMatrix: SVGAttributes;
feComponentTransfer: SVGAttributes;
feComposite: SVGAttributes;
feConvolveMatrix: SVGAttributes;
feDiffuseLighting: SVGAttributes;
feDisplacementMap: SVGAttributes;
feDistantLight: SVGAttributes;
feFlood: SVGAttributes;
feFuncA: SVGAttributes;
feFuncB: SVGAttributes;
feFuncG: SVGAttributes;
feFuncR: SVGAttributes;
feGaussianBlur: SVGAttributes;
feImage: SVGAttributes;
feMerge: SVGAttributes;
feMergeNode: SVGAttributes;
feMorphology: SVGAttributes;
feOffset: SVGAttributes;
fePointLight: SVGAttributes;
feSpecularLighting: SVGAttributes;
feSpotLight: SVGAttributes;
feTile: SVGAttributes;
feTurbulence: SVGAttributes;
filter: SVGAttributes;
foreignObject: SVGAttributes;
g: SVGAttributes;
image: SVGAttributes;
line: SVGAttributes;
linearGradient: SVGAttributes;
marker: SVGAttributes;
mask: SVGAttributes;
metadata: SVGAttributes;
path: SVGAttributes;
pattern: SVGAttributes;
polygon: SVGAttributes;
polyline: SVGAttributes;
radialGradient: SVGAttributes;
rect: SVGAttributes;
stop: SVGAttributes;
switch: SVGAttributes;
symbol: SVGAttributes;
text: SVGAttributes;
textPath: SVGAttributes;
tspan: SVGAttributes;
use: SVGAttributes;
view: SVGAttributes;
// Allow for arbitrary elements
[name: string]: { [name: string]: any };