
283 lines
8.5 KiB

const stripAnsi = require("strip-ansi")
const smartwrap = require("smartwrap")
const wcwidth = require("wcwidth")
const addPadding = (config, width) => {
return width + config.paddingLeft + config.paddingRight
* Returns the widest cell give a collection of rows
* @param object columnOptions
* @param array rows
* @param integer columnIndex
* @returns string
const getMaxLength = (columnOptions, rows, columnIndex) => {
let iterable
// add header value, alias to calculate width when applicable
if (columnOptions && (columnOptions.value || columnOptions.alias)) {
// string we use from header
let val = columnOptions.alias || columnOptions.value
val = val.toString()
// create a row with value in the current columnIndex
const headerRow = Array(rows[0].length)
headerRow[columnIndex] = val
// add header row to new array we will check for max value width
iterable = rows.slice()
} else {
// no header value, just use rows to derive max width
iterable = rows
const widest = iterable.reduce((prev, row) => {
if (row[columnIndex]) {
// check cell value is object or scalar
const value = (row[columnIndex].value) ? row[columnIndex].value : row[columnIndex]
const width = Math.max(
...stripAnsi(value.toString()).split(/[\n\r]/).map((s) => wcwidth(s))
return (width > prev) ? width : prev
return prev
}, 0)
return widest
* Get total width available to this table instance
const getAvailableWidth = config => {
if (process && ((process.stdout && process.stdout.columns) || (process.env && process.env.COLUMNS))) {
// forked calls that do not inherit process.stdout must use process.env
let viewport = (process.stdout && process.stdout.columns) ? process.stdout.columns : process.env.COLUMNS
viewport = viewport - config.marginLeft
// table width percentage of (viewport less margin)
if (config.width !== "auto" && /^\d+%$/.test(config.width)) {
return Math.min(1, (config.width.slice(0, -1) * 0.01)) * viewport
// table width fixed
if (config.width !== "auto" && /^\d+$/.test(config.width)) {
config.FIXED_WIDTH = true
return config.width
// table width equals viewport less margin
// @TODO deprecate and remove "auto", which was never documented so should not be
// an issue
return viewport
// browser
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (typeof window !== "undefined") return window.innerWidth // eslint-disable-line
// process.stdout.columns does not exist. assume redirecting to write stream
// use 80 columns, which is VT200 standard
return config.COLUMNS - config.marginLeft
module.exports.getStringLength = string => {
// stripAnsi(string.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g,'XX')).length
return wcwidth(stripAnsi(string))
module.exports.wrapCellText = (
) => {
// ANSI chararacters that demarcate the start/end of a line
const startAnsiRegexp = /^(\033\[[0-9;]*m)+/
const endAnsiRegexp = /(\033\[[0-9;]*m)+$/
// coerce cell value to string
let string = cellValue.toString()
// store matching ANSI characters
const startMatches = string.match(startAnsiRegexp) || [""]
// remove ANSI start-of-line chars
string = string.replace(startAnsiRegexp, "")
// store matching ANSI characters so can be later re-attached
const endMatches = string.match(endAnsiRegexp) || [""]
// remove ANSI end-of-line chars
string = string.replace(endAnsiRegexp, "")
let alignTgt
switch (rowType) {
case ("header"):
alignTgt = "headerAlign"
case ("body"):
alignTgt = "align"
alignTgt = "footerAlign"
// equalize padding for centered lines
if (cellOptions[alignTgt] === "center") {
cellOptions.paddingLeft = cellOptions.paddingRight = Math.max(
const columnWidth = config.table.columnWidths[columnIndex]
// innerWidth is the width available for text within the cell
const innerWidth = columnWidth
- cellOptions.paddingLeft
- cellOptions.paddingRight
- config.GUTTER
if (typeof config.truncate === "string") {
string = exports.truncate(string, cellOptions, innerWidth)
} else {
string = exports.wrap(string, cellOptions, innerWidth)
// format each line
const cell = string.split("\n").map(line => {
line = line.trim()
const lineLength = exports.getStringLength(line)
// alignment
if (lineLength < columnWidth) {
let emptySpace = columnWidth - lineLength
switch (true) {
case (cellOptions[alignTgt] === "center"):
const padBoth = Math.floor(emptySpace / 2)
const padRemainder = emptySpace % 2
line = Array(padBoth + 1).join(" ")
+ line
+ Array(padBoth + 1 + padRemainder).join(" ")
case (cellOptions[alignTgt] === "right"):
line = Array(emptySpace - cellOptions.paddingRight).join(" ")
+ line
+ Array(cellOptions.paddingRight + 1).join(" ")
line = Array(cellOptions.paddingLeft + 1).join(" ")
+ line
+ Array(emptySpace - cellOptions.paddingLeft).join(" ")
// put ANSI color codes BACK on the beginning and end of string
return startMatches[0] + line + endMatches[0]
return { cell, innerWidth }
module.exports.truncate = (string, cellOptions, maxWidth) => {
const stringWidth = wcwidth(string)
if (maxWidth < stringWidth) {
// @TODO give user option to decide if they want to break words on wrapping
string = smartwrap(string, {
width: maxWidth - cellOptions.truncate.length,
breakword: true
string = string + cellOptions.truncate
return string
module.exports.wrap = (string, cellOptions, innerWidth) => {
const outstring = smartwrap(string, {
errorChar: cellOptions.defaultErrorValue,
minWidth: 1,
trim: true,
width: innerWidth
return outstring
module.exports.getColumnWidths = (config, rows) => {
const availableWidth = getAvailableWidth(config)
// iterate over the header if we have it, iterate over the first row
// if we do not (to step through the correct number of columns)
const iterable = (config.table.header[0] && config.table.header[0].length > 0)
? config.table.header[0] : rows[0]
let widths =, columnIndex) => {
let result
switch (true) {
// column width is a percentage of table width specified in column header
case (typeof column === "object" && (/^\d+%$/.test(column.width))):
result = (column.width.slice(0, -1) * 0.01) * availableWidth
result = addPadding(config, result)
// column width is specified in column header
case (typeof column === "object" && (/^\d+$/.test(column.width))):
result = column.width
// 'auto' sets column width to its longest value in the initial data set
const columnOptions = (config.table.header[0][columnIndex])
? config.table.header[0][columnIndex] : {}
const measurableRows = (rows.length) ? rows : config.table.header[0]
result = getMaxLength(columnOptions, measurableRows, columnIndex)
// add spaces for padding if not centered
// @TODO test with if not centered conditional
result = addPadding(config, result)
// add space for gutter
result = result + config.GUTTER
return result
// calculate sum of all column widths (including marginLeft)
const totalWidth = widths.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current)
// proportionately resize columns when necessary
if (totalWidth > availableWidth || config.FIXED_WIDTH) {
// proportion wont be exact fit, but this method keeps us safe
const proportion = (availableWidth / totalWidth).toFixed(2) - 0.01
const relativeWidths = => Math.max(2, Math.floor(proportion * value)))
if (config.FIXED_WIDTH) return relativeWidths
// when proportion < 0 column cant be resized and totalWidth must overflow viewport
if (proportion > 0) {
const totalRelativeWidths = relativeWidths.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current)
widths = (totalRelativeWidths < totalWidth) ? relativeWidths : widths
} else {
widths =
return widths