
407 lines
9.1 KiB

import { parseColor } from './color'
import { parseBoxShadowValue } from './parseBoxShadowValue'
import { splitAtTopLevelOnly } from './splitAtTopLevelOnly'
let cssFunctions = ['min', 'max', 'clamp', 'calc']
// Ref:
function isCSSFunction(value) {
return cssFunctions.some((fn) => new RegExp(`^${fn}\\(.*\\)`).test(value))
// These properties accept a `<dashed-ident>` as one of the values. This means that you can use them
// as: `timeline-scope: --tl;`
// Without the `var(--tl)`, in these cases we don't want to normalize the value, and you should add
// the `var()` yourself.
// More info:
// -
// -
// Concrete properties
// Shorthand properties
// This is not a data type, but rather a function that can normalize the
// correct values.
export function normalize(value, context = null, isRoot = true) {
let isVarException = context && AUTO_VAR_INJECTION_EXCEPTIONS.has(
if (value.startsWith('--') && !isVarException) {
return `var(${value})`
// Keep raw strings if it starts with `url(`
if (value.includes('url(')) {
return value
.map((part) => {
if (/^url\(.*?\)$/.test(part)) {
return part
return normalize(part, context, false)
// Convert `_` to ` `, except for escaped underscores `\_`
value = value
(fullMatch, characterBefore) => characterBefore + ' '.repeat(fullMatch.length - 1)
.replace(/^_/g, ' ')
.replace(/\\_/g, '_')
// Remove leftover whitespace
if (isRoot) {
value = value.trim()
value = normalizeMathOperatorSpacing(value)
return value
* Add spaces around operators inside math functions
* like calc() that do not follow an operator, '(', or `,`.
* @param {string} value
* @returns {string}
function normalizeMathOperatorSpacing(value) {
let preventFormattingInFunctions = ['theme']
let preventFormattingKeywords = [
// Env
return value.replace(/(calc|min|max|clamp)\(.+\)/g, (match) => {
let result = ''
function lastChar() {
let char = result.trimEnd()
return char[char.length - 1]
for (let i = 0; i < match.length; i++) {
function peek(word) {
return word.split('').every((char, j) => match[i + j] === char)
function consumeUntil(chars) {
let minIndex = Infinity
for (let char of chars) {
let index = match.indexOf(char, i)
if (index !== -1 && index < minIndex) {
minIndex = index
let result = match.slice(i, minIndex)
i += result.length - 1
return result
let char = match[i]
// Handle `var(--variable)`
if (peek('var')) {
// When we consume until `)`, then we are dealing with this scenario:
// `var(--example)`
// When we consume until `,`, then we are dealing with this scenario:
// `var(--example, 1rem)`
// In this case we do want to "format", the default value as well
result += consumeUntil([')', ','])
// Skip formatting of known keywords
else if (preventFormattingKeywords.some((keyword) => peek(keyword))) {
let keyword = preventFormattingKeywords.find((keyword) => peek(keyword))
result += keyword
i += keyword.length - 1
// Skip formatting inside known functions
else if (preventFormattingInFunctions.some((fn) => peek(fn))) {
result += consumeUntil([')'])
// Don't break CSS grid track names
else if (peek('[')) {
result += consumeUntil([']'])
// Handle operators
else if (
['+', '-', '*', '/'].includes(char) &&
!['(', '+', '-', '*', '/', ','].includes(lastChar())
) {
result += ` ${char} `
} else {
result += char
// Simplify multiple spaces
return result.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
export function url(value) {
return value.startsWith('url(')
export function number(value) {
return !isNaN(Number(value)) || isCSSFunction(value)
export function percentage(value) {
return (value.endsWith('%') && number(value.slice(0, -1))) || isCSSFunction(value)
// Please refer to MDN when updating this list:
let lengthUnits = [
let lengthUnitsPattern = `(?:${lengthUnits.join('|')})`
export function length(value) {
return (
value === '0' ||
new RegExp(`^[+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?${lengthUnitsPattern}$`).test(value) ||
let lineWidths = new Set(['thin', 'medium', 'thick'])
export function lineWidth(value) {
return lineWidths.has(value)
export function shadow(value) {
let parsedShadows = parseBoxShadowValue(normalize(value))
for (let parsedShadow of parsedShadows) {
if (!parsedShadow.valid) {
return false
return true
export function color(value) {
let colors = 0
let result = splitAtTopLevelOnly(value, '_').every((part) => {
part = normalize(part)
if (part.startsWith('var(')) return true
if (parseColor(part, { loose: true }) !== null) return colors++, true
return false
if (!result) return false
return colors > 0
export function image(value) {
let images = 0
let result = splitAtTopLevelOnly(value, ',').every((part) => {
part = normalize(part)
if (part.startsWith('var(')) return true
if (
url(part) ||
gradient(part) ||
['element(', 'image(', 'cross-fade(', 'image-set('].some((fn) => part.startsWith(fn))
) {
return true
return false
if (!result) return false
return images > 0
let gradientTypes = new Set([
export function gradient(value) {
value = normalize(value)
for (let type of gradientTypes) {
if (value.startsWith(`${type}(`)) {
return true
return false
let validPositions = new Set(['center', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'])
export function position(value) {
let positions = 0
let result = splitAtTopLevelOnly(value, '_').every((part) => {
part = normalize(part)
if (part.startsWith('var(')) return true
if (validPositions.has(part) || length(part) || percentage(part)) {
return true
return false
if (!result) return false
return positions > 0
export function familyName(value) {
let fonts = 0
let result = splitAtTopLevelOnly(value, ',').every((part) => {
part = normalize(part)
if (part.startsWith('var(')) return true
// If it contains spaces, then it should be quoted
if (part.includes(' ')) {
if (!/(['"])([^"']+)\1/g.test(part)) {
return false
// If it starts with a number, it's invalid
if (/^\d/g.test(part)) {
return false
return true
if (!result) return false
return fonts > 0
let genericNames = new Set([
export function genericName(value) {
return genericNames.has(value)
let absoluteSizes = new Set([
export function absoluteSize(value) {
return absoluteSizes.has(value)
let relativeSizes = new Set(['larger', 'smaller'])
export function relativeSize(value) {
return relativeSizes.has(value)