
405 lines
12 KiB

import _debug from 'debug'
import * as fs from 'fs'
import globRex from 'globrex'
import { resolve } from 'path'
import type { TSConfckParseOptions, TSConfckParseResult } from 'tsconfck'
import type { CompilerOptions } from 'typescript'
import { inspect } from 'util'
import { normalizePath, Plugin, searchForWorkspaceRoot } from 'vite'
import { resolvePathMappings } from './mappings'
import { basename, dirname, isAbsolute, join, relative } from './path'
import { PluginOptions } from './types'
const debug = _debug('vite-tsconfig-paths')
const noMatch = [undefined, false] as [undefined, false]
type ViteResolve = (id: string, importer: string) => Promise<string | undefined>
type Resolver = (
viteResolve: ViteResolve,
id: string,
importer: string
) => Promise<[resolved: string | undefined, matched: boolean]>
export type { PluginOptions }
export default (opts: PluginOptions = {}): Plugin => {
let resolversByDir: Record<string, Resolver[]>
return {
name: 'vite-tsconfig-paths',
enforce: 'pre',
async configResolved(config) {
let projectRoot = config.root
let workspaceRoot!: string
let { root } = opts
if (root) {
root = resolve(projectRoot, root)
} else {
workspaceRoot = searchForWorkspaceRoot(projectRoot)
debug('options.root ==', root)
debug('project root ==', projectRoot)
debug('workspace root ==', workspaceRoot)
// The "root" option overrides both of these.
if (root) {
projectRoot = root
workspaceRoot = root
const tsconfck = await import('tsconfck')
const projects = opts.projects
? => {
if (!file.endsWith('.json')) {
file = join(file, 'tsconfig.json')
return resolve(projectRoot, file)
: await tsconfck.findAll(workspaceRoot, {
configNames: opts.configNames || ['tsconfig.json', 'jsconfig.json'],
skip(dir) {
return dir == 'node_modules' || dir == '.git'
debug('projects:', projects)
let hasTypeScriptDep = false
if (opts.parseNative) {
try {
const pkgJson = fs.readFileSync(
join(workspaceRoot, 'package.json'),
const pkg = JSON.parse(pkgJson)
const deps = { ...pkg.dependencies, ...pkg.devDependencies }
hasTypeScriptDep = 'typescript' in deps
} catch (e: any) {
if (e.code != 'ENOENT') {
throw e
let firstError: any
const parseOptions: TSConfckParseOptions = {
cache: new tsconfck.TSConfckCache(),
const parsedProjects = new Set(
await Promise.all( => {
if (tsconfigFile === null) {
debug('tsconfig file not found:', tsconfigFile)
return null
return (
? tsconfck.parseNative(tsconfigFile, parseOptions)
: tsconfck.parse(tsconfigFile, parseOptions)
).catch((error) => {
if (opts.ignoreConfigErrors) {
debug('tsconfig file caused a parsing error:', tsconfigFile)
} else {
'[tsconfig-paths] An error occurred while parsing "' +
tsconfigFile +
'". See below for details.' +
? ''
: ' To disable this message, set the `ignoreConfigErrors` option to true.'),
{ error }
if (config.logger.hasErrorLogged(error)) {
firstError = error
return null
resolversByDir = {}
parsedProjects.forEach((project) => {
if (!project) {
// Don't create a resolver for projects with a references array.
// Instead, create a resolver for each project in that array.
if (project.referenced) {
project.referenced.forEach((projectRef) => {
// Reinsert the parent project so it's tried last. This is
// important because project references can be used to
// override the parent project.
project.referenced = undefined
} else {
const resolver = createResolver(project)
if (resolver) {
const projectDir = normalizePath(dirname(project.tsconfigFile))
const resolvers = (resolversByDir[projectDir] ||= [])
async resolveId(id, importer, options) {
if (importer && !relativeImportRE.test(id) && !isAbsolute(id)) {
// For Vite 4 and under, skipSelf needs to be set.
const resolveOptions = { ...options, skipSelf: true }
const viteResolve: ViteResolve = async (id, importer) =>
(await this.resolve(id, importer, resolveOptions))?.id
let prevProjectDir: string | undefined
let projectDir = dirname(importer)
// Find the nearest directory with a matching tsconfig file.
loop: while (projectDir && projectDir != prevProjectDir) {
const resolvers = resolversByDir[projectDir]
if (resolvers)
for (const resolve of resolvers) {
const [resolved, matched] = await resolve(
if (resolved) {
return resolved
if (matched) {
// Once a matching resolver is found, stop looking.
break loop
prevProjectDir = projectDir
projectDir = dirname(prevProjectDir)
function createResolver(project: TSConfckParseResult): Resolver | null {
const configPath = normalizePath(project.tsconfigFile)
const config = project.tsconfig as {
files?: string[]
include?: string[]
exclude?: string[]
compilerOptions?: CompilerOptions
debug('config loaded:', inspect({ configPath, config }, false, 10, true))
// Sometimes a tsconfig is not meant to be used for path resolution,
// but rather for pointing to other tsconfig files and possibly
// being extended by them. This is represented by an explicitly
// empty "files" array and a missing/empty "include" array.
if (config.files?.length == 0 && !config.include?.length) {
`[!] skipping "${configPath}" as no files can be matched since "files" is empty and "include" is missing or empty`
return null
const options = config.compilerOptions || {}
const { baseUrl, paths } = options
if (!baseUrl && !paths) {
debug(`[!] missing baseUrl and paths: "${configPath}"`)
return null
type InternalResolver = (
viteResolve: ViteResolve,
id: string,
importer: string
) => Promise<string | undefined>
const resolveWithBaseUrl: InternalResolver | undefined = baseUrl
? (viteResolve, id, importer) => viteResolve(join(baseUrl, id), importer)
: undefined
let resolveId: InternalResolver
if (paths) {
const pathMappings = resolvePathMappings(
baseUrl ?? dirname(configPath)
const resolveWithPaths: InternalResolver = async (
) => {
for (const mapping of pathMappings) {
const match = id.match(mapping.pattern)
if (!match) {
for (let pathTemplate of mapping.paths) {
let starCount = 0
const mappedId = pathTemplate.replace(/\*/g, () => {
// There may exist more globs in the path template than in
// the match pattern. In that case, we reuse the final
// glob match.
const matchIndex = Math.min(++starCount, match.length - 1)
return match[matchIndex]
const resolved = await viteResolve(mappedId, importer)
if (resolved) {
return resolved
if (resolveWithBaseUrl) {
resolveId = (viteResolve, id, importer) =>
resolveWithPaths(viteResolve, id, importer).then((resolved) => {
return resolved ?? resolveWithBaseUrl(viteResolve, id, importer)
} else {
resolveId = resolveWithPaths
} else {
resolveId = resolveWithBaseUrl!
const configDir = dirname(configPath)
// When `tsconfck.parseNative` is used, the outDir is absolute,
// which is not what `getIncluder` expects.
let { outDir } = options
if (outDir && isAbsolute(outDir)) {
outDir = relative(configDir, outDir)
const isIncludedRelative = getIncluder(
const importerExtRE = opts.loose
? /./
: options.allowJs || basename(configPath).startsWith('jsconfig.')
? jsLikeRE
: /\.[mc]?tsx?$/
const resolutionCache = new Map<string, string>()
return async (viteResolve, id, importer) => {
// Skip virtual modules.
if (id.includes('\0')) {
return noMatch
importer = normalizePath(importer)
const importerFile = importer.replace(/[#?].+$/, '')
// Ignore importers with unsupported extensions.
if (!importerExtRE.test(importerFile)) {
return noMatch
// Respect the include/exclude properties.
const relativeImporterFile = relative(configDir, importerFile)
if (!isIncludedRelative(relativeImporterFile)) {
return noMatch
// Find and remove Vite's suffix (e.g. "?url") if present.
// If the path is resolved, the suffix will be added back.
const suffix = /\?.+$/.exec(id)?.[0]
if (suffix) {
id = id.slice(0, -suffix.length)
let path = resolutionCache.get(id)
if (!path) {
path = await resolveId(viteResolve, id, importer)
if (path) {
resolutionCache.set(id, path)
debug(`resolved:`, {
resolvedId: path,
return [path && suffix ? path + suffix : path, true]
const jsLikeRE = /\.(vue|svelte|mdx|[mc]?[jt]sx?)$/
const relativeImportRE = /^\.\.?(\/|$)/
const defaultInclude = ['**/*']
const defaultExclude = [
* The returned function does not support absolute paths.
* Be sure to call `path.relative` on your path first.
function getIncluder(
includePaths = defaultInclude,
excludePaths = defaultExclude,
outDir?: string
) {
if (outDir) {
excludePaths = excludePaths.concat(outDir)
if (includePaths.length || excludePaths.length) {
const includers: RegExp[] = []
const excluders: RegExp[] = []
includePaths.forEach(addCompiledGlob, includers)
excludePaths.forEach(addCompiledGlob, excluders)
debug(`compiled globs:`, { includers, excluders })
return (path: string) => {
path = path.replace(/\?.+$/, '')
if (!relativeImportRE.test(path)) {
path = './' + path
const test = (glob: RegExp) => glob.test(path)
return includers.some(test) && !excluders.some(test)
return () => true
function addCompiledGlob(this: RegExp[], glob: string) {
const endsWithGlob = glob.split('/').pop()!.includes('*')
const relativeGlob = relativeImportRE.test(glob) ? glob : './' + glob
if (endsWithGlob) {
} else {
// Append a globstar to possible directories.
this.push(compileGlob(relativeGlob + '/**'))
// Try to match specific files (must have file extension).
if (/\.\w+$/.test(glob)) {
function compileGlob(glob: string) {
return globRex(glob, {
extended: true,
globstar: true,