
111 lines
4.8 KiB

export { DeferPromise, assertTypes, clone, createDefer, deepClone, getCallLastIndex, getOwnProperties, getType, isObject, isPrimitive, noop, notNullish, objectAttr, parseRegexp, slash, toArray } from './helpers.js';
export { ArgumentsType, Arrayable, Awaitable, Constructable, DeepMerge, ErrorWithDiff, MergeInsertions, MutableArray, Nullable, ParsedStack } from './types.js';
import { PrettyFormatOptions } from 'pretty-format';
declare function stringify(object: unknown, maxDepth?: number, { maxLength, ...options }?: PrettyFormatOptions & {
maxLength?: number;
}): string;
declare function getSafeTimers(): {
nextTick: any;
setTimeout: any;
setInterval: any;
clearInterval: any;
clearTimeout: any;
setImmediate: any;
clearImmediate: any;
declare function setSafeTimers(): void;
declare function shuffle<T>(array: T[], seed?: number): T[];
interface LoupeOptions {
showHidden?: boolean | undefined;
depth?: number | null | undefined;
colors?: boolean | undefined;
customInspect?: boolean | undefined;
showProxy?: boolean | undefined;
maxArrayLength?: number | null | undefined;
maxStringLength?: number | null | undefined;
breakLength?: number | undefined;
compact?: boolean | number | undefined;
sorted?: boolean | ((a: string, b: string) => number) | undefined;
getters?: 'get' | 'set' | boolean | undefined;
numericSeparator?: boolean | undefined;
truncate?: number;
declare function format(...args: unknown[]): string;
declare function inspect(obj: unknown, options?: LoupeOptions): string;
declare function objDisplay(obj: unknown, options?: LoupeOptions): string;
declare const SAFE_TIMERS_SYMBOL: unique symbol;
declare const SAFE_COLORS_SYMBOL: unique symbol;
declare const colorsMap: {
readonly bold: readonly ["\u001B[1m", "\u001B[22m", "\u001B[22m\u001B[1m"];
readonly dim: readonly ["\u001B[2m", "\u001B[22m", "\u001B[22m\u001B[2m"];
readonly italic: readonly ["\u001B[3m", "\u001B[23m"];
readonly underline: readonly ["\u001B[4m", "\u001B[24m"];
readonly inverse: readonly ["\u001B[7m", "\u001B[27m"];
readonly hidden: readonly ["\u001B[8m", "\u001B[28m"];
readonly strikethrough: readonly ["\u001B[9m", "\u001B[29m"];
readonly black: readonly ["\u001B[30m", "\u001B[39m"];
readonly red: readonly ["\u001B[31m", "\u001B[39m"];
readonly green: readonly ["\u001B[32m", "\u001B[39m"];
readonly yellow: readonly ["\u001B[33m", "\u001B[39m"];
readonly blue: readonly ["\u001B[34m", "\u001B[39m"];
readonly magenta: readonly ["\u001B[35m", "\u001B[39m"];
readonly cyan: readonly ["\u001B[36m", "\u001B[39m"];
readonly white: readonly ["\u001B[37m", "\u001B[39m"];
readonly gray: readonly ["\u001B[90m", "\u001B[39m"];
readonly bgBlack: readonly ["\u001B[40m", "\u001B[49m"];
readonly bgRed: readonly ["\u001B[41m", "\u001B[49m"];
readonly bgGreen: readonly ["\u001B[42m", "\u001B[49m"];
readonly bgYellow: readonly ["\u001B[43m", "\u001B[49m"];
readonly bgBlue: readonly ["\u001B[44m", "\u001B[49m"];
readonly bgMagenta: readonly ["\u001B[45m", "\u001B[49m"];
readonly bgCyan: readonly ["\u001B[46m", "\u001B[49m"];
readonly bgWhite: readonly ["\u001B[47m", "\u001B[49m"];
type ColorName = keyof typeof colorsMap;
interface ColorMethod {
(input: unknown): string;
open: string;
close: string;
type ColorsMethods = {
[Key in ColorName]: ColorMethod;
type Colors$1 = ColorsMethods & {
isColorSupported: boolean;
reset: (input: unknown) => string;
declare function getDefaultColors(): Colors$1;
declare function getColors(): Colors$1;
declare function createColors(isTTY?: boolean): Colors$1;
declare function setupColors(colors: Colors$1): void;
interface ErrorOptions {
message?: string;
stackTraceLimit?: number;
* Get original stacktrace without source map support the most performant way.
* - Create only 1 stack frame.
* - Rewrite prepareStackTrace to bypass "support-stack-trace" (usually takes ~250ms).
declare function createSimpleStackTrace(options?: ErrorOptions): string;
declare const lineSplitRE: RegExp;
declare function positionToOffset(source: string, lineNumber: number, columnNumber: number): number;
declare function offsetToLineNumber(source: string, offset: number): number;
type Colors = Record<ColorName, (input: string) => string>;
interface HighlightOptions {
jsx?: boolean;
colors?: Colors;
declare function highlight(code: string, options?: HighlightOptions): string;
export { type ColorMethod, type ColorName, type Colors$1 as Colors, type ColorsMethods, SAFE_COLORS_SYMBOL, SAFE_TIMERS_SYMBOL, createColors, createSimpleStackTrace, format, getColors, getDefaultColors, getSafeTimers, highlight, inspect, lineSplitRE, objDisplay, offsetToLineNumber, positionToOffset, setSafeTimers, setupColors, shuffle, stringify };