
223 lines
8.4 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Lovell Fuller and others.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const stream = require('stream');
const zlib = require('zlib');
const { createHash } = require('crypto');
const detectLibc = require('detect-libc');
const semverCoerce = require('semver/functions/coerce');
const semverLessThan = require('semver/functions/lt');
const semverSatisfies = require('semver/functions/satisfies');
const simpleGet = require('simple-get');
const tarFs = require('tar-fs');
const agent = require('../lib/agent');
const libvips = require('../lib/libvips');
const platform = require('../lib/platform');
const minimumGlibcVersionByArch = {
arm: '2.28',
arm64: '2.17',
x64: '2.17'
const hasSharpPrebuild = [
const { minimumLibvipsVersion, minimumLibvipsVersionLabelled } = libvips;
const localLibvipsDir = process.env.npm_config_sharp_libvips_local_prebuilds || '';
const distHost = process.env.npm_config_sharp_libvips_binary_host || '';
const distBaseUrl = process.env.npm_config_sharp_dist_base_url || process.env.SHARP_DIST_BASE_URL || `${distHost}/v${minimumLibvipsVersionLabelled}/`;
const installationForced = !!(process.env.npm_config_sharp_install_force || process.env.SHARP_INSTALL_FORCE);
const fail = function (err) {
if (err.code === 'EACCES') {
libvips.log('Are you trying to install as a root or sudo user?');
libvips.log('- For npm <= v6, try again with the "--unsafe-perm" flag');
libvips.log('- For npm >= v8, the user must own the directory "npm install" is run in');
libvips.log('Please see for required dependencies');
const handleError = function (err) {
if (installationForced) {
libvips.log(`Installation warning: ${err.message}`);
} else {
throw err;
const verifyIntegrity = function (platformAndArch) {
const expected = libvips.integrity(platformAndArch);
if (installationForced || !expected) {
libvips.log(`Integrity check skipped for ${platformAndArch}`);
return new stream.PassThrough();
const hash = createHash('sha512');
return new stream.Transform({
transform: function (chunk, _encoding, done) {
done(null, chunk);
flush: function (done) {
const digest = `sha512-${hash.digest('base64')}`;
if (expected !== digest) {
try {
} catch (err) {
libvips.log(`Integrity expected: ${expected}`);
libvips.log(`Integrity received: ${digest}`);
done(new Error(`Integrity check failed for ${platformAndArch}`));
} else {
libvips.log(`Integrity check passed for ${platformAndArch}`);
const extractTarball = function (tarPath, platformAndArch) {
const versionedVendorPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'vendor', minimumLibvipsVersion, platformAndArch);
const ignoreVendorInclude = hasSharpPrebuild.includes(platformAndArch) && !process.env.npm_config_build_from_source;
const ignore = function (name) {
return ignoreVendorInclude && name.includes('include/');
new zlib.BrotliDecompress(),
tarFs.extract(versionedVendorPath, { ignore }),
function (err) {
if (err) {
if (/unexpected end of file/.test(err.message)) {
fail(new Error(`Please delete ${tarPath} as it is not a valid tarball`));
try {
const useGlobalLibvips = libvips.useGlobalLibvips();
if (useGlobalLibvips) {
const globalLibvipsVersion = libvips.globalLibvipsVersion();
libvips.log(`Detected globally-installed libvips v${globalLibvipsVersion}`);
libvips.log('Building from source via node-gyp');
} else if (libvips.hasVendoredLibvips()) {
libvips.log(`Using existing vendored libvips v${minimumLibvipsVersion}`);
} else {
// Is this arch/platform supported?
const arch = process.env.npm_config_arch || process.arch;
const platformAndArch = platform();
if (arch === 'ia32' && !platformAndArch.startsWith('win32')) {
throw new Error(`Intel Architecture 32-bit systems require manual installation of libvips >= ${minimumLibvipsVersion}`);
if (platformAndArch === 'freebsd-x64' || platformAndArch === 'openbsd-x64' || platformAndArch === 'sunos-x64') {
throw new Error(`BSD/SunOS systems require manual installation of libvips >= ${minimumLibvipsVersion}`);
// Linux libc version check
const libcVersionRaw = detectLibc.versionSync();
if (libcVersionRaw) {
const libcFamily = detectLibc.familySync();
const libcVersion = semverCoerce(libcVersionRaw).version;
if (libcFamily === detectLibc.GLIBC && minimumGlibcVersionByArch[arch]) {
if (semverLessThan(libcVersion, semverCoerce(minimumGlibcVersionByArch[arch]).version)) {
handleError(new Error(`Use with glibc ${libcVersionRaw} requires manual installation of libvips >= ${minimumLibvipsVersion}`));
if (libcFamily === detectLibc.MUSL) {
if (semverLessThan(libcVersion, '1.1.24')) {
handleError(new Error(`Use with musl ${libcVersionRaw} requires manual installation of libvips >= ${minimumLibvipsVersion}`));
// Node.js minimum version check
const supportedNodeVersion = process.env.npm_package_engines_node || require('../package.json').engines.node;
if (!semverSatisfies(process.versions.node, supportedNodeVersion)) {
handleError(new Error(`Expected Node.js version ${supportedNodeVersion} but found ${process.versions.node}`));
// Download to per-process temporary file
const tarFilename = ['libvips', minimumLibvipsVersionLabelled, platformAndArch].join('-') + '';
const tarPathCache = path.join(libvips.cachePath(), tarFilename);
if (fs.existsSync(tarPathCache)) {
libvips.log(`Using cached ${tarPathCache}`);
extractTarball(tarPathCache, platformAndArch);
} else if (localLibvipsDir) {
// If localLibvipsDir is given try to use binaries from local directory
const tarPathLocal = path.join(path.resolve(localLibvipsDir), `v${minimumLibvipsVersionLabelled}`, tarFilename);
libvips.log(`Using local libvips from ${tarPathLocal}`);
extractTarball(tarPathLocal, platformAndArch);
} else {
const url = distBaseUrl + tarFilename;
libvips.log(`Downloading ${url}`);
simpleGet({ url: url, agent: agent(libvips.log) }, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
} else if (response.statusCode === 404) {
fail(new Error(`Prebuilt libvips ${minimumLibvipsVersion} binaries are not yet available for ${platformAndArch}`));
} else if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
fail(new Error(`Status ${response.statusCode} ${response.statusMessage}`));
} else {
const tarPathTemp = path.join(os.tmpdir(), `${}-${tarFilename}`);
const tmpFileStream = fs.createWriteStream(tarPathTemp);
.on('error', function (err) {
.on('close', function () {
if (!response.complete) {
tmpFileStream.destroy(new Error('Download incomplete (connection was terminated)'));
.on('error', function (err) {
// Clean up temporary file
try {
} catch (e) {}
.on('close', function () {
try {
// Attempt to rename
fs.renameSync(tarPathTemp, tarPathCache);
} catch (err) {
// Fall back to copy and unlink
fs.copyFileSync(tarPathTemp, tarPathCache);
extractTarball(tarPathCache, platformAndArch);
} catch (err) {