
290 lines
11 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
function _export(target, all) {
for(var name in all)Object.defineProperty(target, name, {
enumerable: true,
get: all[name]
_export(exports, {
updateAllClasses: function() {
return updateAllClasses;
asValue: function() {
return asValue;
parseColorFormat: function() {
return parseColorFormat;
asColor: function() {
return asColor;
asLookupValue: function() {
return asLookupValue;
typeMap: function() {
return typeMap;
coerceValue: function() {
return coerceValue;
getMatchingTypes: function() {
return getMatchingTypes;
const _escapeCommas = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./escapeCommas"));
const _withAlphaVariable = require("./withAlphaVariable");
const _dataTypes = require("./dataTypes");
const _negateValue = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./negateValue"));
const _validateFormalSyntax = require("./validateFormalSyntax");
const _featureFlags = require("../featureFlags.js");
function _interop_require_default(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
default: obj
function updateAllClasses(selectors, updateClass) {
sel.value = updateClass(sel.value);
if (sel.raws && sel.raws.value) {
sel.raws.value = (0, _escapeCommas.default)(sel.raws.value);
function resolveArbitraryValue(modifier, validate) {
if (!isArbitraryValue(modifier)) {
return undefined;
let value = modifier.slice(1, -1);
if (!validate(value)) {
return undefined;
return (0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value);
function asNegativeValue(modifier, lookup = {}, validate) {
let positiveValue = lookup[modifier];
if (positiveValue !== undefined) {
return (0, _negateValue.default)(positiveValue);
if (isArbitraryValue(modifier)) {
let resolved = resolveArbitraryValue(modifier, validate);
if (resolved === undefined) {
return undefined;
return (0, _negateValue.default)(resolved);
function asValue(modifier, options = {}, { validate =()=>true } = {}) {
var _options_values;
let value = (_options_values = options.values) === null || _options_values === void 0 ? void 0 : _options_values[modifier];
if (value !== undefined) {
return value;
if (options.supportsNegativeValues && modifier.startsWith("-")) {
return asNegativeValue(modifier.slice(1), options.values, validate);
return resolveArbitraryValue(modifier, validate);
function isArbitraryValue(input) {
return input.startsWith("[") && input.endsWith("]");
function splitUtilityModifier(modifier) {
let slashIdx = modifier.lastIndexOf("/");
// If the `/` is inside an arbitrary, we want to find the previous one if any
// This logic probably isn't perfect but it should work for most cases
let arbitraryStartIdx = modifier.lastIndexOf("[", slashIdx);
let arbitraryEndIdx = modifier.indexOf("]", slashIdx);
let isNextToArbitrary = modifier[slashIdx - 1] === "]" || modifier[slashIdx + 1] === "[";
// Backtrack to the previous `/` if the one we found was inside an arbitrary
if (!isNextToArbitrary) {
if (arbitraryStartIdx !== -1 && arbitraryEndIdx !== -1) {
if (arbitraryStartIdx < slashIdx && slashIdx < arbitraryEndIdx) {
slashIdx = modifier.lastIndexOf("/", arbitraryStartIdx);
if (slashIdx === -1 || slashIdx === modifier.length - 1) {
return [
let arbitrary = isArbitraryValue(modifier);
// The modifier could be of the form `[foo]/[bar]`
// We want to handle this case properly
// without affecting `[foo/bar]`
if (arbitrary && !modifier.includes("]/[")) {
return [
return [
modifier.slice(0, slashIdx),
modifier.slice(slashIdx + 1)
function parseColorFormat(value) {
if (typeof value === "string" && value.includes("<alpha-value>")) {
let oldValue = value;
return ({ opacityValue =1 })=>oldValue.replace("<alpha-value>", opacityValue);
return value;
function unwrapArbitraryModifier(modifier) {
return (0, _dataTypes.normalize)(modifier.slice(1, -1));
function asColor(modifier, options = {}, { tailwindConfig ={} } = {}) {
var _options_values;
if (((_options_values = options.values) === null || _options_values === void 0 ? void 0 : _options_values[modifier]) !== undefined) {
var _options_values1;
return parseColorFormat((_options_values1 = options.values) === null || _options_values1 === void 0 ? void 0 : _options_values1[modifier]);
// TODO: Hoist this up to getMatchingTypes or something
// We do this here because we need the alpha value (if any)
let [color, alpha] = splitUtilityModifier(modifier);
if (alpha !== undefined) {
var _options_values2, _tailwindConfig_theme, _tailwindConfig_theme_opacity;
var _options_values_color;
let normalizedColor = (_options_values_color = (_options_values2 = options.values) === null || _options_values2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _options_values2[color]) !== null && _options_values_color !== void 0 ? _options_values_color : isArbitraryValue(color) ? color.slice(1, -1) : undefined;
if (normalizedColor === undefined) {
return undefined;
normalizedColor = parseColorFormat(normalizedColor);
if (isArbitraryValue(alpha)) {
return (0, _withAlphaVariable.withAlphaValue)(normalizedColor, unwrapArbitraryModifier(alpha));
if (((_tailwindConfig_theme = tailwindConfig.theme) === null || _tailwindConfig_theme === void 0 ? void 0 : (_tailwindConfig_theme_opacity = _tailwindConfig_theme.opacity) === null || _tailwindConfig_theme_opacity === void 0 ? void 0 : _tailwindConfig_theme_opacity[alpha]) === undefined) {
return undefined;
return (0, _withAlphaVariable.withAlphaValue)(normalizedColor, tailwindConfig.theme.opacity[alpha]);
return asValue(modifier, options, {
validate: _dataTypes.color
function asLookupValue(modifier, options = {}) {
var _options_values;
return (_options_values = options.values) === null || _options_values === void 0 ? void 0 : _options_values[modifier];
function guess(validate) {
return (modifier, options)=>{
return asValue(modifier, options, {
let typeMap = {
any: asValue,
color: asColor,
url: guess(_dataTypes.url),
image: guess(_dataTypes.image),
length: guess(_dataTypes.length),
percentage: guess(_dataTypes.percentage),
position: guess(_dataTypes.position),
lookup: asLookupValue,
"generic-name": guess(_dataTypes.genericName),
"family-name": guess(_dataTypes.familyName),
number: guess(_dataTypes.number),
"line-width": guess(_dataTypes.lineWidth),
"absolute-size": guess(_dataTypes.absoluteSize),
"relative-size": guess(_dataTypes.relativeSize),
shadow: guess(_dataTypes.shadow),
size: guess(_validateFormalSyntax.backgroundSize)
let supportedTypes = Object.keys(typeMap);
function splitAtFirst(input, delim) {
let idx = input.indexOf(delim);
if (idx === -1) return [
return [
input.slice(0, idx),
input.slice(idx + 1)
function coerceValue(types, modifier, options, tailwindConfig) {
if (options.values && modifier in options.values) {
for (let { type } of types !== null && types !== void 0 ? types : []){
let result = typeMap[type](modifier, options, {
if (result === undefined) {
return [
if (isArbitraryValue(modifier)) {
let arbitraryValue = modifier.slice(1, -1);
let [explicitType, value] = splitAtFirst(arbitraryValue, ":");
// It could be that this resolves to `url(https` which is not a valid
// identifier. We currently only support "simple" words with dashes or
// underscores. E.g.: family-name
if (!/^[\w-_]+$/g.test(explicitType)) {
value = arbitraryValue;
} else if (explicitType !== undefined && !supportedTypes.includes(explicitType)) {
return [];
if (value.length > 0 && supportedTypes.includes(explicitType)) {
return [
asValue(`[${value}]`, options),
let matches = getMatchingTypes(types, modifier, options, tailwindConfig);
// Find first matching type
for (let match of matches){
return match;
return [];
function* getMatchingTypes(types, rawModifier, options, tailwindConfig) {
let modifiersEnabled = (0, _featureFlags.flagEnabled)(tailwindConfig, "generalizedModifiers");
let [modifier, utilityModifier] = splitUtilityModifier(rawModifier);
let canUseUtilityModifier = modifiersEnabled && options.modifiers != null && (options.modifiers === "any" || typeof options.modifiers === "object" && (utilityModifier && isArbitraryValue(utilityModifier) || utilityModifier in options.modifiers));
if (!canUseUtilityModifier) {
modifier = rawModifier;
utilityModifier = undefined;
if (utilityModifier !== undefined && modifier === "") {
modifier = "DEFAULT";
// Check the full value first
// TODO: Move to asValue… somehow
if (utilityModifier !== undefined) {
if (typeof options.modifiers === "object") {
var _options_modifiers;
var _options_modifiers_utilityModifier;
let configValue = (_options_modifiers_utilityModifier = (_options_modifiers = options.modifiers) === null || _options_modifiers === void 0 ? void 0 : _options_modifiers[utilityModifier]) !== null && _options_modifiers_utilityModifier !== void 0 ? _options_modifiers_utilityModifier : null;
if (configValue !== null) {
utilityModifier = configValue;
} else if (isArbitraryValue(utilityModifier)) {
utilityModifier = unwrapArbitraryModifier(utilityModifier);
for (let { type } of types !== null && types !== void 0 ? types : []){
let result = typeMap[type](modifier, options, {
if (result === undefined) {
yield [
utilityModifier !== null && utilityModifier !== void 0 ? utilityModifier : null