
325 lines
11 KiB

import { ModuleNamespace, ViteHotContext } from '../../types/hot.js';
import { Update, HMRPayload } from '../../types/hmrPayload.js';
import { InferCustomEventPayload } from '../../types/customEvent.js';
type CustomListenersMap = Map<string, ((data: any) => void)[]>;
interface HotModule {
id: string;
callbacks: HotCallback[];
interface HotCallback {
deps: string[];
fn: (modules: Array<ModuleNamespace | undefined>) => void;
interface HMRLogger {
error(msg: string | Error): void;
debug(...msg: unknown[]): void;
interface HMRConnection {
* Checked before sending messages to the client.
isReady(): boolean;
* Send message to the client.
send(messages: string): void;
declare class HMRMessenger {
private connection;
constructor(connection: HMRConnection);
private queue;
send(message: string): void;
flush(): void;
declare class HMRClient {
logger: HMRLogger;
private importUpdatedModule;
hotModulesMap: Map<string, HotModule>;
disposeMap: Map<string, (data: any) => void | Promise<void>>;
pruneMap: Map<string, (data: any) => void | Promise<void>>;
dataMap: Map<string, any>;
customListenersMap: CustomListenersMap;
ctxToListenersMap: Map<string, CustomListenersMap>;
messenger: HMRMessenger;
constructor(logger: HMRLogger, connection: HMRConnection, importUpdatedModule: (update: Update) => Promise<ModuleNamespace>);
notifyListeners<T extends string>(event: T, data: InferCustomEventPayload<T>): Promise<void>;
clear(): void;
prunePaths(paths: string[]): void;
protected warnFailedUpdate(err: Error, path: string | string[]): void;
private updateQueue;
private pendingUpdateQueue;
* buffer multiple hot updates triggered by the same src change
* so that they are invoked in the same order they were sent.
* (otherwise the order may be inconsistent because of the http request round trip)
queueUpdate(payload: Update): Promise<void>;
private fetchUpdate;
interface SourceMapLike {
version: number;
mappings?: string;
names?: string[];
sources?: string[];
sourcesContent?: string[];
declare class DecodedMap {
map: SourceMapLike;
_encoded: string;
_decoded: undefined | number[][][];
_decodedMemo: Stats;
url: string;
version: number;
names: string[];
resolvedSources: string[];
constructor(map: SourceMapLike, from: string);
interface Stats {
lastKey: number;
lastNeedle: number;
lastIndex: number;
declare class ModuleCacheMap extends Map<string, ModuleCache> {
private root;
constructor(root: string, entries?: [string, ModuleCache][]);
normalize(fsPath: string): string;
* Assign partial data to the map
update(fsPath: string, mod: ModuleCache): this;
setByModuleId(modulePath: string, mod: ModuleCache): this;
set(fsPath: string, mod: ModuleCache): this;
getByModuleId(modulePath: string): ModuleCache;
get(fsPath: string): ModuleCache;
deleteByModuleId(modulePath: string): boolean;
delete(fsPath: string): boolean;
* Invalidate modules that dependent on the given modules, up to the main entry
invalidateDepTree(ids: string[] | Set<string>, invalidated?: Set<string>): Set<string>;
* Invalidate dependency modules of the given modules, down to the bottom-level dependencies
invalidateSubDepTree(ids: string[] | Set<string>, invalidated?: Set<string>): Set<string>;
getSourceMap(moduleId: string): null | DecodedMap;
declare const ssrModuleExportsKey = "__vite_ssr_exports__";
declare const ssrImportKey = "__vite_ssr_import__";
declare const ssrDynamicImportKey = "__vite_ssr_dynamic_import__";
declare const ssrExportAllKey = "__vite_ssr_exportAll__";
declare const ssrImportMetaKey = "__vite_ssr_import_meta__";
interface ViteRuntimeDebugger {
(formatter: unknown, ...args: unknown[]): void;
declare class ViteRuntime {
options: ViteRuntimeOptions;
runner: ViteModuleRunner;
private debug?;
* Holds the cache of modules
* Keys of the map are ids
moduleCache: ModuleCacheMap;
hmrClient?: HMRClient;
entrypoints: Set<string>;
private idToUrlMap;
private fileToIdMap;
private envProxy;
private _destroyed;
private _resetSourceMapSupport?;
constructor(options: ViteRuntimeOptions, runner: ViteModuleRunner, debug?: ViteRuntimeDebugger | undefined);
* URL to execute. Accepts file path, server path or id relative to the root.
executeUrl<T = any>(url: string): Promise<T>;
* Entrypoint URL to execute. Accepts file path, server path or id relative to the root.
* In the case of a full reload triggered by HMR, this is the module that will be reloaded.
* If this method is called multiple times, all entrypoints will be reloaded one at a time.
executeEntrypoint<T = any>(url: string): Promise<T>;
* Clear all caches including HMR listeners.
clearCache(): void;
* Clears all caches, removes all HMR listeners, and resets source map support.
* This method doesn't stop the HMR connection.
destroy(): Promise<void>;
* Returns `true` if the runtime has been destroyed by calling `destroy()` method.
isDestroyed(): boolean;
private invalidateFiles;
private normalizeEntryUrl;
private processImport;
private cachedRequest;
private cachedModule;
protected directRequest(id: string, fetchResult: ResolvedResult, _callstack: string[]): Promise<any>;
interface RetrieveFileHandler {
(path: string): string | null | undefined | false;
interface RetrieveSourceMapHandler {
(path: string): null | {
url: string;
map: any;
interface InterceptorOptions {
retrieveFile?: RetrieveFileHandler;
retrieveSourceMap?: RetrieveSourceMapHandler;
interface DefineImportMetadata {
* Imported names before being transformed to `ssrImportKey`
* import foo, { bar as baz, qux } from 'hello'
* => ['default', 'bar', 'qux']
* import * as namespace from 'world
* => undefined
importedNames?: string[];
interface HMRRuntimeConnection extends HMRConnection {
* Configure how HMR is handled when this connection triggers an update.
* This method expects that connection will start listening for HMR updates and call this callback when it's received.
onUpdate(callback: (payload: HMRPayload) => void): void;
interface SSRImportMetadata extends DefineImportMetadata {
isDynamicImport?: boolean;
entrypoint?: boolean;
interface ViteRuntimeImportMeta extends ImportMeta {
url: string;
env: ImportMetaEnv;
hot?: ViteHotContext;
[key: string]: any;
interface ViteRuntimeModuleContext {
[ssrModuleExportsKey]: Record<string, any>;
[ssrImportKey]: (id: string, metadata?: DefineImportMetadata) => Promise<any>;
[ssrDynamicImportKey]: (id: string, options?: ImportCallOptions) => Promise<any>;
[ssrExportAllKey]: (obj: any) => void;
[ssrImportMetaKey]: ViteRuntimeImportMeta;
interface ViteModuleRunner {
* Run code that was transformed by Vite.
* @param context Function context
* @param code Transformed code
* @param id ID that was used to fetch the module
runViteModule(context: ViteRuntimeModuleContext, code: string, id: string): Promise<any>;
* Run externalized module.
* @param file File URL to the external module
runExternalModule(file: string): Promise<any>;
interface ModuleCache {
promise?: Promise<any>;
exports?: any;
evaluated?: boolean;
map?: DecodedMap;
meta?: FetchResult;
* Module ids that imports this module
importers?: Set<string>;
imports?: Set<string>;
type FetchResult = ExternalFetchResult | ViteFetchResult;
interface ExternalFetchResult {
* The path to the externalized module starting with file://,
* by default this will be imported via a dynamic "import"
* instead of being transformed by vite and loaded with vite runtime
externalize: string;
* Type of the module. Will be used to determine if import statement is correct.
* For example, if Vite needs to throw an error if variable is not actually exported
type?: 'module' | 'commonjs' | 'builtin' | 'network';
interface ViteFetchResult {
* Code that will be evaluated by vite runtime
* by default this will be wrapped in an async function
code: string;
* File path of the module on disk.
* This will be resolved as import.meta.url/filename
file: string | null;
type ResolvedResult = (ExternalFetchResult | ViteFetchResult) & {
id: string;
* @experimental
type FetchFunction = (id: string, importer?: string) => Promise<FetchResult>;
interface ViteRuntimeOptions {
* Root of the project
root: string;
* A method to get the information about the module.
* For SSR, Vite exposes `server.ssrFetchModule` function that you can use here.
* For other runtime use cases, Vite also exposes `fetchModule` from its main entry point.
fetchModule: FetchFunction;
* Custom environment variables available on `import.meta.env`. This doesn't modify the actual `process.env`.
environmentVariables?: Record<string, any>;
* Configure how source maps are resolved. Prefers `node` if `process.setSourceMapsEnabled` is available.
* Otherwise it will use `prepareStackTrace` by default which overrides `Error.prepareStackTrace` method.
* You can provide an object to configure how file contents and source maps are resolved for files that were not processed by Vite.
sourcemapInterceptor?: false | 'node' | 'prepareStackTrace' | InterceptorOptions;
* Disable HMR or configure HMR options.
hmr?: false | {
* Configure how HMR communicates between the client and the server.
connection: HMRRuntimeConnection;
* Configure HMR logger.
logger?: false | HMRLogger;
* Custom module cache. If not provided, creates a separate module cache for each ViteRuntime instance.
moduleCache?: ModuleCacheMap;
interface ImportMetaEnv {
[key: string]: any;
BASE_URL: string;
MODE: string;
DEV: boolean;
PROD: boolean;
SSR: boolean;
export { type FetchResult as F, type HMRLogger as H, ModuleCacheMap as M, type ResolvedResult as R, type SSRImportMetadata as S, type ViteRuntimeOptions as V, type ViteModuleRunner as a, ViteRuntime as b, type HMRRuntimeConnection as c, type FetchFunction as d, type ViteRuntimeModuleContext as e, type HMRConnection as f, type ModuleCache as g, type ViteRuntimeImportMeta as h, ssrExportAllKey as i, ssrImportKey as j, ssrImportMetaKey as k, ssrModuleExportsKey as l, ssrDynamicImportKey as s };