
523 lines
16 KiB

* Converts a string into a list of tokens.
* Create a new token
* @param {string} char a single char
function Token(char) {
this.char = char;
this.state = {};
this.activeState = null;
* Create a new context range
* @param {number} startIndex range start index
* @param {number} endOffset range end index offset
* @param {string} contextName owner context name
function ContextRange(startIndex, endOffset, contextName) {
this.contextName = contextName;
this.startIndex = startIndex;
this.endOffset = endOffset;
* Check context start and end
* @param {string} contextName a unique context name
* @param {function} checkStart a predicate function the indicates a context's start
* @param {function} checkEnd a predicate function the indicates a context's end
function ContextChecker(contextName, checkStart, checkEnd) {
this.contextName = contextName;
this.openRange = null;
this.ranges = [];
this.checkStart = checkStart;
this.checkEnd = checkEnd;
* @typedef ContextParams
* @type Object
* @property {array} context context items
* @property {number} currentIndex current item index
* Create a context params
* @param {array} context a list of items
* @param {number} currentIndex current item index
function ContextParams(context, currentIndex) {
this.context = context;
this.index = currentIndex;
this.length = context.length;
this.current = context[currentIndex];
this.backtrack = context.slice(0, currentIndex);
this.lookahead = context.slice(currentIndex + 1);
* Create an event instance
* @param {string} eventId event unique id
function Event(eventId) {
this.eventId = eventId;
this.subscribers = [];
* Initialize a core events and auto subscribe required event handlers
* @param {any} events an object that enlists core events handlers
function initializeCoreEvents(events) {
const coreEvents = [
'start', 'end', 'next', 'newToken', 'contextStart',
'contextEnd', 'insertToken', 'removeToken', 'removeRange',
'replaceToken', 'replaceRange', 'composeRUD', 'updateContextsRanges'
coreEvents.forEach(eventId => {
Object.defineProperty(, eventId, {
value: new Event(eventId)
if (!!events) {
coreEvents.forEach(eventId => {
const event = events[eventId];
if (typeof event === 'function') {[eventId].subscribe(event);
const requiresContextUpdate = [
'insertToken', 'removeToken', 'removeRange',
'replaceToken', 'replaceRange', 'composeRUD'
requiresContextUpdate.forEach(eventId => {[eventId].subscribe(
* Converts a string into a list of tokens
* @param {any} events tokenizer core events
function Tokenizer(events) {
this.tokens = [];
this.registeredContexts = {};
this.contextCheckers = []; = {};
this.registeredModifiers = [];, events);
* Sets the state of a token, usually called by a state modifier.
* @param {string} key state item key
* @param {any} value state item value
Token.prototype.setState = function(key, value) {
this.state[key] = value;
this.activeState = { key, value: this.state[key] };
return this.activeState;
Token.prototype.getState = function (stateId) {
return this.state[stateId] || null;
* Checks if an index exists in the tokens list.
* @param {number} index token index
Tokenizer.prototype.inboundIndex = function(index) {
return index >= 0 && index < this.tokens.length;
* Compose and apply a list of operations (replace, update, delete)
* @param {array} RUDs replace, update and delete operations
* TODO: Perf. Optimization (lengthBefore === lengthAfter ? dispatch once)
Tokenizer.prototype.composeRUD = function (RUDs) {
const silent = true;
const state = => (
this[RUD[0]].apply(this, RUD.slice(1).concat(silent))
const hasFAILObject = obj => (
typeof obj === 'object' &&
if (state.every(hasFAILObject)) {
return {
FAIL: `composeRUD: one or more operations hasn't completed successfully`,
report: state.filter(hasFAILObject)
this.dispatch('composeRUD', [state.filter(op => !hasFAILObject(op))]);
* Replace a range of tokens with a list of tokens
* @param {number} startIndex range start index
* @param {number} offset range offset
* @param {token} tokens a list of tokens to replace
* @param {boolean} silent dispatch events and update context ranges
Tokenizer.prototype.replaceRange = function (startIndex, offset, tokens, silent) {
offset = offset !== null ? offset : this.tokens.length;
const isTokenType = tokens.every(token => token instanceof Token);
if (!isNaN(startIndex) && this.inboundIndex(startIndex) && isTokenType) {
const replaced = this.tokens.splice.apply(
this.tokens, [startIndex, offset].concat(tokens)
if (!silent) this.dispatch('replaceToken', [startIndex, offset, tokens]);
return [replaced, tokens];
} else {
return { FAIL: 'replaceRange: invalid tokens or startIndex.' };
* Replace a token with another token
* @param {number} index token index
* @param {token} token a token to replace
* @param {boolean} silent dispatch events and update context ranges
Tokenizer.prototype.replaceToken = function (index, token, silent) {
if (!isNaN(index) && this.inboundIndex(index) && token instanceof Token) {
const replaced = this.tokens.splice(index, 1, token);
if (!silent) this.dispatch('replaceToken', [index, token]);
return [replaced[0], token];
} else {
return { FAIL: 'replaceToken: invalid token or index.' };
* Removes a range of tokens
* @param {number} startIndex range start index
* @param {number} offset range offset
* @param {boolean} silent dispatch events and update context ranges
Tokenizer.prototype.removeRange = function(startIndex, offset, silent) {
offset = !isNaN(offset) ? offset : this.tokens.length;
const tokens = this.tokens.splice(startIndex, offset);
if (!silent) this.dispatch('removeRange', [tokens, startIndex, offset]);
return tokens;
* Remove a token at a certain index
* @param {number} index token index
* @param {boolean} silent dispatch events and update context ranges
Tokenizer.prototype.removeToken = function(index, silent) {
if (!isNaN(index) && this.inboundIndex(index)) {
const token = this.tokens.splice(index, 1);
if (!silent) this.dispatch('removeToken', [token, index]);
return token;
} else {
return { FAIL: 'removeToken: invalid token index.' };
* Insert a list of tokens at a certain index
* @param {array} tokens a list of tokens to insert
* @param {number} index insert the list of tokens at index
* @param {boolean} silent dispatch events and update context ranges
Tokenizer.prototype.insertToken = function (tokens, index, silent) {
const tokenType = tokens.every(
token => token instanceof Token
if (tokenType) {
this.tokens, [index, 0].concat(tokens)
if (!silent) this.dispatch('insertToken', [tokens, index]);
return tokens;
} else {
return { FAIL: 'insertToken: invalid token(s).' };
* A state modifier that is called on 'newToken' event
* @param {string} modifierId state modifier id
* @param {function} condition a predicate function that returns true or false
* @param {function} modifier a function to update token state
Tokenizer.prototype.registerModifier = function(modifierId, condition, modifier) {, contextParams) {
const conditionParams = [token, contextParams];
const canApplyModifier = (
condition === null ||
condition.apply(this, conditionParams) === true
const modifierParams = [token, contextParams];
if (canApplyModifier) {
let newStateValue = modifier.apply(this, modifierParams);
token.setState(modifierId, newStateValue);
* Subscribe a handler to an event
* @param {function} eventHandler an event handler function
Event.prototype.subscribe = function (eventHandler) {
if (typeof eventHandler === 'function') {
return ((this.subscribers.push(eventHandler)) - 1);
} else {
return { FAIL: `invalid '${this.eventId}' event handler`};
* Unsubscribe an event handler
* @param {string} subsId subscription id
Event.prototype.unsubscribe = function (subsId) {
this.subscribers.splice(subsId, 1);
* Sets context params current value index
* @param {number} index context params current value index
ContextParams.prototype.setCurrentIndex = function(index) {
this.index = index;
this.current = this.context[index];
this.backtrack = this.context.slice(0, index);
this.lookahead = this.context.slice(index + 1);
* Get an item at an offset from the current value
* example (current value is 3):
* 1 2 [3] 4 5 | items values
* -2 -1 0 1 2 | offset values
* @param {number} offset an offset from current value index
ContextParams.prototype.get = function (offset) {
switch (true) {
case (offset === 0):
return this.current;
case (offset < 0 && Math.abs(offset) <= this.backtrack.length):
return this.backtrack.slice(offset)[0];
case (offset > 0 && offset <= this.lookahead.length):
return this.lookahead[offset - 1];
return null;
* Converts a context range into a string value
* @param {contextRange} range a context range
Tokenizer.prototype.rangeToText = function (range) {
if (range instanceof ContextRange) {
return (
.map(token => token.char).join('')
* Converts all tokens into a string
Tokenizer.prototype.getText = function () {
return => token.char).join('');
* Get a context by name
* @param {string} contextName context name to get
Tokenizer.prototype.getContext = function (contextName) {
let context = this.registeredContexts[contextName];
return !!context ? context : null;
* Subscribes a new event handler to an event
* @param {string} eventName event name to subscribe to
* @param {function} eventHandler a function to be invoked on event
Tokenizer.prototype.on = function(eventName, eventHandler) {
const event =[eventName];
if (!!event) {
return event.subscribe(eventHandler);
} else {
return null;
* Dispatches an event
* @param {string} eventName event name
* @param {any} args event handler arguments
Tokenizer.prototype.dispatch = function(eventName, args) {
const event =[eventName];
if (event instanceof Event) {
event.subscribers.forEach(subscriber => {
subscriber.apply(this, args || []);
* Register a new context checker
* @param {string} contextName a unique context name
* @param {function} contextStartCheck a predicate function that returns true on context start
* @param {function} contextEndCheck a predicate function that returns true on context end
* TODO: call tokenize on registration to update context ranges with the new context.
Tokenizer.prototype.registerContextChecker = function(contextName, contextStartCheck, contextEndCheck) {
if (!!this.getContext(contextName)) return {
`context name '${contextName}' is already registered.`
if (typeof contextStartCheck !== 'function') return {
`missing context start check.`
if (typeof contextEndCheck !== 'function') return {
`missing context end check.`
const contextCheckers = new ContextChecker(
contextName, contextStartCheck, contextEndCheck
this.registeredContexts[contextName] = contextCheckers;
return contextCheckers;
* Gets a context range tokens
* @param {contextRange} range a context range
Tokenizer.prototype.getRangeTokens = function(range) {
const endIndex = range.startIndex + range.endOffset;
return [].concat(
.slice(range.startIndex, endIndex)
* Gets the ranges of a context
* @param {string} contextName context name
Tokenizer.prototype.getContextRanges = function(contextName) {
const context = this.getContext(contextName);
if (!!context) {
return context.ranges;
} else {
return { FAIL: `context checker '${contextName}' is not registered.` };
* Resets context ranges to run context update
Tokenizer.prototype.resetContextsRanges = function () {
const registeredContexts = this.registeredContexts;
for (const contextName in registeredContexts) {
if (registeredContexts.hasOwnProperty(contextName)) {
const context = registeredContexts[contextName];
context.ranges = [];
* Updates context ranges
Tokenizer.prototype.updateContextsRanges = function () {
const chars = => token.char);
for (let i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
const contextParams = new ContextParams(chars, i);
this.dispatch('updateContextsRanges', [this.registeredContexts]);
* Sets the end offset of an open range
* @param {number} offset range end offset
* @param {string} contextName context name
Tokenizer.prototype.setEndOffset = function (offset, contextName) {
const startIndex = this.getContext(contextName).openRange.startIndex;
let range = new ContextRange(startIndex, offset, contextName);
const ranges = this.getContext(contextName).ranges;
range.rangeId = `${contextName}.${ranges.length}`;
this.getContext(contextName).openRange = null;
return range;
* Runs a context check on the current context
* @param {contextParams} contextParams current context params
Tokenizer.prototype.runContextCheck = function(contextParams) {
const index = contextParams.index;
this.contextCheckers.forEach(contextChecker => {
let contextName = contextChecker.contextName;
let openRange = this.getContext(contextName).openRange;
if (!openRange && contextChecker.checkStart(contextParams)) {
openRange = new ContextRange(index, null, contextName);
this.getContext(contextName).openRange = openRange;
this.dispatch('contextStart', [contextName, index]);
if (!!openRange && contextChecker.checkEnd(contextParams)) {
const offset = (index - openRange.startIndex) + 1;
const range = this.setEndOffset(offset, contextName);
this.dispatch('contextEnd', [contextName, range]);
* Converts a text into a list of tokens
* @param {string} text a text to tokenize
Tokenizer.prototype.tokenize = function (text) {
this.tokens = [];
let chars = Array.from(text);
for (let i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
const char = chars[i];
const contextParams = new ContextParams(chars, i);
this.dispatch('next', [contextParams]);
let token = new Token(char);
this.dispatch('newToken', [token, contextParams]);
this.dispatch('end', [this.tokens]);
return this.tokens;
export default Tokenizer;
export { Token, Event, ContextRange, ContextParams };