
231 lines
11 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.create = void 0;
const css = require("vscode-css-languageservice");
const vscode_uri_1 = require("vscode-uri");
function create() {
return {
name: 'css',
triggerCharacters: ['/', '-', ':'],
create(context) {
let inited = false;
const stylesheets = new WeakMap();
const fileSystemProvider = {
stat: async (uri) => await context.env.fs?.stat(uri) ?? {
type: css.FileType.Unknown,
ctime: 0,
mtime: 0,
size: 0,
readDirectory: async (uri) => await context.env.fs?.readDirectory(uri) ?? [],
const documentContext = {
resolveReference(ref, base) {
if (ref.match(/^\w[\w\d+.-]*:/)) {
// starts with a schema
return ref;
if (ref[0] === '/') { // resolve absolute path against the current workspace folder
return base + ref;
const baseUri = vscode_uri_1.URI.parse(base);
const baseUriDir = baseUri.path.endsWith('/') ? baseUri : vscode_uri_1.Utils.dirname(baseUri);
return vscode_uri_1.Utils.resolvePath(baseUriDir, ref).toString(true);
const cssLs = css.getCSSLanguageService({
clientCapabilities: context.env.clientCapabilities,
const scssLs = css.getSCSSLanguageService({
clientCapabilities: context.env.clientCapabilities,
const lessLs = css.getLESSLanguageService({
clientCapabilities: context.env.clientCapabilities,
const postcssLs = {
doValidation: (document, stylesheet, documentSettings) => {
let errors = scssLs.doValidation(document, stylesheet, documentSettings);
errors = errors.filter(error => error.code !== 'css-semicolonexpected');
errors = errors.filter(error => error.code !== 'css-ruleorselectorexpected');
errors = errors.filter(error => error.code !== 'unknownAtRules');
return errors;
return {
provide: {
'css/stylesheet': getStylesheet,
'css/languageService': getCssLs,
async provideCompletionItems(document, position) {
return worker(document, async (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
const settings = await context.env.getConfiguration?.(document.languageId);
const cssResult = await cssLs.doComplete2(document, position, stylesheet, documentContext, settings?.completion);
return cssResult;
provideRenameRange(document, position) {
return worker(document, (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
return cssLs.prepareRename(document, position, stylesheet);
provideRenameEdits(document, position, newName) {
return worker(document, (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
return cssLs.doRename(document, position, newName, stylesheet);
provideCodeActions(document, range, context) {
return worker(document, (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
return cssLs.doCodeActions2(document, range, context, stylesheet);
provideDefinition(document, position) {
return worker(document, (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
const location = cssLs.findDefinition(document, position, stylesheet);
if (location) {
return [{
targetUri: location.uri,
targetRange: location.range,
targetSelectionRange: location.range,
async provideDiagnostics(document) {
return worker(document, async (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
const settings = await context.env.getConfiguration?.(document.languageId);
return cssLs.doValidation(document, stylesheet, settings);
async provideHover(document, position) {
return worker(document, async (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
const settings = await context.env.getConfiguration?.(document.languageId);
return cssLs.doHover(document, position, stylesheet, settings?.hover);
provideReferences(document, position) {
return worker(document, (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
return cssLs.findReferences(document, position, stylesheet);
provideDocumentHighlights(document, position) {
return worker(document, (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
return cssLs.findDocumentHighlights(document, position, stylesheet);
async provideDocumentLinks(document) {
return await worker(document, (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
return cssLs.findDocumentLinks2(document, stylesheet, documentContext);
provideDocumentSymbols(document) {
return worker(document, (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
return cssLs.findDocumentSymbols2(document, stylesheet);
provideDocumentColors(document) {
return worker(document, (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
return cssLs.findDocumentColors(document, stylesheet);
provideColorPresentations(document, color, range) {
return worker(document, (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
return cssLs.getColorPresentations(document, stylesheet, color, range);
provideFoldingRanges(document) {
return worker(document, (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
return cssLs.getFoldingRanges(document, stylesheet);
provideSelectionRanges(document, positions) {
return worker(document, (stylesheet, cssLs) => {
return cssLs.getSelectionRanges(document, positions, stylesheet);
async provideDocumentFormattingEdits(document, formatRange, options) {
return worker(document, async (_stylesheet, cssLs) => {
const options_2 = await context.env.getConfiguration?.(document.languageId + '.format');
if (options_2?.enable === false) {
return cssLs.format(document, formatRange, {
async function initCustomData() {
if (!inited) {
context.env.onDidChangeConfiguration?.(async () => {
const customData = await getCustomData();
cssLs.setDataProviders(true, customData);
scssLs.setDataProviders(true, customData);
lessLs.setDataProviders(true, customData);
const customData = await getCustomData();
cssLs.setDataProviders(true, customData);
scssLs.setDataProviders(true, customData);
lessLs.setDataProviders(true, customData);
inited = true;
async function getCustomData() {
const customData = await context.env.getConfiguration?.('css.customData') ?? [];
const newData = [];
for (const customDataPath of customData) {
try {
const pathModuleName = 'path'; // avoid bundle
const { posix: path } = require(pathModuleName);
const jsonPath = path.resolve(customDataPath);
catch (error) {
return newData;
function getCssLs(lang) {
switch (lang) {
case 'css': return cssLs;
case 'scss': return scssLs;
case 'less': return lessLs;
case 'postcss': return postcssLs;
function getStylesheet(document) {
const cache = stylesheets.get(document);
if (cache) {
const [cacheVersion, cacheStylesheet] = cache;
if (cacheVersion === document.version) {
return cacheStylesheet;
const cssLs = getCssLs(document.languageId);
if (!cssLs)
const stylesheet = cssLs.parseStylesheet(document);
stylesheets.set(document, [document.version, stylesheet]);
return stylesheet;
async function worker(document, callback) {
const stylesheet = getStylesheet(document);
if (!stylesheet)
const cssLs = getCssLs(document.languageId);
if (!cssLs)
await initCustomData();
return callback(stylesheet, cssLs);
exports.create = create;