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type QueryValue = string | number | undefined | null | boolean | Array<QueryValue> | Record<string, any>;
type QueryObject = Record<string, QueryValue | QueryValue[]>;
type ParsedQuery = Record<string, string | string[]>;
* Parses and decodes a query string into an object.
* input can be a query string with or without the leading `?`
* @note
* The `__proto__` and `constructor` keys are ignored to prevent prototype pollution.
* @group qeury
declare function parseQuery<T extends ParsedQuery = ParsedQuery>(parametersString?: string): T;
* Encodes a pair of key and value into a url query string value.
* If the value is an array, it will be encoded as multiple key-value pairs with the same key.
* @group qeury
declare function encodeQueryItem(key: string, value: QueryValue | QueryValue[]): string;
* Stringfies and encodes a query object into a query string.
* @group qeury
declare function stringifyQuery(query: QueryObject): string;
* Encode characters that need to be encoded on the path, search and hash
* sections of the URL.
* @group encoding
* @param text - string to encode
* @returns encoded string
declare function encode(text: string | number): string;
* Encode characters that need to be encoded on the hash section of the URL.
* @group encoding
* @param text - string to encode
* @returns encoded string
declare function encodeHash(text: string): string;
* Encode characters that need to be encoded query values on the query
* section of the URL.
* @group encoding
* @param input - string to encode
* @returns encoded string
declare function encodeQueryValue(input: QueryValue): string;
* Encode characters that need to be encoded query values on the query
* section of the URL and also encodes the `=` character.
* @group encoding
* @param text - string to encode
declare function encodeQueryKey(text: string | number): string;
* Encode characters that need to be encoded on the path section of the URL.
* @group encoding
* @param text - string to encode
* @returns encoded string
declare function encodePath(text: string | number): string;
* Encode characters that need to be encoded on the path section of the URL as a
* param. This function encodes everything `encodePath` does plus the
* slash (`/`) character.
* @group encoding
* @param text - string to encode
* @returns encoded string
declare function encodeParam(text: string | number): string;
* Decode text using `decodeURIComponent`. Returns the original text if it
* fails.
* @group encoding
* @param text - string to decode
* @returns decoded string
declare function decode(text?: string | number): string;
* Decode path section of URL (consistent with encodePath for slash encoding).
* @group encoding
* @param text - string to decode
* @returns decoded string
declare function decodePath(text: string): string;
* Decodes query key (consistent with `encodeQueryKey` for plus encoding).
* @group encoding
* @param text - string to decode
* @returns decoded string
declare function decodeQueryKey(text: string): string;
* Decode query value (consistent with encodeQueryValue for plus encoding).
* @group encoding
* @param text - string to decode
* @returns decoded string
declare function decodeQueryValue(text: string): string;
* Encodes hostname with punycode encoding.
* @group encoding
declare function encodeHost(name?: string): string;
declare const protocolRelative: unique symbol;
interface ParsedURL {
protocol?: string;
host?: string;
auth?: string;
href?: string;
pathname: string;
hash: string;
search: string;
[protocolRelative]?: boolean;
interface ParsedAuth {
username: string;
password: string;
interface ParsedHost {
hostname: string;
port: string;
* Takes a URL string and returns an object with the URL's `protocol`, `auth`, `host`, `pathname`, `search`, and `hash`.
* @example
* ```js
* parseURL("");
* // { protocol: 'http:', auth: '', host: '', pathname: '/foo', search: '?test=123', hash: '#token' }
* parseURL("");
* // { pathname: '', search: '?test=123', hash: '#token' }
* parseURL("", "https://");
* // { protocol: 'https:', auth: '', host: '', pathname: '/foo', search: '?test=123', hash: '#token' }
* ```
* @group parsing
* @param [input] - The URL to parse.
* @param [defaultProto] - The default protocol to use if the input doesn't have one.
* @returns A parsed URL object.
declare function parseURL(input?: string, defaultProto?: string): ParsedURL;
* Splits the input string into three parts, and returns an object with those three parts.
* @group parsing
* @param [input] - The URL to parse.
* @returns An object with three properties: `pathname`, `search`, and `hash`.
declare function parsePath(input?: string): ParsedURL;
* Takes a string of the form `username:password` and returns an object with the username and
* password decoded.
* @group parsing
* @param [input] - The URL to parse.
* @returns An object with two properties: username and password.
declare function parseAuth(input?: string): ParsedAuth;
* Takes a string, and returns an object with two properties: `hostname` and `port`.
* @group parsing
* @param [input] - The URL to parse.
* @returns A function that takes a string and returns an object with two properties: `hostname` and
* `port`.
declare function parseHost(input?: string): ParsedHost;
* Takes a `ParsedURL` object and returns the stringified URL.
* @group parsing
* @example
* ```js
* const obj = parseURL("");
* = "";
* stringifyParsedURL(obj); // ""
* ```
* @param [parsed] - The parsed URL
* @returns A stringified URL.
declare function stringifyParsedURL(parsed: Partial<ParsedURL>): string;
* Parses a url and returns last segment in path as filename.
* If `{ strict: true }` is passed as the second argument, it will only return the last segment only if ending with an extension.
* @group parsing
* @example
* ```js
* // Result: filename.ext
* parseFilename("");
* // Result: undefined
* parseFilename("/path/to/.hidden-file", { strict: true });
* ```
declare function parseFilename(input: string, { strict }: {
strict: any;
}): string | undefined;
* @deprecated use native URL with `new URL(input)` or `ufo.parseURL(input)`
declare class $URL implements URL {
protocol: string;
host: string;
auth: string;
pathname: string;
query: QueryObject;
hash: string;
constructor(input?: string);
get hostname(): string;
get port(): string;
get username(): string;
get password(): string;
get hasProtocol(): number;
get isAbsolute(): number | boolean;
get search(): string;
get searchParams(): URLSearchParams;
get origin(): string;
get fullpath(): string;
get encodedAuth(): string;
get href(): string;
append(url: $URL): void;
toJSON(): string;
toString(): string;
* @deprecated use native URL with `new URL(input)` or `ufo.parseURL(input)`
declare function createURL(input: string): $URL;
* Check if a path starts with `./` or `../`.
* @example
* ```js
* isRelative("./foo"); // true
* ```
* @group utils
declare function isRelative(inputString: string): boolean;
interface HasProtocolOptions {
acceptRelative?: boolean;
strict?: boolean;
* Checks if the input has a protocol.
* You can use `{ acceptRelative: true }` to accept relative URLs as valid protocol.
* @group utils
declare function hasProtocol(inputString: string, opts?: HasProtocolOptions): boolean;
/** @deprecated Same as { hasProtocol(inputString, { acceptRelative: true }) */
declare function hasProtocol(inputString: string, acceptRelative: boolean): boolean;
* Checks if the input protocol is any of the dangerous `blob:`, `data:`, `javascript`: or `vbscript:` protocols.
* @group utils
declare function isScriptProtocol(protocol?: string): boolean;
* Checks if the input has a trailing slash.
* @group utils
declare function hasTrailingSlash(input?: string, respectQueryAndFragment?: boolean): boolean;
* Removes trailing slash from the URL or pathname.
* If second argument is is true, it will only remove the trailing slash if it's not part of the query or fragment with cost of more expensive operations.
* @example
* ```js
* withoutTrailingSlash("/foo/"); // "/foo"
* withoutTrailingSlash("/path/?query=true", true); // "/path?query=true"
* ```
* @group utils
declare function withoutTrailingSlash(input?: string, respectQueryAndFragment?: boolean): string;
* Ensures url ends with a trailing slash.
* If seccond argument is `true`, it will only add the trailing slash if it's not part of the query or fragment with cost of more expensive operation.
* @example
* ```js
* withTrailingSlash("/foo"); // "/foo/"
* withTrailingSlash("/path?query=true", true); // "/path/?query=true"
* ```
* @group utils
declare function withTrailingSlash(input?: string, respectQueryAndFragment?: boolean): string;
* Checks if the input has a leading slash. (e.g. `/foo`)
* @group utils
declare function hasLeadingSlash(input?: string): boolean;
* Removes leading slash from the URL or pathname.
* @group utils
declare function withoutLeadingSlash(input?: string): string;
* Ensures the URL or pathname has a leading slash.
* @group utils
declare function withLeadingSlash(input?: string): string;
* Removes double slashes from the URL.
* @example
* ```js
* cleanDoubleSlashes("//foo//bar//"); // "/foo/bar/"
* cleanDoubleSlashes("");
* // Returns ""
* ```
* @group utils
declare function cleanDoubleSlashes(input?: string): string;
* Ensures the URL or pathname has a trailing slash.
* If input aleady start with base, it will not be added again.
* @group utils
declare function withBase(input: string, base: string): string;
* Removes the base from the URL or pathname.
* If input does not start with base, it will not be removed.
* @group utils
declare function withoutBase(input: string, base: string): string;
* Add/Replace the query section of the URL.
* @example
* ```js
* withQuery("/foo?page=a", { token: "secret" }); // "/foo?page=a&token=secret"
* ```
* @group utils
declare function withQuery(input: string, query: QueryObject): string;
* Parses and decods the query object of an input URL into an object.
* @example
* ```js
* getQuery("");
* // { test: "123", unicode: "好" }
* ```
* @group utils
declare function getQuery<T extends ParsedQuery = ParsedQuery>(input: string): T;
* Checks if the input url is empty or `/`.
* @group utils
declare function isEmptyURL(url: string): boolean;
* Checks if the input url is not empty nor `/`.
* @group utils
declare function isNonEmptyURL(url: string): boolean;
* Joins multiple URL segments into a single URL.
* @example
* ```js
* joinURL("a", "/b", "/c"); // "a/b/c"
* ```
* @group utils
declare function joinURL(base: string, ...input: string[]): string;
* Adds or replaces url protocol to `http://`.
* @example
* ```js
* withHttp(""); //
* ```
* @group utils
declare function withHttp(input: string): string;
* Adds or replaces url protocol to `https://`.
* @example
* ```js
* withHttps(""); //
* ```
* @group utils
declare function withHttps(input: string): string;
* Removes the protocol from the input.
* @example
* ```js
* withoutProtocol(""); // ""
* ```
declare function withoutProtocol(input: string): string;
* Adds or Replaces protocol of the input URL.
* @example
* ```js
* withProtocol("", "ftp://"); // ""
* ```
* @group utils
declare function withProtocol(input: string, protocol: string): string;
* Normlizes inputed url:
* - Ensures url is properly encoded
* - Ensures pathname starts with slash
* - Preserves protocol/host if provided
* @example
* ```js
* normalizeURL("test?query=123 123#hash, test");
* // Returns "test?query=123%20123#hash,%20test"
* normalizeURL("http://localhost:3000");
* // Returns "http://localhost:3000"
* ```
* @group utils
declare function normalizeURL(input: string): string;
* Resolves multiple URL segments into a single URL.
* @example
* ```js
* resolveURL("", "bar", "baz");
* // Returns ""
* ```
* @group utils
declare function resolveURL(base?: string, ...inputs: string[]): string;
* Check two paths are equal or not. Trailing slash and encoding are normalized before comparison.
* @example
* ```js
* isSamePath("/foo", "/foo/"); // true
* ```
* @group utils
declare function isSamePath(p1: string, p2: string): boolean;
interface CompareURLOptions {
trailingSlash?: boolean;
leadingSlash?: boolean;
encoding?: boolean;
* Checks if two paths are equal regardless of encoding, trailing slash, and leading slash differences.
* You can make slash check strict by setting `{ trailingSlash: true, leadingSlash: true }` as options.
* You can make encoding check strict by setting `{ encoding: true }` as options.
* @example
* ```js
* isEqual("/foo", "foo"); // true
* isEqual("foo/", "foo"); // true
* isEqual("/foo bar", "/foo%20bar"); // true
* // Strict compare
* isEqual("/foo", "foo", { leadingSlash: true }); // false
* isEqual("foo/", "foo", { trailingSlash: true }); // false
* isEqual("/foo bar", "/foo%20bar", { encoding: true }); // false
* ```
* @group utils
declare function isEqual(a: string, b: string, options?: CompareURLOptions): boolean;
* Add/Replace the fragment section of the URL.
* @example
* ```js
* withFragment("/foo", "bar"); // "/foo#bar"
* withFragment("/foo#bar", "baz"); // "/foo#baz"
* withFragment("/foo#bar", ""); // "/foo"
* ```
* @group utils
declare function withFragment(input: string, hash: string): string;
* Removes the fragment section from the URL.
* @example
* ```js
* withoutFragment("")
* // Returns ""
* ```
* @group utils
declare function withoutFragment(input: string): string;
export { $URL, type HasProtocolOptions, type ParsedAuth, type ParsedHost, type ParsedQuery, type ParsedURL, type QueryObject, type QueryValue, cleanDoubleSlashes, createURL, decode, decodePath, decodeQueryKey, decodeQueryValue, encode, encodeHash, encodeHost, encodeParam, encodePath, encodeQueryItem, encodeQueryKey, encodeQueryValue, getQuery, hasLeadingSlash, hasProtocol, hasTrailingSlash, isEmptyURL, isEqual, isNonEmptyURL, isRelative, isSamePath, isScriptProtocol, joinURL, normalizeURL, parseAuth, parseFilename, parseHost, parsePath, parseQuery, parseURL, resolveURL, stringifyParsedURL, stringifyQuery, withBase, withFragment, withHttp, withHttps, withLeadingSlash, withProtocol, withQuery, withTrailingSlash, withoutBase, withoutFragment, withoutLeadingSlash, withoutProtocol, withoutTrailingSlash };