
451 lines
14 KiB

import { createRequire } from 'node:module';
import { dirname } from 'node:path';
import { pathToFileURL, fileURLToPath } from 'node:url';
import vm from 'node:vm';
import { resolve } from 'pathe';
import createDebug from 'debug';
import { createImportMetaEnvProxy, normalizeModuleId, slash, isInternalRequest, isNodeBuiltin, normalizeRequestId, toFilePath, cleanUrl, isPrimitive } from './utils.mjs';
import { extractSourceMap } from './source-map.mjs';
import 'node:fs';
const { setTimeout, clearTimeout } = globalThis;
const debugExecute = createDebug("vite-node:client:execute");
const debugNative = createDebug("vite-node:client:native");
const clientStub = {
injectQuery: (id) => id,
createHotContext: () => {
return {
accept: () => {
prune: () => {
dispose: () => {
decline: () => {
invalidate: () => {
on: () => {
send: () => {
updateStyle: () => {
removeStyle: () => {
const env = createImportMetaEnvProxy();
"/@vite/client": clientStub,
"@vite/client": clientStub
class ModuleCacheMap extends Map {
normalizePath(fsPath) {
return normalizeModuleId(fsPath);
* Assign partial data to the map
update(fsPath, mod) {
fsPath = this.normalizePath(fsPath);
if (!super.has(fsPath))
this.setByModuleId(fsPath, mod);
Object.assign(super.get(fsPath), mod);
return this;
setByModuleId(modulePath, mod) {
return super.set(modulePath, mod);
set(fsPath, mod) {
return this.setByModuleId(this.normalizePath(fsPath), mod);
getByModuleId(modulePath) {
if (!super.has(modulePath))
this.setByModuleId(modulePath, {});
const mod = super.get(modulePath);
if (!mod.imports) {
Object.assign(mod, {
imports: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
importers: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()
return mod;
get(fsPath) {
return this.getByModuleId(this.normalizePath(fsPath));
deleteByModuleId(modulePath) {
return super.delete(modulePath);
delete(fsPath) {
return this.deleteByModuleId(this.normalizePath(fsPath));
invalidateModule(mod) {
var _a, _b;
delete mod.evaluated;
delete mod.resolving;
delete mod.promise;
delete mod.exports;
(_a = mod.importers) == null ? void 0 : _a.clear();
(_b = mod.imports) == null ? void 0 : _b.clear();
return true;
* Invalidate modules that dependent on the given modules, up to the main entry
invalidateDepTree(ids, invalidated = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()) {
for (const _id of ids) {
const id = this.normalizePath(_id);
if (invalidated.has(id))
const mod = super.get(id);
if (mod == null ? void 0 : mod.importers)
this.invalidateDepTree(mod.importers, invalidated);
return invalidated;
* Invalidate dependency modules of the given modules, down to the bottom-level dependencies
invalidateSubDepTree(ids, invalidated = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()) {
for (const _id of ids) {
const id = this.normalizePath(_id);
if (invalidated.has(id))
const subIds = Array.from(super.entries()).filter(([, mod]) => {
var _a;
return (_a = mod.importers) == null ? void 0 : _a.has(id);
}).map(([key]) => key);
subIds.length && this.invalidateSubDepTree(subIds, invalidated);
return invalidated;
* Return parsed source map based on inlined source map of the module
getSourceMap(id) {
const cache = this.get(id);
if (
const map = cache.code && extractSourceMap(cache.code);
if (map) { = map;
return map;
return null;
class ViteNodeRunner {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options;
this.root = options.root ?? process.cwd();
this.moduleCache = options.moduleCache ?? new ModuleCacheMap();
this.debug = options.debug ?? (typeof process !== "undefined" ? !!process.env.VITE_NODE_DEBUG_RUNNER : false);
* Holds the cache of modules
* Keys of the map are filepaths, or plain package names
async executeFile(file) {
const url = `/@fs/${slash(resolve(file))}`;
return await this.cachedRequest(url, url, []);
async executeId(rawId) {
const [id, url] = await this.resolveUrl(rawId);
return await this.cachedRequest(id, url, []);
/** @internal */
async cachedRequest(id, fsPath, callstack) {
const importee = callstack[callstack.length - 1];
const mod = this.moduleCache.get(fsPath);
const { imports, importers } = mod;
if (importee)
const getStack = () => `stack:
${[...callstack, fsPath].reverse().map((p) => ` - ${p}`).join("\n")}`;
if (callstack.includes(fsPath) || Array.from(imports.values()).some((i) => importers.has(i))) {
if (mod.exports)
return mod.exports;
let debugTimer;
if (this.debug)
debugTimer = setTimeout(() => console.warn(`[vite-node] module ${fsPath} takes over 2s to load.
${getStack()}`), 2e3);
try {
if (mod.promise)
return await mod.promise;
const promise = this.directRequest(id, fsPath, callstack);
Object.assign(mod, { promise, evaluated: false });
return await promise;
} finally {
mod.evaluated = true;
if (debugTimer)
shouldResolveId(id, _importee) {
return !isInternalRequest(id) && !isNodeBuiltin(id) && !id.startsWith("data:");
async _resolveUrl(id, importer) {
var _a, _b;
const dep = normalizeRequestId(id, this.options.base);
if (!this.shouldResolveId(dep))
return [dep, dep];
const { path, exists } = toFilePath(dep, this.root);
if (!this.options.resolveId || exists)
return [dep, path];
const resolved = await this.options.resolveId(dep, importer);
if ((_b = (_a = resolved == null ? void 0 : resolved.meta) == null ? void 0 : _a["vite:alias"]) == null ? void 0 : _b.noResolved) {
const error = new Error(
`Cannot find module '${id}'${importer ? ` imported from '${importer}'` : ""}.
- If you rely on tsconfig.json's "paths" to resolve modules, please install "vite-tsconfig-paths" plugin to handle module resolution.
- Make sure you don't have relative aliases in your Vitest config. Use absolute paths instead. Read more:`
Object.defineProperty(error, "code", { value: "ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND", enumerable: true });
Object.defineProperty(error, Symbol.for(""), { value: { id: dep, importer }, enumerable: false });
throw error;
const resolvedId = resolved ? normalizeRequestId(, this.options.base) : dep;
return [resolvedId, resolvedId];
async resolveUrl(id, importee) {
const resolveKey = `resolve:${id}`;
this.moduleCache.setByModuleId(resolveKey, { resolving: true });
try {
return await this._resolveUrl(id, importee);
} finally {
/** @internal */
async dependencyRequest(id, fsPath, callstack) {
return await this.cachedRequest(id, fsPath, callstack);
/** @internal */
async directRequest(id, fsPath, _callstack) {
const moduleId = normalizeModuleId(fsPath);
const callstack = [..._callstack, moduleId];
const mod = this.moduleCache.getByModuleId(moduleId);
const request = async (dep) => {
const [id2, depFsPath] = await this.resolveUrl(String(dep), fsPath);
const depMod = this.moduleCache.getByModuleId(depFsPath);
return this.dependencyRequest(id2, depFsPath, callstack);
const requestStubs = this.options.requestStubs || DEFAULT_REQUEST_STUBS;
if (id in requestStubs)
return requestStubs[id];
let { code: transformed, externalize } = await this.options.fetchModule(id);
if (externalize) {
const exports2 = await this.interopedImport(externalize);
mod.exports = exports2;
return exports2;
if (transformed == null)
throw new Error(`[vite-node] Failed to load "${id}" imported from ${callstack[callstack.length - 2]}`);
const { Object: Object2, Reflect: Reflect2, Symbol: Symbol2 } = this.getContextPrimitives();
const modulePath = cleanUrl(moduleId);
const href = pathToFileURL(modulePath).href;
const __filename = fileURLToPath(href);
const __dirname = dirname(__filename);
const meta = {
url: href,
filename: __filename,
dirname: __dirname
const exports = Object2.create(null);
Object2.defineProperty(exports, Symbol2.toStringTag, {
value: "Module",
enumerable: false,
configurable: false
const SYMBOL_NOT_DEFINED = Symbol2("not defined");
let moduleExports = SYMBOL_NOT_DEFINED;
const cjsExports = new Proxy(exports, {
get: (target, p, receiver) => {
if (Reflect2.has(target, p))
return Reflect2.get(target, p, receiver);
return Reflect2.get(Object2.prototype, p, receiver);
getPrototypeOf: () => Object2.prototype,
set: (_, p, value) => {
if (p === "default" && this.shouldInterop(modulePath, { default: value }) && cjsExports !== value) {
exportAll(cjsExports, value);
exports.default = value;
return true;
if (!Reflect2.has(exports, "default"))
exports.default = {};
if (moduleExports !== SYMBOL_NOT_DEFINED && isPrimitive(moduleExports)) {
defineExport(exports, p, () => void 0);
return true;
if (!isPrimitive(exports.default))
exports.default[p] = value;
if (p !== "default")
defineExport(exports, p, () => value);
return true;
Object2.assign(mod, { code: transformed, exports });
const moduleProxy = {
set exports(value) {
exportAll(cjsExports, value);
exports.default = value;
moduleExports = value;
get exports() {
return cjsExports;
let hotContext;
if (this.options.createHotContext) {
Object2.defineProperty(meta, "hot", {
enumerable: true,
get: () => {
var _a, _b;
hotContext || (hotContext = (_b = (_a = this.options).createHotContext) == null ? void 0 :, this, moduleId));
return hotContext;
set: (value) => {
hotContext = value;
const context = this.prepareContext({
// esm transformed by Vite
__vite_ssr_import__: request,
__vite_ssr_dynamic_import__: request,
__vite_ssr_exports__: exports,
__vite_ssr_exportAll__: (obj) => exportAll(exports, obj),
__vite_ssr_import_meta__: meta,
// cjs compact
require: createRequire(href),
exports: cjsExports,
module: moduleProxy,
if (transformed[0] === "#")
transformed = transformed.replace(/^\#\!.*/, (s) => " ".repeat(s.length));
await this.runModule(context, transformed);
return exports;
getContextPrimitives() {
return { Object, Reflect, Symbol };
async runModule(context, transformed) {
const codeDefinition = `'use strict';async (${Object.keys(context).join(",")})=>{{`;
const code = `${codeDefinition}${transformed}
const options = {
filename: context.__filename,
lineOffset: 0,
columnOffset: -codeDefinition.length
const fn = vm.runInThisContext(code, options);
await fn(...Object.values(context));
prepareContext(context) {
return context;
* Define if a module should be interop-ed
* This function mostly for the ability to override by subclass
shouldInterop(path, mod) {
if (this.options.interopDefault === false)
return false;
return !path.endsWith(".mjs") && "default" in mod;
importExternalModule(path) {
return import(path);
* Import a module and interop it
async interopedImport(path) {
const importedModule = await this.importExternalModule(path);
if (!this.shouldInterop(path, importedModule))
return importedModule;
const { mod, defaultExport } = interopModule(importedModule);
return new Proxy(mod, {
get(mod2, prop) {
if (prop === "default")
return defaultExport;
return mod2[prop] ?? (defaultExport == null ? void 0 : defaultExport[prop]);
has(mod2, prop) {
if (prop === "default")
return defaultExport !== void 0;
return prop in mod2 || defaultExport && prop in defaultExport;
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(mod2, prop) {
const descriptor = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(mod2, prop);
if (descriptor)
return descriptor;
if (prop === "default" && defaultExport !== void 0) {
return {
value: defaultExport,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
function interopModule(mod) {
if (isPrimitive(mod)) {
return {
mod: { default: mod },
defaultExport: mod
let defaultExport = "default" in mod ? mod.default : mod;
if (!isPrimitive(defaultExport) && "__esModule" in defaultExport) {
mod = defaultExport;
if ("default" in defaultExport)
defaultExport = defaultExport.default;
return { mod, defaultExport };
function defineExport(exports, key, value) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, key, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get: value
function exportAll(exports, sourceModule) {
if (exports === sourceModule)
if (isPrimitive(sourceModule) || Array.isArray(sourceModule) || sourceModule instanceof Promise)
for (const key in sourceModule) {
if (key !== "default") {
try {
defineExport(exports, key, () => sourceModule[key]);
} catch (_err) {
export { DEFAULT_REQUEST_STUBS, ModuleCacheMap, ViteNodeRunner };