
1023 lines
35 KiB

"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {value: true});/* eslint max-len: 0 */
// A recursive descent parser operates by defining functions for all
// syntactic elements, and recursively calling those, each function
// advancing the input stream and returning an AST node. Precedence
// of constructs (for example, the fact that `!x[1]` means `!(x[1])`
// instead of `(!x)[1]` is handled by the fact that the parser
// function that parses unary prefix operators is called first, and
// in turn calls the function that parses `[]` subscripts — that
// way, it'll receive the node for `x[1]` already parsed, and wraps
// *that* in the unary operator node.
// Acorn uses an [operator precedence parser][opp] to handle binary
// operator precedence, because it is much more compact than using
// the technique outlined above, which uses different, nesting
// functions to specify precedence, for all of the ten binary
// precedence levels that JavaScript defines.
// [opp]:
var _flow = require('../plugins/flow');
var _index = require('../plugins/jsx/index');
var _types = require('../plugins/types');
var _typescript = require('../plugins/typescript');
var _index3 = require('../tokenizer/index');
var _keywords = require('../tokenizer/keywords');
var _state = require('../tokenizer/state');
var _types3 = require('../tokenizer/types');
var _charcodes = require('../util/charcodes');
var _identifier = require('../util/identifier');
var _base = require('./base');
var _lval = require('./lval');
var _statement = require('./statement');
var _util = require('./util');
class StopState {
constructor(stop) {
this.stop = stop;
} exports.StopState = StopState;
// ### Expression parsing
// These nest, from the most general expression type at the top to
// 'atomic', nondivisible expression types at the bottom. Most of
// the functions will simply let the function (s) below them parse,
// and, *if* the syntactic construct they handle is present, wrap
// the AST node that the inner parser gave them in another node.
function parseExpression(noIn = false) {
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.comma)) {
while ( 0, _types3.TokenType.comma)) {
} exports.parseExpression = parseExpression;
* noIn is used when parsing a for loop so that we don't interpret a following "in" as the binary
* operatior.
* isWithinParens is used to indicate that we're parsing something that might be a comma expression
* or might be an arrow function or might be a Flow type assertion (which requires explicit parens).
* In these cases, we should allow : and ?: after the initial "left" part.
function parseMaybeAssign(noIn = false, isWithinParens = false) {
if (_base.isTypeScriptEnabled) {
return 0, noIn, isWithinParens);
} else if (_base.isFlowEnabled) {
return 0, noIn, isWithinParens);
} else {
return baseParseMaybeAssign(noIn, isWithinParens);
} exports.parseMaybeAssign = parseMaybeAssign;
// Parse an assignment expression. This includes applications of
// operators like `+=`.
// Returns true if the expression was an arrow function.
function baseParseMaybeAssign(noIn, isWithinParens) {
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType._yield)) {
return false;
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.parenL) || 0, || 0, _types3.TokenType._yield)) {
_base.state.potentialArrowAt = _base.state.start;
const wasArrow = parseMaybeConditional(noIn);
if (isWithinParens) {
if (_base.state.type & _types3.TokenType.IS_ASSIGN) { 0, );
return false;
return wasArrow;
} exports.baseParseMaybeAssign = baseParseMaybeAssign;
// Parse a ternary conditional (`?:`) operator.
// Returns true if the expression was an arrow function.
function parseMaybeConditional(noIn) {
const wasArrow = parseExprOps(noIn);
if (wasArrow) {
return true;
return false;
function parseConditional(noIn) {
if (_base.isTypeScriptEnabled || _base.isFlowEnabled) { 0, noIn);
} else {
function baseParseConditional(noIn) {
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.question)) {
parseMaybeAssign(); 0, _types3.TokenType.colon);
} exports.baseParseConditional = baseParseConditional;
// Start the precedence parser.
// Returns true if this was an arrow function
function parseExprOps(noIn) {
const startTokenIndex = _base.state.tokens.length;
const wasArrow = parseMaybeUnary();
if (wasArrow) {
return true;
parseExprOp(startTokenIndex, -1, noIn);
return false;
// Parse binary operators with the operator precedence parsing
// algorithm. `left` is the left-hand side of the operator.
// `minPrec` provides context that allows the function to stop and
// defer further parser to one of its callers when it encounters an
// operator that has a lower precedence than the set it is parsing.
function parseExprOp(startTokenIndex, minPrec, noIn) {
if (
_base.isTypeScriptEnabled &&
(_types3.TokenType._in & _types3.TokenType.PRECEDENCE_MASK) > minPrec &&
! 0, ) &&
( 0, _keywords.ContextualKeyword._as) || 0, _keywords.ContextualKeyword._satisfies))
) {
const oldIsType = 0, 1); 0, ); 0, oldIsType); 0, );
parseExprOp(startTokenIndex, minPrec, noIn);
const prec = _base.state.type & _types3.TokenType.PRECEDENCE_MASK;
if (prec > 0 && (!noIn || ! 0, _types3.TokenType._in))) {
if (prec > minPrec) {
const op = _base.state.type; 0, );
if (op === _types3.TokenType.nullishCoalescing) {
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].nullishStartIndex = startTokenIndex;
const rhsStartTokenIndex = _base.state.tokens.length;
// Extend the right operand of this operator if possible.
parseExprOp(rhsStartTokenIndex, op & _types3.TokenType.IS_RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE ? prec - 1 : prec, noIn);
if (op === _types3.TokenType.nullishCoalescing) {
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].numNullishCoalesceEnds++;
// Continue with any future operator holding this expression as the left operand.
parseExprOp(startTokenIndex, minPrec, noIn);
// Parse unary operators, both prefix and postfix.
// Returns true if this was an arrow function.
function parseMaybeUnary() {
if (_base.isTypeScriptEnabled && !_base.isJSXEnabled && 0, _types3.TokenType.lessThan)) { 0, );
return false;
if ( 0, _keywords.ContextualKeyword._module) && 0, ) === _charcodes.charCodes.leftCurlyBrace &&
! 0, )
) {
return false;
if (_base.state.type & _types3.TokenType.IS_PREFIX) { 0, );
return false;
const wasArrow = parseExprSubscripts();
if (wasArrow) {
return true;
while (_base.state.type & _types3.TokenType.IS_POSTFIX && ! 0, )) {
// The tokenizer calls everything a preincrement, so make it a postincrement when
// we see it in that context.
if (_base.state.type === _types3.TokenType.preIncDec) {
_base.state.type = _types3.TokenType.postIncDec;
} 0, );
return false;
} exports.parseMaybeUnary = parseMaybeUnary;
// Parse call, dot, and `[]`-subscript expressions.
// Returns true if this was an arrow function.
function parseExprSubscripts() {
const startTokenIndex = _base.state.tokens.length;
const wasArrow = parseExprAtom();
if (wasArrow) {
return true;
// If there was any optional chain operation, the start token would be marked
// as such, so also mark the end now.
if (_base.state.tokens.length > startTokenIndex && _base.state.tokens[startTokenIndex].isOptionalChainStart) {
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].isOptionalChainEnd = true;
return false;
} exports.parseExprSubscripts = parseExprSubscripts;
function parseSubscripts(startTokenIndex, noCalls = false) {
if (_base.isFlowEnabled) { 0, startTokenIndex, noCalls);
} else {
baseParseSubscripts(startTokenIndex, noCalls);
function baseParseSubscripts(startTokenIndex, noCalls = false) {
const stopState = new StopState(false);
do {
parseSubscript(startTokenIndex, noCalls, stopState);
} while (!stopState.stop && !_base.state.error);
} exports.baseParseSubscripts = baseParseSubscripts;
function parseSubscript(startTokenIndex, noCalls, stopState) {
if (_base.isTypeScriptEnabled) { 0, startTokenIndex, noCalls, stopState);
} else if (_base.isFlowEnabled) { 0, startTokenIndex, noCalls, stopState);
} else {
baseParseSubscript(startTokenIndex, noCalls, stopState);
/** Set 'state.stop = true' to indicate that we should stop parsing subscripts. */
function baseParseSubscript(
) {
if (!noCalls && 0, _types3.TokenType.doubleColon)) {
stopState.stop = true;
// Propagate startTokenIndex so that `a::b?.()` will keep `a` as the first token. We may want
// to revisit this in the future when fully supporting bind syntax.
parseSubscripts(startTokenIndex, noCalls);
} else if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.questionDot)) {
_base.state.tokens[startTokenIndex].isOptionalChainStart = true;
if (noCalls && 0, ) === _types3.TokenType.parenL) {
stopState.stop = true;
} 0, );
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].subscriptStartIndex = startTokenIndex;
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.bracketL)) {
parseExpression(); 0, _types3.TokenType.bracketR);
} else if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.parenL)) {
} else {
} else if ( 0, {
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].subscriptStartIndex = startTokenIndex;
} else if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.bracketL)) {
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].subscriptStartIndex = startTokenIndex;
parseExpression(); 0, _types3.TokenType.bracketR);
} else if (!noCalls && 0, _types3.TokenType.parenL)) {
if (atPossibleAsync()) {
// We see "async", but it's possible it's a usage of the name "async". Parse as if it's a
// function call, and if we see an arrow later, backtrack and re-parse as a parameter list.
const snapshot = _base.state.snapshot();
const asyncStartTokenIndex = _base.state.tokens.length; 0, );
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].subscriptStartIndex = startTokenIndex;
const callContextId = 0, );
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = callContextId;
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = callContextId;
if (shouldParseAsyncArrow()) {
// We hit an arrow, so backtrack and start again parsing function parameters.
stopState.stop = true;
_base.state.scopeDepth++; 0, );
} else { 0, );
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].subscriptStartIndex = startTokenIndex;
const callContextId = 0, );
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = callContextId;
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = callContextId;
} else if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.backQuote)) {
// Tagged template expression.
} else {
stopState.stop = true;
} exports.baseParseSubscript = baseParseSubscript;
function atPossibleAsync() {
// This was made less strict than the original version to avoid passing around nodes, but it
// should be safe to have rare false positives here.
return (
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].contextualKeyword === _keywords.ContextualKeyword._async &&
! 0, )
} exports.atPossibleAsync = atPossibleAsync;
function parseCallExpressionArguments() {
let first = true;
while (! 0, _types3.TokenType.parenR) && !_base.state.error) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else { 0, _types3.TokenType.comma);
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.parenR)) {
} exports.parseCallExpressionArguments = parseCallExpressionArguments;
function shouldParseAsyncArrow() {
return 0, _types3.TokenType.colon) || 0, _types3.TokenType.arrow);
function parseAsyncArrowFromCallExpression(startTokenIndex) {
if (_base.isTypeScriptEnabled) { 0, );
} else if (_base.isFlowEnabled) { 0, );
} 0, _types3.TokenType.arrow);
// Parse a no-call expression (like argument of `new` or `::` operators).
function parseNoCallExpr() {
const startTokenIndex = _base.state.tokens.length;
parseSubscripts(startTokenIndex, true);
// Parse an atomic expression — either a single token that is an
// expression, an expression started by a keyword like `function` or
// `new`, or an expression wrapped in punctuation like `()`, `[]`,
// or `{}`.
// Returns true if the parsed expression was an arrow function.
function parseExprAtom() {
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.modulo)) {
// V8 intrinsic expression. Just parse the identifier, and the function invocation is parsed
// naturally.
return false;
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.jsxText) || 0, _types3.TokenType.jsxEmptyText)) {
return false;
} else if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.lessThan) && _base.isJSXEnabled) {
_base.state.type = _types3.TokenType.jsxTagStart; 0, ); 0, );
return false;
const canBeArrow = _base.state.potentialArrowAt === _base.state.start;
switch (_base.state.type) {
case _types3.TokenType.slash:
case _types3.TokenType.assign: 0, );
// Fall through.
case _types3.TokenType._super:
case _types3.TokenType._this:
case _types3.TokenType.regexp:
case _types3.TokenType.num:
case _types3.TokenType.bigint:
case _types3.TokenType.decimal:
case _types3.TokenType.string:
case _types3.TokenType._null:
case _types3.TokenType._true:
case _types3.TokenType._false: 0, );
return false;
case _types3.TokenType._import: 0, );
if ( 0, {
// import.meta
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].type =; 0, );
return false;
case {
const startTokenIndex = _base.state.tokens.length;
const functionStart = _base.state.start;
const contextualKeyword = _base.state.contextualKeyword;
if (contextualKeyword === _keywords.ContextualKeyword._await) {
return false;
} else if (
contextualKeyword === _keywords.ContextualKeyword._async && 0, _types3.TokenType._function) &&
! 0, )
) { 0, ); 0, functionStart, false);
return false;
} else if (
canBeArrow &&
contextualKeyword === _keywords.ContextualKeyword._async &&
! 0, ) && 0,
) {
_base.state.scopeDepth++; 0, false); 0, _types3.TokenType.arrow);
// let foo = async bar => {};
return true;
} else if ( 0, _types3.TokenType._do) && ! 0, )) { 0, ); 0, );
return false;
if (canBeArrow && ! 0, ) && 0, _types3.TokenType.arrow)) {
_base.state.scopeDepth++; 0, false); 0, _types3.TokenType.arrow);
return true;
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].identifierRole = _index3.IdentifierRole.Access;
return false;
case _types3.TokenType._do: { 0, ); 0, );
return false;
case _types3.TokenType.parenL: {
const wasArrow = parseParenAndDistinguishExpression(canBeArrow);
return wasArrow;
case _types3.TokenType.bracketL: 0, );
parseExprList(_types3.TokenType.bracketR, true);
return false;
case _types3.TokenType.braceL:
parseObj(false, false);
return false;
case _types3.TokenType._function:
return false;
case 0, );
// Fall through.
case _types3.TokenType._class: 0, false);
return false;
case _types3.TokenType._new:
return false;
case _types3.TokenType.backQuote:
return false;
case _types3.TokenType.doubleColon: { 0, );
return false;
case _types3.TokenType.hash: {
const code = 0, );
if (_identifier.IS_IDENTIFIER_START[code] || code === _charcodes.charCodes.backslash) {
} else { 0, );
// Smart pipeline topic reference.
return false;
default: 0, );
return false;
} exports.parseExprAtom = parseExprAtom;
function parseMaybePrivateName() { 0, _types3.TokenType.hash);
function parseFunctionExpression() {
const functionStart = _base.state.start;
if ( 0, {
// function.sent
} 0, functionStart, false);
function parseLiteral() { 0, );
} exports.parseLiteral = parseLiteral;
function parseParenExpression() { 0, _types3.TokenType.parenL);
parseExpression(); 0, _types3.TokenType.parenR);
} exports.parseParenExpression = parseParenExpression;
// Returns true if this was an arrow expression.
function parseParenAndDistinguishExpression(canBeArrow) {
// Assume this is a normal parenthesized expression, but if we see an arrow, we'll bail and
// start over as a parameter list.
const snapshot = _base.state.snapshot();
const startTokenIndex = _base.state.tokens.length; 0, _types3.TokenType.parenL);
let first = true;
while (! 0, _types3.TokenType.parenR) && !_base.state.error) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else { 0, _types3.TokenType.comma);
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.parenR)) {
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.ellipsis)) { 0, false /* isBlockScope */);
} else {
parseMaybeAssign(false, true);
} 0, _types3.TokenType.parenR);
if (canBeArrow && shouldParseArrow()) {
const wasArrow = parseArrow();
if (wasArrow) {
// It was an arrow function this whole time, so start over and parse it as params so that we
// get proper token annotations.
// Don't specify a context ID because arrow functions don't need a context ID. 0, );
if (_base.state.error) {
// Nevermind! This must have been something that looks very much like an
// arrow function but where its "parameter list" isn't actually a valid
// parameter list. Force non-arrow parsing.
// See for an example.
return false;
return true;
return false;
function shouldParseArrow() {
return 0, _types3.TokenType.colon) || ! 0, );
// Returns whether there was an arrow token.
function parseArrow() {
if (_base.isTypeScriptEnabled) {
return 0, );
} else if (_base.isFlowEnabled) {
return 0, );
} else {
return 0, _types3.TokenType.arrow);
} exports.parseArrow = parseArrow;
function parseParenItem() {
if (_base.isTypeScriptEnabled || _base.isFlowEnabled) { 0, );
// New's precedence is slightly tricky. It must allow its argument to
// be a `[]` or dot subscript expression, but not a call — at least,
// not without wrapping it in parentheses. Thus, it uses the noCalls
// argument to parseSubscripts to prevent it from consuming the
// argument list.
function parseNew() { 0, _types3.TokenType._new);
if ( 0, {
if (_base.isFlowEnabled) { 0, );
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.parenL)) {
function parseNewCallee() {
parseNoCallExpr(); 0, _types3.TokenType.questionDot);
function parseTemplate() {
// Finish `, read quasi 0, );
// Finish quasi, read ${ 0, );
while (! 0, _types3.TokenType.backQuote) && !_base.state.error) { 0, _types3.TokenType.dollarBraceL);
// Finish }, read quasi 0, );
// Finish quasi, read either ${ or ` 0, );
} 0, );
} exports.parseTemplate = parseTemplate;
// Parse an object literal or binding pattern.
function parseObj(isPattern, isBlockScope) {
// Attach a context ID to the object open and close brace and each object key.
const contextId = 0, );
let first = true; 0, );
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = contextId;
while (! 0, _types3.TokenType.braceR) && !_base.state.error) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else { 0, _types3.TokenType.comma);
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.braceR)) {
let isGenerator = false;
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.ellipsis)) {
const previousIndex = _base.state.tokens.length; 0, );
if (isPattern) {
// Mark role when the only thing being spread over is an identifier.
if (_base.state.tokens.length === previousIndex + 2) { 0, isBlockScope);
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.braceR)) {
if (!isPattern) {
isGenerator = 0,;
if (!isPattern && 0, _keywords.ContextualKeyword._async)) {
if (isGenerator) 0, );
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.colon) || 0, _types3.TokenType.parenL) || 0, _types3.TokenType.braceR) || 0, _types3.TokenType.eq) || 0, _types3.TokenType.comma)
) {
// This is a key called "async" rather than an async function.
} else {
if ( 0, { 0, );
isGenerator = true;
} else {
parseObjPropValue(isPattern, isBlockScope, contextId);
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = contextId;
} exports.parseObj = parseObj;
function isGetterOrSetterMethod(isPattern) {
// We go off of the next and don't bother checking if the node key is actually "get" or "set".
// This lets us avoid generating a node, and should only make the validation worse.
return (
!isPattern &&
( 0, _types3.TokenType.string) || // get "string"() {} 0, _types3.TokenType.num) || // get 1() {} 0, _types3.TokenType.bracketL) || // get ["string"]() {} 0, || // get foo() {}
!!(_base.state.type & _types3.TokenType.IS_KEYWORD)) // get debugger() {}
// Returns true if this was a method.
function parseObjectMethod(isPattern, objectContextId) {
// We don't need to worry about modifiers because object methods can't have optional bodies, so
// the start will never be used.
const functionStart = _base.state.start;
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.parenL)) {
if (isPattern) 0, );
parseMethod(functionStart, /* isConstructor */ false);
return true;
if (isGetterOrSetterMethod(isPattern)) {
parseMethod(functionStart, /* isConstructor */ false);
return true;
return false;
function parseObjectProperty(isPattern, isBlockScope) {
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.colon)) {
if (isPattern) { 0, isBlockScope);
} else {
// Since there's no colon, we assume this is an object shorthand.
// If we're in a destructuring, we've now discovered that the key was actually an assignee, so
// we need to tag it as a declaration with the appropriate scope. Otherwise, we might need to
// transform it on access, so mark it as a normal object shorthand.
let identifierRole;
if (isPattern) {
if (_base.state.scopeDepth === 0) {
identifierRole = _index3.IdentifierRole.ObjectShorthandTopLevelDeclaration;
} else if (isBlockScope) {
identifierRole = _index3.IdentifierRole.ObjectShorthandBlockScopedDeclaration;
} else {
identifierRole = _index3.IdentifierRole.ObjectShorthandFunctionScopedDeclaration;
} else {
identifierRole = _index3.IdentifierRole.ObjectShorthand;
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].identifierRole = identifierRole;
// Regardless of whether we know this to be a pattern or if we're in an ambiguous context, allow
// parsing as if there's a default value. 0, isBlockScope, true);
function parseObjPropValue(
) {
if (_base.isTypeScriptEnabled) { 0, );
} else if (_base.isFlowEnabled) { 0, );
const wasMethod = parseObjectMethod(isPattern, objectContextId);
if (!wasMethod) {
parseObjectProperty(isPattern, isBlockScope);
function parsePropertyName(objectContextId) {
if (_base.isFlowEnabled) { 0, );
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.bracketL)) {
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = objectContextId;
parseMaybeAssign(); 0, _types3.TokenType.bracketR);
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = objectContextId;
} else {
if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.num) || 0, _types3.TokenType.string) || 0, _types3.TokenType.bigint) || 0, _types3.TokenType.decimal)) {
} else {
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].identifierRole = _index3.IdentifierRole.ObjectKey;
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = objectContextId;
} exports.parsePropertyName = parsePropertyName;
// Parse object or class method.
function parseMethod(functionStart, isConstructor) {
const funcContextId = 0, );
const startTokenIndex = _base.state.tokens.length;
const allowModifiers = isConstructor; // For TypeScript parameter properties 0, allowModifiers, funcContextId);
parseFunctionBodyAndFinish(functionStart, funcContextId);
const endTokenIndex = _base.state.tokens.length;
_base.state.scopes.push(new (0, _state.Scope)(startTokenIndex, endTokenIndex, true));
} exports.parseMethod = parseMethod;
// Parse arrow function expression.
// If the parameters are provided, they will be converted to an
// assignable list.
function parseArrowExpression(startTokenIndex) {
const endTokenIndex = _base.state.tokens.length;
_base.state.scopes.push(new (0, _state.Scope)(startTokenIndex, endTokenIndex, true));
} exports.parseArrowExpression = parseArrowExpression;
function parseFunctionBodyAndFinish(functionStart, funcContextId = 0) {
if (_base.isTypeScriptEnabled) { 0, functionStart, funcContextId);
} else if (_base.isFlowEnabled) { 0, funcContextId);
} else {
parseFunctionBody(false, funcContextId);
} exports.parseFunctionBodyAndFinish = parseFunctionBodyAndFinish;
function parseFunctionBody(allowExpression, funcContextId = 0) {
const isExpression = allowExpression && ! 0, _types3.TokenType.braceL);
if (isExpression) {
} else { 0, true /* isFunctionScope */, funcContextId);
} exports.parseFunctionBody = parseFunctionBody;
// Parses a comma-separated list of expressions, and returns them as
// an array. `close` is the token type that ends the list, and
// `allowEmpty` can be turned on to allow subsequent commas with
// nothing in between them to be parsed as `null` (which is needed
// for array literals).
function parseExprList(close, allowEmpty = false) {
let first = true;
while (! 0, close) && !_base.state.error) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else { 0, _types3.TokenType.comma);
if ( 0, close)) break;
function parseExprListItem(allowEmpty) {
if (allowEmpty && 0, _types3.TokenType.comma)) {
// Empty item; nothing more to parse for this item.
} else if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.ellipsis)) { 0, );
} else if ( 0, _types3.TokenType.question)) {
// Partial function application proposal. 0, );
} else {
parseMaybeAssign(false, true);
// Parse the next token as an identifier.
function parseIdentifier() { 0, );
_base.state.tokens[_base.state.tokens.length - 1].type =;
} exports.parseIdentifier = parseIdentifier;
// Parses await expression inside async function.
function parseAwait() {
// Parses yield expression inside generator.
function parseYield() { 0, );
if (! 0, _types3.TokenType.semi) && ! 0, )) { 0,;
function parseModuleExpression() { 0, _keywords.ContextualKeyword._module); 0, _types3.TokenType.braceL);
// For now, just call parseBlockBody to parse the block. In the future when we
// implement full support, we'll want to emit scopes and possibly other
// information. 0, _types3.TokenType.braceR);