
185 lines
5.8 KiB

'use strict';
const isObject = val => val !== null && typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val);
/* eslint-disable no-control-regex */
// this is a modified version of (MIT License)
const ANSI_REGEX = /[\u001b\u009b][[\]#;?()]*(?:(?:(?:[^\W_]*;?[^\W_]*)\u0007)|(?:(?:[0-9]{1,4}(;[0-9]{0,4})*)?[~0-9=<>cf-nqrtyA-PRZ]))/g;
const hasColor = () => {
if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {
return process.env.FORCE_COLOR !== '0';
return false;
const create = () => {
const colors = {
enabled: hasColor(),
visible: true,
styles: {},
keys: {}
const ansi = style => {
let open = = `\u001b[${[0]}m`;
let close = style.close = `\u001b[${[1]}m`;
let regex = style.regex = new RegExp(`\\u001b\\[${[1]}m`, 'g');
style.wrap = (input, newline) => {
if (input.includes(close)) input = input.replace(regex, close + open);
let output = open + input + close;
// see, thanks to the
// chalk contributors for this fix. However, we've confirmed that
// this issue is also present in Windows terminals
return newline ? output.replace(/\r*\n/g, `${close}$&${open}`) : output;
return style;
const wrap = (style, input, newline) => {
return typeof style === 'function' ? style(input) : style.wrap(input, newline);
const style = (input, stack) => {
if (input === '' || input == null) return '';
if (colors.enabled === false) return input;
if (colors.visible === false) return '';
let str = '' + input;
let nl = str.includes('\n');
let n = stack.length;
if (n > 0 && stack.includes('unstyle')) {
stack = [ Set(['unstyle', ...stack])].reverse();
while (n-- > 0) str = wrap(colors.styles[stack[n]], str, nl);
return str;
const define = (name, codes, type) => {
colors.styles[name] = ansi({ name, codes });
let keys = colors.keys[type] || (colors.keys[type] = []);
Reflect.defineProperty(colors, name, {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
set(value) {
colors.alias(name, value);
get() {
let color = input => style(input, color.stack);
Reflect.setPrototypeOf(color, colors);
color.stack = this.stack ? this.stack.concat(name) : [name];
return color;
define('reset', [0, 0], 'modifier');
define('bold', [1, 22], 'modifier');
define('dim', [2, 22], 'modifier');
define('italic', [3, 23], 'modifier');
define('underline', [4, 24], 'modifier');
define('inverse', [7, 27], 'modifier');
define('hidden', [8, 28], 'modifier');
define('strikethrough', [9, 29], 'modifier');
define('black', [30, 39], 'color');
define('red', [31, 39], 'color');
define('green', [32, 39], 'color');
define('yellow', [33, 39], 'color');
define('blue', [34, 39], 'color');
define('magenta', [35, 39], 'color');
define('cyan', [36, 39], 'color');
define('white', [37, 39], 'color');
define('gray', [90, 39], 'color');
define('grey', [90, 39], 'color');
define('bgBlack', [40, 49], 'bg');
define('bgRed', [41, 49], 'bg');
define('bgGreen', [42, 49], 'bg');
define('bgYellow', [43, 49], 'bg');
define('bgBlue', [44, 49], 'bg');
define('bgMagenta', [45, 49], 'bg');
define('bgCyan', [46, 49], 'bg');
define('bgWhite', [47, 49], 'bg');
define('blackBright', [90, 39], 'bright');
define('redBright', [91, 39], 'bright');
define('greenBright', [92, 39], 'bright');
define('yellowBright', [93, 39], 'bright');
define('blueBright', [94, 39], 'bright');
define('magentaBright', [95, 39], 'bright');
define('cyanBright', [96, 39], 'bright');
define('whiteBright', [97, 39], 'bright');
define('bgBlackBright', [100, 49], 'bgBright');
define('bgRedBright', [101, 49], 'bgBright');
define('bgGreenBright', [102, 49], 'bgBright');
define('bgYellowBright', [103, 49], 'bgBright');
define('bgBlueBright', [104, 49], 'bgBright');
define('bgMagentaBright', [105, 49], 'bgBright');
define('bgCyanBright', [106, 49], 'bgBright');
define('bgWhiteBright', [107, 49], 'bgBright');
colors.ansiRegex = ANSI_REGEX;
colors.hasColor = colors.hasAnsi = str => {
colors.ansiRegex.lastIndex = 0;
return typeof str === 'string' && str !== '' && colors.ansiRegex.test(str);
colors.alias = (name, color) => {
let fn = typeof color === 'string' ? colors[color] : color;
if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('Expected alias to be the name of an existing color (string) or a function');
if (!fn.stack) {
Reflect.defineProperty(fn, 'name', { value: name });
colors.styles[name] = fn;
fn.stack = [name];
Reflect.defineProperty(colors, name, {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
set(value) {
colors.alias(name, value);
get() {
let color = input => style(input, color.stack);
Reflect.setPrototypeOf(color, colors);
color.stack = this.stack ? this.stack.concat(fn.stack) : fn.stack;
return color;
colors.theme = custom => {
if (!isObject(custom)) throw new TypeError('Expected theme to be an object');
for (let name of Object.keys(custom)) {
colors.alias(name, custom[name]);
return colors;
colors.alias('unstyle', str => {
if (typeof str === 'string' && str !== '') {
colors.ansiRegex.lastIndex = 0;
return str.replace(colors.ansiRegex, '');
return '';
colors.alias('noop', str => str);
colors.none = colors.clear = colors.noop;
colors.stripColor = colors.unstyle;
colors.symbols = require('./symbols');
colors.define = define;
return colors;
module.exports = create();
module.exports.create = create;