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import * as _unocss_core from '@unocss/core';
import { PresetOptions, AutoCompleteExtractor, Extractor, VariantObject } from '@unocss/core';
interface AttributifyOptions extends PresetOptions {
* Only generate CSS for attributify or class
* @default false
strict?: boolean;
* @default 'un-'
prefix?: string;
* Only match for prefixed attributes
* @default false
prefixedOnly?: boolean;
* Support matching non-valued attributes
* For example
* ```html
* <div mt-2 />
* ```
* @default true
nonValuedAttribute?: boolean;
* A list of attributes to be ignored from extracting.
ignoreAttributes?: string[];
* Non-valued attributes will also match if the actual value represented in DOM is `true`.
* This option exists for supporting frameworks that encodes non-valued attributes as `true`.
* Enabling this option will break rules that ends with `true`.
* @default false
trueToNonValued?: boolean;
declare function autocompleteExtractorAttributify(options?: AttributifyOptions): AutoCompleteExtractor;
declare const defaultIgnoreAttributes: string[];
declare function extractorAttributify(options?: AttributifyOptions): Extractor;
declare const variantsRE: RegExp;
declare function variantAttributify(options?: AttributifyOptions): VariantObject;
type TwoStringsCompositionPrefix = 'm' | 'p';
type TwoStringsCompositionSuffix = 'r' | 'b' | 'l' | 't' | 'a';
/** Some words can compose with two strings to become a complete unocss rule such as ha, mr, mb */
type TwoStringsComposition = `${TwoStringsCompositionPrefix}${TwoStringsCompositionSuffix}` | 'ha' | 'wa';
/** Some words can be a complete unocss rule by itself */
type SpecialSingleWord = 'container' | 'flex' | 'block' | 'inline' | 'table' | 'isolate' | 'absolute' | 'relative' | 'fixed' | 'sticky' | 'static' | 'visible' | 'invisible' | 'grow' | 'shrink' | 'antialiased' | 'italic' | 'ordinal' | 'overline' | 'underline' | 'uppercase' | 'lowercase' | 'capitalize' | 'truncate' | 'border' | 'rounded' | 'outline' | 'ring' | 'shadow' | 'blur' | 'grayscale' | 'invert' | 'sepia' | 'transition' | 'resize' | 'transform' | 'filter';
type StringNumberCompositionPrefix = 'op' | 'opacity' | 'fw' | 'p' | 'm' | 'w' | 'h' | 'z';
/** Some words can be a complete unocss rule by compose a string and a number, such as op80, fw300, p2, p10px */
type StringNumberComposition = `${StringNumberCompositionPrefix}${number}${'px' | ''}`;
type PseudoPrefix = 'active' | 'before' | 'after' | 'dark' | 'light' | 'first' | 'last' | 'focus' | 'hover' | 'link' | 'root' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | '2xl' | 'enabled' | 'disabled' | 'all' | 'children';
/** Some words can be used to separate utilities, such as font="mono light", text="sm white" */
type SeparateEnabled = 'align' | 'animate' | 'backdrop' | 'bg' | 'blend' | 'border' | 'box' | 'container' | 'content' | 'cursor' | 'display' | 'divide' | 'filter' | 'flex' | 'font' | 'gap' | 'gradient' | 'grid' | 'h' | 'icon' | 'items' | 'justify' | 'list' | 'm' | 'opacity' | 'order' | 'outline' | 'overflow' | 'p' | 'place' | 'pos' | 'ring' | 'select' | 'shadow' | 'space' | 'table' | 'text' | 'transform' | 'transition' | 'underline' | 'w' | 'z' | PseudoPrefix;
type BasicAttributes = StringNumberComposition | SpecialSingleWord | TwoStringsComposition | SeparateEnabled;
type AttributifyNames<Prefix extends string = ''> = `${Prefix}${BasicAttributes}` | `${Prefix}${PseudoPrefix}:${BasicAttributes}`;
interface AttributifyAttributes extends Partial<Record<AttributifyNames, string | boolean>> {
declare const presetAttributify: _unocss_core.PresetFactory<object, AttributifyOptions>;
export { type AttributifyAttributes, type AttributifyNames, type AttributifyOptions, type BasicAttributes, type PseudoPrefix, type SeparateEnabled, type SpecialSingleWord, type StringNumberComposition, type StringNumberCompositionPrefix, type TwoStringsComposition, type TwoStringsCompositionPrefix, type TwoStringsCompositionSuffix, autocompleteExtractorAttributify, presetAttributify as default, defaultIgnoreAttributes, extractorAttributify, presetAttributify, variantAttributify, variantsRE };