
399 lines
14 KiB

* @fileoverview Options configuration for optionator.
* @author George Zahariev
"use strict";
// Requirements
const optionator = require("optionator");
// Typedefs
* The options object parsed by Optionator.
* @typedef {Object} ParsedCLIOptions
* @property {boolean} cache Only check changed files
* @property {string} cacheFile Path to the cache file. Deprecated: use --cache-location
* @property {string} [cacheLocation] Path to the cache file or directory
* @property {"metadata" | "content"} cacheStrategy Strategy to use for detecting changed files in the cache
* @property {boolean} [color] Force enabling/disabling of color
* @property {string} [config] Use this configuration, overriding .eslintrc.* config options if present
* @property {boolean} debug Output debugging information
* @property {string[]} [env] Specify environments
* @property {boolean} envInfo Output execution environment information
* @property {boolean} errorOnUnmatchedPattern Prevent errors when pattern is unmatched
* @property {boolean} eslintrc Disable use of configuration from .eslintrc.*
* @property {string[]} [ext] Specify JavaScript file extensions
* @property {boolean} fix Automatically fix problems
* @property {boolean} fixDryRun Automatically fix problems without saving the changes to the file system
* @property {("directive" | "problem" | "suggestion" | "layout")[]} [fixType] Specify the types of fixes to apply (directive, problem, suggestion, layout)
* @property {string} format Use a specific output format
* @property {string[]} [global] Define global variables
* @property {boolean} [help] Show help
* @property {boolean} ignore Disable use of ignore files and patterns
* @property {string} [ignorePath] Specify path of ignore file
* @property {string[]} [ignorePattern] Pattern of files to ignore (in addition to those in .eslintignore)
* @property {boolean} init Run config initialization wizard
* @property {boolean} inlineConfig Prevent comments from changing config or rules
* @property {number} maxWarnings Number of warnings to trigger nonzero exit code
* @property {string} [outputFile] Specify file to write report to
* @property {string} [parser] Specify the parser to be used
* @property {Object} [parserOptions] Specify parser options
* @property {string[]} [plugin] Specify plugins
* @property {string} [printConfig] Print the configuration for the given file
* @property {boolean | undefined} reportUnusedDisableDirectives Adds reported errors for unused eslint-disable and eslint-enable directives
* @property {string | undefined} reportUnusedDisableDirectivesSeverity A severity string indicating if and how unused disable and enable directives should be tracked and reported.
* @property {string} [resolvePluginsRelativeTo] A folder where plugins should be resolved from, CWD by default
* @property {Object} [rule] Specify rules
* @property {string[]} [rulesdir] Load additional rules from this directory. Deprecated: Use rules from plugins
* @property {boolean} stdin Lint code provided on <STDIN>
* @property {string} [stdinFilename] Specify filename to process STDIN as
* @property {boolean} quiet Report errors only
* @property {boolean} [version] Output the version number
* @property {boolean} warnIgnored Show warnings when the file list includes ignored files
* @property {string[]} _ Positional filenames or patterns
// Initialization and Public Interface
// exports "parse(args)", "generateHelp()", and "generateHelpForOption(optionName)"
* Creates the CLI options for ESLint.
* @param {boolean} usingFlatConfig Indicates if flat config is being used.
* @returns {Object} The optionator instance.
module.exports = function(usingFlatConfig) {
let lookupFlag;
if (usingFlatConfig) {
lookupFlag = {
option: "config-lookup",
type: "Boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Disable look up for eslint.config.js"
} else {
lookupFlag = {
option: "eslintrc",
type: "Boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Disable use of configuration from .eslintrc.*"
let envFlag;
if (!usingFlatConfig) {
envFlag = {
option: "env",
type: "[String]",
description: "Specify environments"
let extFlag;
if (!usingFlatConfig) {
extFlag = {
option: "ext",
type: "[String]",
description: "Specify JavaScript file extensions"
let resolvePluginsFlag;
if (!usingFlatConfig) {
resolvePluginsFlag = {
option: "resolve-plugins-relative-to",
type: "path::String",
description: "A folder where plugins should be resolved from, CWD by default"
let rulesDirFlag;
if (!usingFlatConfig) {
rulesDirFlag = {
option: "rulesdir",
type: "[path::String]",
description: "Load additional rules from this directory. Deprecated: Use rules from plugins"
let ignorePathFlag;
if (!usingFlatConfig) {
ignorePathFlag = {
option: "ignore-path",
type: "path::String",
description: "Specify path of ignore file"
let warnIgnoredFlag;
if (usingFlatConfig) {
warnIgnoredFlag = {
option: "warn-ignored",
type: "Boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Suppress warnings when the file list includes ignored files"
return optionator({
prepend: "eslint [options] file.js [file.js] [dir]",
defaults: {
concatRepeatedArrays: true,
mergeRepeatedObjects: true
options: [
heading: "Basic configuration"
option: "config",
alias: "c",
type: "path::String",
description: usingFlatConfig
? "Use this configuration instead of eslint.config.js"
: "Use this configuration, overriding .eslintrc.* config options if present"
option: "global",
type: "[String]",
description: "Define global variables"
option: "parser",
type: "String",
description: "Specify the parser to be used"
option: "parser-options",
type: "Object",
description: "Specify parser options"
heading: "Specify Rules and Plugins"
option: "plugin",
type: "[String]",
description: "Specify plugins"
option: "rule",
type: "Object",
description: "Specify rules"
heading: "Fix Problems"
option: "fix",
type: "Boolean",
default: false,
description: "Automatically fix problems"
option: "fix-dry-run",
type: "Boolean",
default: false,
description: "Automatically fix problems without saving the changes to the file system"
option: "fix-type",
type: "Array",
description: "Specify the types of fixes to apply (directive, problem, suggestion, layout)"
heading: "Ignore Files"
option: "ignore",
type: "Boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Disable use of ignore files and patterns"
option: "ignore-pattern",
type: "[String]",
description: "Pattern of files to ignore (in addition to those in .eslintignore)",
concatRepeatedArrays: [true, {
oneValuePerFlag: true
heading: "Use stdin"
option: "stdin",
type: "Boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Lint code provided on <STDIN>"
option: "stdin-filename",
type: "String",
description: "Specify filename to process STDIN as"
heading: "Handle Warnings"
option: "quiet",
type: "Boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Report errors only"
option: "max-warnings",
type: "Int",
default: "-1",
description: "Number of warnings to trigger nonzero exit code"
heading: "Output"
option: "output-file",
alias: "o",
type: "path::String",
description: "Specify file to write report to"
option: "format",
alias: "f",
type: "String",
default: "stylish",
description: "Use a specific output format"
option: "color",
type: "Boolean",
alias: "no-color",
description: "Force enabling/disabling of color"
heading: "Inline configuration comments"
option: "inline-config",
type: "Boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Prevent comments from changing config or rules"
option: "report-unused-disable-directives",
type: "Boolean",
default: void 0,
description: "Adds reported errors for unused eslint-disable and eslint-enable directives"
option: "report-unused-disable-directives-severity",
type: "String",
default: void 0,
description: "Chooses severity level for reporting unused eslint-disable and eslint-enable directives",
enum: ["off", "warn", "error", "0", "1", "2"]
heading: "Caching"
option: "cache",
type: "Boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Only check changed files"
option: "cache-file",
type: "path::String",
default: ".eslintcache",
description: "Path to the cache file. Deprecated: use --cache-location"
option: "cache-location",
type: "path::String",
description: "Path to the cache file or directory"
option: "cache-strategy",
dependsOn: ["cache"],
type: "String",
default: "metadata",
enum: ["metadata", "content"],
description: "Strategy to use for detecting changed files in the cache"
heading: "Miscellaneous"
option: "init",
type: "Boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Run config initialization wizard"
option: "env-info",
type: "Boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Output execution environment information"
option: "error-on-unmatched-pattern",
type: "Boolean",
default: "true",
description: "Prevent errors when pattern is unmatched"
option: "exit-on-fatal-error",
type: "Boolean",
default: "false",
description: "Exit with exit code 2 in case of fatal error"
option: "debug",
type: "Boolean",
default: false,
description: "Output debugging information"
option: "help",
alias: "h",
type: "Boolean",
description: "Show help"
option: "version",
alias: "v",
type: "Boolean",
description: "Output the version number"
option: "print-config",
type: "path::String",
description: "Print the configuration for the given file"
].filter(value => !!value)