
41 lines
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import * as kit from '@volar/kit';
import { Diagnostic, DiagnosticSeverity } from '@volar/language-server';
export { Diagnostic, DiagnosticSeverity };
export interface CheckResult {
status: 'completed' | 'cancelled' | undefined;
fileChecked: number;
errors: number;
warnings: number;
hints: number;
fileResult: {
errors: kit.Diagnostic[];
fileUrl: URL;
fileContent: string;
text: string;
export declare class AstroCheck {
private readonly workspacePath;
private readonly typescriptPath;
private readonly tsconfigPath;
private ts;
project: ReturnType<typeof kit.createProject>;
private linter;
constructor(workspacePath: string, typescriptPath: string | undefined, tsconfigPath: string | undefined);
* Lint a list of files or the entire project and optionally log the errors found
* @param fileNames List of files to lint, if undefined, all files included in the project will be linted
* @param logErrors Whether to log errors by itself. This is disabled by default.
* @return {CheckResult} The result of the lint, including a list of errors, the file's content and its file path.
lint({ fileNames, cancel, logErrors, }: {
fileNames?: string[] | undefined;
cancel?: () => boolean;
logErrors?: {
level: 'error' | 'warning' | 'hint';
} | undefined;
}): Promise<CheckResult>;
private initialize;
private getTsconfig;