
114 lines
3.8 KiB

{{# def.definitions }}
{{# def.errors }}
{{# def.setupKeyword }}
{{# def.$data }}
{{## def.setExclusiveLimit:
$exclusive = true;
$errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword;
$errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword;
var $isMax = $keyword == 'maximum'
, $exclusiveKeyword = $isMax ? 'exclusiveMaximum' : 'exclusiveMinimum'
, $schemaExcl = it.schema[$exclusiveKeyword]
, $isDataExcl = it.opts.$data && $schemaExcl && $schemaExcl.$data
, $op = $isMax ? '<' : '>'
, $notOp = $isMax ? '>' : '<'
, $errorKeyword = undefined;
if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number' || $schema === undefined)) {
throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number');
if (!($isDataExcl || $schemaExcl === undefined
|| typeof $schemaExcl == 'number'
|| typeof $schemaExcl == 'boolean')) {
throw new Error($exclusiveKeyword + ' must be number or boolean');
{{? $isDataExcl }}
var $schemaValueExcl = it.util.getData($schemaExcl.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)
, $exclusive = 'exclusive' + $lvl
, $exclType = 'exclType' + $lvl
, $exclIsNumber = 'exclIsNumber' + $lvl
, $opExpr = 'op' + $lvl
, $opStr = '\' + ' + $opExpr + ' + \'';
var schemaExcl{{=$lvl}} = {{=$schemaValueExcl}};
{{ $schemaValueExcl = 'schemaExcl' + $lvl; }}
var {{=$exclusive}};
var {{=$exclType}} = typeof {{=$schemaValueExcl}};
if ({{=$exclType}} != 'boolean' && {{=$exclType}} != 'undefined' && {{=$exclType}} != 'number') {
{{ var $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword; }}
{{# def.error:'_exclusiveLimit' }}
} else if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }}
{{=$exclType}} == 'number'
? (
({{=$exclusive}} = {{=$schemaValue}} === undefined || {{=$schemaValueExcl}} {{=$op}}= {{=$schemaValue}})
? {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}}= {{=$schemaValueExcl}}
: {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}} {{=$schemaValue}}
: (
({{=$exclusive}} = {{=$schemaValueExcl}} === true)
? {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}}= {{=$schemaValue}}
: {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}} {{=$schemaValue}}
|| {{=$data}} !== {{=$data}}) {
var op{{=$lvl}} = {{=$exclusive}} ? '{{=$op}}' : '{{=$op}}=';
if ($schema === undefined) {
$errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword;
$errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword;
$schemaValue = $schemaValueExcl;
$isData = $isDataExcl;
var $exclIsNumber = typeof $schemaExcl == 'number'
, $opStr = $op; /*used in error*/
{{? $exclIsNumber && $isData }}
{{ var $opExpr = '\'' + $opStr + '\''; /*used in error*/ }}
if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }}
( {{=$schemaValue}} === undefined
|| {{=$schemaExcl}} {{=$op}}= {{=$schemaValue}}
? {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}}= {{=$schemaExcl}}
: {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}} {{=$schemaValue}} )
|| {{=$data}} !== {{=$data}}) {
if ($exclIsNumber && $schema === undefined) {
{{# def.setExclusiveLimit }}
$schemaValue = $schemaExcl;
$notOp += '=';
} else {
if ($exclIsNumber)
$schemaValue = Math[$isMax ? 'min' : 'max']($schemaExcl, $schema);
if ($schemaExcl === ($exclIsNumber ? $schemaValue : true)) {
{{# def.setExclusiveLimit }}
$notOp += '=';
} else {
$exclusive = false;
$opStr += '=';
var $opExpr = '\'' + $opStr + '\''; /*used in error*/
if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }}
{{=$data}} {{=$notOp}} {{=$schemaValue}}
|| {{=$data}} !== {{=$data}}) {
{{ $errorKeyword = $errorKeyword || $keyword; }}
{{# def.error:'_limit' }}
} {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}