
84 lines
2.7 KiB

import { getImage, type LocalImageProps, type RemoteImageProps } from 'astro:assets';
import type { GetImageResult, ImageOutputFormat } from '../dist/@types/astro';
import { isESMImportedImage } from '../dist/assets/utils/imageKind';
import { AstroError, AstroErrorData } from '../dist/core/errors/index.js';
import type { HTMLAttributes } from '../types';
type Props = (LocalImageProps | RemoteImageProps) & {
formats?: ImageOutputFormat[];
fallbackFormat?: ImageOutputFormat;
pictureAttributes?: HTMLAttributes<'picture'>;
const defaultFormats = ['webp'] as const;
const defaultFallbackFormat = 'png' as const;
// Certain formats don't want PNG fallbacks:
// - GIF will typically want to stay as a gif, either for animation or for the lower amount of colors
// - SVGs can't be converted to raster formats in most cases
// - JPEGs compress photographs and high-noise images better than PNG in most cases
// For those, we'll use the original format as the fallback instead.
const specialFormatsFallback = ['gif', 'svg', 'jpg', 'jpeg'] as const;
const { formats = defaultFormats, pictureAttributes = {}, fallbackFormat, ...props } = Astro.props;
if (props.alt === undefined || props.alt === null) {
throw new AstroError(AstroErrorData.ImageMissingAlt);
const optimizedImages: GetImageResult[] = await Promise.all(
async (format) =>
await getImage({ ...props, format: format, widths: props.widths, densities: props.densities })
let resultFallbackFormat = fallbackFormat ?? defaultFallbackFormat;
if (
!fallbackFormat &&
isESMImportedImage(props.src) &&
) {
resultFallbackFormat = props.src.format;
const fallbackImage = await getImage({
format: resultFallbackFormat,
widths: props.widths,
densities: props.densities,
const imgAdditionalAttributes: HTMLAttributes<'img'> = {};
const sourceAdditionalAttributes: HTMLAttributes<'source'> = {};
// Propagate the `sizes` attribute to the `source` elements
if (props.sizes) {
sourceAdditionalAttributes.sizes = props.sizes;
if (fallbackImage.srcSet.values.length > 0) {
imgAdditionalAttributes.srcset = fallbackImage.srcSet.attribute;
<picture {...pictureAttributes}>
Object.entries(optimizedImages).map(([_, image]) => {
const srcsetAttribute =
props.densities || (!props.densities && !props.widths)
? `${image.src}${image.srcSet.values.length > 0 ? ', ' + image.srcSet.attribute : ''}`
: image.srcSet.attribute;
return (
type={'image/' + image.options.format}
<img src={fallbackImage.src} {...imgAdditionalAttributes} {...fallbackImage.attributes} />