
558 lines
28 KiB

const UnknownCompilerError = {
name: "UnknownCompilerError",
title: "Unknown compiler error.",
hint: "This is almost always a problem with the Astro compiler, not your code. Please open an issue at"
const StaticRedirectNotAvailable = {
name: "StaticRedirectNotAvailable",
title: "`Astro.redirect` is not available in static mode.",
message: "Redirects are only available when using `output: 'server'` or `output: 'hybrid'`. Update your Astro config if you need SSR features.",
hint: "See for more information on how to enable SSR."
const ClientAddressNotAvailable = {
name: "ClientAddressNotAvailable",
title: "`Astro.clientAddress` is not available in current adapter.",
message: (adapterName) => `\`Astro.clientAddress\` is not available in the \`${adapterName}\` adapter. File an issue with the adapter to add support.`
const StaticClientAddressNotAvailable = {
name: "StaticClientAddressNotAvailable",
title: "`Astro.clientAddress` is not available in static mode.",
message: "`Astro.clientAddress` is only available when using `output: 'server'` or `output: 'hybrid'`. Update your Astro config if you need SSR features.",
hint: "See for more information on how to enable SSR."
const NoMatchingStaticPathFound = {
name: "NoMatchingStaticPathFound",
title: "No static path found for requested path.",
message: (pathName) => `A \`getStaticPaths()\` route pattern was matched, but no matching static path was found for requested path \`${pathName}\`.`,
hint: (possibleRoutes) => `Possible dynamic routes being matched: ${possibleRoutes.join(", ")}.`
const OnlyResponseCanBeReturned = {
name: "OnlyResponseCanBeReturned",
title: "Invalid type returned by Astro page.",
message: (route, returnedValue) => `Route \`${route ? route : ""}\` returned a \`${returnedValue}\`. Only a [Response]( can be returned from Astro files.`,
hint: "See for more information."
const MissingMediaQueryDirective = {
name: "MissingMediaQueryDirective",
title: "Missing value for `client:media` directive.",
message: 'Media query not provided for `client:media` directive. A media query similar to `client:media="(max-width: 600px)"` must be provided'
const NoMatchingRenderer = {
name: "NoMatchingRenderer",
title: "No matching renderer found.",
message: (componentName, componentExtension, plural, validRenderersCount) => `Unable to render \`${componentName}\`.
${validRenderersCount > 0 ? `There ${plural ? "are" : "is"} ${validRenderersCount} renderer${plural ? "s" : ""} configured in your \`astro.config.mjs\` file,
but ${plural ? "none were" : "it was not"} able to server-side render \`${componentName}\`.` : `No valid renderer was found ${componentExtension ? `for the \`.${componentExtension}\` file extension.` : `for this file extension.`}`}`,
hint: (probableRenderers) => `Did you mean to enable the ${probableRenderers} integration?
See for more information on how to install and configure integrations.`
const NoClientEntrypoint = {
name: "NoClientEntrypoint",
title: "No client entrypoint specified in renderer.",
message: (componentName, clientDirective, rendererName) => `\`${componentName}\` component has a \`client:${clientDirective}\` directive, but no client entrypoint was provided by \`${rendererName}\`.`,
hint: "See for more information on how to configure your renderer."
const NoClientOnlyHint = {
name: "NoClientOnlyHint",
title: "Missing hint on client:only directive.",
message: (componentName) => `Unable to render \`${componentName}\`. When using the \`client:only\` hydration strategy, Astro needs a hint to use the correct renderer.`,
hint: (probableRenderers) => `Did you mean to pass \`client:only="${probableRenderers}"\`? See for more information on client:only`
const InvalidGetStaticPathParam = {
name: "InvalidGetStaticPathParam",
title: "Invalid value returned by a `getStaticPaths` path.",
message: (paramType) => `Invalid params given to \`getStaticPaths\` path. Expected an \`object\`, got \`${paramType}\``,
hint: "See for more information on getStaticPaths."
const InvalidGetStaticPathsEntry = {
name: "InvalidGetStaticPathsEntry",
title: "Invalid entry inside getStaticPath's return value",
message: (entryType) => `Invalid entry returned by getStaticPaths. Expected an object, got \`${entryType}\``,
hint: "If you're using a `.map` call, you might be looking for `.flatMap()` instead. See for more information on getStaticPaths."
const InvalidGetStaticPathsReturn = {
name: "InvalidGetStaticPathsReturn",
title: "Invalid value returned by getStaticPaths.",
message: (returnType) => `Invalid type returned by \`getStaticPaths\`. Expected an \`array\`, got \`${returnType}\``,
hint: "See for more information on getStaticPaths."
const GetStaticPathsRemovedRSSHelper = {
name: "GetStaticPathsRemovedRSSHelper",
title: "getStaticPaths RSS helper is not available anymore.",
message: "The RSS helper has been removed from `getStaticPaths`. Try the new @astrojs/rss package instead.",
hint: "See for more information."
const GetStaticPathsExpectedParams = {
name: "GetStaticPathsExpectedParams",
title: "Missing params property on `getStaticPaths` route.",
message: "Missing or empty required `params` property on `getStaticPaths` route.",
hint: "See for more information on getStaticPaths."
const GetStaticPathsInvalidRouteParam = {
name: "GetStaticPathsInvalidRouteParam",
title: "Invalid value for `getStaticPaths` route parameter.",
message: (key, value, valueType) => `Invalid getStaticPaths route parameter for \`${key}\`. Expected undefined, a string or a number, received \`${valueType}\` (\`${value}\`)`,
hint: "See for more information on getStaticPaths."
const GetStaticPathsRequired = {
name: "GetStaticPathsRequired",
title: "`getStaticPaths()` function required for dynamic routes.",
message: "`getStaticPaths()` function is required for dynamic routes. Make sure that you `export` a `getStaticPaths` function from your dynamic route.",
hint: `See for more information on dynamic routes.
Alternatively, set \`output: "server"\` or \`output: "hybrid"\` in your Astro config file to switch to a non-static server build. This error can also occur if using \`export const prerender = true;\`.
See for more information on non-static rendering.`
const ReservedSlotName = {
name: "ReservedSlotName",
title: "Invalid slot name.",
message: (slotName) => `Unable to create a slot named \`${slotName}\`. \`${slotName}\` is a reserved slot name. Please update the name of this slot.`
const NoAdapterInstalled = {
name: "NoAdapterInstalled",
title: "Cannot use Server-side Rendering without an adapter.",
message: `Cannot use \`output: 'server'\` or \`output: 'hybrid'\` without an adapter. Please install and configure the appropriate server adapter for your final deployment.`,
hint: "See for more information."
const NoMatchingImport = {
name: "NoMatchingImport",
title: "No import found for component.",
message: (componentName) => `Could not render \`${componentName}\`. No matching import has been found for \`${componentName}\`.`,
hint: "Please make sure the component is properly imported."
const InvalidPrerenderExport = {
name: "InvalidPrerenderExport",
title: "Invalid prerender export.",
message(prefix, suffix, isHydridOuput) {
const defaultExpectedValue = isHydridOuput ? "false" : "true";
let msg = `A \`prerender\` export has been detected, but its value cannot be statically analyzed.`;
if (prefix !== "const")
msg += `
Expected \`const\` declaration but got \`${prefix}\`.`;
if (suffix !== "true")
msg += `
Expected \`${defaultExpectedValue}\` value but got \`${suffix}\`.`;
return msg;
hint: "Mutable values declared at runtime are not supported. Please make sure to use exactly `export const prerender = true`."
const InvalidComponentArgs = {
name: "InvalidComponentArgs",
title: "Invalid component arguments.",
message: (name) => `Invalid arguments passed to${name ? ` <${name}>` : ""} component.`,
hint: "Astro components cannot be rendered directly via function call, such as `Component()` or `{}`."
const PageNumberParamNotFound = {
name: "PageNumberParamNotFound",
title: "Page number param not found.",
message: (paramName) => `[paginate()] page number param \`${paramName}\` not found in your filepath.`,
hint: "Rename your file to `[page].astro` or `[].astro`."
const ImageMissingAlt = {
name: "ImageMissingAlt",
title: 'Image missing required "alt" property.',
message: 'Image missing "alt" property. "alt" text is required to describe important images on the page.',
hint: 'Use an empty string ("") for decorative images.'
const InvalidImageService = {
name: "InvalidImageService",
title: "Error while loading image service.",
message: "There was an error loading the configured image service. Please see the stack trace for more information."
const MissingImageDimension = {
name: "MissingImageDimension",
title: "Missing image dimensions",
message: (missingDimension, imageURL) => `Missing ${missingDimension === "both" ? "width and height attributes" : `${missingDimension} attribute`} for ${imageURL}. When using remote images, both dimensions are always required in order to avoid CLS.`,
hint: "If your image is inside your `src` folder, you probably meant to import it instead. See [the Imports guide for more information]("
const UnsupportedImageFormat = {
name: "UnsupportedImageFormat",
title: "Unsupported image format",
message: (format, imagePath, supportedFormats) => `Received unsupported format \`${format}\` from \`${imagePath}\`. Currently only ${supportedFormats.join(
", "
)} are supported by our image services.`,
hint: "Using an `img` tag directly instead of the `Image` component might be what you're looking for."
const UnsupportedImageConversion = {
name: "UnsupportedImageConversion",
title: "Unsupported image conversion",
message: "Converting between vector (such as SVGs) and raster (such as PNGs and JPEGs) images is not currently supported."
const PrerenderDynamicEndpointPathCollide = {
name: "PrerenderDynamicEndpointPathCollide",
title: "Prerendered dynamic endpoint has path collision.",
message: (pathname) => `Could not render \`${pathname}\` with an \`undefined\` param as the generated path will collide during prerendering. Prevent passing \`undefined\` as \`params\` for the endpoint's \`getStaticPaths()\` function, or add an additional extension to the endpoint's filename.`,
hint: (filename) => `Rename \`${filename}\` to \`${filename.replace(/\.(?:js|ts)/, (m) => `.json` + m)}\``
const ExpectedImage = {
name: "ExpectedImage",
title: "Expected src to be an image.",
message: (src, typeofOptions, fullOptions) => `Expected \`src\` property for \`getImage\` or \`<Image />\` to be either an ESM imported image or a string with the path of a remote image. Received \`${src}\` (type: \`${typeofOptions}\`).
Full serialized options received: \`${fullOptions}\`.`,
hint: "This error can often happen because of a wrong path. Make sure the path to your image is correct. If you're passing an async function, make sure to call and await it."
const ExpectedImageOptions = {
name: "ExpectedImageOptions",
title: "Expected image options.",
message: (options) => `Expected getImage() parameter to be an object. Received \`${options}\`.`
const IncompatibleDescriptorOptions = {
name: "IncompatibleDescriptorOptions",
title: "Cannot set both `densities` and `widths`",
message: "Only one of `densities` or `widths` can be specified. In most cases, you'll probably want to use only `widths` if you require specific widths.",
hint: "Those attributes are used to construct a `srcset` attribute, which cannot have both `x` and `w` descriptors."
const ImageNotFound = {
name: "ImageNotFound",
title: "Image not found.",
message: (imagePath) => `Could not find requested image \`${imagePath}\`. Does it exist?`,
hint: "This is often caused by a typo in the image path. Please make sure the file exists, and is spelled correctly."
const NoImageMetadata = {
name: "NoImageMetadata",
title: "Could not process image metadata.",
message: (imagePath) => `Could not process image metadata${imagePath ? ` for \`${imagePath}\`` : ""}.`,
hint: "This is often caused by a corrupted or malformed image. Re-exporting the image from your image editor may fix this issue."
const MarkdownImageNotFound = {
name: "MarkdownImageNotFound",
title: "Image not found.",
message: (imagePath, fullImagePath) => `Could not find requested image \`${imagePath}\`${fullImagePath ? ` at \`${fullImagePath}\`.` : "."}`,
hint: "This is often caused by a typo in the image path. Please make sure the file exists, and is spelled correctly."
const CouldNotTransformImage = {
name: "CouldNotTransformImage",
title: "Could not transform image.",
message: (imagePath) => `Could not transform image \`${imagePath}\`. See the stack trace for more information.`,
hint: "This is often caused by a corrupted or malformed image. Re-exporting the image from your image editor may fix this issue."
const ResponseSentError = {
name: "ResponseSentError",
title: "Unable to set response.",
message: "The response has already been sent to the browser and cannot be altered."
const MiddlewareNoDataOrNextCalled = {
name: "MiddlewareNoDataOrNextCalled",
title: "The middleware didn't return a `Response`.",
message: "Make sure your middleware returns a `Response` object, either directly or by returning the `Response` from calling the `next` function."
const MiddlewareNotAResponse = {
name: "MiddlewareNotAResponse",
title: "The middleware returned something that is not a `Response` object.",
message: "Any data returned from middleware must be a valid `Response` object."
const LocalsNotAnObject = {
name: "LocalsNotAnObject",
title: "Value assigned to `locals` is not accepted.",
message: "`locals` can only be assigned to an object. Other values like numbers, strings, etc. are not accepted.",
hint: "If you tried to remove some information from the `locals` object, try to use `delete` or set the property to `undefined`."
const MiddlewareCantBeLoaded = {
name: "MiddlewareCantBeLoaded",
title: "Can't load the middleware.",
message: "The middleware threw an error while Astro was trying to loading it."
const LocalImageUsedWrongly = {
name: "LocalImageUsedWrongly",
title: "Local images must be imported.",
message: (imageFilePath) => `\`Image\`'s and \`getImage\`'s \`src\` parameter must be an imported image or an URL, it cannot be a string filepath. Received \`${imageFilePath}\`.`,
hint: "If you want to use an image from your `src` folder, you need to either import it or if the image is coming from a content collection, use the [image() schema helper]( See for more information on the `src` property."
const AstroGlobUsedOutside = {
name: "AstroGlobUsedOutside",
title: "Astro.glob() used outside of an Astro file.",
message: (globStr) => `\`Astro.glob(${globStr})\` can only be used in \`.astro\` files. \`import.meta.glob(${globStr})\` can be used instead to achieve a similar result.`,
hint: "See Vite's documentation on `import.meta.glob` for more information:"
const AstroGlobNoMatch = {
name: "AstroGlobNoMatch",
title: "Astro.glob() did not match any files.",
message: (globStr) => `\`Astro.glob(${globStr})\` did not return any matching files.`,
hint: "Check the pattern for typos."
const RedirectWithNoLocation = {
name: "RedirectWithNoLocation",
title: "A redirect must be given a location with the `Location` header."
const InvalidDynamicRoute = {
name: "InvalidDynamicRoute",
title: "Invalid dynamic route.",
message: (route, invalidParam, received) => `The ${invalidParam} param for route ${route} is invalid. Received **${received}**.`
const MissingSharp = {
name: "MissingSharp",
title: "Could not find Sharp.",
message: "Could not find Sharp. Please install Sharp (`sharp`) manually into your project or migrate to another image service.",
hint: "See Sharp's installation instructions for more information: If you are not relying on `astro:assets` to optimize, transform, or process any images, you can configure a passthrough image service instead of installing Sharp. See for more information.\n\nSee for more information on how to migrate to another image service."
const UnknownViteError = {
name: "UnknownViteError",
title: "Unknown Vite Error."
const FailedToLoadModuleSSR = {
name: "FailedToLoadModuleSSR",
title: "Could not import file.",
message: (importName) => `Could not import \`${importName}\`.`,
hint: "This is often caused by a typo in the import path. Please make sure the file exists."
const InvalidGlob = {
name: "InvalidGlob",
title: "Invalid glob pattern.",
message: (globPattern) => `Invalid glob pattern: \`${globPattern}\`. Glob patterns must start with './', '../' or '/'.`,
hint: "See for more information on supported glob patterns."
const FailedToFindPageMapSSR = {
name: "FailedToFindPageMapSSR",
title: "Astro couldn't find the correct page to render",
message: "Astro couldn't find the correct page to render, probably because it wasn't correctly mapped for SSR usage. This is an internal error. Please file an issue."
const MissingLocale = {
name: "MissingLocaleError",
title: "The provided locale does not exist.",
message: (locale) => `The locale/path \`${locale}\` does not exist in the configured \`i18n.locales\`.`
const MissingIndexForInternationalization = {
name: "MissingIndexForInternationalizationError",
title: "Index page not found.",
message: (defaultLocale) => `Could not find index page. A root index page is required in order to create a redirect to the index URL of the default locale. (\`/${defaultLocale}\`)`,
hint: (src) => `Create an index page (\`index.astro,, etc.\`) in \`${src}\`.`
const NoPrerenderedRoutesWithDomains = {
name: "NoPrerenderedRoutesWithDomains",
title: "Prerendered routes aren't supported when internationalization domains are enabled.",
message: (component) => `Static pages aren't yet supported with multiple domains. If you wish to enable this feature, you have to disable prerendering for the page ${component}`
const CantRenderPage = {
name: "CantRenderPage",
title: "Astro can't render the route.",
message: "Astro cannot find any content to render for this route. There is no file or redirect associated with this route.",
hint: "If you expect to find a route here, this may be an Astro bug. Please file an issue/restart the dev server"
const UnhandledRejection = {
name: "UnhandledRejection",
title: "Unhandled rejection",
message: (stack) => `Astro detected an unhandled rejection. Here's the stack trace:
hint: "Make sure your promises all have an `await` or a `.catch()` handler."
const i18nNotEnabled = {
name: "i18nNotEnabled",
title: "i18n Not Enabled",
message: "The `astro:i18n` module can not be used without enabling i18n in your Astro config.",
hint: "See for a guide on setting up i18n."
const UnknownCSSError = {
name: "UnknownCSSError",
title: "Unknown CSS Error."
const CSSSyntaxError = {
name: "CSSSyntaxError",
title: "CSS Syntax Error."
const UnknownMarkdownError = {
name: "UnknownMarkdownError",
title: "Unknown Markdown Error."
const MarkdownFrontmatterParseError = {
name: "MarkdownFrontmatterParseError",
title: "Failed to parse Markdown frontmatter."
const InvalidFrontmatterInjectionError = {
name: "InvalidFrontmatterInjectionError",
title: "Invalid frontmatter injection.",
message: 'A remark or rehype plugin attempted to inject invalid frontmatter. Ensure "astro.frontmatter" is set to a valid JSON object that is not `null` or `undefined`.',
hint: "See the frontmatter injection docs for more information."
const MdxIntegrationMissingError = {
name: "MdxIntegrationMissingError",
title: "MDX integration missing.",
message: (file) => `Unable to render ${file}. Ensure that the \`@astrojs/mdx\` integration is installed.`,
hint: "See the MDX integration docs for installation and usage instructions:"
const UnknownConfigError = {
name: "UnknownConfigError",
title: "Unknown configuration error."
const ConfigNotFound = {
name: "ConfigNotFound",
title: "Specified configuration file not found.",
message: (configFile) => `Unable to resolve \`--config "${configFile}"\`. Does the file exist?`
const ConfigLegacyKey = {
name: "ConfigLegacyKey",
title: "Legacy configuration detected.",
message: (legacyConfigKey) => `Legacy configuration detected: \`${legacyConfigKey}\`.`,
hint: "Please update your configuration to the new format.\nSee for more information."
const UnknownCLIError = {
name: "UnknownCLIError",
title: "Unknown CLI Error."
const GenerateContentTypesError = {
name: "GenerateContentTypesError",
title: "Failed to generate content types.",
message: (errorMessage) => `\`astro sync\` command failed to generate content collection types: ${errorMessage}`,
hint: "Check your `src/content/config.*` file for typos."
const UnknownContentCollectionError = {
name: "UnknownContentCollectionError",
title: "Unknown Content Collection Error."
const InvalidContentEntryFrontmatterError = {
name: "InvalidContentEntryFrontmatterError",
title: "Content entry frontmatter does not match schema.",
message(collection, entryId, error) {
return [
`**${String(collection)} \u2192 ${String(
)}** frontmatter does not match collection schema.`, => zodError.message)
hint: "See for more information on content schemas."
const InvalidContentEntrySlugError = {
name: "InvalidContentEntrySlugError",
title: "Invalid content entry slug.",
message(collection, entryId) {
return `${String(collection)} \u2192 ${String(
)} has an invalid slug. \`slug\` must be a string.`;
hint: "See for more on the `slug` field."
const ContentSchemaContainsSlugError = {
name: "ContentSchemaContainsSlugError",
title: "Content Schema should not contain `slug`.",
message: (collectionName) => `A content collection schema should not contain \`slug\` since it is reserved for slug generation. Remove this from your ${collectionName} collection schema.`,
hint: "See for more on the `slug` field."
const CollectionDoesNotExistError = {
name: "CollectionDoesNotExistError",
title: "Collection does not exist",
message: (collectionName) => `The collection **${collectionName}** does not exist. Ensure a collection directory with this name exists.`,
hint: "See for more on creating collections."
const MixedContentDataCollectionError = {
name: "MixedContentDataCollectionError",
title: "Content and data cannot be in same collection.",
message: (collectionName) => `**${collectionName}** contains a mix of content and data entries. All entries must be of the same type.`,
hint: "Store data entries in a new collection separate from your content collection."
const ContentCollectionTypeMismatchError = {
name: "ContentCollectionTypeMismatchError",
title: "Collection contains entries of a different type.",
message: (collection, expectedType, actualType) => `${collection} contains ${expectedType} entries, but is configured as a ${actualType} collection.`
const DataCollectionEntryParseError = {
name: "DataCollectionEntryParseError",
title: "Data collection entry failed to parse.",
message(entryId, errorMessage) {
return `**${entryId}** failed to parse: ${errorMessage}`;
hint: "Ensure your data entry is an object with valid JSON (for `.json` entries) or YAML (for `.yaml` entries)."
const DuplicateContentEntrySlugError = {
name: "DuplicateContentEntrySlugError",
title: "Duplicate content entry slug.",
message(collection, slug, preExisting, alsoFound) {
return `**${collection}** contains multiple entries with the same slug: \`${slug}\`. Slugs must be unique.
- ${preExisting}
- ${alsoFound}`;
const UnsupportedConfigTransformError = {
name: "UnsupportedConfigTransformError",
title: "Unsupported transform in content config.",
message: (parseError) => `\`transform()\` functions in your content config must return valid JSON, or data types compatible with the devalue library (including Dates, Maps, and Sets).
Full error: ${parseError}`,
hint: "See the devalue library for all supported types:"
const UnknownError = { name: "UnknownError", title: "Unknown Error." };
export {