
633 lines
36 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const utils_1 = require("@typescript-eslint/utils");
const eslint_utils_1 = require("@typescript-eslint/utils/eslint-utils");
const util_1 = require("../util");
exports.default = (0, util_1.createRule)({
name: 'consistent-type-imports',
meta: {
type: 'suggestion',
docs: {
description: 'Enforce consistent usage of type imports',
messages: {
typeOverValue: 'All imports in the declaration are only used as types. Use `import type`.',
someImportsAreOnlyTypes: 'Imports {{typeImports}} are only used as types.',
aImportIsOnlyTypes: 'Import {{typeImports}} is only used as types.',
someImportsInDecoMeta: 'Type imports {{typeImports}} are used by decorator metadata.',
aImportInDecoMeta: 'Type import {{typeImports}} is used by decorator metadata.',
valueOverType: 'Use an `import` instead of an `import type`.',
noImportTypeAnnotations: '`import()` type annotations are forbidden.',
schema: [
type: 'object',
properties: {
prefer: {
type: 'string',
enum: ['type-imports', 'no-type-imports'],
disallowTypeAnnotations: {
type: 'boolean',
fixStyle: {
type: 'string',
enum: ['separate-type-imports', 'inline-type-imports'],
additionalProperties: false,
fixable: 'code',
defaultOptions: [
prefer: 'type-imports',
disallowTypeAnnotations: true,
fixStyle: 'separate-type-imports',
create(context, [option]) {
const prefer = option.prefer ?? 'type-imports';
const disallowTypeAnnotations = option.disallowTypeAnnotations !== false;
const fixStyle = option.fixStyle ?? 'separate-type-imports';
const sourceCode = (0, eslint_utils_1.getSourceCode)(context);
const sourceImportsMap = {};
return {
...(prefer === 'type-imports'
? {
// prefer type imports
ImportDeclaration(node) {
const source = node.source.value;
// sourceImports is the object containing all the specifics for a particular import source, type or value
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition
sourceImportsMap[source] ??= {
reportValueImports: [], // if there is a mismatch where type importKind but value specifiers
typeOnlyNamedImport: null, // if only type imports
valueOnlyNamedImport: null, // if only value imports with named specifiers
valueImport: null, // if only value imports
const sourceImports = sourceImportsMap[source];
if (node.importKind === 'type') {
if (!sourceImports.typeOnlyNamedImport &&
node.specifiers.every(specifier => specifier.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ImportSpecifier)) {
// definitely import type { TypeX }
sourceImports.typeOnlyNamedImport = node;
else {
if (!sourceImports.valueOnlyNamedImport &&
node.specifiers.every(specifier => specifier.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ImportSpecifier)) {
sourceImports.valueOnlyNamedImport = node;
sourceImports.valueImport = node;
else if (!sourceImports.valueImport &&
node.specifiers.some(specifier => specifier.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ImportDefaultSpecifier)) {
sourceImports.valueImport = node;
const typeSpecifiers = [];
const inlineTypeSpecifiers = [];
const valueSpecifiers = [];
const unusedSpecifiers = [];
for (const specifier of node.specifiers) {
if (specifier.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ImportSpecifier &&
specifier.importKind === 'type') {
const [variable] = (0, eslint_utils_1.getDeclaredVariables)(context, specifier);
if (variable.references.length === 0) {
else {
const onlyHasTypeReferences = variable.references.every(ref => {
* keep origin import kind when export
* export { Type }
* export default Type;
if (ref.identifier.parent.type ===
utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ExportSpecifier ||
ref.identifier.parent.type ===
utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ExportDefaultDeclaration) {
if (ref.isValueReference && ref.isTypeReference) {
return node.importKind === 'type';
if (ref.isValueReference) {
let parent = ref.identifier.parent;
let child = ref.identifier;
while (parent) {
switch (parent.type) {
// CASE 1:
// `type T = typeof foo` will create a value reference because "foo" must be a value type
// however this value reference is safe to use with type-only imports
case utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSTypeQuery:
return true;
case utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSQualifiedName:
// TSTypeQuery must have a TSESTree.EntityName as its child, so we can filter here and break early
if (parent.left !== child) {
return false;
child = parent;
parent = parent.parent;
// CASE 2:
// `type T = { [foo]: string }` will create a value reference because "foo" must be a value type
// however this value reference is safe to use with type-only imports.
// Also this is represented as a non-type AST - hence it uses MemberExpression
case utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSPropertySignature:
return parent.key === child;
case utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression:
if (parent.object !== child) {
return false;
child = parent;
parent = parent.parent;
return false;
return ref.isTypeReference;
if (onlyHasTypeReferences) {
else {
if ((node.importKind === 'value' && typeSpecifiers.length) ||
(node.importKind === 'type' && valueSpecifiers.length)) {
'Program:exit'() {
for (const sourceImports of Object.values(sourceImportsMap)) {
if (sourceImports.reportValueImports.length === 0) {
// nothing to fix. value specifiers and type specifiers are correctly written
for (const report of sourceImports.reportValueImports) {
if (report.valueSpecifiers.length === 0 &&
report.unusedSpecifiers.length === 0 &&
report.node.importKind !== 'type') {
* checks if import has type assertions
* ```
* import * as type from 'mod' assert { type: 'json' };
* ```
if (report.node.attributes.length === 0) {{
node: report.node,
messageId: 'typeOverValue',
*fix(fixer) {
yield* fixToTypeImportDeclaration(fixer, report, sourceImports);
else {
const isTypeImport = report.node.importKind === 'type';
// we have a mixed type/value import or just value imports, so we need to split them out into multiple imports if separate-type-imports is configured
const importNames = (isTypeImport
? report.valueSpecifiers // import type { A } from 'roo'; // WHERE A is used in value position
: report.typeSpecifiers) // import { A, B } from 'roo'; // WHERE A is used in type position and B is in value position
.map(specifier => `"${}"`);
const message = (() => {
const typeImports = (0, util_1.formatWordList)(importNames);
if (importNames.length === 1) {
if (isTypeImport) {
return {
messageId: 'aImportInDecoMeta',
data: { typeImports },
return {
messageId: 'aImportIsOnlyTypes',
data: { typeImports },
if (isTypeImport) {
return {
messageId: 'someImportsInDecoMeta',
data: { typeImports }, // typeImports are all the value specifiers that are in the type position
return {
messageId: 'someImportsAreOnlyTypes',
data: { typeImports }, // typeImports are all the type specifiers in the value position
node: report.node,
*fix(fixer) {
if (isTypeImport) {
// take all the valueSpecifiers and put them on a new line
yield* fixToValueImportDeclaration(fixer, report, sourceImports);
else {
// take all the typeSpecifiers and put them on a new line
yield* fixToTypeImportDeclaration(fixer, report, sourceImports);
: {
// prefer no type imports
'ImportDeclaration[importKind = "type"]'(node) {{
messageId: 'valueOverType',
fix(fixer) {
return fixRemoveTypeSpecifierFromImportDeclaration(fixer, node);
'ImportSpecifier[importKind = "type"]'(node) {{
messageId: 'valueOverType',
fix(fixer) {
return fixRemoveTypeSpecifierFromImportSpecifier(fixer, node);
? {
// disallow `import()` type
TSImportType(node) {{
messageId: 'noImportTypeAnnotations',
: {}),
function classifySpecifier(node) {
const defaultSpecifier = node.specifiers[0].type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ImportDefaultSpecifier
? node.specifiers[0]
: null;
const namespaceSpecifier = node.specifiers.find((specifier) => specifier.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ImportNamespaceSpecifier) ?? null;
const namedSpecifiers = node.specifiers.filter((specifier) => specifier.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ImportSpecifier);
return {
* Returns information for fixing named specifiers, type or value
function getFixesNamedSpecifiers(fixer, node, subsetNamedSpecifiers, allNamedSpecifiers) {
if (allNamedSpecifiers.length === 0) {
return {
typeNamedSpecifiersText: '',
removeTypeNamedSpecifiers: [],
const typeNamedSpecifiersTexts = [];
const removeTypeNamedSpecifiers = [];
if (subsetNamedSpecifiers.length === allNamedSpecifiers.length) {
// import Foo, {Type1, Type2} from 'foo'
// import DefType, {Type1, Type2} from 'foo'
const openingBraceToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getTokenBefore(subsetNamedSpecifiers[0], util_1.isOpeningBraceToken), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('{', node.type));
const commaToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getTokenBefore(openingBraceToken, util_1.isCommaToken), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken(',', node.type));
const closingBraceToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getFirstTokenBetween(openingBraceToken, node.source, util_1.isClosingBraceToken), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('}', node.type));
// import DefType, {...} from 'foo'
// ^^^^^^^ remove
removeTypeNamedSpecifiers.push(fixer.removeRange([commaToken.range[0], closingBraceToken.range[1]]));
typeNamedSpecifiersTexts.push(sourceCode.text.slice(openingBraceToken.range[1], closingBraceToken.range[0]));
else {
const namedSpecifierGroups = [];
let group = [];
for (const namedSpecifier of allNamedSpecifiers) {
if (subsetNamedSpecifiers.includes(namedSpecifier)) {
else if (group.length) {
group = [];
if (group.length) {
for (const namedSpecifiers of namedSpecifierGroups) {
const { removeRange, textRange } = getNamedSpecifierRanges(namedSpecifiers, allNamedSpecifiers);
return {
typeNamedSpecifiersText: typeNamedSpecifiersTexts.join(','),
* Returns ranges for fixing named specifier.
function getNamedSpecifierRanges(namedSpecifierGroup, allNamedSpecifiers) {
const first = namedSpecifierGroup[0];
const last = namedSpecifierGroup[namedSpecifierGroup.length - 1];
const removeRange = [first.range[0], last.range[1]];
const textRange = [...removeRange];
const before = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(first);
textRange[0] = before.range[1];
if ((0, util_1.isCommaToken)(before)) {
removeRange[0] = before.range[0];
else {
removeRange[0] = before.range[1];
const isFirst = allNamedSpecifiers[0] === first;
const isLast = allNamedSpecifiers[allNamedSpecifiers.length - 1] === last;
const after = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(last);
textRange[1] = after.range[0];
if (isFirst || isLast) {
if ((0, util_1.isCommaToken)(after)) {
removeRange[1] = after.range[1];
return {
* insert specifiers to named import node.
* e.g.
* import type { Already, Type1, Type2 } from 'foo'
* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ insert
function fixInsertNamedSpecifiersInNamedSpecifierList(fixer, target, insertText) {
const closingBraceToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getFirstTokenBetween(sourceCode.getFirstToken(target), target.source, util_1.isClosingBraceToken), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('}', target.type));
const before = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(closingBraceToken);
if (!(0, util_1.isCommaToken)(before) && !(0, util_1.isOpeningBraceToken)(before)) {
insertText = `,${insertText}`;
return fixer.insertTextBefore(closingBraceToken, insertText);
* insert type keyword to named import node.
* e.g.
* import ADefault, { Already, type Type1, type Type2 } from 'foo'
* ^^^^ insert
function* fixInsertTypeKeywordInNamedSpecifierList(fixer, typeSpecifiers) {
for (const spec of typeSpecifiers) {
const insertText = sourceCode.text.slice(...spec.range);
yield fixer.replaceTextRange(spec.range, `type ${insertText}`);
function* fixInlineTypeImportDeclaration(fixer, report, sourceImports) {
const { node } = report;
// For a value import, will only add an inline type to named specifiers
const { namedSpecifiers } = classifySpecifier(node);
const typeNamedSpecifiers = namedSpecifiers.filter(specifier => report.typeSpecifiers.includes(specifier));
if (sourceImports.valueImport) {
// add import named type specifiers to its value import
// import ValueA, { type A }
// ^^^^ insert
const { namedSpecifiers: valueImportNamedSpecifiers } = classifySpecifier(sourceImports.valueImport);
if (sourceImports.valueOnlyNamedImport ||
valueImportNamedSpecifiers.length) {
yield* fixInsertTypeKeywordInNamedSpecifierList(fixer, typeNamedSpecifiers);
function* fixToTypeImportDeclaration(fixer, report, sourceImports) {
const { node } = report;
const { defaultSpecifier, namespaceSpecifier, namedSpecifiers } = classifySpecifier(node);
if (namespaceSpecifier && !defaultSpecifier) {
// import * as types from 'foo'
// checks for presence of import assertions
if (node.attributes.length === 0) {
yield* fixInsertTypeSpecifierForImportDeclaration(fixer, node, false);
else if (defaultSpecifier) {
if (report.typeSpecifiers.includes(defaultSpecifier) &&
namedSpecifiers.length === 0 &&
!namespaceSpecifier) {
// import Type from 'foo'
yield* fixInsertTypeSpecifierForImportDeclaration(fixer, node, true);
else if (fixStyle === 'inline-type-imports' &&
!report.typeSpecifiers.includes(defaultSpecifier) &&
namedSpecifiers.length > 0 &&
!namespaceSpecifier) {
// if there is a default specifier but it isn't a type specifier, then just add the inline type modifier to the named specifiers
// import AValue, {BValue, Type1, Type2} from 'foo'
yield* fixInlineTypeImportDeclaration(fixer, report, sourceImports);
else if (!namespaceSpecifier) {
if (fixStyle === 'inline-type-imports' &&
namedSpecifiers.some(specifier => report.typeSpecifiers.includes(specifier))) {
// import {AValue, Type1, Type2} from 'foo'
yield* fixInlineTypeImportDeclaration(fixer, report, sourceImports);
else if (namedSpecifiers.every(specifier => report.typeSpecifiers.includes(specifier))) {
// import {Type1, Type2} from 'foo'
yield* fixInsertTypeSpecifierForImportDeclaration(fixer, node, false);
const typeNamedSpecifiers = namedSpecifiers.filter(specifier => report.typeSpecifiers.includes(specifier));
const fixesNamedSpecifiers = getFixesNamedSpecifiers(fixer, node, typeNamedSpecifiers, namedSpecifiers);
const afterFixes = [];
if (typeNamedSpecifiers.length) {
if (sourceImports.typeOnlyNamedImport) {
const insertTypeNamedSpecifiers = fixInsertNamedSpecifiersInNamedSpecifierList(fixer, sourceImports.typeOnlyNamedImport, fixesNamedSpecifiers.typeNamedSpecifiersText);
if (sourceImports.typeOnlyNamedImport.range[1] <= node.range[0]) {
yield insertTypeNamedSpecifiers;
else {
else {
// The import is both default and named. Insert named on new line because can't mix default type import and named type imports
if (fixStyle === 'inline-type-imports') {
yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, `import {${typeNamedSpecifiers
.map(spec => {
const insertText = sourceCode.text.slice(...spec.range);
return `type ${insertText}`;
.join(', ')}} from ${sourceCode.getText(node.source)};\n`);
else {
yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, `import type {${fixesNamedSpecifiers.typeNamedSpecifiersText}} from ${sourceCode.getText(node.source)};\n`);
const fixesRemoveTypeNamespaceSpecifier = [];
if (namespaceSpecifier &&
report.typeSpecifiers.includes(namespaceSpecifier)) {
// import Foo, * as Type from 'foo'
// import DefType, * as Type from 'foo'
// import DefType, * as Type from 'foo'
const commaToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getTokenBefore(namespaceSpecifier, util_1.isCommaToken), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken(',', node.type));
// import Def, * as Ns from 'foo'
// ^^^^^^^^^ remove
fixesRemoveTypeNamespaceSpecifier.push(fixer.removeRange([commaToken.range[0], namespaceSpecifier.range[1]]));
// import type * as Ns from 'foo'
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ insert
yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, `import type ${sourceCode.getText(namespaceSpecifier)} from ${sourceCode.getText(node.source)};\n`);
if (defaultSpecifier &&
report.typeSpecifiers.includes(defaultSpecifier)) {
if (report.typeSpecifiers.length === node.specifiers.length) {
const importToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getFirstToken(node, util_1.isImportKeyword), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('import', node.type));
// import type Type from 'foo'
// ^^^^ insert
yield fixer.insertTextAfter(importToken, ' type');
else {
const commaToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getTokenAfter(defaultSpecifier, util_1.isCommaToken), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken(',', defaultSpecifier.type));
// import Type , {...} from 'foo'
// ^^^^^ pick
const defaultText = sourceCode.text
.slice(defaultSpecifier.range[0], commaToken.range[0])
yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, `import type ${defaultText} from ${sourceCode.getText(node.source)};\n`);
const afterToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getTokenAfter(commaToken, { includeComments: true }), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('any token', node.type));
// import Type , {...} from 'foo'
// ^^^^^^^ remove
yield fixer.removeRange([
yield* fixesNamedSpecifiers.removeTypeNamedSpecifiers;
yield* fixesRemoveTypeNamespaceSpecifier;
yield* afterFixes;
function* fixInsertTypeSpecifierForImportDeclaration(fixer, node, isDefaultImport) {
// import type Foo from 'foo'
// ^^^^^ insert
const importToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getFirstToken(node, util_1.isImportKeyword), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('import', node.type));
yield fixer.insertTextAfter(importToken, ' type');
if (isDefaultImport) {
// Has default import
const openingBraceToken = sourceCode.getFirstTokenBetween(importToken, node.source, util_1.isOpeningBraceToken);
if (openingBraceToken) {
// Only braces. e.g. import Foo, {} from 'foo'
const commaToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getTokenBefore(openingBraceToken, util_1.isCommaToken), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken(',', node.type));
const closingBraceToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getFirstTokenBetween(openingBraceToken, node.source, util_1.isClosingBraceToken), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('}', node.type));
// import type Foo, {} from 'foo'
// ^^ remove
yield fixer.removeRange([
const specifiersText = sourceCode.text.slice(commaToken.range[1], closingBraceToken.range[1]);
if (node.specifiers.length > 1) {
yield fixer.insertTextAfter(node, `\nimport type${specifiersText} from ${sourceCode.getText(node.source)};`);
// make sure we don't do anything like `import type {type T} from 'foo';`
for (const specifier of node.specifiers) {
if (specifier.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ImportSpecifier &&
specifier.importKind === 'type') {
yield* fixRemoveTypeSpecifierFromImportSpecifier(fixer, specifier);
function* fixToValueImportDeclaration(fixer, report, sourceImports) {
const { node } = report;
const { defaultSpecifier, namespaceSpecifier, namedSpecifiers } = classifySpecifier(node);
if (namespaceSpecifier) {
// import type * as types from 'foo'
yield* fixRemoveTypeSpecifierFromImportDeclaration(fixer, node);
else if (defaultSpecifier) {
if (report.valueSpecifiers.includes(defaultSpecifier) &&
namedSpecifiers.length === 0) {
// import type Type from 'foo'
yield* fixRemoveTypeSpecifierFromImportDeclaration(fixer, node);
else {
if (namedSpecifiers.every(specifier => report.valueSpecifiers.includes(specifier))) {
// import type {Type1, Type2} from 'foo'
yield* fixRemoveTypeSpecifierFromImportDeclaration(fixer, node);
// we have some valueSpecifiers intermixed in types that need to be put on their own line
// import type { Type1, A } from 'foo'
// import type { A } from 'foo'
const valueNamedSpecifiers = namedSpecifiers.filter(specifier => report.valueSpecifiers.includes(specifier));
const fixesNamedSpecifiers = getFixesNamedSpecifiers(fixer, node, valueNamedSpecifiers, namedSpecifiers);
const afterFixes = [];
if (valueNamedSpecifiers.length) {
if (sourceImports.valueOnlyNamedImport) {
const insertTypeNamedSpecifiers = fixInsertNamedSpecifiersInNamedSpecifierList(fixer, sourceImports.valueOnlyNamedImport, fixesNamedSpecifiers.typeNamedSpecifiersText);
if (sourceImports.valueOnlyNamedImport.range[1] <= node.range[0]) {
yield insertTypeNamedSpecifiers;
else {
else {
// some are types.
// Add new value import and later remove those value specifiers from import type
yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, `import {${fixesNamedSpecifiers.typeNamedSpecifiersText}} from ${sourceCode.getText(node.source)};\n`);
yield* fixesNamedSpecifiers.removeTypeNamedSpecifiers;
yield* afterFixes;
function* fixRemoveTypeSpecifierFromImportDeclaration(fixer, node) {
// import type Foo from 'foo'
// ^^^^ remove
const importToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getFirstToken(node, util_1.isImportKeyword), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('import', node.type));
const typeToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getFirstTokenBetween(importToken, node.specifiers[0]?.local ?? node.source, util_1.isTypeKeyword), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('type', node.type));
const afterToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getTokenAfter(typeToken, { includeComments: true }), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('any token', node.type));
yield fixer.removeRange([typeToken.range[0], afterToken.range[0]]);
function* fixRemoveTypeSpecifierFromImportSpecifier(fixer, node) {
// import { type Foo } from 'foo'
// ^^^^ remove
const typeToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getFirstToken(node, util_1.isTypeKeyword), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('type', node.type));
const afterToken = (0, util_1.nullThrows)(sourceCode.getTokenAfter(typeToken, { includeComments: true }), util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('any token', node.type));
yield fixer.removeRange([typeToken.range[0], afterToken.range[0]]);