
71 lines
1.7 KiB

(function (Prism) {
// The following patterns are concatenated, so the group referenced by a back reference is non-obvious!
var strings = [
// normal string
// here doc
// 2 capturing groups
Prism.languages['shell-session'] = {
'command': {
pattern: RegExp(
// user info
/^/.source +
'(?:' +
// <user> ":" ( <path> )?
/[^\s@:$#%*!/\\]+@[^\r\n@:$#%*!/\\]+(?::[^\0-\x1F$#%*?"<>:;|]+)?/.source +
'|' +
// <path>
// Since the path pattern is quite general, we will require it to start with a special character to
// prevent false positives.
) +
')?' +
// shell symbol
/[$#%](?=\s)/.source +
// bash command
/(?:[^\\\r\n \t'"<$]|[ \t](?:(?!#)|#.*$)|\\(?:[^\r]|\r\n?)|\$(?!')|<(?!<)|<<str>>)+/.source.replace(/<<str>>/g, function () { return strings; }),
greedy: true,
inside: {
'info': {
// foo@bar:~/files$ exit
// foo@bar$ exit
// ~/files$ exit
pattern: /^[^#$%]+/,
alias: 'punctuation',
inside: {
'user': /^[^\s@:$#%*!/\\]+@[^\r\n@:$#%*!/\\]+/,
'punctuation': /:/,
'path': /[\s\S]+/
'bash': {
pattern: /(^[$#%]\s*)\S[\s\S]*/,
lookbehind: true,
alias: 'language-bash',
inside: Prism.languages.bash
'shell-symbol': {
pattern: /^[$#%]/,
alias: 'important'
'output': /.(?:.*(?:[\r\n]|.$))*/
Prism.languages['sh-session'] = Prism.languages['shellsession'] = Prism.languages['shell-session'];