import { prependForwardSlash, removeFileExtension } from "../path.js"; import { viteID } from "../util.js"; import { ASTRO_PAGE_RESOLVED_MODULE_ID, getVirtualModulePageIdFromPath } from "./plugins/plugin-pages.js"; import { RESOLVED_SPLIT_MODULE_ID } from "./plugins/plugin-ssr.js"; import { ASTRO_PAGE_EXTENSION_POST_PATTERN } from "./plugins/util.js"; function createBuildInternals() { const hoistedScriptIdToHoistedMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const hoistedScriptIdToPagesMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); return { cachedClientEntries: [], cssModuleToChunkIdMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), hoistedScriptIdToHoistedMap, hoistedScriptIdToPagesMap, entrySpecifierToBundleMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), pageToBundleMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), pagesByComponent: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), pageOptionsByPage: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), pagesByViteID: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), pagesByClientOnly: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), propagatedStylesMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), propagatedScriptsMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), discoveredHydratedComponents: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), discoveredClientOnlyComponents: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), discoveredScripts: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), staticFiles: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), componentMetadata: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), ssrSplitEntryChunks: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), entryPoints: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() }; } function trackPageData(internals, component, pageData, componentModuleId, componentURL) { pageData.moduleSpecifier = componentModuleId; internals.pagesByComponent.set(component, pageData); internals.pagesByViteID.set(viteID(componentURL), pageData); } function trackClientOnlyPageDatas(internals, pageData, clientOnlys) { for (const clientOnlyComponent of clientOnlys) { let pageDataSet; if (internals.pagesByClientOnly.has(clientOnlyComponent)) { pageDataSet = internals.pagesByClientOnly.get(clientOnlyComponent); } else { pageDataSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); internals.pagesByClientOnly.set(clientOnlyComponent, pageDataSet); } pageDataSet.add(pageData); } } function* getPageDatasByChunk(internals, chunk) { const pagesByViteID = internals.pagesByViteID; for (const [modulePath] of Object.entries(chunk.modules)) { if (pagesByViteID.has(modulePath)) { yield pagesByViteID.get(modulePath); } } } function* getPageDatasByClientOnlyID(internals, viteid) { const pagesByClientOnly = internals.pagesByClientOnly; if (pagesByClientOnly.size) { let pageBuildDatas = pagesByClientOnly.get(viteid); if (!pageBuildDatas) { let pathname = `/@fs${prependForwardSlash(viteid)}`; pageBuildDatas = pagesByClientOnly.get(pathname); } if (!pageBuildDatas) { let pathname = `/@fs${prependForwardSlash(removeFileExtension(viteid))}`; pageBuildDatas = pagesByClientOnly.get(pathname); } if (pageBuildDatas) { for (const pageData of pageBuildDatas) { yield pageData; } } } } function getPageDataByComponent(internals, component) { if (internals.pagesByComponent.has(component)) { return internals.pagesByComponent.get(component); } return void 0; } function getPageDataByViteID(internals, viteid) { if (internals.pagesByViteID.has(viteid)) { return internals.pagesByViteID.get(viteid); } return void 0; } function hasPageDataByViteID(internals, viteid) { return internals.pagesByViteID.has(viteid); } function* eachPageData(internals) { yield* internals.pagesByComponent.values(); } function* eachPageFromAllPages(allPages) { for (const [path, pageData] of Object.entries(allPages)) { yield [path, pageData]; } } function* eachPageDataFromEntryPoint(internals) { for (const [entrypoint, filePath] of internals.entrySpecifierToBundleMap) { if (entrypoint.includes(ASTRO_PAGE_RESOLVED_MODULE_ID) || entrypoint.includes(RESOLVED_SPLIT_MODULE_ID)) { const [, pageName] = entrypoint.split(":"); const pageData = internals.pagesByComponent.get( `${pageName.replace(ASTRO_PAGE_EXTENSION_POST_PATTERN, ".")}` ); if (!pageData) { throw new Error( "Build failed. Astro couldn't find the emitted page from " + pageName + " pattern" ); } yield [pageData, filePath]; } } } function hasPrerenderedPages(internals) { for (const pageData of eachPageData(internals)) { if (pageData.route.prerender) { return true; } } return false; } function cssOrder(a, b) { let depthA = a.depth, depthB = b.depth, orderA = a.order, orderB = b.order; if (orderA === -1 && orderB >= 0) { return 1; } else if (orderB === -1 && orderA >= 0) { return -1; } else if (orderA > orderB) { return 1; } else if (orderA < orderB) { return -1; } else { if (depthA === -1) { return -1; } else if (depthB === -1) { return 1; } else { return depthA > depthB ? -1 : 1; } } } function mergeInlineCss(acc, current) { const lastAdded = - 1); const lastWasInline = lastAdded?.type === "inline"; const currentIsInline = current?.type === "inline"; if (lastWasInline && currentIsInline) { const merged = { type: "inline", content: lastAdded.content + current.content }; acc[acc.length - 1] = merged; return acc; } acc.push(current); return acc; } function isHoistedScript(internals, id) { return internals.hoistedScriptIdToPagesMap.has(id); } function* getPageDatasByHoistedScriptId(internals, id) { const set = internals.hoistedScriptIdToPagesMap.get(id); if (set) { for (const pageId of set) { const pageData = getPageDataByComponent(internals, pageId.slice(1)); if (pageData) { yield pageData; } } } } function getEntryFilePathFromComponentPath(internals, path) { const id = getVirtualModulePageIdFromPath(path); return internals.entrySpecifierToBundleMap.get(id); } export { createBuildInternals, cssOrder, eachPageData, eachPageDataFromEntryPoint, eachPageFromAllPages, getEntryFilePathFromComponentPath, getPageDataByComponent, getPageDataByViteID, getPageDatasByChunk, getPageDatasByClientOnlyID, getPageDatasByHoistedScriptId, hasPageDataByViteID, hasPrerenderedPages, isHoistedScript, mergeInlineCss, trackClientOnlyPageDatas, trackPageData };