const errorMap = (baseError, ctx) => { const baseErrorPath = flattenErrorPath(baseError.path); if (baseError.code === "invalid_union") { let typeOrLiteralErrByPath = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const unionError of => e.errors).flat()) { if (unionError.code === "invalid_type" || unionError.code === "invalid_literal") { const flattenedErrorPath = flattenErrorPath(unionError.path); if (typeOrLiteralErrByPath.has(flattenedErrorPath)) { typeOrLiteralErrByPath.get(flattenedErrorPath).expected.push(unionError.expected); } else { typeOrLiteralErrByPath.set(flattenedErrorPath, { code: unionError.code, received: unionError.received, expected: [unionError.expected] }); } } } let messages = [ prefix( baseErrorPath, typeOrLiteralErrByPath.size ? "Did not match union:" : "Did not match union." ) ]; return { message: messages.concat( [...typeOrLiteralErrByPath.entries()].filter(([, error]) => error.expected.length === baseError.unionErrors.length).map( ([key, error]) => key === baseErrorPath ? ( // Avoid printing the key again if it's a base error `> ${getTypeOrLiteralMsg(error)}` ) : `> ${prefix(key, getTypeOrLiteralMsg(error))}` ) ).join("\n") }; } if (baseError.code === "invalid_literal" || baseError.code === "invalid_type") { return { message: prefix( baseErrorPath, getTypeOrLiteralMsg({ code: baseError.code, received: baseError.received, expected: [baseError.expected] }) ) }; } else if (baseError.message) { return { message: prefix(baseErrorPath, baseError.message) }; } else { return { message: prefix(baseErrorPath, ctx.defaultError) }; } }; const getTypeOrLiteralMsg = (error) => { if (error.received === "undefined") return "Required"; const expectedDeduped = new Set(error.expected); switch (error.code) { case "invalid_type": return `Expected type \`${unionExpectedVals(expectedDeduped)}\`, received ${JSON.stringify( error.received )}`; case "invalid_literal": return `Expected \`${unionExpectedVals(expectedDeduped)}\`, received ${JSON.stringify( error.received )}`; } }; const prefix = (key, msg) => key.length ? `**${key}**: ${msg}` : msg; const unionExpectedVals = (expectedVals) => [...expectedVals].map((expectedVal, idx) => { if (idx === 0) return JSON.stringify(expectedVal); const sep = " | "; return `${sep}${JSON.stringify(expectedVal)}`; }).join(""); const flattenErrorPath = (errorPath) => errorPath.join("."); export { errorMap };