import { normalizePath } from "vite"; import { getOutputDirectory } from "../../prerender/utils.js"; import { addRollupInput } from "../build/add-rollup-input.js"; import { MIDDLEWARE_PATH_SEGMENT_NAME } from "../constants.js"; const MIDDLEWARE_MODULE_ID = "\0astro-internal:middleware"; const NOOP_MIDDLEWARE = "\0noop-middleware"; function vitePluginMiddleware({ settings }) { let isCommandBuild = false; let resolvedMiddlewareId = void 0; const hasIntegrationMiddleware = settings.middlewares.pre.length > 0 || > 0; let userMiddlewareIsPresent = false; return { name: "@astro/plugin-middleware", config(opts, { command }) { isCommandBuild = command === "build"; return opts; }, async resolveId(id) { if (id === MIDDLEWARE_MODULE_ID) { const middlewareId = await this.resolve( `${decodeURI(settings.config.srcDir.pathname)}${MIDDLEWARE_PATH_SEGMENT_NAME}` ); userMiddlewareIsPresent = !!middlewareId; if (middlewareId) { resolvedMiddlewareId =; return MIDDLEWARE_MODULE_ID; } else if (hasIntegrationMiddleware) { return MIDDLEWARE_MODULE_ID; } else { return NOOP_MIDDLEWARE; } } if (id === NOOP_MIDDLEWARE) { return NOOP_MIDDLEWARE; } }, async load(id) { if (id === NOOP_MIDDLEWARE) { return "export const onRequest = (_, next) => next()"; } else if (id === MIDDLEWARE_MODULE_ID) { if (isCommandBuild) { this.emitFile({ type: "chunk", preserveSignature: "strict", fileName: "middleware.mjs", id }); } const preMiddleware = createMiddlewareImports(settings.middlewares.pre, "pre"); const postMiddleware = createMiddlewareImports(, "post"); const source = ` ${userMiddlewareIsPresent ? `import { onRequest as userOnRequest } from '${resolvedMiddlewareId}';` : ""} import { sequence } from 'astro:middleware'; ${preMiddleware.importsCode}${postMiddleware.importsCode} export const onRequest = sequence( ${preMiddleware.sequenceCode}${preMiddleware.sequenceCode ? "," : ""} ${userMiddlewareIsPresent ? `userOnRequest${postMiddleware.sequenceCode ? "," : ""}` : ""} ${postMiddleware.sequenceCode} ); `.trim(); return source; } } }; } function createMiddlewareImports(entrypoints, prefix) { let importsRaw = ""; let sequenceRaw = ""; let index = 0; for (const entrypoint of entrypoints) { const name = `_${prefix}_${index}`; importsRaw += `import { onRequest as ${name} } from '${normalizePath(entrypoint)}'; `; sequenceRaw += `${index > 0 ? "," : ""}${name}`; index++; } return { importsCode: importsRaw, sequenceCode: sequenceRaw }; } function vitePluginMiddlewareBuild(opts, internals) { return { name: "@astro/plugin-middleware-build", options(options) { return addRollupInput(options, [MIDDLEWARE_MODULE_ID]); }, writeBundle(_, bundle) { for (const [chunkName, chunk] of Object.entries(bundle)) { if (chunk.type !== "asset" && chunk.fileName === "middleware.mjs") { const outputDirectory = getOutputDirectory(opts.settings.config); internals.middlewareEntryPoint = new URL(chunkName, outputDirectory); } } } }; } export { MIDDLEWARE_MODULE_ID, vitePluginMiddleware, vitePluginMiddlewareBuild };