import { expandVariantGroup, notNull, regexScopePlaceholder, cssIdRE, toArray } from '@unocss/core'; import { generate, parse, clone, List, walk } from 'css-tree'; import { transformThemeFn, hasThemeFn } from '@unocss/rule-utils'; function handleThemeFn({ code, uno, options }, node) { const { throwOnMissing = true } = options; const offset = node.value.loc.start.offset; const str = code.original.slice(offset, node.value.loc.end.offset); code.overwrite(offset, node.value.loc.end.offset, transformThemeFn(str, uno.config.theme, throwOnMissing)); } const screenRuleRE = /(@screen) (.+) /g; function handleScreen({ code, uno }, node) { let breakpointName = ""; let prefix = ""; if ( === "screen" && node.prelude?.type === "Raw") breakpointName = node.prelude.value.trim(); if (!breakpointName) return; const match = breakpointName.match(/^(?:(lt|at)-)?(\w+)$/); if (match) { prefix = match[1]; breakpointName = match[2]; } const resolveBreakpoints = () => { let breakpoints; if (uno.userConfig && uno.userConfig.theme) breakpoints = uno.userConfig.theme.breakpoints; if (!breakpoints) breakpoints = uno.config.theme.breakpoints; return breakpoints ? Object.entries(breakpoints).sort((a, b) => Number.parseInt(a[1].replace(/[a-z]+/gi, "")) - Number.parseInt(b[1].replace(/[a-z]+/gi, ""))).map(([point, size]) => ({ point, size })) : void 0; }; const variantEntries = (resolveBreakpoints() ?? []).map(({ point, size }, idx) => [point, size, idx]); const generateMediaQuery = (breakpointName2, prefix2) => { const [, size, idx] = variantEntries.find((i) => i[0] === breakpointName2); if (prefix2) { if (prefix2 === "lt") return `@media (max-width: ${calcMaxWidthBySize(size)})`; else if (prefix2 === "at") return `@media (min-width: ${size})${variantEntries[idx + 1] ? ` and (max-width: ${calcMaxWidthBySize(variantEntries[idx + 1][1])})` : ""}`; else throw new Error(`breakpoint variant not supported: ${prefix2}`); } return `@media (min-width: ${size})`; }; if (!variantEntries.find((i) => i[0] === breakpointName)) throw new Error(`breakpoint ${breakpointName} not found`); const offset = node.loc.start.offset; const str = code.original.slice(offset, node.loc.end.offset); const matches = Array.from(str.matchAll(screenRuleRE)); if (!matches.length) return; for (const match2 of matches) { code.overwrite( offset + match2.index, offset + match2.index + match2[0].length, `${generateMediaQuery(breakpointName, prefix)} ` ); } } function calcMaxWidthBySize(size) { const value = size.match(/^-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*/)?.[0] || ""; const unit = size.slice(value.length); const maxWidth = Number.parseFloat(value) - 0.1; return Number.isNaN(maxWidth) ? size : `${maxWidth}${unit}`; } async function handleApply(ctx, node) { const { code, uno, options, filename, offset } = ctx; const calcOffset = (pos) => offset ? pos + offset : pos; await Promise.all( (childNode) => { if (childNode.type === "Raw") return transformDirectives(code, uno, options, filename, childNode.value, calcOffset(childNode.loc.start.offset)); await parseApply(ctx, node, childNode); }).toArray() ); } async function parseApply({ code, uno, offset, applyVariable }, node, childNode) { const calcOffset = (pos) => offset ? pos + offset : pos; let body; if (childNode.type === "Atrule" && === "apply" && childNode.prelude && childNode.prelude.type === "Raw") { body = childNode.prelude.value.trim(); } else if (childNode.type === "Declaration" && applyVariable.includes( && childNode.value.type === "Raw") { body = childNode.value.value.trim(); if (/^(['"]).*\1$/.test(body)) body = body.slice(1, -1); } if (!body) return; const classNames = expandVariantGroup(body).split(/\s+/g).map((className) => className.trim().replace(/\\/, "")); const utils = (await Promise.all( => uno.parseToken(i, "-")) )).filter(notNull).flat().sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]).sort((a, b) => (a[3] ? uno.parentOrders.get(a[3]) ?? 0 : 0) - (b[3] ? uno.parentOrders.get(b[3]) ?? 0 : 0)).reduce((acc, item) => { const target = acc.find((i) => i[1] === item[1] && i[3] === item[3]); if (target) target[2] += item[2]; else acc.push([...item]); return acc; }, []); if (!utils.length) return; for (const i of utils) { const [, _selector, body2, parent] = i; const selectorOrGroup = _selector?.replace(regexScopePlaceholder, " ") || _selector; if (parent || selectorOrGroup && selectorOrGroup !== ".\\-") { let newSelector = generate(node.prelude); if (selectorOrGroup && selectorOrGroup !== ".\\-") { const ruleAST = parse(`${selectorOrGroup}{}`, { context: "rule" }); const prelude = clone(node.prelude); prelude.children.forEach((child) => { const selectorListAst = clone(ruleAST.prelude); const classSelectors = new List(); selectorListAst.children.forEach((selectorAst) => { classSelectors.appendList(selectorAst.children.filter((i2) => i2.type === "ClassSelector" && === "\\-")); }); classSelectors.forEach((i2) => Object.assign(i2, clone(child))); Object.assign(child, selectorListAst); }); newSelector = generate(prelude); } let css = `${newSelector}{${body2}}`; if (parent) css = `${parent}{${css}}`; code.appendLeft(calcOffset(node.loc.end.offset), css); } else { if (body2.includes("@")) code.appendRight(code.original.length, body2); else code.appendRight(calcOffset(childNode.loc.end.offset), body2); } } code.remove( calcOffset(childNode.loc.start.offset), calcOffset(childNode.loc.end.offset) ); } function transformerDirectives(options = {}) { return { name: "@unocss/transformer-directives", enforce: options?.enforce, idFilter: (id) => cssIdRE.test(id), transform: (code, id, ctx) => { return transformDirectives(code,, options, id); } }; } async function transformDirectives(code, uno, options, filename, originalCode, offset) { let { applyVariable } = options; const varStyle = options.varStyle; if (applyVariable === void 0) { if (varStyle !== void 0) applyVariable = varStyle ? [`${varStyle}apply`] : []; applyVariable = ["--at-apply", "--uno-apply", "--uno"]; } applyVariable = toArray(applyVariable || []); const hasApply = code.original.includes("@apply") || applyVariable.some((s) => code.original.includes(s)); const hasScreen = code.original.includes("@screen"); const hasThemeFn$1 = hasThemeFn(code.original); if (!hasApply && !hasThemeFn$1 && !hasScreen) return; const ast = parse(originalCode || code.original, { parseAtrulePrelude: false, positions: true, filename }); if (ast.type !== "StyleSheet") return; const stack = []; const ctx = { options, applyVariable, uno, code, filename, offset }; const processNode = async (node, _item, _list) => { if (hasScreen && node.type === "Atrule") handleScreen(ctx, node); if (hasThemeFn$1 && node.type === "Declaration") handleThemeFn(ctx, node); if (hasApply && node.type === "Rule") await handleApply(ctx, node); }; walk(ast, (...args) => stack.push(processNode(...args))); await Promise.all(stack); } export { transformerDirectives as default, transformDirectives };