import { Readable } from "stream"; import { getSetCookiesFromResponse } from "../core/cookies/index.js"; import { getViteErrorPayload } from "../core/errors/dev/index.js"; import notFoundTemplate from "../template/4xx.js"; async function handle404Response(origin, req, res) { const pathname = decodeURI(new URL(origin + req.url).pathname); const html = notFoundTemplate({ statusCode: 404, title: "Not found", tabTitle: "404: Not Found", pathname }); writeHtmlResponse(res, 404, html); } async function handle500Response(loader, res, err) { res.on( "close", async () => setTimeout(async () => loader.webSocketSend(await getViteErrorPayload(err)), 200) ); if (res.headersSent) { res.write(``); res.end(); } else { writeHtmlResponse( res, 500, `${}` ); } } function writeHtmlResponse(res, statusCode, html) { res.writeHead(statusCode, { "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8", "Content-Length": Buffer.byteLength(html, "utf-8") }); res.write(html); res.end(); } async function writeWebResponse(res, webResponse) { const { status, headers, body } = webResponse; const setCookieHeaders = Array.from(getSetCookiesFromResponse(webResponse)); if (setCookieHeaders.length) { res.setHeader("set-cookie", setCookieHeaders); } const _headers = Object.fromEntries(headers.entries()); if (headers.has("set-cookie")) { _headers["set-cookie"] = headers.getSetCookie(); } res.writeHead(status, _headers); if (body) { if (Symbol.for("astro.responseBody") in webResponse) { let stream = webResponse[Symbol.for("astro.responseBody")]; for await (const chunk of stream) { res.write(chunk.toString()); } } else if (body instanceof Readable) { body.pipe(res); return; } else if (typeof body === "string") { res.write(body); } else { const reader = body.getReader(); res.on("close", () => { reader.cancel().catch((error) => { console.error("An unexpected error occurred in the middle of the stream.", error); }); }); while (true) { const { done, value } = await; if (done) break; if (value) { res.write(value); } } } } res.end(); } async function writeSSRResult(webRequest, webResponse, res) { Reflect.set(webRequest, Symbol.for("astro.responseSent"), true); return writeWebResponse(res, webResponse); } export { handle404Response, handle500Response, writeHtmlResponse, writeSSRResult, writeWebResponse };