import glob from "fast-glob"; import { bold, cyan } from "kleur/colors"; import * as path from "node:path"; import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from "node:url"; import { normalizePath } from "vite"; import { AstroError } from "../core/errors/errors.js"; import { AstroErrorData } from "../core/errors/index.js"; import { isRelativePath } from "../core/path.js"; import { CONTENT_TYPES_FILE, VIRTUAL_MODULE_ID } from "./consts.js"; import { getContentEntryIdAndSlug, getContentPaths, getDataEntryExts, getDataEntryId, getEntryCollectionName, getEntryConfigByExtMap, getEntrySlug, getEntryType, reloadContentConfigObserver } from "./utils.js"; async function createContentTypesGenerator({ contentConfigObserver, fs, logger, settings, viteServer }) { const collectionEntryMap = {}; const contentPaths = getContentPaths(settings.config, fs); const contentEntryConfigByExt = getEntryConfigByExtMap(settings.contentEntryTypes); const contentEntryExts = [...contentEntryConfigByExt.keys()]; const dataEntryExts = getDataEntryExts(settings); let events = []; let debounceTimeout; const typeTemplateContent = await fs.promises.readFile(contentPaths.typesTemplate, "utf-8"); async function init() { if (!fs.existsSync(contentPaths.contentDir)) { return { typesGenerated: false, reason: "no-content-dir" }; } events.push({ name: "add", entry: contentPaths.config.url }); const globResult = await glob("**", { cwd: fileURLToPath(contentPaths.contentDir), fs: { readdir: fs.readdir.bind(fs), readdirSync: fs.readdirSync.bind(fs) }, onlyFiles: false, objectMode: true }); for (const entry of globResult) { const fullPath = path.join(fileURLToPath(contentPaths.contentDir), entry.path); const entryURL = pathToFileURL(fullPath); if (entryURL.href.startsWith(contentPaths.config.url.href)) continue; if (entry.dirent.isFile()) { events.push({ name: "add", entry: entryURL }); } else if (entry.dirent.isDirectory()) { events.push({ name: "addDir", entry: entryURL }); } } await runEvents(); return { typesGenerated: true }; } async function handleEvent(event) { if ( === "addDir" || === "unlinkDir") { const collection2 = normalizePath( path.relative(fileURLToPath(contentPaths.contentDir), fileURLToPath(event.entry)) ); const collectionKey2 = JSON.stringify(collection2); const isCollectionEvent = collection2.split("/").length === 1; if (!isCollectionEvent) return { shouldGenerateTypes: false }; switch ( { case "addDir": collectionEntryMap[JSON.stringify(collection2)] = { type: "unknown", entries: {} }; logger.debug("content", `${cyan(collection2)} collection added`); break; case "unlinkDir": if (collectionKey2 in collectionEntryMap) { delete collectionEntryMap[JSON.stringify(collection2)]; } break; } return { shouldGenerateTypes: true }; } const fileType = getEntryType( fileURLToPath(event.entry), contentPaths, contentEntryExts, dataEntryExts ); if (fileType === "ignored") { return { shouldGenerateTypes: false }; } if (fileType === "config") { await reloadContentConfigObserver({ fs, settings, viteServer }); return { shouldGenerateTypes: true }; } const { entry } = event; const { contentDir } = contentPaths; const collection = getEntryCollectionName({ entry, contentDir }); if (collection === void 0) { logger.warn( "content", `${bold( normalizePath( path.relative(fileURLToPath(contentPaths.contentDir), fileURLToPath(event.entry)) ) )} must live in a ${bold("content/...")} collection subdirectory.` ); return { shouldGenerateTypes: false }; } if (fileType === "data") { const id2 = getDataEntryId({ entry, contentDir, collection }); const collectionKey2 = JSON.stringify(collection); const entryKey2 = JSON.stringify(id2); switch ( { case "add": if (!(collectionKey2 in collectionEntryMap)) { collectionEntryMap[collectionKey2] = { type: "data", entries: {} }; } const collectionInfo2 = collectionEntryMap[collectionKey2]; if (collectionInfo2.type === "content") {{ type: "error", err: new AstroError({ ...AstroErrorData.MixedContentDataCollectionError, message: AstroErrorData.MixedContentDataCollectionError.message(collectionKey2), location: { file: entry.pathname } }) }); return { shouldGenerateTypes: false }; } if (!(entryKey2 in collectionEntryMap[collectionKey2])) { collectionEntryMap[collectionKey2] = { type: "data", entries: { ...collectionInfo2.entries, [entryKey2]: {} } }; } return { shouldGenerateTypes: true }; case "unlink": if (collectionKey2 in collectionEntryMap && entryKey2 in collectionEntryMap[collectionKey2].entries) { delete collectionEntryMap[collectionKey2].entries[entryKey2]; } return { shouldGenerateTypes: true }; case "change": return { shouldGenerateTypes: false }; } } const contentEntryType = contentEntryConfigByExt.get(path.extname(event.entry.pathname)); if (!contentEntryType) return { shouldGenerateTypes: false }; const { id, slug: generatedSlug } = getContentEntryIdAndSlug({ entry, contentDir, collection }); const collectionKey = JSON.stringify(collection); if (!(collectionKey in collectionEntryMap)) { collectionEntryMap[collectionKey] = { type: "content", entries: {} }; } const collectionInfo = collectionEntryMap[collectionKey]; if (collectionInfo.type === "data") {{ type: "error", err: new AstroError({ ...AstroErrorData.MixedContentDataCollectionError, message: AstroErrorData.MixedContentDataCollectionError.message(collectionKey), location: { file: entry.pathname } }) }); return { shouldGenerateTypes: false }; } const entryKey = JSON.stringify(id); switch ( { case "add": const addedSlug = await getEntrySlug({ generatedSlug, id, collection, fileUrl: event.entry, contentEntryType, fs }); if (!(entryKey in collectionEntryMap[collectionKey].entries)) { collectionEntryMap[collectionKey] = { type: "content", entries: { ...collectionInfo.entries, [entryKey]: { slug: addedSlug } } }; } return { shouldGenerateTypes: true }; case "unlink": if (collectionKey in collectionEntryMap && entryKey in collectionEntryMap[collectionKey].entries) { delete collectionEntryMap[collectionKey].entries[entryKey]; } return { shouldGenerateTypes: true }; case "change": const changedSlug = await getEntrySlug({ generatedSlug, id, collection, fileUrl: event.entry, contentEntryType, fs }); const entryMetadata = collectionInfo.entries[entryKey]; if (entryMetadata?.slug !== changedSlug) { collectionInfo.entries[entryKey].slug = changedSlug; return { shouldGenerateTypes: true }; } return { shouldGenerateTypes: false }; } } function queueEvent(rawEvent) { const event = { entry: pathToFileURL(rawEvent.entry), name: }; if (!event.entry.pathname.startsWith(contentPaths.contentDir.pathname)) return; events.push(event); debounceTimeout && clearTimeout(debounceTimeout); const runEventsSafe = async () => { try { await runEvents(); } catch { } }; debounceTimeout = setTimeout( runEventsSafe, 50 /* debounce to batch chokidar events */ ); } async function runEvents() { const eventResponses = []; for (const event of events) { const response = await handleEvent(event); eventResponses.push(response); } events = []; const observable = contentConfigObserver.get(); if (eventResponses.some((r) => r.shouldGenerateTypes)) { await writeContentFiles({ fs, collectionEntryMap, contentPaths, typeTemplateContent, contentConfig: observable.status === "loaded" ? observable.config : void 0, contentEntryTypes: settings.contentEntryTypes, viteServer }); invalidateVirtualMod(viteServer); if (observable.status === "loaded") { warnNonexistentCollections({ logger, contentConfig: observable.config, collectionEntryMap }); } } } return { init, queueEvent }; } function invalidateVirtualMod(viteServer) { const virtualMod = viteServer.moduleGraph.getModuleById("\0" + VIRTUAL_MODULE_ID); if (!virtualMod) return; viteServer.moduleGraph.invalidateModule(virtualMod); } function normalizeConfigPath(from, to) { const configPath = path.relative(from, to).replace(/\.ts$/, ".js"); const normalizedPath = configPath.replaceAll("\\", "/"); return `"${isRelativePath(configPath) ? "" : "./"}${normalizedPath}"`; } async function writeContentFiles({ fs, contentPaths, collectionEntryMap, typeTemplateContent, contentEntryTypes, contentConfig, viteServer }) { let contentTypesStr = ""; let dataTypesStr = ""; for (const collectionKey of Object.keys(collectionEntryMap).sort()) { const collectionConfig = contentConfig?.collections[JSON.parse(collectionKey)]; const collection = collectionEntryMap[collectionKey]; if (collectionConfig?.type && collection.type !== "unknown" && collection.type !== collectionConfig.type) {{ type: "error", err: new AstroError({ ...AstroErrorData.ContentCollectionTypeMismatchError, message: AstroErrorData.ContentCollectionTypeMismatchError.message( collectionKey, collection.type, collectionConfig.type ), hint: collection.type === "data" ? "Try adding `type: 'data'` to your collection config." : void 0, location: { file: "" /** required for error overlay `ws` messages */ } }) }); return; } const resolvedType = collection.type === "unknown" ? ( // Add empty / unknown collections to the data type map by default // This ensures `getCollection('empty-collection')` doesn't raise a type error collectionConfig?.type ?? "data" ) : collection.type; switch (resolvedType) { case "content": contentTypesStr += `${collectionKey}: { `; for (const entryKey of Object.keys(collection.entries).sort()) { const entryMetadata = collection.entries[entryKey]; const dataType = collectionConfig?.schema ? `InferEntrySchema<${collectionKey}>` : "any"; const renderType = `{ render(): Render[${JSON.stringify( path.extname(JSON.parse(entryKey)) )}] }`; const slugType = JSON.stringify(entryMetadata.slug); contentTypesStr += `${entryKey}: { id: ${entryKey}; slug: ${slugType}; body: string; collection: ${collectionKey}; data: ${dataType} } & ${renderType}; `; } contentTypesStr += `}; `; break; case "data": dataTypesStr += `${collectionKey}: { `; for (const entryKey of Object.keys(collection.entries).sort()) { const dataType = collectionConfig?.schema ? `InferEntrySchema<${collectionKey}>` : "any"; dataTypesStr += `${entryKey}: { id: ${entryKey}; collection: ${collectionKey}; data: ${dataType} }; `; } dataTypesStr += `}; `; break; } } if (!fs.existsSync(contentPaths.cacheDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(contentPaths.cacheDir, { recursive: true }); } const configPathRelativeToCacheDir = normalizeConfigPath( contentPaths.cacheDir.pathname, contentPaths.config.url.pathname ); for (const contentEntryType of contentEntryTypes) { if (contentEntryType.contentModuleTypes) { typeTemplateContent = contentEntryType.contentModuleTypes + "\n" + typeTemplateContent; } } typeTemplateContent = typeTemplateContent.replace("// @@CONTENT_ENTRY_MAP@@", contentTypesStr); typeTemplateContent = typeTemplateContent.replace("// @@DATA_ENTRY_MAP@@", dataTypesStr); typeTemplateContent = typeTemplateContent.replace( "'@@CONTENT_CONFIG_TYPE@@'", contentConfig ? `typeof import(${configPathRelativeToCacheDir})` : "never" ); await fs.promises.writeFile( new URL(CONTENT_TYPES_FILE, contentPaths.cacheDir), typeTemplateContent ); } function warnNonexistentCollections({ contentConfig, collectionEntryMap, logger }) { for (const configuredCollection in contentConfig.collections) { if (!collectionEntryMap[JSON.stringify(configuredCollection)]) { logger.warn( "content", `The ${bold(configuredCollection)} collection is defined but no ${bold( "content/" + configuredCollection )} folder exists in the content directory. Create a new folder for the collection, or check your content configuration file for typos.` ); } } } export { createContentTypesGenerator };