export default function negateValue(value) { value = `${value}` if (value === '0') { return '0' } // Flip sign of numbers if (/^[+-]?(\d+|\d*\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?(%|\w+)?$/.test(value)) { return value.replace(/^[+-]?/, (sign) => (sign === '-' ? '' : '-')) } // What functions we support negating numeric values for // var() isn't inherently a numeric function but we support it anyway // The trigonometric functions are omitted because you'll need to use calc(…) with them _anyway_ // to produce generally useful results and that will be covered already let numericFunctions = ['var', 'calc', 'min', 'max', 'clamp'] for (const fn of numericFunctions) { if (value.includes(`${fn}(`)) { return `calc(${value} * -1)` } } }