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    | \ | |         | |      / ____|/ ____\ \    / /
    |  \| | ___   __| | ___ | |    | (___  \ \  / /
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    | |\  | (_) | (_| |  __/| |____ ____) |  \  /
    |_| \_|\___/ \__,_|\___| \_____|_____/    \/     MIT License

This project provides CSV generation, parsing, transformation and serialization for Node.js. It has been tested and used by a large community over the years and should be considered reliable. It provides every option you would expect from an advanced CSV parser and stringifier. [![NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/csv)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/csv) [![NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/csv)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/csv) The `csv` package is itself split into 4 packages: * [`csv-generate`](https://csv.js.org/generate/), a flexible generator of CSV string and Javascript objects. [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/adaltas/node-csv-generate.svg?branch=master)][travis-csv-generate] * [`csv-parse`](https://csv.js.org/parse/), a parser converting CSV text into arrays or objects. [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/adaltas/node-csv-parse.svg?branch=master)][travis-csv-parse] * [`stream-transform`](https://csv.js.org/transform/), a transformation framework. [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/adaltas/node-stream-transform.svg?branch=master)][travis-stream-transform] * [`csv-stringify`](https://csv.js.org/stringify/), a stringifier converting records into a CSV text. [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/adaltas/node-csv-stringify.svg?branch=master)][travis-csv-stringify] ## Documentation The full documentation for the current version is available [here](https://csv.js.org). ## Usage Installation command is `npm install csv`. Each package is fully compatible with the stream 2 and 3 specifications. Also, a simple callback-based API is always provided for convenience. ## Development This parent project doesn't have tests itself but instead delegates the tests to its child projects. Read the documentation of the child projects for additional information. ## Related projects * Pavel Kolesnikov "ya-csv": * Chris Williams "node-csv": * Mat Holt "PapaParse": [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/ [travis-csv-generate]: http://travis-ci.org/adaltas/node-csv-generate [travis-csv-parse]: http://travis-ci.org/adaltas/node-csv-parse [travis-stream-transform]: http://travis-ci.org/adaltas/node-stream-transform [travis-csv-stringify]: http://travis-ci.org/adaltas/node-csv-stringify