'use strict'; const utils = require('./shared/preset-mini.ImRm63ih.cjs'); const ruleUtils = require('@unocss/rule-utils'); const core = require('@unocss/core'); const transform = require('./shared/preset-mini.MACvs-wn.cjs'); const verticalAlignAlias = { "mid": "middle", "base": "baseline", "btm": "bottom", "baseline": "baseline", "top": "top", "start": "top", "middle": "middle", "bottom": "bottom", "end": "bottom", "text-top": "text-top", "text-bottom": "text-bottom", "sub": "sub", "super": "super", ...Object.fromEntries(utils.globalKeywords.map((x) => [x, x])) }; const verticalAligns = [ [ /^(?:vertical|align|v)-([-\w]+%?)$/, ([, v]) => ({ "vertical-align": verticalAlignAlias[v] ?? utils.h.numberWithUnit(v) }), { autocomplete: [ `(vertical|align|v)-(${Object.keys(verticalAlignAlias).join("|")})`, "(vertical|align|v)-" ] } ] ]; const textAligns = ["center", "left", "right", "justify", "start", "end"].map((v) => [`text-${v}`, { "text-align": v }]); const outline = [ // size [/^outline-(?:width-|size-)?(.+)$/, ([, d], { theme }) => ({ "outline-width": theme.lineWidth?.[d] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.px(d) }), { autocomplete: "outline-(width|size)-" }], // color [/^outline-(?:color-)?(.+)$/, utils.colorResolver("outline-color", "outline-color", "borderColor"), { autocomplete: "outline-$colors" }], // offset [/^outline-offset-(.+)$/, ([, d], { theme }) => ({ "outline-offset": theme.lineWidth?.[d] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.px(d) }), { autocomplete: "outline-(offset)-" }], // style ["outline", { "outline-style": "solid" }], ...["auto", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "hidden", "solid", "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset", ...utils.globalKeywords].map((v) => [`outline-${v}`, { "outline-style": v }]), ["outline-none", { "outline": "2px solid transparent", "outline-offset": "2px" }] ]; const appearance = [ ["appearance-none", { "-webkit-appearance": "none", "appearance": "none" }] ]; function willChangeProperty(prop) { return utils.h.properties.auto.global(prop) ?? { contents: "contents", scroll: "scroll-position" }[prop]; } const willChange = [ [/^will-change-(.+)/, ([, p]) => ({ "will-change": willChangeProperty(p) })] ]; const borderStyles = ["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "hidden", "none", "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset", ...utils.globalKeywords]; const borders = [ // compound [/^(?:border|b)()(?:-(.+))?$/, handlerBorder, { autocomplete: "(border|b)-" }], [/^(?:border|b)-([xy])(?:-(.+))?$/, handlerBorder], [/^(?:border|b)-([rltbse])(?:-(.+))?$/, handlerBorder], [/^(?:border|b)-(block|inline)(?:-(.+))?$/, handlerBorder], [/^(?:border|b)-([bi][se])(?:-(.+))?$/, handlerBorder], // size [/^(?:border|b)-()(?:width|size)-(.+)$/, handlerBorderSize, { autocomplete: ["(border|b)-", "(border|b)--"] }], [/^(?:border|b)-([xy])-(?:width|size)-(.+)$/, handlerBorderSize], [/^(?:border|b)-([rltbse])-(?:width|size)-(.+)$/, handlerBorderSize], [/^(?:border|b)-(block|inline)-(?:width|size)-(.+)$/, handlerBorderSize], [/^(?:border|b)-([bi][se])-(?:width|size)-(.+)$/, handlerBorderSize], // colors [/^(?:border|b)-()(?:color-)?(.+)$/, handlerBorderColor, { autocomplete: ["(border|b)-$colors", "(border|b)--$colors"] }], [/^(?:border|b)-([xy])-(?:color-)?(.+)$/, handlerBorderColor], [/^(?:border|b)-([rltbse])-(?:color-)?(.+)$/, handlerBorderColor], [/^(?:border|b)-(block|inline)-(?:color-)?(.+)$/, handlerBorderColor], [/^(?:border|b)-([bi][se])-(?:color-)?(.+)$/, handlerBorderColor], // opacity [/^(?:border|b)-()op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, handlerBorderOpacity, { autocomplete: "(border|b)-(op|opacity)-" }], [/^(?:border|b)-([xy])-op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, handlerBorderOpacity], [/^(?:border|b)-([rltbse])-op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, handlerBorderOpacity], [/^(?:border|b)-(block|inline)-op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, handlerBorderOpacity], [/^(?:border|b)-([bi][se])-op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, handlerBorderOpacity], // radius [/^(?:border-|b-)?(?:rounded|rd)()(?:-(.+))?$/, handlerRounded, { autocomplete: ["(border|b)-(rounded|rd)", "(border|b)-(rounded|rd)-", "(rounded|rd)", "(rounded|rd)-"] }], [/^(?:border-|b-)?(?:rounded|rd)-([rltbse])(?:-(.+))?$/, handlerRounded], [/^(?:border-|b-)?(?:rounded|rd)-([rltb]{2})(?:-(.+))?$/, handlerRounded], [/^(?:border-|b-)?(?:rounded|rd)-([bise][se])(?:-(.+))?$/, handlerRounded], [/^(?:border-|b-)?(?:rounded|rd)-([bi][se]-[bi][se])(?:-(.+))?$/, handlerRounded], // style [/^(?:border|b)-(?:style-)?()(.+)$/, handlerBorderStyle, { autocomplete: ["(border|b)-style", `(border|b)-(${borderStyles.join("|")})`, "(border|b)--style", `(border|b)--(${borderStyles.join("|")})`, `(border|b)--style-(${borderStyles.join("|")})`, `(border|b)-style-(${borderStyles.join("|")})`] }], [/^(?:border|b)-([xy])-(?:style-)?(.+)$/, handlerBorderStyle], [/^(?:border|b)-([rltbse])-(?:style-)?(.+)$/, handlerBorderStyle], [/^(?:border|b)-(block|inline)-(?:style-)?(.+)$/, handlerBorderStyle], [/^(?:border|b)-([bi][se])-(?:style-)?(.+)$/, handlerBorderStyle] ]; function borderColorResolver(direction) { return ([, body], theme) => { const data = utils.parseColor(body, theme, "borderColor"); if (!data) return; const { alpha, color, cssColor } = data; if (cssColor) { if (alpha != null) { return { [`border${direction}-color`]: ruleUtils.colorToString(cssColor, alpha) }; } if (direction === "") { return { "--un-border-opacity": ruleUtils.colorOpacityToString(cssColor), "border-color": ruleUtils.colorToString(cssColor, "var(--un-border-opacity)") }; } else { return { // Separate this return since if `direction` is an empty string, the first key will be overwritten by the second. "--un-border-opacity": ruleUtils.colorOpacityToString(cssColor), [`--un-border${direction}-opacity`]: "var(--un-border-opacity)", [`border${direction}-color`]: ruleUtils.colorToString(cssColor, `var(--un-border${direction}-opacity)`) }; } } else if (color) { if (utils.isCSSMathFn(color)) { return { "border-width": color }; } return { [`border${direction}-color`]: ruleUtils.colorToString(color, alpha) }; } }; } function handlerBorder(m, ctx) { return handlerBorderSize(m, ctx); } function handlerBorderSize([, a = "", b], { theme }) { const v = theme.lineWidth?.[b || "DEFAULT"] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.px(b || "1"); if (a in utils.directionMap && v != null) return utils.directionMap[a].map((i) => [`border${i}-width`, v]); } function handlerBorderColor([, a = "", c], { theme }) { if (a in utils.directionMap && utils.hasParseableColor(c, theme, "borderColor")) { return Object.assign( {}, ...utils.directionMap[a].map((i) => borderColorResolver(i)(["", c], theme)) ); } } function handlerBorderOpacity([, a = "", opacity]) { const v = utils.h.bracket.percent.cssvar(opacity); if (a in utils.directionMap && v != null) return utils.directionMap[a].map((i) => [`--un-border${i}-opacity`, v]); } function handlerRounded([, a = "", s], { theme }) { const v = theme.borderRadius?.[s || "DEFAULT"] || utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.fraction.rem(s || "1"); if (a in utils.cornerMap && v != null) return utils.cornerMap[a].map((i) => [`border${i}-radius`, v]); } function handlerBorderStyle([, a = "", s]) { if (borderStyles.includes(s) && a in utils.directionMap) return utils.directionMap[a].map((i) => [`border${i}-style`, s]); } const opacity = [ [/^op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, ([, d]) => ({ opacity: utils.h.bracket.percent.cssvar(d) })] ]; const textColors = [ [/^(?:color|c)-(.+)$/, utils.colorResolver("color", "text", "textColor"), { autocomplete: "(color|c)-$colors" }], // auto detection and fallback to font-size if the content looks like a size [/^text-(.+)$/, utils.colorResolver("color", "text", "textColor", (css) => !css.color?.toString().match(utils.numberWithUnitRE)), { autocomplete: "text-$colors" }], [/^(?:text|color|c)-(.+)$/, ([, v]) => utils.globalKeywords.includes(v) ? { color: v } : void 0, { autocomplete: `(text|color|c)-(${utils.globalKeywords.join("|")})` }], [/^(?:text|color|c)-op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, ([, opacity2]) => ({ "--un-text-opacity": utils.h.bracket.percent.cssvar(opacity2) }), { autocomplete: "(text|color|c)-(op|opacity)-" }] ]; const bgColors = [ [/^bg-(.+)$/, (...args) => utils.isSize(args[0][1]) ? void 0 : utils.colorResolver("background-color", "bg", "backgroundColor")(...args), { autocomplete: "bg-$colors" }], [/^bg-op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, ([, opacity2]) => ({ "--un-bg-opacity": utils.h.bracket.percent.cssvar(opacity2) }), { autocomplete: "bg-(op|opacity)-" }] ]; const colorScheme = [ [/^color-scheme-(\w+)$/, ([, v]) => ({ "color-scheme": v })] ]; const containerParent = [ [/^@container(?:\/(\w+))?(?:-(normal))?$/, ([, l, v]) => { core.warnOnce("The container query rule is experimental and may not follow semver."); return { "container-type": v ?? "inline-size", "container-name": l }; }] ]; const decorationStyles = ["solid", "double", "dotted", "dashed", "wavy", ...utils.globalKeywords]; const textDecorations = [ [/^(?:decoration-)?(underline|overline|line-through)$/, ([, s]) => ({ "text-decoration-line": s }), { autocomplete: "decoration-(underline|overline|line-through)" }], // size [/^(?:underline|decoration)-(?:size-)?(.+)$/, ([, s], { theme }) => ({ "text-decoration-thickness": theme.lineWidth?.[s] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.px(s) }), { autocomplete: "(underline|decoration)-" }], [/^(?:underline|decoration)-(auto|from-font)$/, ([, s]) => ({ "text-decoration-thickness": s }), { autocomplete: "(underline|decoration)-(auto|from-font)" }], // colors [/^(?:underline|decoration)-(.+)$/, (match, ctx) => { const result = utils.colorResolver("text-decoration-color", "line", "borderColor")(match, ctx); if (result) { return { "-webkit-text-decoration-color": result["text-decoration-color"], ...result }; } }, { autocomplete: "(underline|decoration)-$colors" }], [/^(?:underline|decoration)-op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, ([, opacity]) => ({ "--un-line-opacity": utils.h.bracket.percent.cssvar(opacity) }), { autocomplete: "(underline|decoration)-(op|opacity)-" }], // offset [/^(?:underline|decoration)-offset-(.+)$/, ([, s], { theme }) => ({ "text-underline-offset": theme.lineWidth?.[s] ?? utils.h.auto.bracket.cssvar.global.px(s) }), { autocomplete: "(underline|decoration)-(offset)-" }], // style ...decorationStyles.map((v) => [`underline-${v}`, { "text-decoration-style": v }]), ...decorationStyles.map((v) => [`decoration-${v}`, { "text-decoration-style": v }]), ["no-underline", { "text-decoration": "none" }], ["decoration-none", { "text-decoration": "none" }] ]; const transitionPropertyGroup = { all: "all", colors: ["color", "background-color", "border-color", "outline-color", "text-decoration-color", "fill", "stroke"].join(","), none: "none", opacity: "opacity", shadow: "box-shadow", transform: "transform" }; function transitionProperty(prop) { return utils.h.properties(prop) ?? transitionPropertyGroup[prop]; } const transitions = [ // transition [ /^transition(?:-([a-z-]+(?:,[a-z-]+)*))?(?:-(\d+))?$/, ([, prop, d], { theme }) => { const p = prop != null ? transitionProperty(prop) : [transitionPropertyGroup.colors, "opacity", "box-shadow", "transform", "filter", "backdrop-filter"].join(","); if (p) { const duration = theme.duration?.[d || "DEFAULT"] ?? utils.h.time(d || "150"); return { "transition-property": p, "transition-timing-function": "cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)", "transition-duration": duration }; } }, { autocomplete: `transition-(${Object.keys(transitionPropertyGroup).join("|")})` } ], // timings [ /^(?:transition-)?duration-(.+)$/, ([, d], { theme }) => ({ "transition-duration": theme.duration?.[d || "DEFAULT"] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.time(d) }), { autocomplete: ["transition-duration-$duration", "duration-$duration"] } ], [ /^(?:transition-)?delay-(.+)$/, ([, d], { theme }) => ({ "transition-delay": theme.duration?.[d || "DEFAULT"] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.time(d) }), { autocomplete: ["transition-delay-$duration", "delay-$duration"] } ], [ /^(?:transition-)?ease(?:-(.+))?$/, ([, d], { theme }) => ({ "transition-timing-function": theme.easing?.[d || "DEFAULT"] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar(d) }), { autocomplete: ["transition-ease-(linear|in|out|in-out|DEFAULT)", "ease-(linear|in|out|in-out|DEFAULT)"] } ], // props [ /^(?:transition-)?property-(.+)$/, ([, v]) => ({ "transition-property": utils.h.bracket.global(v) || transitionProperty(v) }), { autocomplete: [`transition-property-(${[...utils.globalKeywords, ...Object.keys(transitionPropertyGroup)].join("|")})`] } ], // none ["transition-none", { transition: "none" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("transition") ]; const flex = [ // display ["flex", { display: "flex" }], ["inline-flex", { display: "inline-flex" }], ["flex-inline", { display: "inline-flex" }], // flex [/^flex-(.*)$/, ([, d]) => ({ flex: utils.h.bracket(d) != null ? utils.h.bracket(d).split(" ").map((e) => utils.h.cssvar.fraction(e) ?? e).join(" ") : utils.h.cssvar.fraction(d) })], ["flex-1", { flex: "1 1 0%" }], ["flex-auto", { flex: "1 1 auto" }], ["flex-initial", { flex: "0 1 auto" }], ["flex-none", { flex: "none" }], // shrink/grow/basis [/^(?:flex-)?shrink(?:-(.*))?$/, ([, d = ""]) => ({ "flex-shrink": utils.h.bracket.cssvar.number(d) ?? 1 }), { autocomplete: ["flex-shrink-", "shrink-"] }], [/^(?:flex-)?grow(?:-(.*))?$/, ([, d = ""]) => ({ "flex-grow": utils.h.bracket.cssvar.number(d) ?? 1 }), { autocomplete: ["flex-grow-", "grow-"] }], [/^(?:flex-)?basis-(.+)$/, ([, d], { theme }) => ({ "flex-basis": theme.spacing?.[d] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.auto.fraction.rem(d) }), { autocomplete: ["flex-basis-$spacing", "basis-$spacing"] }], // directions ["flex-row", { "flex-direction": "row" }], ["flex-row-reverse", { "flex-direction": "row-reverse" }], ["flex-col", { "flex-direction": "column" }], ["flex-col-reverse", { "flex-direction": "column-reverse" }], // wraps ["flex-wrap", { "flex-wrap": "wrap" }], ["flex-wrap-reverse", { "flex-wrap": "wrap-reverse" }], ["flex-nowrap", { "flex-wrap": "nowrap" }] ]; function handleThemeByKey(s, theme, key) { return theme[key]?.[s] || utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.rem(s); } const fonts = [ // size [ /^text-(.+)$/, ([, s = "base"], { theme }) => { const [size, leading] = utils.splitShorthand(s, "length"); const sizePairs = core.toArray(theme.fontSize?.[size]); const lineHeight = leading ? handleThemeByKey(leading, theme, "lineHeight") : void 0; if (sizePairs?.[0]) { const [fontSize2, height, letterSpacing] = sizePairs; if (typeof height === "object") { return { "font-size": fontSize2, ...height }; } return { "font-size": fontSize2, "line-height": lineHeight ?? height ?? "1", "letter-spacing": letterSpacing ? handleThemeByKey(letterSpacing, theme, "letterSpacing") : void 0 }; } const fontSize = utils.h.bracketOfLength.rem(size); if (lineHeight && fontSize) { return { "font-size": fontSize, "line-height": lineHeight }; } return { "font-size": utils.h.bracketOfLength.rem(s) }; }, { autocomplete: "text-$fontSize" } ], [/^(?:text|font)-size-(.+)$/, ([, s], { theme }) => { const themed = core.toArray(theme.fontSize?.[s]); const size = themed?.[0] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.rem(s); if (size != null) return { "font-size": size }; }, { autocomplete: "text-size-$fontSize" }], // weights [ /^(?:font|fw)-?([^-]+)$/, ([, s], { theme }) => ({ "font-weight": theme.fontWeight?.[s] || utils.h.bracket.global.number(s) }), { autocomplete: [ "(font|fw)-(100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900)", "(font|fw)-$fontWeight" ] } ], // leadings [ /^(?:font-)?(?:leading|lh|line-height)-(.+)$/, ([, s], { theme }) => ({ "line-height": handleThemeByKey(s, theme, "lineHeight") }), { autocomplete: "(leading|lh|line-height)-$lineHeight" } ], // synthesis ["font-synthesis-weight", { "font-synthesis": "weight" }], ["font-synthesis-style", { "font-synthesis": "style" }], ["font-synthesis-small-caps", { "font-synthesis": "small-caps" }], ["font-synthesis-none", { "font-synthesis": "none" }], [/^font-synthesis-(.+)$/, ([, s]) => ({ "font-synthesis": utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global(s) })], // tracking [ /^(?:font-)?tracking-(.+)$/, ([, s], { theme }) => ({ "letter-spacing": theme.letterSpacing?.[s] || utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.rem(s) }), { autocomplete: "tracking-$letterSpacing" } ], // word-spacing [ /^(?:font-)?word-spacing-(.+)$/, ([, s], { theme }) => ({ "word-spacing": theme.wordSpacing?.[s] || utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.rem(s) }), { autocomplete: "word-spacing-$wordSpacing" } ], // family [ /^font-(.+)$/, ([, d], { theme }) => ({ "font-family": theme.fontFamily?.[d] || utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global(d) }), { autocomplete: "font-$fontFamily" } ] ]; const tabSizes = [ [/^tab(?:-(.+))?$/, ([, s]) => { const v = utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.number(s || "4"); if (v != null) { return { "-moz-tab-size": v, "-o-tab-size": v, "tab-size": v }; } }] ]; const textIndents = [ [/^indent(?:-(.+))?$/, ([, s], { theme }) => ({ "text-indent": theme.textIndent?.[s || "DEFAULT"] || utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.fraction.rem(s) }), { autocomplete: "indent-$textIndent" }] ]; const textStrokes = [ // widths [/^text-stroke(?:-(.+))?$/, ([, s], { theme }) => ({ "-webkit-text-stroke-width": theme.textStrokeWidth?.[s || "DEFAULT"] || utils.h.bracket.cssvar.px(s) }), { autocomplete: "text-stroke-$textStrokeWidth" }], // colors [/^text-stroke-(.+)$/, utils.colorResolver("-webkit-text-stroke-color", "text-stroke", "borderColor"), { autocomplete: "text-stroke-$colors" }], [/^text-stroke-op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, ([, opacity]) => ({ "--un-text-stroke-opacity": utils.h.bracket.percent.cssvar(opacity) }), { autocomplete: "text-stroke-(op|opacity)-" }] ]; const textShadows = [ [/^text-shadow(?:-(.+))?$/, ([, s], { theme }) => { const v = theme.textShadow?.[s || "DEFAULT"]; if (v != null) { return { "--un-text-shadow": utils.colorableShadows(v, "--un-text-shadow-color").join(","), "text-shadow": "var(--un-text-shadow)" }; } return { "text-shadow": utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global(s) }; }, { autocomplete: "text-shadow-$textShadow" }], // colors [/^text-shadow-color-(.+)$/, utils.colorResolver("--un-text-shadow-color", "text-shadow", "shadowColor"), { autocomplete: "text-shadow-color-$colors" }], [/^text-shadow-color-op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, ([, opacity]) => ({ "--un-text-shadow-opacity": utils.h.bracket.percent.cssvar(opacity) }), { autocomplete: "text-shadow-color-(op|opacity)-" }] ]; const directions = { "": "", "x": "column-", "y": "row-" }; function handleGap([, d = "", s], { theme }) { const v = theme.spacing?.[s] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.rem(s); if (v != null) { return { [`${directions[d]}gap`]: v }; } } const gaps = [ [/^(?:flex-|grid-)?gap-?()(.+)$/, handleGap, { autocomplete: ["gap-$spacing", "gap-"] }], [/^(?:flex-|grid-)?gap-([xy])-?(.+)$/, handleGap, { autocomplete: ["gap-(x|y)-$spacing", "gap-(x|y)-"] }] ]; function rowCol(s) { return s.replace("col", "column"); } function rowColTheme(s) { return s[0] === "r" ? "Row" : "Column"; } function autoDirection(c, theme, prop) { const v = theme[`gridAuto${rowColTheme(c)}`]?.[prop]; if (v != null) return v; switch (prop) { case "min": return "min-content"; case "max": return "max-content"; case "fr": return "minmax(0,1fr)"; } return utils.h.bracket.cssvar.auto.rem(prop); } const grids = [ // displays ["grid", { display: "grid" }], ["inline-grid", { display: "inline-grid" }], // global [/^(?:grid-)?(row|col)-(.+)$/, ([, c, v], { theme }) => ({ [`grid-${rowCol(c)}`]: theme[`grid${rowColTheme(c)}`]?.[v] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.auto(v) })], // span [/^(?:grid-)?(row|col)-span-(.+)$/, ([, c, s]) => { if (s === "full") return { [`grid-${rowCol(c)}`]: "1/-1" }; const v = utils.h.bracket.number(s); if (v != null) return { [`grid-${rowCol(c)}`]: `span ${v}/span ${v}` }; }, { autocomplete: ["grid-(row|col)-span-", "(row|col)-span-"] }], // starts & ends [/^(?:grid-)?(row|col)-start-(.+)$/, ([, c, v]) => ({ [`grid-${rowCol(c)}-start`]: utils.h.bracket.cssvar(v) ?? v })], [/^(?:grid-)?(row|col)-end-(.+)$/, ([, c, v]) => ({ [`grid-${rowCol(c)}-end`]: utils.h.bracket.cssvar(v) ?? v }), { autocomplete: ["grid-(row|col)-(start|end)-"] }], // auto flows [/^(?:grid-)?auto-(rows|cols)-(.+)$/, ([, c, v], { theme }) => ({ [`grid-auto-${rowCol(c)}`]: autoDirection(c, theme, v) }), { autocomplete: ["grid-auto-(rows|cols)-"] }], // grid-auto-flow, auto-flow: uno // grid-flow: wind [/^(?:grid-auto-flow|auto-flow|grid-flow)-(.+)$/, ([, v]) => ({ "grid-auto-flow": utils.h.bracket.cssvar(v) })], [/^(?:grid-auto-flow|auto-flow|grid-flow)-(row|col|dense|row-dense|col-dense)$/, ([, v]) => ({ "grid-auto-flow": rowCol(v).replace("-", " ") }), { autocomplete: ["(grid-auto-flow|auto-flow|grid-flow)-(row|col|dense|row-dense|col-dense)"] }], // templates [/^grid-(rows|cols)-(.+)$/, ([, c, v], { theme }) => ({ [`grid-template-${rowCol(c)}`]: theme[`gridTemplate${rowColTheme(c)}`]?.[v] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar(v) })], [/^grid-(rows|cols)-minmax-([\w.-]+)$/, ([, c, d]) => ({ [`grid-template-${rowCol(c)}`]: `repeat(auto-fill,minmax(${d},1fr))` })], [/^grid-(rows|cols)-(\d+)$/, ([, c, d]) => ({ [`grid-template-${rowCol(c)}`]: `repeat(${d},minmax(0,1fr))` }), { autocomplete: ["grid-(rows|cols)-", "grid-(rows|cols)-none"] }], // areas [/^grid-area(s)?-(.+)$/, ([, s, v]) => { if (s != null) return { "grid-template-areas": utils.h.cssvar(v) ?? v.split("-").map((s2) => `"${utils.h.bracket(s2)}"`).join(" ") }; return { "grid-area": utils.h.bracket.cssvar(v) }; }], // template none ["grid-rows-none", { "grid-template-rows": "none" }], ["grid-cols-none", { "grid-template-columns": "none" }], // template subgrid ["grid-rows-subgrid", { "grid-template-rows": "subgrid" }], ["grid-cols-subgrid", { "grid-template-columns": "subgrid" }] ]; const overflowValues = [ "auto", "hidden", "clip", "visible", "scroll", "overlay", ...utils.globalKeywords ]; const overflows = [ [/^(?:overflow|of)-(.+)$/, ([, v]) => overflowValues.includes(v) ? { overflow: v } : void 0, { autocomplete: [`(overflow|of)-(${overflowValues.join("|")})`, `(overflow|of)-(x|y)-(${overflowValues.join("|")})`] }], [/^(?:overflow|of)-([xy])-(.+)$/, ([, d, v]) => overflowValues.includes(v) ? { [`overflow-${d}`]: v } : void 0] ]; const positions = [ [/^(?:position-|pos-)?(relative|absolute|fixed|sticky)$/, ([, v]) => ({ position: v }), { autocomplete: [ "(position|pos)-", "(position|pos)-", "" ] }], [/^(?:position-|pos-)([-\w]+)$/, ([, v]) => utils.globalKeywords.includes(v) ? { position: v } : void 0], [/^(?:position-|pos-)?(static)$/, ([, v]) => ({ position: v })] ]; const justifies = [ // contents ["justify-start", { "justify-content": "flex-start" }], ["justify-end", { "justify-content": "flex-end" }], ["justify-center", { "justify-content": "center" }], ["justify-between", { "justify-content": "space-between" }], ["justify-around", { "justify-content": "space-around" }], ["justify-evenly", { "justify-content": "space-evenly" }], ["justify-stretch", { "justify-content": "stretch" }], ["justify-left", { "justify-content": "left" }], ["justify-right", { "justify-content": "right" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("justify", "justify-content"), // items ["justify-items-start", { "justify-items": "start" }], ["justify-items-end", { "justify-items": "end" }], ["justify-items-center", { "justify-items": "center" }], ["justify-items-stretch", { "justify-items": "stretch" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("justify-items"), // selfs ["justify-self-auto", { "justify-self": "auto" }], ["justify-self-start", { "justify-self": "start" }], ["justify-self-end", { "justify-self": "end" }], ["justify-self-center", { "justify-self": "center" }], ["justify-self-stretch", { "justify-self": "stretch" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("justify-self") ]; const orders = [ [/^order-(.+)$/, ([, v]) => ({ order: utils.h.bracket.cssvar.number(v) })], ["order-first", { order: "-9999" }], ["order-last", { order: "9999" }], ["order-none", { order: "0" }] ]; const alignments = [ // contents ["content-center", { "align-content": "center" }], ["content-start", { "align-content": "flex-start" }], ["content-end", { "align-content": "flex-end" }], ["content-between", { "align-content": "space-between" }], ["content-around", { "align-content": "space-around" }], ["content-evenly", { "align-content": "space-evenly" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("content", "align-content"), // items ["items-start", { "align-items": "flex-start" }], ["items-end", { "align-items": "flex-end" }], ["items-center", { "align-items": "center" }], ["items-baseline", { "align-items": "baseline" }], ["items-stretch", { "align-items": "stretch" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("items", "align-items"), // selfs ["self-auto", { "align-self": "auto" }], ["self-start", { "align-self": "flex-start" }], ["self-end", { "align-self": "flex-end" }], ["self-center", { "align-self": "center" }], ["self-stretch", { "align-self": "stretch" }], ["self-baseline", { "align-self": "baseline" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("self", "align-self") ]; const placements = [ // contents ["place-content-center", { "place-content": "center" }], ["place-content-start", { "place-content": "start" }], ["place-content-end", { "place-content": "end" }], ["place-content-between", { "place-content": "space-between" }], ["place-content-around", { "place-content": "space-around" }], ["place-content-evenly", { "place-content": "space-evenly" }], ["place-content-stretch", { "place-content": "stretch" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("place-content"), // items ["place-items-start", { "place-items": "start" }], ["place-items-end", { "place-items": "end" }], ["place-items-center", { "place-items": "center" }], ["place-items-stretch", { "place-items": "stretch" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("place-items"), // selfs ["place-self-auto", { "place-self": "auto" }], ["place-self-start", { "place-self": "start" }], ["place-self-end", { "place-self": "end" }], ["place-self-center", { "place-self": "center" }], ["place-self-stretch", { "place-self": "stretch" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("place-self") ]; const flexGridJustifiesAlignments = [...justifies, ...alignments].flatMap(([k, v]) => [ [`flex-${k}`, v], [`grid-${k}`, v] ]); function handleInsetValue(v, { theme }) { return theme.spacing?.[v] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.auto.fraction.rem(v); } function handleInsetValues([, d, v], ctx) { const r = handleInsetValue(v, ctx); if (r != null && d in utils.insetMap) return utils.insetMap[d].map((i) => [i.slice(1), r]); } const insets = [ [ /^(?:position-|pos-)?inset-(.+)$/, ([, v], ctx) => ({ inset: handleInsetValue(v, ctx) }), { autocomplete: [ "(position|pos)-inset--$spacing", "(position|pos)-inset-(block|inline)-$spacing", "(position|pos)-inset-(bs|be|is|ie)-$spacing", "(position|pos)-(top|left|right|bottom)-$spacing" ] } ], [/^(?:position-|pos-)?(start|end)-(.+)$/, handleInsetValues], [/^(?:position-|pos-)?inset-([xy])-(.+)$/, handleInsetValues], [/^(?:position-|pos-)?inset-([rltbse])-(.+)$/, handleInsetValues], [/^(?:position-|pos-)?inset-(block|inline)-(.+)$/, handleInsetValues], [/^(?:position-|pos-)?inset-([bi][se])-(.+)$/, handleInsetValues], [/^(?:position-|pos-)?(top|left|right|bottom)-(.+)$/, ([, d, v], ctx) => ({ [d]: handleInsetValue(v, ctx) })] ]; const floats = [ // floats ["float-left", { float: "left" }], ["float-right", { float: "right" }], ["float-none", { float: "none" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("float"), // clears ["clear-left", { clear: "left" }], ["clear-right", { clear: "right" }], ["clear-both", { clear: "both" }], ["clear-none", { clear: "none" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("clear") ]; const zIndexes = [ [/^(?:position-|pos-)?z([\d.]+)$/, ([, v]) => ({ "z-index": utils.h.number(v) })], [/^(?:position-|pos-)?z-(.+)$/, ([, v], { theme }) => ({ "z-index": theme.zIndex?.[v] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.auto.number(v) }), { autocomplete: "z-" }] ]; const boxSizing = [ ["box-border", { "box-sizing": "border-box" }], ["box-content", { "box-sizing": "content-box" }], ...utils.makeGlobalStaticRules("box", "box-sizing") ]; const sizeMapping = { h: "height", w: "width", inline: "inline-size", block: "block-size" }; function getPropName(minmax, hw) { return `${minmax || ""}${sizeMapping[hw]}`; } function getSizeValue(minmax, hw, theme, prop) { const str = getPropName(minmax, hw).replace(/-(\w)/g, (_, p) => p.toUpperCase()); const v = theme[str]?.[prop]; if (v != null) return v; switch (prop) { case "fit": case "max": case "min": return `${prop}-content`; } return utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.auto.fraction.rem(prop); } const sizes = [ [/^(?:size-)?(min-|max-)?([wh])-?(.+)$/, ([, m, w, s], { theme }) => ({ [getPropName(m, w)]: getSizeValue(m, w, theme, s) })], [/^(?:size-)?(min-|max-)?(block|inline)-(.+)$/, ([, m, w, s], { theme }) => ({ [getPropName(m, w)]: getSizeValue(m, w, theme, s) }), { autocomplete: [ "(w|h)-$width|height|maxWidth|maxHeight|minWidth|minHeight|inlineSize|blockSize|maxInlineSize|maxBlockSize|minInlineSize|minBlockSize", "(block|inline)-$width|height|maxWidth|maxHeight|minWidth|minHeight|inlineSize|blockSize|maxInlineSize|maxBlockSize|minInlineSize|minBlockSize", "(max|min)-(w|h|block|inline)", "(max|min)-(w|h|block|inline)-$width|height|maxWidth|maxHeight|minWidth|minHeight|inlineSize|blockSize|maxInlineSize|maxBlockSize|minInlineSize|minBlockSize", "(w|h)-full", "(max|min)-(w|h)-full" ] }], [/^(?:size-)?(min-|max-)?(h)-screen-(.+)$/, ([, m, h2, p], context) => ({ [getPropName(m, h2)]: handleBreakpoint(context, p, "verticalBreakpoints") })], [/^(?:size-)?(min-|max-)?(w)-screen-(.+)$/, ([, m, w, p], context) => ({ [getPropName(m, w)]: handleBreakpoint(context, p) }), { autocomplete: [ "(w|h)-screen", "(min|max)-(w|h)-screen", "h-screen-$verticalBreakpoints", "(min|max)-h-screen-$verticalBreakpoints", "w-screen-$breakpoints", "(min|max)-w-screen-$breakpoints" ] }] ]; function handleBreakpoint(context, point, key = "breakpoints") { const bp = utils.resolveBreakpoints(context, key); if (bp) return bp.find((i) => i.point === point)?.size; } function getAspectRatio(prop) { if (/^\d+\/\d+$/.test(prop)) return prop; switch (prop) { case "square": return "1/1"; case "video": return "16/9"; } return utils.h.bracket.cssvar.global.auto.number(prop); } const aspectRatio = [ [/^(?:size-)?aspect-(?:ratio-)?(.+)$/, ([, d]) => ({ "aspect-ratio": getAspectRatio(d) }), { autocomplete: ["aspect-(square|video|ratio)", "aspect-ratio-(square|video)"] }] ]; const paddings = [ [/^pa?()-?(-?.+)$/, utils.directionSize("padding"), { autocomplete: ["(m|p)", "(m|p)-"] }], [/^p-?xy()()$/, utils.directionSize("padding"), { autocomplete: "(m|p)-(xy)" }], [/^p-?([xy])(?:-?(-?.+))?$/, utils.directionSize("padding")], [/^p-?([rltbse])(?:-?(-?.+))?$/, utils.directionSize("padding"), { autocomplete: "(m|p)-" }], [/^p-(block|inline)(?:-(-?.+))?$/, utils.directionSize("padding"), { autocomplete: "(m|p)-(block|inline)-" }], [/^p-?([bi][se])(?:-?(-?.+))?$/, utils.directionSize("padding"), { autocomplete: "(m|p)-(bs|be|is|ie)-" }] ]; const margins = [ [/^ma?()-?(-?.+)$/, utils.directionSize("margin")], [/^m-?xy()()$/, utils.directionSize("margin")], [/^m-?([xy])(?:-?(-?.+))?$/, utils.directionSize("margin")], [/^m-?([rltbse])(?:-?(-?.+))?$/, utils.directionSize("margin")], [/^m-(block|inline)(?:-(-?.+))?$/, utils.directionSize("margin")], [/^m-?([bi][se])(?:-?(-?.+))?$/, utils.directionSize("margin")] ]; const variablesAbbrMap = { backface: "backface-visibility", break: "word-break", case: "text-transform", content: "align-content", fw: "font-weight", items: "align-items", justify: "justify-content", select: "user-select", self: "align-self", vertical: "vertical-align", visible: "visibility", whitespace: "white-space", ws: "white-space" }; const cssVariables = [ [/^(.+?)-(\$.+)$/, ([, name, varname]) => { const prop = variablesAbbrMap[name]; if (prop) return { [prop]: utils.h.cssvar(varname) }; }] ]; const cssProperty = [ [/^\[(.*)\]$/, ([_, body], { theme }) => { if (!body.includes(":")) return; const [prop, ...rest] = body.split(":"); const value = rest.join(":"); if (!isURI(body) && prop.match(/^[a-z-]+$/) && isValidCSSBody(value)) { let parsed; if (ruleUtils.hasThemeFn(value)) parsed = ruleUtils.transformThemeFn(value, theme); if (!parsed || parsed === value) parsed = utils.h.bracket(`[${value}]`); if (parsed) return { [prop]: parsed }; } }] ]; function isValidCSSBody(body) { let i = 0; function findUntil(c) { while (i < body.length) { i += 1; const char = body[i]; if (char === c) return true; } return false; } for (i = 0; i < body.length; i++) { const c = body[i]; if ("\"`'".includes(c)) { if (!findUntil(c)) return false; } else if (c === "(") { if (!findUntil(")")) return false; } else if ("[]{}:".includes(c)) { return false; } } return true; } function isURI(declaration) { if (!declaration.includes("://")) return false; try { return new URL(declaration).host !== ""; } catch (err) { return false; } } const questionMark = [ [ /^(where|\?)$/, (_, { constructCSS, generator }) => { if (generator.userConfig.envMode === "dev") return `@keyframes __un_qm{0%{box-shadow:inset 4px 4px #ff1e90, inset -4px -4px #ff1e90}100%{box-shadow:inset 8px 8px #3399ff, inset -8px -8px #3399ff}} ${constructCSS({ animation: "__un_qm 0.5s ease-in-out alternate infinite" })}`; } ] ]; const svgUtilities = [ // fills [/^fill-(.+)$/, utils.colorResolver("fill", "fill", "backgroundColor"), { autocomplete: "fill-$colors" }], [/^fill-op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, ([, opacity]) => ({ "--un-fill-opacity": utils.h.bracket.percent.cssvar(opacity) }), { autocomplete: "fill-(op|opacity)-" }], ["fill-none", { fill: "none" }], // stroke size [/^stroke-(?:width-|size-)?(.+)$/, ([, s], { theme }) => ({ "stroke-width": theme.lineWidth?.[s] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.fraction.px.number(s) }), { autocomplete: ["stroke-width-$lineWidth", "stroke-size-$lineWidth"] }], // stroke dash [/^stroke-dash-(.+)$/, ([, s]) => ({ "stroke-dasharray": utils.h.bracket.cssvar.number(s) }), { autocomplete: "stroke-dash-" }], [/^stroke-offset-(.+)$/, ([, s], { theme }) => ({ "stroke-dashoffset": theme.lineWidth?.[s] ?? utils.h.bracket.cssvar.px.numberWithUnit(s) }), { autocomplete: "stroke-offset-$lineWidth" }], // stroke colors [/^stroke-(.+)$/, utils.colorResolver("stroke", "stroke", "borderColor"), { autocomplete: "stroke-$colors" }], [/^stroke-op(?:acity)?-?(.+)$/, ([, opacity]) => ({ "--un-stroke-opacity": utils.h.bracket.percent.cssvar(opacity) }), { autocomplete: "stroke-(op|opacity)-" }], // line cap ["stroke-cap-square", { "stroke-linecap": "square" }], ["stroke-cap-round", { "stroke-linecap": "round" }], ["stroke-cap-auto", { "stroke-linecap": "butt" }], // line join ["stroke-join-arcs", { "stroke-linejoin": "arcs" }], ["stroke-join-bevel", { "stroke-linejoin": "bevel" }], ["stroke-join-clip", { "stroke-linejoin": "miter-clip" }], ["stroke-join-round", { "stroke-linejoin": "round" }], ["stroke-join-auto", { "stroke-linejoin": "miter" }], // none ["stroke-none", { stroke: "none" }] ]; const rules = [ cssVariables, cssProperty, paddings, margins, transform.displays, opacity, bgColors, colorScheme, svgUtilities, borders, transform.contentVisibility, transform.contents, fonts, tabSizes, textIndents, transform.textOverflows, textDecorations, textStrokes, textShadows, transform.textTransforms, textAligns, textColors, transform.fontStyles, transform.fontSmoothings, transform.boxShadows, transform.rings, flex, grids, gaps, positions, sizes, aspectRatio, transform.cursors, transform.appearances, transform.pointerEvents, transform.resizes, verticalAligns, transform.userSelects, transform.whitespaces, transform.breaks, overflows, outline, appearance, orders, justifies, alignments, placements, flexGridJustifiesAlignments, insets, floats, zIndexes, boxSizing, transitions, transform.transforms, willChange, containerParent, transform.contains, transform.textWraps, // should be the last questionMark ].flat(1); exports.appearances = transform.appearances; exports.boxShadows = transform.boxShadows; exports.boxShadowsBase = transform.boxShadowsBase; exports.breaks = transform.breaks; exports.contains = transform.contains; exports.contentVisibility = transform.contentVisibility; exports.contents = transform.contents; exports.cursors = transform.cursors; exports.displays = transform.displays; exports.fontSmoothings = transform.fontSmoothings; exports.fontStyles = transform.fontStyles; exports.pointerEvents = transform.pointerEvents; exports.resizes = transform.resizes; exports.ringBase = transform.ringBase; exports.rings = transform.rings; exports.textOverflows = transform.textOverflows; exports.textTransforms = transform.textTransforms; exports.textWraps = transform.textWraps; exports.transformBase = transform.transformBase; exports.transforms = transform.transforms; exports.userSelects = transform.userSelects; exports.varEmpty = transform.varEmpty; exports.whitespaces = transform.whitespaces; exports.alignments = alignments; exports.appearance = appearance; exports.aspectRatio = aspectRatio; exports.bgColors = bgColors; exports.borderStyles = borderStyles; exports.borders = borders; exports.boxSizing = boxSizing; exports.colorScheme = colorScheme; exports.containerParent = containerParent; exports.cssProperty = cssProperty; exports.cssVariables = cssVariables; exports.flex = flex; exports.flexGridJustifiesAlignments = flexGridJustifiesAlignments; exports.floats = floats; exports.fonts = fonts; exports.gaps = gaps; exports.grids = grids; exports.handlerBorderStyle = handlerBorderStyle; exports.insets = insets; exports.justifies = justifies; exports.margins = margins; exports.opacity = opacity; exports.orders = orders; exports.outline = outline; exports.overflows = overflows; exports.paddings = paddings; exports.placements = placements; exports.positions = positions; exports.questionMark = questionMark; exports.rules = rules; exports.sizes = sizes; exports.svgUtilities = svgUtilities; exports.tabSizes = tabSizes; exports.textAligns = textAligns; exports.textColors = textColors; 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