"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.register = void 0; const language_core_1 = require("@volar/language-core"); const vscode_languageserver_textdocument_1 = require("vscode-languageserver-textdocument"); const common_1 = require("../utils/common"); const cancellation_1 = require("../utils/cancellation"); const documents_1 = require("../documents"); function register(context) { let fakeVersion = 0; return async (uri, options, range, onTypeParams, token = cancellation_1.NoneCancellationToken) => { let document = context.getTextDocument(uri); if (!document) return; range ??= { start: document.positionAt(0), end: document.positionAt(document.getText().length), }; const source = context.documents.getSourceByUri(document.uri); if (!source) { return onTypeParams ? (await tryFormat(document, onTypeParams.position, onTypeParams.ch))?.edits : (await tryFormat(document, range, undefined))?.edits; } const initialIndentLanguageId = await context.env.getConfiguration?.('volar.format.initialIndent') ?? { html: true }; let tempSourceSnapshot = source.snapshot; const tempVirtualFile = source.language.createVirtualFile(source.fileName, source.snapshot, source.languageId); const originalDocument = document; let level = 0; while (true) { const embeddedFiles = getEmbeddedFilesByLevel(tempVirtualFile, level++); if (embeddedFiles.length === 0) break; // if (level===2) continue; let edits = []; const toPatchIndent = []; for (const file of embeddedFiles) { if (!file.capabilities.documentFormatting) continue; const isCodeBlock = file.mappings.length === 1 && file.mappings[0].generatedRange[0] === 0 && file.mappings[0].generatedRange[1] === file.snapshot.getLength(); if (onTypeParams && !isCodeBlock) continue; const docMap = createDocMap(file, source.fileName, tempSourceSnapshot); if (!docMap) continue; let embeddedCodeResult; if (onTypeParams) { const embeddedPosition = docMap.toGeneratedPosition(onTypeParams.position); if (embeddedPosition) { embeddedCodeResult = await tryFormat(docMap.virtualFileDocument, embeddedPosition, onTypeParams.ch); } } else { embeddedCodeResult = await tryFormat(docMap.virtualFileDocument, { start: docMap.virtualFileDocument.positionAt(0), end: docMap.virtualFileDocument.positionAt(docMap.virtualFileDocument.getText().length), }); } if (!embeddedCodeResult) continue; toPatchIndent.push({ virtualFileName: file.fileName, isCodeBlock, service: embeddedCodeResult.service, }); for (const textEdit of embeddedCodeResult.edits) { const range = docMap.toSourceRange(textEdit.range); if (range) { edits.push({ newText: textEdit.newText, range, }); } } } edits = edits.filter(edit => (0, common_1.isInsideRange)(range, edit.range)); if (edits.length > 0) { const newText = vscode_languageserver_textdocument_1.TextDocument.applyEdits(document, edits); document = vscode_languageserver_textdocument_1.TextDocument.create(document.uri, document.languageId, document.version + 1, newText); tempSourceSnapshot = (0, common_1.stringToSnapshot)(newText); source.language.updateVirtualFile(tempVirtualFile, tempSourceSnapshot); } if (level > 1) { const baseIndent = options.insertSpaces ? ' '.repeat(options.tabSize) : '\t'; const editLines = new Set(); if (onTypeParams) { for (const edit of edits) { for (let line = edit.range.start.line; line <= edit.range.end.line; line++) { editLines.add(line); } } } for (const item of toPatchIndent) { let virtualFile; (0, language_core_1.forEachEmbeddedFile)(tempVirtualFile, file => { if (file.fileName === item.virtualFileName) { virtualFile = file; } }); const docMap = createDocMap(virtualFile, source.fileName, tempSourceSnapshot); if (!docMap) continue; const indentSensitiveLines = new Set(); for (const service of item.service.provideFormattingIndentSensitiveLines ? [item.service] : Object.values(context.services)) { if (token.isCancellationRequested) break; if (service.provideFormattingIndentSensitiveLines) { const lines = await service.provideFormattingIndentSensitiveLines(docMap.virtualFileDocument, token); if (lines) { for (const line of lines) { const sourceLine = docMap.toSourcePosition({ line: line, character: 0 })?.line; if (sourceLine !== undefined) { indentSensitiveLines.add(sourceLine); } } } } } let indentEdits = patchIndents(document, item.isCodeBlock, docMap.map, initialIndentLanguageId[docMap.virtualFileDocument.languageId] ? baseIndent : ''); indentEdits = indentEdits.filter(edit => { for (let line = edit.range.start.line; line <= edit.range.end.line; line++) { if (indentSensitiveLines.has(line) && !edit.newText.includes('\n')) { return false; } if (onTypeParams && !editLines.has(line)) { return false; } if (!(0, common_1.isInsideRange)(range, edit.range)) { return false; } } return true; }); if (indentEdits.length > 0) { const newText = vscode_languageserver_textdocument_1.TextDocument.applyEdits(document, indentEdits); document = vscode_languageserver_textdocument_1.TextDocument.create(document.uri, document.languageId, document.version + 1, newText); tempSourceSnapshot = (0, common_1.stringToSnapshot)(newText); source.language.updateVirtualFile(tempVirtualFile, tempSourceSnapshot); } } } } if (document.getText() === originalDocument.getText()) return; const editRange = { start: originalDocument.positionAt(0), end: originalDocument.positionAt(originalDocument.getText().length), }; const textEdit = { range: editRange, newText: document.getText(), }; return [textEdit]; function getEmbeddedFilesByLevel(rootFile, level) { const embeddedFilesByLevel = [[rootFile]]; while (true) { if (embeddedFilesByLevel.length > level) return embeddedFilesByLevel[level]; let nextLevel = []; for (const file of embeddedFilesByLevel[embeddedFilesByLevel.length - 1]) { nextLevel = nextLevel.concat(file.embeddedFiles); } embeddedFilesByLevel.push(nextLevel); } } async function tryFormat(document, range, ch) { let formatRange = range; for (const service of Object.values(context.services)) { if (token.isCancellationRequested) break; let edits; try { if (ch !== undefined && 'line' in formatRange && 'character' in formatRange) { if (service.autoFormatTriggerCharacters?.includes(ch)) { edits = await service.provideOnTypeFormattingEdits?.(document, formatRange, ch, options, token); } } else if (ch === undefined && 'start' in formatRange && 'end' in formatRange) { edits = await service.provideDocumentFormattingEdits?.(document, formatRange, options, token); } } catch (err) { console.warn(err); } if (!edits) continue; return { service, edits, }; } } }; function createDocMap(file, _sourceFileName, _sourceSnapshot) { const maps = (0, language_core_1.updateVirtualFileMaps)(file, (sourceFileName) => { if (!sourceFileName) { return [_sourceFileName, _sourceSnapshot]; } }); if (maps.has(_sourceFileName) && maps.get(_sourceFileName)[0] === _sourceSnapshot) { const [_, map] = maps.get(_sourceFileName); const version = fakeVersion++; return new documents_1.SourceMapWithDocuments(vscode_languageserver_textdocument_1.TextDocument.create(context.env.fileNameToUri(_sourceFileName), context.host.getLanguageId?.(_sourceFileName) ?? (0, common_1.resolveCommonLanguageId)(context.env.fileNameToUri(_sourceFileName)), version, _sourceSnapshot.getText(0, _sourceSnapshot.getLength())), vscode_languageserver_textdocument_1.TextDocument.create(context.env.fileNameToUri(file.fileName), context.host.getLanguageId?.(file.fileName) ?? (0, common_1.resolveCommonLanguageId)(context.env.fileNameToUri(file.fileName)), version, file.snapshot.getText(0, file.snapshot.getLength())), map); } } } exports.register = register; function patchIndents(document, isCodeBlock, map, initialIndent) { const indentTextEdits = []; if (!isCodeBlock) { initialIndent = ''; } for (let i = 0; i < map.mappings.length; i++) { const mapping = map.mappings[i]; const firstLineIndent = getBaseIndent(mapping.sourceRange[0]); const text = document.getText().substring(mapping.sourceRange[0], mapping.sourceRange[1]); const lines = text.split('\n'); const baseIndent = firstLineIndent + initialIndent; let lineOffset = lines[0].length + 1; let insertedFinalNewLine = false; if (!text.trim()) continue; if (isCodeBlock && text.trimStart().length === text.length) { indentTextEdits.push({ newText: '\n' + baseIndent, range: { start: document.positionAt(mapping.sourceRange[0]), end: document.positionAt(mapping.sourceRange[0]), }, }); } if (isCodeBlock && text.trimEnd().length === text.length) { indentTextEdits.push({ newText: '\n', range: { start: document.positionAt(mapping.sourceRange[1]), end: document.positionAt(mapping.sourceRange[1]), }, }); insertedFinalNewLine = true; } if (baseIndent && lines.length > 1) { for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i].trim() || i === lines.length - 1) { const isLastLine = i === lines.length - 1 && !insertedFinalNewLine; indentTextEdits.push({ newText: isLastLine ? firstLineIndent : baseIndent, range: { start: document.positionAt(mapping.sourceRange[0] + lineOffset), end: document.positionAt(mapping.sourceRange[0] + lineOffset), }, }); } lineOffset += lines[i].length + 1; } } } return indentTextEdits; function getBaseIndent(pos) { const startPos = document.positionAt(pos); const startLineText = document.getText({ start: { line: startPos.line, character: 0 }, end: startPos }); return startLineText.substring(0, startLineText.length - startLineText.trimStart().length); } } //# sourceMappingURL=format.js.map