import * as colors from "kleur/colors"; import { execSync } from "node:child_process"; import { arch, platform } from "node:os"; import prompts from "prompts"; import { resolveConfig } from "../../core/config/index.js"; import { ASTRO_VERSION } from "../../core/constants.js"; import { flagsToAstroInlineConfig } from "../flags.js"; async function getInfoOutput({ userConfig, print }) { const rows = [ ["Astro", `v${ASTRO_VERSION}`], ["Node", process.version], ["System", getSystem()], ["Package Manager", getPackageManager()] ]; try { rows.push(["Output", userConfig.output ?? "static"]); rows.push(["Adapter", userConfig.adapter?.name ?? "none"]); const integrations = (userConfig?.integrations ?? []).filter(Boolean).flat().map((i) => i?.name).filter(Boolean); rows.push(["Integrations", integrations.length > 0 ? integrations : "none"]); } catch { } let output = ""; for (const [label, value] of rows) { output += printRow(label, value, print); } return output.trim(); } async function printInfo({ flags }) { const { userConfig } = await resolveConfig(flagsToAstroInlineConfig(flags), "info"); const output = await getInfoOutput({ userConfig, print: true }); await copyToClipboard(output); } async function copyToClipboard(text) { const system = platform(); let command = ""; if (system === "darwin") { command = "pbcopy"; } else if (system === "win32") { command = "clip"; } else { try { const output = execSync("which xclip", { encoding: "utf8" }); if (output[0] !== "/") { return; } command = "xclip -sel clipboard -l 1"; } catch (e) { return; } } console.log(); const { shouldCopy } = await prompts({ type: "confirm", name: "shouldCopy", message: "Copy to clipboard?", initial: true }); if (!shouldCopy) return; try { execSync(command, { input: text.trim(), encoding: "utf8" }); } catch (e) { console.error(` Sorry, something went wrong!`) + ` Please copy the text above manually.` ); } } const PLATFORM_TO_OS = { darwin: "macOS", win32: "Windows", linux: "Linux" }; function getSystem() { const system = PLATFORM_TO_OS[platform()] ?? platform(); return `${system} (${arch()})`; } function getPackageManager() { if (!process.env.npm_config_user_agent) { return "unknown"; } const specifier = process.env.npm_config_user_agent.split(" ")[0]; const name = specifier.substring(0, specifier.lastIndexOf("/")); return name === "npminstall" ? "cnpm" : name; } const MAX_PADDING = 25; function printRow(label, value, print) { const padding = MAX_PADDING - label.length; const [first,] = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]; let plaintext = `${label}${" ".repeat(padding)}${first}`; let richtext = `${colors.bold(label)}${" ".repeat(padding)}${}`; if (rest.length > 0) { for (const entry of rest) { plaintext += ` ${" ".repeat(MAX_PADDING)}${entry}`; richtext += ` ${" ".repeat(MAX_PADDING)}${}`; } } plaintext += "\n"; if (print) { console.log(richtext); } return plaintext; } export { getInfoOutput, printInfo };