import { attachTooltipToHighlight, createHighlight, getElementsPositionInDocument, positionHighlight } from "./utils/highlight.js"; import { createWindowElement } from "./utils/window.js"; const icon = ''; var xray_default = { id: "astro:xray", name: "Inspect", icon, init(canvas, eventTarget) { let islandsOverlays = []; addIslandsOverlay(); document.addEventListener("astro:after-swap", addIslandsOverlay); document.addEventListener("astro:page-load", refreshIslandsOverlayPositions); function onPageClick(event) { const target =; if (!target) return; if (!target.closest) return; if (target.closest("astro-dev-toolbar")) return; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); eventTarget.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("toggle-app", { detail: { state: false } }) ); } eventTarget.addEventListener("app-toggled", (event) => { if (event.detail.state === true) { document.addEventListener("click", onPageClick, true); } else { document.removeEventListener("click", onPageClick, true); } }); function addIslandsOverlay() { islandsOverlays.forEach(({ highlightElement }) => { highlightElement.remove(); }); islandsOverlays = []; const islands = document.querySelectorAll("astro-island"); if (islands.length === 0) { const window2 = createWindowElement( `

No islands detected.

It looks like there are no interactive component islands on this page. Did you forget to add a client directive to your interactive UI component?

` ); canvas.append(window2); return; } islands.forEach((island) => { const computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(island); const islandElement = island.children[0] || island; if (islandElement.offsetParent === null || computedStyle.display === "none") { return; } const rect = islandElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const highlight = createHighlight(rect); const tooltip = buildIslandTooltip(island); const { isFixed } = getElementsPositionInDocument(islandElement); if (isFixed) { = = "fixed"; } attachTooltipToHighlight(highlight, tooltip, islandElement); canvas.append(highlight); islandsOverlays.push({ highlightElement: highlight, island: islandElement }); }); ["scroll", "resize"].forEach((event) => { window.addEventListener(event, refreshIslandsOverlayPositions); }); } function refreshIslandsOverlayPositions() { islandsOverlays.forEach(({ highlightElement, island: islandElement }) => { const rect = islandElement.getBoundingClientRect(); positionHighlight(highlightElement, rect); }); } function buildIslandTooltip(island) { const tooltip = document.createElement("astro-dev-toolbar-tooltip"); tooltip.sections = []; const islandProps = island.getAttribute("props") ? JSON.parse(island.getAttribute("props")) : {}; const islandClientDirective = island.getAttribute("client"); if (islandClientDirective) { tooltip.sections.push({ title: "Client directive", inlineTitle: `client:${islandClientDirective}` }); } const islandPropsEntries = Object.entries(islandProps).filter( (prop) => !prop[0].startsWith("data-astro-cid-") ); if (islandPropsEntries.length > 0) { tooltip.sections.push({ title: "Props", content: `
            Object.fromEntries( => [prop[0], prop[1][1]])),
            void 0,
` }); } const islandComponentPath = island.getAttribute("component-url"); if (islandComponentPath) { tooltip.sections.push({ content: islandComponentPath, clickDescription: "Click to go to file", async clickAction() { await fetch( "/__open-in-editor?file=" + encodeURIComponent( window.__astro_dev_toolbar__.root + islandComponentPath.slice(1) ) ); } }); } return tooltip; } } }; export { xray_default as default };