import type { Parser as ParserType } from './Parser'; import type * as ParserOptionsTypes from './ParserOptions'; import type { Processor as ProcessorType } from './Processor'; import type { AnyRuleModule, RuleCreateFunction, SharedConfigurationSettings } from './Rule'; /** @internal */ export declare namespace SharedConfig { type Severity = 0 | 1 | 2; type SeverityString = 'error' | 'off' | 'warn'; type RuleLevel = Severity | SeverityString; type RuleLevelAndOptions = [RuleLevel, ...unknown[]]; type RuleEntry = RuleLevel | RuleLevelAndOptions; type RulesRecord = Partial>; type GlobalVariableOptionBase = 'off' | 'readonly' | 'writable'; type GlobalVariableOption = GlobalVariableOptionBase | boolean; interface GlobalsConfig { [name: string]: GlobalVariableOption; } interface EnvironmentConfig { [name: string]: boolean; } type ParserOptions = ParserOptionsTypes.ParserOptions; interface PluginMeta { /** * The property should match the npm package name for your plugin. */ name: string; /** * The meta.version property should match the npm package version for your plugin. */ version: string; } } export declare namespace ClassicConfig { export type EnvironmentConfig = SharedConfig.EnvironmentConfig; export type GlobalsConfig = SharedConfig.GlobalsConfig; export type GlobalVariableOption = SharedConfig.GlobalVariableOption; export type GlobalVariableOptionBase = SharedConfig.GlobalVariableOptionBase; export type ParserOptions = SharedConfig.ParserOptions; export type RuleEntry = SharedConfig.RuleEntry; export type RuleLevel = SharedConfig.RuleLevel; export type RuleLevelAndOptions = SharedConfig.RuleLevelAndOptions; export type RulesRecord = SharedConfig.RulesRecord; export type Severity = SharedConfig.Severity; export type SeverityString = SharedConfig.SeverityString; interface BaseConfig { $schema?: string; /** * The environment settings. */ env?: EnvironmentConfig; /** * The path to other config files or the package name of shareable configs. */ extends?: string[] | string; /** * The global variable settings. */ globals?: GlobalsConfig; /** * The flag that disables directive comments. */ noInlineConfig?: boolean; /** * The override settings per kind of files. */ overrides?: ConfigOverride[]; /** * The path to a parser or the package name of a parser. */ parser?: string | null; /** * The parser options. */ parserOptions?: ParserOptions; /** * The plugin specifiers. */ plugins?: string[]; /** * The processor specifier. */ processor?: string; /** * The flag to report unused `eslint-disable` comments. */ reportUnusedDisableDirectives?: boolean; /** * The rule settings. */ rules?: RulesRecord; /** * The shared settings. */ settings?: SharedConfigurationSettings; } export interface ConfigOverride extends BaseConfig { excludedFiles?: string[] | string; files: string[] | string; } export interface Config extends BaseConfig { /** * The glob patterns that ignore to lint. */ ignorePatterns?: string[] | string; /** * The root flag. */ root?: boolean; } export {}; } export declare namespace FlatConfig { type EcmaVersion = ParserOptionsTypes.EcmaVersion; type GlobalsConfig = SharedConfig.GlobalsConfig; type Parser = ParserType.LooseParserModule; type ParserOptions = SharedConfig.ParserOptions; type PluginMeta = SharedConfig.PluginMeta; type Processor = ProcessorType.ProcessorModule; type RuleEntry = SharedConfig.RuleEntry; type RuleLevel = SharedConfig.RuleLevel; type RuleLevelAndOptions = SharedConfig.RuleLevelAndOptions; type Rules = SharedConfig.RulesRecord; type Settings = SharedConfigurationSettings; type Severity = SharedConfig.Severity; type SeverityString = SharedConfig.SeverityString; type SourceType = ParserOptionsTypes.SourceType | 'commonjs'; interface SharedConfigs { [key: string]: Config; } interface Plugin { /** * Shared configurations bundled with the plugin. * Users will reference these directly in their config (i.e. `plugin.configs.recommended`). */ configs?: SharedConfigs; /** * Metadata about your plugin for easier debugging and more effective caching of plugins. */ meta?: PluginMeta; /** * The definition of plugin processors. * Users can stringly reference the processor using the key in their config (i.e., `"pluginName/processorName"`). */ processors?: Record; /** * The definition of plugin rules. * The key must be the name of the rule that users will use * Users can stringly reference the rule using the key they registered the plugin under combined with the rule name. * i.e. for the user config `plugins: { foo: pluginReference }` - the reference would be `"foo/ruleName"`. */ rules?: Record; } interface Plugins { /** * We intentionally omit the `configs` key from this object because it avoids * type conflicts with old plugins that haven't updated their configs to flat configs yet. * It's valid to reference these old plugins because ESLint won't access the * `.config` property of a plugin when evaluating a flat config. */ [pluginAlias: string]: Omit; } interface LinterOptions { /** * A Boolean value indicating if inline configuration is allowed. */ noInlineConfig?: boolean; /** * A severity string indicating if and how unused disable and enable * directives should be tracked and reported. For legacy compatibility, `true` * is equivalent to `"warn"` and `false` is equivalent to `"off"`. * @default "off" */ reportUnusedDisableDirectives?: SharedConfig.Severity | SharedConfig.SeverityString | boolean; } interface LanguageOptions { /** * The version of ECMAScript to support. * May be any year (i.e., `2022`) or version (i.e., `5`). * Set to `"latest"` for the most recent supported version. * @default "latest" */ ecmaVersion?: EcmaVersion; /** * An object specifying additional objects that should be added to the global scope during linting. */ globals?: GlobalsConfig; /** * An object containing a `parse()` method or a `parseForESLint()` method. * @default * ``` * // * require('espree') * ``` */ parser?: Parser; /** * An object specifying additional options that are passed directly to the parser. * The available options are parser-dependent. */ parserOptions?: ParserOptions; /** * The type of JavaScript source code. * Possible values are `"script"` for traditional script files, `"module"` for ECMAScript modules (ESM), and `"commonjs"` for CommonJS files. * @default * ``` * // for `.js` and `.mjs` files * "module" * // for `.cjs` files * "commonjs" * ``` */ sourceType?: SourceType; } interface Config { /** * An array of glob patterns indicating the files that the configuration object should apply to. * If not specified, the configuration object applies to all files matched by any other configuration object. */ files?: string[]; /** * An array of glob patterns indicating the files that the configuration object should not apply to. * If not specified, the configuration object applies to all files matched by files. */ ignores?: string[]; /** * An object containing settings related to how JavaScript is configured for linting. */ languageOptions?: LanguageOptions; /** * An object containing settings related to the linting process. */ linterOptions?: LinterOptions; /** * An object containing a name-value mapping of plugin names to plugin objects. * When `files` is specified, these plugins are only available to the matching files. */ plugins?: Plugins; /** * Either an object containing `preprocess()` and `postprocess()` methods or * a string indicating the name of a processor inside of a plugin * (i.e., `"pluginName/processorName"`). */ processor?: string | Processor; /** * An object containing the configured rules. * When `files` or `ignores` are specified, these rule configurations are only available to the matching files. */ rules?: Rules; /** * An object containing name-value pairs of information that should be available to all rules. */ settings?: Settings; } type ConfigArray = Config[]; type ConfigPromise = Promise; type ConfigFile = ConfigArray | ConfigPromise; } //#