import { relative } from 'pathe'; import { m as mm } from './vendor/index.xL8XjTLv.js'; import './vendor/_commonjsHelpers.jjO7Zipk.js'; import 'util'; import 'path'; const THRESHOLD_KEYS = ["lines", "functions", "statements", "branches"]; const GLOBAL_THRESHOLDS_KEY = "global"; class BaseCoverageProvider { /** * Check if current coverage is above configured thresholds and bump the thresholds if needed */ updateThresholds({ thresholds: allThresholds, perFile, configurationFile }) { let updatedThresholds = false; const config =; assertConfigurationModule(config); for (const { coverageMap, thresholds, name } of allThresholds) { const summaries = perFile ? coverageMap.files().map((file) => coverageMap.fileCoverageFor(file).toSummary()) : [coverageMap.getCoverageSummary()]; const thresholdsToUpdate = []; for (const key of THRESHOLD_KEYS) { const threshold = thresholds[key] ?? 100; const actual = Math.min( => summary[key].pct)); if (actual > threshold) thresholdsToUpdate.push([key, actual]); } if (thresholdsToUpdate.length === 0) continue; updatedThresholds = true; for (const [threshold, newValue] of thresholdsToUpdate) { if (name === GLOBAL_THRESHOLDS_KEY) { config.test.coverage.thresholds[threshold] = newValue; } else { const glob = config.test.coverage.thresholds[name]; glob[threshold] = newValue; } } } if (updatedThresholds) { console.log("Updating thresholds to configuration file. You may want to push with updated coverage thresholds."); configurationFile.write(); } } /** * Check collected coverage against configured thresholds. Sets exit code to 1 when thresholds not reached. */ checkThresholds({ thresholds: allThresholds, perFile }) { for (const { coverageMap, thresholds, name } of allThresholds) { if (thresholds.branches === void 0 && thresholds.functions === void 0 && thresholds.lines === void 0 && thresholds.statements === void 0) continue; const summaries = perFile ? coverageMap.files().map((file) => ({ file, summary: coverageMap.fileCoverageFor(file).toSummary() })) : [{ file: null, summary: coverageMap.getCoverageSummary() }]; for (const { summary, file } of summaries) { for (const thresholdKey of ["lines", "functions", "statements", "branches"]) { const threshold = thresholds[thresholdKey]; if (threshold !== void 0) { const coverage =[thresholdKey].pct; if (coverage < threshold) { process.exitCode = 1; let errorMessage = `ERROR: Coverage for ${thresholdKey} (${coverage}%) does not meet ${name === GLOBAL_THRESHOLDS_KEY ? name : `"${name}"`} threshold (${threshold}%)`; if (perFile && file) errorMessage += ` for ${relative("./", file).replace(/\\/g, "/")}`; console.error(errorMessage); } } } } } } /** * Constructs collected coverage and users' threshold options into separate sets * where each threshold set holds their own coverage maps. Threshold set is either * for specific files defined by glob pattern or global for all other files. */ resolveThresholds({ coverageMap, thresholds, createCoverageMap }) { const resolvedThresholds = []; const files = coverageMap.files(); const filesMatchedByGlobs = []; const globalCoverageMap = createCoverageMap(); for (const key of Object.keys(thresholds)) { if (key === "perFile" || key === "autoUpdate" || key === "100" || THRESHOLD_KEYS.includes(key)) continue; const glob = key; const globThresholds = resolveGlobThresholds(thresholds[glob]); const globCoverageMap = createCoverageMap(); const matchingFiles = files.filter((file) => mm.isMatch(file, glob)); filesMatchedByGlobs.push(...matchingFiles); for (const file of matchingFiles) { const fileCoverage = coverageMap.fileCoverageFor(file); globCoverageMap.addFileCoverage(fileCoverage); } resolvedThresholds.push({ name: glob, coverageMap: globCoverageMap, thresholds: globThresholds }); } for (const file of files.filter((file2) => !filesMatchedByGlobs.includes(file2))) { const fileCoverage = coverageMap.fileCoverageFor(file); globalCoverageMap.addFileCoverage(fileCoverage); } resolvedThresholds.unshift({ name: GLOBAL_THRESHOLDS_KEY, coverageMap: globalCoverageMap, thresholds: { branches: thresholds.branches, functions: thresholds.functions, lines: thresholds.lines, statements: thresholds.statements } }); return resolvedThresholds; } /** * Resolve reporters from various configuration options */ resolveReporters(configReporters) { if (!Array.isArray(configReporters)) return [[configReporters, {}]]; const resolvedReporters = []; for (const reporter of configReporters) { if (Array.isArray(reporter)) { resolvedReporters.push([reporter[0], reporter[1] || {}]); } else { resolvedReporters.push([reporter, {}]); } } return resolvedReporters; } } function resolveGlobThresholds(thresholds) { if (!thresholds || typeof thresholds !== "object") return {}; return { lines: "lines" in thresholds && typeof thresholds.lines === "number" ? thresholds.lines : void 0, branches: "branches" in thresholds && typeof thresholds.branches === "number" ? thresholds.branches : void 0, functions: "functions" in thresholds && typeof thresholds.functions === "number" ? thresholds.functions : void 0, statements: "statements" in thresholds && typeof thresholds.statements === "number" ? thresholds.statements : void 0 }; } function assertConfigurationModule(config) { try { if (typeof config.test.coverage.thresholds !== "object") throw new Error("Expected config.test.coverage.thresholds to be an object"); } catch (error) { const message = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error); throw new Error(`Unable to parse thresholds from configuration file: ${message}`); } } export { BaseCoverageProvider };