/// import type { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; import type PCancelable from 'p-cancelable'; import { RequestError } from '../core/errors.js'; import type Request from '../core/index.js'; import type { RequestEvents } from '../core/index.js'; import type { Response } from '../core/response.js'; /** An error to be thrown when the request is aborted with `.cancel()`. */ export declare class CancelError extends RequestError { readonly response: Response; constructor(request: Request); /** Whether the promise is canceled. */ get isCanceled(): boolean; } export interface CancelableRequest extends PCancelable, RequestEvents> { /** A shortcut method that gives a Promise returning a JSON object. It is semantically the same as settings `options.resolveBodyOnly` to `true` and `options.responseType` to `'json'`. */ json: () => CancelableRequest; /** A shortcut method that gives a Promise returning a [Buffer](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html). It is semantically the same as settings `options.resolveBodyOnly` to `true` and `options.responseType` to `'buffer'`. */ buffer: () => CancelableRequest; /** A shortcut method that gives a Promise returning a string. It is semantically the same as settings `options.resolveBodyOnly` to `true` and `options.responseType` to `'text'`. */ text: () => CancelableRequest; }