"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.flattenedDecrypt = void 0; const base64url_js_1 = require("../../runtime/base64url.js"); const decrypt_js_1 = require("../../runtime/decrypt.js"); const errors_js_1 = require("../../util/errors.js"); const is_disjoint_js_1 = require("../../lib/is_disjoint.js"); const is_object_js_1 = require("../../lib/is_object.js"); const decrypt_key_management_js_1 = require("../../lib/decrypt_key_management.js"); const buffer_utils_js_1 = require("../../lib/buffer_utils.js"); const cek_js_1 = require("../../lib/cek.js"); const validate_crit_js_1 = require("../../lib/validate_crit.js"); const validate_algorithms_js_1 = require("../../lib/validate_algorithms.js"); async function flattenedDecrypt(jwe, key, options) { if (!(0, is_object_js_1.default)(jwe)) { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('Flattened JWE must be an object'); } if (jwe.protected === undefined && jwe.header === undefined && jwe.unprotected === undefined) { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('JOSE Header missing'); } if (jwe.iv !== undefined && typeof jwe.iv !== 'string') { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('JWE Initialization Vector incorrect type'); } if (typeof jwe.ciphertext !== 'string') { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('JWE Ciphertext missing or incorrect type'); } if (jwe.tag !== undefined && typeof jwe.tag !== 'string') { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('JWE Authentication Tag incorrect type'); } if (jwe.protected !== undefined && typeof jwe.protected !== 'string') { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('JWE Protected Header incorrect type'); } if (jwe.encrypted_key !== undefined && typeof jwe.encrypted_key !== 'string') { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('JWE Encrypted Key incorrect type'); } if (jwe.aad !== undefined && typeof jwe.aad !== 'string') { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('JWE AAD incorrect type'); } if (jwe.header !== undefined && !(0, is_object_js_1.default)(jwe.header)) { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('JWE Shared Unprotected Header incorrect type'); } if (jwe.unprotected !== undefined && !(0, is_object_js_1.default)(jwe.unprotected)) { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('JWE Per-Recipient Unprotected Header incorrect type'); } let parsedProt; if (jwe.protected) { try { const protectedHeader = (0, base64url_js_1.decode)(jwe.protected); parsedProt = JSON.parse(buffer_utils_js_1.decoder.decode(protectedHeader)); } catch { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('JWE Protected Header is invalid'); } } if (!(0, is_disjoint_js_1.default)(parsedProt, jwe.header, jwe.unprotected)) { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('JWE Protected, JWE Unprotected Header, and JWE Per-Recipient Unprotected Header Parameter names must be disjoint'); } const joseHeader = { ...parsedProt, ...jwe.header, ...jwe.unprotected, }; (0, validate_crit_js_1.default)(errors_js_1.JWEInvalid, new Map(), options?.crit, parsedProt, joseHeader); if (joseHeader.zip !== undefined) { throw new errors_js_1.JOSENotSupported('JWE "zip" (Compression Algorithm) Header Parameter is not supported.'); } const { alg, enc } = joseHeader; if (typeof alg !== 'string' || !alg) { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('missing JWE Algorithm (alg) in JWE Header'); } if (typeof enc !== 'string' || !enc) { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('missing JWE Encryption Algorithm (enc) in JWE Header'); } const keyManagementAlgorithms = options && (0, validate_algorithms_js_1.default)('keyManagementAlgorithms', options.keyManagementAlgorithms); const contentEncryptionAlgorithms = options && (0, validate_algorithms_js_1.default)('contentEncryptionAlgorithms', options.contentEncryptionAlgorithms); if ((keyManagementAlgorithms && !keyManagementAlgorithms.has(alg)) || (!keyManagementAlgorithms && alg.startsWith('PBES2'))) { throw new errors_js_1.JOSEAlgNotAllowed('"alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter value not allowed'); } if (contentEncryptionAlgorithms && !contentEncryptionAlgorithms.has(enc)) { throw new errors_js_1.JOSEAlgNotAllowed('"enc" (Encryption Algorithm) Header Parameter value not allowed'); } let encryptedKey; if (jwe.encrypted_key !== undefined) { try { encryptedKey = (0, base64url_js_1.decode)(jwe.encrypted_key); } catch { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('Failed to base64url decode the encrypted_key'); } } let resolvedKey = false; if (typeof key === 'function') { key = await key(parsedProt, jwe); resolvedKey = true; } let cek; try { cek = await (0, decrypt_key_management_js_1.default)(alg, key, encryptedKey, joseHeader, options); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TypeError || err instanceof errors_js_1.JWEInvalid || err instanceof errors_js_1.JOSENotSupported) { throw err; } cek = (0, cek_js_1.default)(enc); } let iv; let tag; if (jwe.iv !== undefined) { try { iv = (0, base64url_js_1.decode)(jwe.iv); } catch { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('Failed to base64url decode the iv'); } } if (jwe.tag !== undefined) { try { tag = (0, base64url_js_1.decode)(jwe.tag); } catch { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('Failed to base64url decode the tag'); } } const protectedHeader = buffer_utils_js_1.encoder.encode(jwe.protected ?? ''); let additionalData; if (jwe.aad !== undefined) { additionalData = (0, buffer_utils_js_1.concat)(protectedHeader, buffer_utils_js_1.encoder.encode('.'), buffer_utils_js_1.encoder.encode(jwe.aad)); } else { additionalData = protectedHeader; } let ciphertext; try { ciphertext = (0, base64url_js_1.decode)(jwe.ciphertext); } catch { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('Failed to base64url decode the ciphertext'); } const plaintext = await (0, decrypt_js_1.default)(enc, cek, ciphertext, iv, tag, additionalData); const result = { plaintext }; if (jwe.protected !== undefined) { result.protectedHeader = parsedProt; } if (jwe.aad !== undefined) { try { result.additionalAuthenticatedData = (0, base64url_js_1.decode)(jwe.aad); } catch { throw new errors_js_1.JWEInvalid('Failed to base64url decode the aad'); } } if (jwe.unprotected !== undefined) { result.sharedUnprotectedHeader = jwe.unprotected; } if (jwe.header !== undefined) { result.unprotectedHeader = jwe.header; } if (resolvedKey) { return { ...result, key }; } return result; } exports.flattenedDecrypt = flattenedDecrypt;