import { slug as githubSlug } from "github-slugger"; import matter from "gray-matter"; import fsMod from "node:fs"; import path from "node:path"; import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from "node:url"; import { normalizePath } from "vite"; import { z } from "zod"; import { AstroError, AstroErrorData } from "../core/errors/index.js"; import { MarkdownError } from "../core/errors/index.js"; import { isYAMLException } from "../core/errors/utils.js"; import { CONTENT_FLAGS, CONTENT_TYPES_FILE } from "./consts.js"; import { errorMap } from "./error-map.js"; import { createImage } from "./runtime-assets.js"; const collectionConfigParser = z.union([ z.object({ type: z.literal("content").optional().default("content"), schema: z.any().optional() }), z.object({ type: z.literal("data"), schema: z.any().optional() }) ]); function getDotAstroTypeReference({ root, srcDir }) { const { cacheDir } = getContentPaths({ root, srcDir }); const contentTypesRelativeToSrcDir = normalizePath( path.relative(fileURLToPath(srcDir), fileURLToPath(new URL(CONTENT_TYPES_FILE, cacheDir))) ); return `/// `; } const contentConfigParser = z.object({ collections: z.record(collectionConfigParser) }); const msg = { collectionConfigMissing: (collection) => `${collection} does not have a config. We suggest adding one for type safety!` }; function parseEntrySlug({ id, collection, generatedSlug, frontmatterSlug }) { try { return z.string().default(generatedSlug).parse(frontmatterSlug); } catch { throw new AstroError({ ...AstroErrorData.InvalidContentEntrySlugError, message: AstroErrorData.InvalidContentEntrySlugError.message(collection, id) }); } } async function getEntryData(entry, collectionConfig, pluginContext) { let data; if (collectionConfig.type === "data") { data = entry.unvalidatedData; } else { const { slug, ...unvalidatedData } = entry.unvalidatedData; data = unvalidatedData; } let schema = collectionConfig.schema; if (typeof schema === "function") { schema = schema({ image: createImage(pluginContext, entry._internal.filePath) }); } if (schema) { if (collectionConfig.type === "content" && typeof schema === "object" && "shape" in schema && schema.shape.slug) { throw new AstroError({ ...AstroErrorData.ContentSchemaContainsSlugError, message: AstroErrorData.ContentSchemaContainsSlugError.message(entry.collection) }); } let formattedError; const parsed = await schema.safeParseAsync(entry.unvalidatedData, { errorMap(error, ctx) { if (error.code === "custom" && error.params?.isHoistedAstroError) { formattedError = error.params?.astroError; } return errorMap(error, ctx); } }); if (parsed.success) { data =; } else { if (!formattedError) { formattedError = new AstroError({ ...AstroErrorData.InvalidContentEntryFrontmatterError, message: AstroErrorData.InvalidContentEntryFrontmatterError.message( entry.collection,, parsed.error ), location: { file: entry._internal.filePath, line: getYAMLErrorLine(entry._internal.rawData, String(parsed.error.errors[0].path[0])), column: 0 } }); } throw formattedError; } } return data; } function getContentEntryExts(settings) { return => t.extensions).flat(); } function getDataEntryExts(settings) { return => t.extensions).flat(); } function getEntryConfigByExtMap(entryTypes) { const map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const entryType of entryTypes) { for (const ext of entryType.extensions) { map.set(ext, entryType); } } return map; } function getEntryCollectionName({ contentDir, entry }) { const entryPath = typeof entry === "string" ? entry : fileURLToPath(entry); const rawRelativePath = path.relative(fileURLToPath(contentDir), entryPath); const collectionName = path.dirname(rawRelativePath).split(path.sep)[0]; const isOutsideCollection = !collectionName || collectionName === "" || collectionName === ".." || collectionName === "."; if (isOutsideCollection) { return void 0; } return collectionName; } function getDataEntryId({ entry, contentDir, collection }) { const relativePath = getRelativeEntryPath(entry, collection, contentDir); const withoutFileExt = normalizePath(relativePath).replace( new RegExp(path.extname(relativePath) + "$"), "" ); return withoutFileExt; } function getContentEntryIdAndSlug({ entry, contentDir, collection }) { const relativePath = getRelativeEntryPath(entry, collection, contentDir); const withoutFileExt = relativePath.replace(new RegExp(path.extname(relativePath) + "$"), ""); const rawSlugSegments = withoutFileExt.split(path.sep); const slug = => githubSlug(segment)).join("/").replace(/\/index$/, ""); const res = { id: normalizePath(relativePath), slug }; return res; } function getRelativeEntryPath(entry, collection, contentDir) { const relativeToContent = path.relative(fileURLToPath(contentDir), fileURLToPath(entry)); const relativeToCollection = path.relative(collection, relativeToContent); return relativeToCollection; } function getEntryType(entryPath, paths, contentFileExts, dataFileExts) { const { ext } = path.parse(entryPath); const fileUrl = pathToFileURL(entryPath); if (hasUnderscoreBelowContentDirectoryPath(fileUrl, paths.contentDir)) { return "ignored"; } else if (contentFileExts.includes(ext)) { return "content"; } else if (dataFileExts.includes(ext)) { return "data"; } else if (fileUrl.href === paths.config.url.href) { return "config"; } else { return "ignored"; } } function hasUnderscoreBelowContentDirectoryPath(fileUrl, contentDir) { const parts = fileUrl.pathname.replace(contentDir.pathname, "").split("/"); for (const part of parts) { if (part.startsWith("_")) return true; } return false; } function getYAMLErrorLine(rawData, objectKey) { if (!rawData) return 0; const indexOfObjectKey = // Match key either at the top of the file or after a newline // Ensures matching on top-level object keys only new RegExp(`( |^)${objectKey}`) ); if (indexOfObjectKey === -1) return 0; const dataBeforeKey = rawData.substring(0, indexOfObjectKey + 1); const numNewlinesBeforeKey = dataBeforeKey.split("\n").length; return numNewlinesBeforeKey; } function safeParseFrontmatter(source, id) { try { return matter(source); } catch (err) { const markdownError = new MarkdownError({ name: "MarkdownError", message: err.message, stack: err.stack, location: id ? { file: id } : void 0 }); if (isYAMLException(err)) { markdownError.setLocation({ file: id, line: err.mark.line, column: err.mark.column }); markdownError.setMessage(err.reason); } throw markdownError; } } const globalContentConfigObserver = contentObservable({ status: "init" }); function hasAnyContentFlag(viteId) { const flags = new URLSearchParams(viteId.split("?")[1] ?? ""); const flag = Array.from(flags.keys()).at(0); if (typeof flag !== "string") { return false; } return CONTENT_FLAGS.includes(flag); } function hasContentFlag(viteId, flag) { const flags = new URLSearchParams(viteId.split("?")[1] ?? ""); return flags.has(flag); } async function loadContentConfig({ fs, settings, viteServer }) { const contentPaths = getContentPaths(settings.config, fs); let unparsedConfig; if (!contentPaths.config.exists) { return void 0; } const configPathname = fileURLToPath(contentPaths.config.url); unparsedConfig = await viteServer.ssrLoadModule(configPathname); const config = contentConfigParser.safeParse(unparsedConfig); if (config.success) { return; } else { return void 0; } } async function reloadContentConfigObserver({ observer = globalContentConfigObserver, ...loadContentConfigOpts }) { observer.set({ status: "loading" }); try { const config = await loadContentConfig(loadContentConfigOpts); if (config) { observer.set({ status: "loaded", config }); } else { observer.set({ status: "does-not-exist" }); } } catch (e) { observer.set({ status: "error", error: e instanceof Error ? e : new AstroError(AstroErrorData.UnknownContentCollectionError) }); } } function contentObservable(initialCtx) { const subscribers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); let ctx = initialCtx; function get() { return ctx; } function set(_ctx) { ctx = _ctx; subscribers.forEach((fn) => fn(ctx)); } function subscribe(fn) { subscribers.add(fn); return () => { subscribers.delete(fn); }; } return { get, set, subscribe }; } function getContentPaths({ srcDir, root }, fs = fsMod) { const configStats = search(fs, srcDir); const pkgBase = new URL("../../", import.meta.url); return { cacheDir: new URL(".astro/", root), contentDir: new URL("./content/", srcDir), assetsDir: new URL("./assets/", srcDir), typesTemplate: new URL("content-types.template.d.ts", pkgBase), virtualModTemplate: new URL("content-module.template.mjs", pkgBase), config: configStats }; } function search(fs, srcDir) { const paths = ["config.mjs", "config.js", "config.mts", "config.ts"].map( (p) => new URL(`./content/${p}`, srcDir) ); for (const file of paths) { if (fs.existsSync(file)) { return { exists: true, url: file }; } } return { exists: false, url: paths[0] }; } async function getEntrySlug({ id, collection, generatedSlug, contentEntryType, fileUrl, fs }) { let contents; try { contents = await fs.promises.readFile(fileUrl, "utf-8"); } catch (e) { throw new AstroError(AstroErrorData.UnknownContentCollectionError, { cause: e }); } const { slug: frontmatterSlug } = await contentEntryType.getEntryInfo({ fileUrl, contents }); return parseEntrySlug({ generatedSlug, frontmatterSlug, id, collection }); } function getExtGlob(exts) { return exts.length === 1 ? ( // Wrapping {...} breaks when there is only one extension exts[0] ) : `{${exts.join(",")}}`; } export { collectionConfigParser, contentConfigParser, contentObservable, getContentEntryExts, getContentEntryIdAndSlug, getContentPaths, getDataEntryExts, getDataEntryId, getDotAstroTypeReference, getEntryCollectionName, getEntryConfigByExtMap, getEntryData, getEntrySlug, getEntryType, getExtGlob, globalContentConfigObserver, hasAnyContentFlag, hasContentFlag, hasUnderscoreBelowContentDirectoryPath, loadContentConfig, msg, parseEntrySlug, reloadContentConfigObserver, safeParseFrontmatter };