/** * An inlined enum containing useful character codes (to be used with String.charCodeAt). * Please leave the const keyword such that it gets inlined when compiled to JavaScript! */ export declare const enum CharCode { Null = 0, /** * The `\b` character. */ Backspace = 8, /** * The `\t` character. */ Tab = 9, /** * The `\n` character. */ LineFeed = 10, /** * The `\r` character. */ CarriageReturn = 13, Space = 32, /** * The `!` character. */ ExclamationMark = 33, /** * The `"` character. */ DoubleQuote = 34, /** * The `#` character. */ Hash = 35, /** * The `$` character. */ DollarSign = 36, /** * The `%` character. */ PercentSign = 37, /** * The `&` character. */ Ampersand = 38, /** * The `'` character. */ SingleQuote = 39, /** * The `(` character. */ OpenParen = 40, /** * The `)` character. */ CloseParen = 41, /** * The `*` character. */ Asterisk = 42, /** * The `+` character. */ Plus = 43, /** * The `,` character. */ Comma = 44, /** * The `-` character. */ Dash = 45, /** * The `.` character. */ Period = 46, /** * The `/` character. */ Slash = 47, Digit0 = 48, Digit1 = 49, Digit2 = 50, Digit3 = 51, Digit4 = 52, Digit5 = 53, Digit6 = 54, Digit7 = 55, Digit8 = 56, Digit9 = 57, /** * The `:` character. */ Colon = 58, /** * The `;` character. */ Semicolon = 59, /** * The `<` character. */ LessThan = 60, /** * The `=` character. */ Equals = 61, /** * The `>` character. */ GreaterThan = 62, /** * The `?` character. */ QuestionMark = 63, /** * The `@` character. */ AtSign = 64, A = 65, B = 66, C = 67, D = 68, E = 69, F = 70, G = 71, H = 72, I = 73, J = 74, K = 75, L = 76, M = 77, N = 78, O = 79, P = 80, Q = 81, R = 82, S = 83, T = 84, U = 85, V = 86, W = 87, X = 88, Y = 89, Z = 90, /** * The `[` character. */ OpenSquareBracket = 91, /** * The `\` character. */ Backslash = 92, /** * The `]` character. */ CloseSquareBracket = 93, /** * The `^` character. */ Caret = 94, /** * The `_` character. */ Underline = 95, /** * The ``(`)`` character. */ BackTick = 96, a = 97, b = 98, c = 99, d = 100, e = 101, f = 102, g = 103, h = 104, i = 105, j = 106, k = 107, l = 108, m = 109, n = 110, o = 111, p = 112, q = 113, r = 114, s = 115, t = 116, u = 117, v = 118, w = 119, x = 120, y = 121, z = 122, /** * The `{` character. */ OpenCurlyBrace = 123, /** * The `|` character. */ Pipe = 124, /** * The `}` character. */ CloseCurlyBrace = 125, /** * The `~` character. */ Tilde = 126, U_Combining_Grave_Accent = 768, U_Combining_Acute_Accent = 769, U_Combining_Circumflex_Accent = 770, U_Combining_Tilde = 771, U_Combining_Macron = 772, U_Combining_Overline = 773, U_Combining_Breve = 774, U_Combining_Dot_Above = 775, U_Combining_Diaeresis = 776, U_Combining_Hook_Above = 777, U_Combining_Ring_Above = 778, U_Combining_Double_Acute_Accent = 779, U_Combining_Caron = 780, U_Combining_Vertical_Line_Above = 781, U_Combining_Double_Vertical_Line_Above = 782, U_Combining_Double_Grave_Accent = 783, U_Combining_Candrabindu = 784, U_Combining_Inverted_Breve = 785, U_Combining_Turned_Comma_Above = 786, U_Combining_Comma_Above = 787, U_Combining_Reversed_Comma_Above = 788, U_Combining_Comma_Above_Right = 789, U_Combining_Grave_Accent_Below = 790, U_Combining_Acute_Accent_Below = 791, U_Combining_Left_Tack_Below = 792, U_Combining_Right_Tack_Below = 793, U_Combining_Left_Angle_Above = 794, U_Combining_Horn = 795, U_Combining_Left_Half_Ring_Below = 796, U_Combining_Up_Tack_Below = 797, U_Combining_Down_Tack_Below = 798, U_Combining_Plus_Sign_Below = 799, U_Combining_Minus_Sign_Below = 800, U_Combining_Palatalized_Hook_Below = 801, U_Combining_Retroflex_Hook_Below = 802, U_Combining_Dot_Below = 803, U_Combining_Diaeresis_Below = 804, U_Combining_Ring_Below = 805, U_Combining_Comma_Below = 806, U_Combining_Cedilla = 807, U_Combining_Ogonek = 808, U_Combining_Vertical_Line_Below = 809, U_Combining_Bridge_Below = 810, U_Combining_Inverted_Double_Arch_Below = 811, U_Combining_Caron_Below = 812, U_Combining_Circumflex_Accent_Below = 813, U_Combining_Breve_Below = 814, U_Combining_Inverted_Breve_Below = 815, U_Combining_Tilde_Below = 816, U_Combining_Macron_Below = 817, U_Combining_Low_Line = 818, U_Combining_Double_Low_Line = 819, U_Combining_Tilde_Overlay = 820, U_Combining_Short_Stroke_Overlay = 821, U_Combining_Long_Stroke_Overlay = 822, U_Combining_Short_Solidus_Overlay = 823, U_Combining_Long_Solidus_Overlay = 824, U_Combining_Right_Half_Ring_Below = 825, U_Combining_Inverted_Bridge_Below = 826, U_Combining_Square_Below = 827, U_Combining_Seagull_Below = 828, U_Combining_X_Above = 829, U_Combining_Vertical_Tilde = 830, U_Combining_Double_Overline = 831, U_Combining_Grave_Tone_Mark = 832, U_Combining_Acute_Tone_Mark = 833, U_Combining_Greek_Perispomeni = 834, U_Combining_Greek_Koronis = 835, U_Combining_Greek_Dialytika_Tonos = 836, U_Combining_Greek_Ypogegrammeni = 837, U_Combining_Bridge_Above = 838, U_Combining_Equals_Sign_Below = 839, U_Combining_Double_Vertical_Line_Below = 840, U_Combining_Left_Angle_Below = 841, U_Combining_Not_Tilde_Above = 842, U_Combining_Homothetic_Above = 843, U_Combining_Almost_Equal_To_Above = 844, U_Combining_Left_Right_Arrow_Below = 845, U_Combining_Upwards_Arrow_Below = 846, U_Combining_Grapheme_Joiner = 847, U_Combining_Right_Arrowhead_Above = 848, U_Combining_Left_Half_Ring_Above = 849, U_Combining_Fermata = 850, U_Combining_X_Below = 851, U_Combining_Left_Arrowhead_Below = 852, U_Combining_Right_Arrowhead_Below = 853, U_Combining_Right_Arrowhead_And_Up_Arrowhead_Below = 854, U_Combining_Right_Half_Ring_Above = 855, U_Combining_Dot_Above_Right = 856, U_Combining_Asterisk_Below = 857, U_Combining_Double_Ring_Below = 858, U_Combining_Zigzag_Above = 859, U_Combining_Double_Breve_Below = 860, U_Combining_Double_Breve = 861, U_Combining_Double_Macron = 862, U_Combining_Double_Macron_Below = 863, U_Combining_Double_Tilde = 864, U_Combining_Double_Inverted_Breve = 865, U_Combining_Double_Rightwards_Arrow_Below = 866, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_A = 867, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_E = 868, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_I = 869, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_O = 870, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_U = 871, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_C = 872, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_D = 873, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_H = 874, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_M = 875, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_R = 876, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_T = 877, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_V = 878, U_Combining_Latin_Small_Letter_X = 879, /** * Unicode Character 'LINE SEPARATOR' (U+2028) * http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2028/index.htm */ LINE_SEPARATOR = 8232, /** * Unicode Character 'PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR' (U+2029) * http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2029/index.htm */ PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR = 8233, /** * Unicode Character 'NEXT LINE' (U+0085) * http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/0085/index.htm */ NEXT_LINE = 133, U_CIRCUMFLEX = 94, U_GRAVE_ACCENT = 96, U_DIAERESIS = 168, U_MACRON = 175, U_ACUTE_ACCENT = 180, U_CEDILLA = 184, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_LEFT_ARROWHEAD = 706, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_RIGHT_ARROWHEAD = 707, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_UP_ARROWHEAD = 708, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_DOWN_ARROWHEAD = 709, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_CENTRED_RIGHT_HALF_RING = 722, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_CENTRED_LEFT_HALF_RING = 723, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_UP_TACK = 724, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_DOWN_TACK = 725, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_PLUS_SIGN = 726, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_MINUS_SIGN = 727, U_BREVE = 728, U_DOT_ABOVE = 729, U_RING_ABOVE = 730, U_OGONEK = 731, U_SMALL_TILDE = 732, U_DOUBLE_ACUTE_ACCENT = 733, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_RHOTIC_HOOK = 734, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_CROSS_ACCENT = 735, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_EXTRA_HIGH_TONE_BAR = 741, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_HIGH_TONE_BAR = 742, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_MID_TONE_BAR = 743, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_LOW_TONE_BAR = 744, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_EXTRA_LOW_TONE_BAR = 745, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_YIN_DEPARTING_TONE_MARK = 746, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_YANG_DEPARTING_TONE_MARK = 747, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_UNASPIRATED = 749, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_LOW_DOWN_ARROWHEAD = 751, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_LOW_UP_ARROWHEAD = 752, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_LOW_LEFT_ARROWHEAD = 753, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_LOW_RIGHT_ARROWHEAD = 754, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_LOW_RING = 755, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_MIDDLE_GRAVE_ACCENT = 756, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_MIDDLE_DOUBLE_GRAVE_ACCENT = 757, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_MIDDLE_DOUBLE_ACUTE_ACCENT = 758, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_LOW_TILDE = 759, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_RAISED_COLON = 760, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_BEGIN_HIGH_TONE = 761, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_END_HIGH_TONE = 762, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_BEGIN_LOW_TONE = 763, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_END_LOW_TONE = 764, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_SHELF = 765, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_OPEN_SHELF = 766, U_MODIFIER_LETTER_LOW_LEFT_ARROW = 767, U_GREEK_LOWER_NUMERAL_SIGN = 885, U_GREEK_TONOS = 900, U_GREEK_DIALYTIKA_TONOS = 901, U_GREEK_KORONIS = 8125, U_GREEK_PSILI = 8127, U_GREEK_PERISPOMENI = 8128, U_GREEK_DIALYTIKA_AND_PERISPOMENI = 8129, U_GREEK_PSILI_AND_VARIA = 8141, U_GREEK_PSILI_AND_OXIA = 8142, U_GREEK_PSILI_AND_PERISPOMENI = 8143, U_GREEK_DASIA_AND_VARIA = 8157, U_GREEK_DASIA_AND_OXIA = 8158, U_GREEK_DASIA_AND_PERISPOMENI = 8159, U_GREEK_DIALYTIKA_AND_VARIA = 8173, U_GREEK_DIALYTIKA_AND_OXIA = 8174, U_GREEK_VARIA = 8175, U_GREEK_OXIA = 8189, U_GREEK_DASIA = 8190, U_OVERLINE = 8254, /** * UTF-8 BOM * Unicode Character 'ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE' (U+FEFF) * http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/feff/index.htm */ UTF8_BOM = 65279 }