import { EventEmitter } from ""; import mri from ""; import Command, { GlobalCommand, CommandConfig, HelpCallback, CommandExample } from "./Command.ts"; import { OptionConfig } from "./Option.ts"; import { getMriOptions, setDotProp, setByType, getFileName, camelcaseOptionName } from "./utils.ts"; import { processArgs } from "./deno.ts"; interface ParsedArgv { args: ReadonlyArray; options: { [k: string]: any; }; } class CAC extends EventEmitter { /** The program name to display in help and version message */ name: string; commands: Command[]; globalCommand: GlobalCommand; matchedCommand?: Command; matchedCommandName?: string; /** * Raw CLI arguments */ rawArgs: string[]; /** * Parsed CLI arguments */ args: ParsedArgv['args']; /** * Parsed CLI options, camelCased */ options: ParsedArgv['options']; showHelpOnExit?: boolean; showVersionOnExit?: boolean; /** * @param name The program name to display in help and version message */ constructor(name = '') { super(); = name; this.commands = []; this.rawArgs = []; this.args = []; this.options = {}; this.globalCommand = new GlobalCommand(this); this.globalCommand.usage(' [options]'); } /** * Add a global usage text. * * This is not used by sub-commands. */ usage(text: string) { this.globalCommand.usage(text); return this; } /** * Add a sub-command */ command(rawName: string, description?: string, config?: CommandConfig) { const command = new Command(rawName, description || '', config, this); command.globalCommand = this.globalCommand; this.commands.push(command); return command; } /** * Add a global CLI option. * * Which is also applied to sub-commands. */ option(rawName: string, description: string, config?: OptionConfig) { this.globalCommand.option(rawName, description, config); return this; } /** * Show help message when `-h, --help` flags appear. * */ help(callback?: HelpCallback) { this.globalCommand.option('-h, --help', 'Display this message'); this.globalCommand.helpCallback = callback; this.showHelpOnExit = true; return this; } /** * Show version number when `-v, --version` flags appear. * */ version(version: string, customFlags = '-v, --version') { this.globalCommand.version(version, customFlags); this.showVersionOnExit = true; return this; } /** * Add a global example. * * This example added here will not be used by sub-commands. */ example(example: CommandExample) { this.globalCommand.example(example); return this; } /** * Output the corresponding help message * When a sub-command is matched, output the help message for the command * Otherwise output the global one. * */ outputHelp() { if (this.matchedCommand) { this.matchedCommand.outputHelp(); } else { this.globalCommand.outputHelp(); } } /** * Output the version number. * */ outputVersion() { this.globalCommand.outputVersion(); } private setParsedInfo({ args, options }: ParsedArgv, matchedCommand?: Command, matchedCommandName?: string) { this.args = args; this.options = options; if (matchedCommand) { this.matchedCommand = matchedCommand; } if (matchedCommandName) { this.matchedCommandName = matchedCommandName; } return this; } unsetMatchedCommand() { this.matchedCommand = undefined; this.matchedCommandName = undefined; } /** * Parse argv */ parse(argv = processArgs, { /** Whether to run the action for matched command */ run = true } = {}): ParsedArgv { this.rawArgs = argv; if (! { = argv[1] ? getFileName(argv[1]) : 'cli'; } let shouldParse = true; // Search sub-commands for (const command of this.commands) { const parsed = this.mri(argv.slice(2), command); const commandName = parsed.args[0]; if (command.isMatched(commandName)) { shouldParse = false; const parsedInfo = { ...parsed, args: parsed.args.slice(1) }; this.setParsedInfo(parsedInfo, command, commandName); this.emit(`command:${commandName}`, command); } } if (shouldParse) { // Search the default command for (const command of this.commands) { if ( === '') { shouldParse = false; const parsed = this.mri(argv.slice(2), command); this.setParsedInfo(parsed, command); this.emit(`command:!`, command); } } } if (shouldParse) { const parsed = this.mri(argv.slice(2)); this.setParsedInfo(parsed); } if ( && this.showHelpOnExit) { this.outputHelp(); run = false; this.unsetMatchedCommand(); } if (this.options.version && this.showVersionOnExit && this.matchedCommandName == null) { this.outputVersion(); run = false; this.unsetMatchedCommand(); } const parsedArgv = { args: this.args, options: this.options }; if (run) { this.runMatchedCommand(); } if (!this.matchedCommand && this.args[0]) { this.emit('command:*'); } return parsedArgv; } private mri(argv: string[], /** Matched command */ command?: Command): ParsedArgv { // All added options const cliOptions = [...this.globalCommand.options, ...(command ? command.options : [])]; const mriOptions = getMriOptions(cliOptions); // Extract everything after `--` since mri doesn't support it let argsAfterDoubleDashes: string[] = []; const doubleDashesIndex = argv.indexOf('--'); if (doubleDashesIndex > -1) { argsAfterDoubleDashes = argv.slice(doubleDashesIndex + 1); argv = argv.slice(0, doubleDashesIndex); } let parsed = mri(argv, mriOptions); parsed = Object.keys(parsed).reduce((res, name) => { return { ...res, [camelcaseOptionName(name)]: parsed[name] }; }, { _: [] }); const args = parsed._; const options: { [k: string]: any; } = { '--': argsAfterDoubleDashes }; // Set option default value const ignoreDefault = command && command.config.ignoreOptionDefaultValue ? command.config.ignoreOptionDefaultValue : this.globalCommand.config.ignoreOptionDefaultValue; let transforms = Object.create(null); for (const cliOption of cliOptions) { if (!ignoreDefault && cliOption.config.default !== undefined) { for (const name of cliOption.names) { options[name] = cliOption.config.default; } } // If options type is defined if (Array.isArray(cliOption.config.type)) { if (transforms[] === undefined) { transforms[] = Object.create(null); transforms[]['shouldTransform'] = true; transforms[]['transformFunction'] = cliOption.config.type[0]; } } } // Set option values (support dot-nested property name) for (const key of Object.keys(parsed)) { if (key !== '_') { const keys = key.split('.'); setDotProp(options, keys, parsed[key]); setByType(options, transforms); } } return { args, options }; } runMatchedCommand() { const { args, options, matchedCommand: command } = this; if (!command || !command.commandAction) return; command.checkUnknownOptions(); command.checkOptionValue(); command.checkRequiredArgs(); const actionArgs: any[] = []; command.args.forEach((arg, index) => { if (arg.variadic) { actionArgs.push(args.slice(index)); } else { actionArgs.push(args[index]); } }); actionArgs.push(options); return command.commandAction.apply(this, actionArgs); } } export default CAC;