import { escapeRegExp, expandVariantGroup } from '@unocss/core'; function transformerCompileClass(options = {}) { const { trigger = /(["'`]):uno(?:-)?(?[^\s\1]+)?:\s([^\1]*?)\1/g, classPrefix = "uno-", hashFn = hash, keepUnknown = true, alwaysHash = false } = options; const compiledClass = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const regexp = typeof trigger === "string" ? RegExp(`(["'\`])${escapeRegExp(trigger)}\\s([^\\1]*?)\\1`, "g") : trigger; return { name: "@unocss/transformer-compile-class", enforce: "pre", async transform(s, _, { uno, tokens, invalidate }) { const matches = [...s.original.matchAll(regexp)]; if (!matches.length) return; const size = compiledClass.size; for (const match of matches) { let body = match.length === 4 && match.groups ? expandVariantGroup(match[3].trim()) : expandVariantGroup(match[2].trim()); const start = match.index; const replacements = []; if (keepUnknown) { const result = await Promise.all(body.split(/\s+/).filter(Boolean).map(async (i) => [i, !!await uno.parseToken(i)])); const known = result.filter(([, matched]) => matched).map(([i]) => i); const unknown = result.filter(([, matched]) => !matched).map(([i]) => i); replacements.push(...unknown); body = known.join(" "); } if (body) { body = body.split(/\s+/).sort().join(" "); let hash2; let explicitName = false; if (match.groups && { hash2 =; if (alwaysHash) hash2 += `-${hashFn(body)}`; explicitName = true; } else { hash2 = hashFn(body); } const className = `${classPrefix}${hash2}`; if (tokens && tokens.has(className) && explicitName) { const existing = uno.config.shortcuts.find((i) => i[0] === className); if (existing && existing[1] !== body) throw new Error(`Duplicated compile class name "${className}". One is "${body}" and the other is "${existing[1]}". Please choose different class name or set 'alwaysHash' to 'true'.`); } compiledClass.add(className); replacements.unshift(className); if (options.layer) uno.config.shortcuts.push([className, body, { layer: options.layer }]); else uno.config.shortcuts.push([className, body]); if (tokens) tokens.add(className); } s.overwrite(start + 1, start + match[0].length - 1, replacements.join(" ")); } if (compiledClass.size > size) invalidate(); } }; } function hash(str) { let i; let l; let hval = 2166136261; for (i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) { hval ^= str.charCodeAt(i); hval += (hval << 1) + (hval << 4) + (hval << 7) + (hval << 8) + (hval << 24); } return `00000${(hval >>> 0).toString(36)}`.slice(-6); } export { transformerCompileClass as default };